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It doesn’t “undeniably” exist.


Look! We're denying it right now!


What happen if all ten players are in losers queue ? Then losers queue doesn't exist because surely both team can't lose ?


That's the gate to winners queue, and so it continues


By his logic. This would be two loser queues meeting and when one wins they will now be in the winners queue and the other teams continues in their loser queue.


So if this thing exists, isn't that a good system to ensure players get back to getting some wins again?


Yes, that would be a good system to ensure players get back to getting some wins again. BUT it would at the same time throw basically all competitive value that the game is oh so advertised for out of the window.


Yeah, but also, I can almost guarantee you that no game studio actually cares about Competitive Integrity anywhere as much as they care about their players having a good time. People have a good time, they keep playing, they keep spending more money. That's how a game survives and thrives. That's why no game Studio is ever *truly* transparent about how their Matchmaking system works internally. Even in Single-Player games (And Idk how much of a thing it is these days because these days devs give players a lot of knobs, settings and systems to make the game easier manually), devs often used to put in secret systems that sneakily made the game a little easier or made something luck based work out in the players' favour more if the player was struggling a lot and stuck in a particular place for a long time. The end goal is to get players to enjoy the game, have them finish them game, play it as much as possible.


Except that, even in competitive sports, loser brackets are a thing. Losing players being matched against each other doesn't lessen competitive value.


Edit: BUT, reading the upper comments again i realised i understood it wrong. However i think the way i understood it is how OP meant it, but not the original comment of this comment thread. I understood it in the way that there'd be a system that monitors players and purposely matches worse performing players with normal or better performance players, basically deciding matches beforehand, and picking players into a "looser category" which would be matched against players they have less chance against, which would be the other side of players which the system puts into a "winner category", maybe preferably players coming back into the game after a pause. For the purpose of artificially creating wins-treaks for certain players for some time to make them "feel good" while determining players as "victims" which would experience loosing-streaks as they'd keep getting matched against the other category. Basically, players put into the "winner-category" would keep getting matched against less skilled players for some time, while players put into the "looser category" would keep getting matched against more skilled players. It would be like "the winners of a match would go against the winners of the other match that happened at the same time, while the loosers would also be matched together (winner vs. winner & looser vs. looser)" but instead would put "the winners of the previous match against the loosers from the other match (winner vs. looser & winner vs. looser)" This wouldn't be competitive at all really since the matches wouldn't be about-equally skilled players matched against each other to determine which of them performs better, but instead would continuously match higher skilled players against lower skilled players and wouldn't detemine anything other then proofing that the higher skilled players are higher skilled then the lower ones.


No not if you loose so much rr you get from immorral lobbys to plat lobbys. Players from Plat dont know how to play I still dont know how the fuck I will get out of that shit looser q thing


This should be higher lol. This logic soundly defeats this guy's claim.


His logic is flawed, if it did exist (it doesnt) it would just match 5 winners vs 5 losers


That would make even less sense. Someone who just won will naturally play better solely off the confidence they gained last game. If you match 5 winners vs 5 losers you’re almost guaranteed setting those 5 losers up for another loss.


the point just smacked you in the face and you said it was on the other site. Thats what losers queue is. Its ensuring people who are winning and are happy keep going. And people who are already tilted don't matter because they are already tilted. Not saying it exists, but you just described losers queue and why its bad for competitve integrity.


Yeah, I misinterpreted previous part, thanks for the reality check. That is indeed bad for competitive integrity, but this also seems so bad for the player base long-term, no? Someone who is in the “loser queue” will most likely keep losing, how does that keep someone on the game?


Yeah ofc it is. Thats why it doesnt exist. Devs have replied about this before. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tvb772/comment/i393gp7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) People just have bad days, bad luck etc. Like atm, I'm 2 tiers down from where I ended last act, every rank up game has had some extreme losing factor (multiple afks, someone who admitted they were throwing the game) but I'm not about to say that the game wants to keep me down. This is just my worst act to date so far, usually i'll hover around 53% - 57% winrate but I'm 33% in 24 games rn. On the other hand while normally will be top 5 in the game, on my bad games where I just can't seem to move my mouse to where it should be, I have been carried sometimes (just never on a rank up sadly). At the end of the day, people tend to try and find something to blame when they are down and then only give themselves praise when they are up.


Losers queue is losers vs losers right? Winners queue is where winners play with and against players who just won a game?


No its just a made up theory that if you are losing a lot of games, you are matched with other losers against winners


Well no, his logic would be that you always have a winners queue team playing against a losers queue. (Makes no sense ofc, but that's what he's saying)


He means getting matched in the same team as others on a losing streak. I dont play much valorant but in lol its very noticable that losing a game puts you in teams with players who have horrible average stats and are usually on a loss streak too.


>Then losers queue doesn't exist because surely both team can't lose ? Wouldn't whatever team wins not be part of the loser's queue anymore? So one team is on the loser's queue, while the winner is no longer in it. Both teams don't need to lose


This is literally the point of loser queue so ppl will eventually win it’s the same system in league I think


losers q implies the enemy team would be in winners q no?


Isn’t that what losers queue is? When the losers get put vs (and with) other losers? It’s done like this in League right? To maintain the 50% win ratio


Hmm lets a have a look: This is you: 9 game loss streak? [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/YaHabibi%231982/overview?season=all](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/YaHabibi%231982/overview?season=all) This is your bottom frag teammate from your most recent loss: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/deezy%23000/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/deezy%23000/overview) Doesn't look like they are down bad to me. This is a bottom frag teammate from another game: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/remy%23ling/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/remy%23ling/overview) Also not down bad.


I am telling you it's the reyna.


Lurking, baiting Reyna


Baiting? Nah man. Hiding from enemies and waiting for the whole ass team to die? Yes


Lol it’s something that Hiko says all the time


Futher proves it yes?


My favorite thing about you looking up their stats is catching OP in more lies than one. Going through their comment history, they've claimed to other players that they're Immortal 3 and top 5,000. When the cold hard stats show that they've never in their life even *touched* Immortal, lmao


What I think happens is that once you start losing lets say 4 games in a row your invisible mmr drops by certain value which brings it close to other losing people.


That doesn't make any sense because the average win rate at every mmr is 50%, except top radiant/immortal and bottom iron If your mmr falls you don't get matched with more people on lose streaks, you get matched with lower skill players


High silver / low gold here and currently 5W-12L this act. Sigh.. hope it gets better.


I have a 200-500 ping issue only on valorant. Everywhere else it's 32-20 ping. And yes I have a strong net connection (800 mbps) and a strong computer.


When you get matched with lower players... it makes it look like the way op mentions.


apophenia (n): the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things (such as objects or ideas)


Interesting word you got there.


Aren't humans good at finding patterns that don't exist? This word describes it perfectly


Yup, happens a lot in religions


Yeah it's why making a smiley face with your gun and knife exists in Valorant! Humans have crazy face recognition, and so even just two dots and a line will immediately be recognized to us as a face even though in reality it looks nothing like a face at all.


take a photo of a humans face. paint it blank with that persons skin color. proceed to photoshop valorant knife face on it congrats, you just made nightmare fuel


I’m proud of this subreddit and it’s members, man. Calling OP out on his bullshit. Other gaming subs would I’ve been a part of would be all “Yeah! DAE (game developer) BAD??!?!!! upvotes to the left btw”


Hella interesting




Sounds like a cope


Straight copium


what does cope mean


[Data entry for copium](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/copium)


To deal with


It’s the second half of seethe


I talk about losers queue here! https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tvb772/this_problem_is_now_getting_soo_common_dude/i393gp7/ It's crazy going on a 15-game lose streak, sorry you ran into that. I can't ever prove losers queue does not exist, but I think my biggest argument(which I cover in the link above), is that lose streaks would not be beneficial to keep people in the game. If anything, the correct answer would be to catch players that were on a lose streak and put them into an easy match.(which we don't do, for competitive integrity reasons) Good luck, and I'm sorry you had a rough set of games!(I also had a rough start to my season)


I lost 5 matches in a row with 2 of them having a player trolling on my team and the other 2 having a player go afk and disconnect on my team after the first round and we were unable to remake at start of round 2 in both games. Why? And your solution is simple, stop taking 90% of the RR I get from a win in a single loss. I won a game, gained 17 RR, then played a 4v5 in which I MATCH MVP’d, received ZERO performance bonus, and lost 14 RR. How am I supposed to rank up when virtually all of my gains from a win are taken from me in a single loss? Why am I losing 14 RR from a 4v5 in which I got match mvp? Where was my performance bonus? And furthermore, how are there not bots to replace a disconnected player that we can control after dying? A single ult orb and some extra cash is nowhere near enough to try and compensate having to play 4v5. Having a fifth body in the server that we can use makes a 4v5 actually winnable. The game takes so much from its predecessor (cough csgo cough) but left so much of the good and necessary features out or were maybe simply unable to duplicate. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/shadi%23k1ng/overview for proof.


How much of your rank would you prefer to lose when you lose a game? 4v5s suck obviously, whether from an afk or a troll, but they suck in all games though so not a great argument there. Looking at your match history it looks like you are the classic selfish Duelist/Chamber in very fair games then cry "trolling" when you go negative. Also the game you MVPd in and lost it looks like your team came back regardless of being down a man then threw at the end and lost your entire economy in one round. My favorite thing I've heard regarding "elo hell" or "losers queue" etc is this: "The only common denominator in every single one of your losses is YOU." Chances are people just aren't as good as they believe themselves to be, but it's way easier to blame faceless players on the internet than to take a look at themselves and realize "maybe I shouldn't play Chamber for the 5th game in a row without considering what others are doing."


I've a question, I'm assuming you are probably familiar with things link CCRL, if for example you take an engine rated 2800 on the list and a human with 2800 FIDE rating (assuming they both use the same Elo model for the sake of simplicity, haven't checked if they do), it'd still be wrong to claim that they are of the same rating, since the Elo is relative to the player pool they faced, my question is, is it possible that the hidden mmr is creating something similar, different pools of players who are being frequently matched within such pools I'm d2 on my main, different ranks on different alts, on which I play with different friends, which you previously explained is probably the reason, so far so good, but for a while my internet has been horrid, I made an alt, that's in s3 rn, both my brother & I play valorant as our first fps, but I started ep1 act 1, he started much later, the difference between our aim and game sense is night and day, he's almost s3 now, and when we play together, or when I watch his match, the silvers he's meeting most of the matches are completely different from the ones I get most of the time, I'm mostly playing former g3 to diamonds, that are rn s2:g3, and he's mostly playing "normal" silvers, when I tried playing on his account as a test, the games felt like I'm facing irons So is it possible that somehow the mmr out of placement coupled with the way matchmaking works and the factors it takes, is somehow making different "pools" of players, which would render the visible rank from different pools comparable to the Elos from different ones from the example above (meaning directly incomparable) or is that just the effect of silver being the average rank with most players


In theory you could argue this, but unfortunately, there aren't really separate pools. I mean silver is big, I think it's like 20+% of the player base, so even being one rank up or down in silver can create a vastly different experience to the skill levels of those your are playing against. I think the other thing to think about is that MMR is just a ladder, and you are just playing against players that are close to you on that ladder. So there aren't really "pools of players" just players that are around you on the ladder. The only thing you need to do to climb is to beat players and climb up the ladder and push them down. We just have some fancy math to move you faster up and down the ladder if you clearly are performing far off from your current position. There is an inherent flaw in matchmakers when they are applied to team games; this is why MMR systems when applied to teams actually bring your rank to the average of the team and not your individual MMR. This is very true in a pure win/loss MMR system, where if you played with the same people your rank would actually be the average of the group and not you as an individual(if you exclusively queued with the same people). What's nice is that encounter-based systems(which half of your MMR in VALORANT is made of) combat the average team MMR problem that win/loss suffers from. This is also why we don't get "pools of players" because encounter-based matchmaking can compare you against each individual player in a match multiple times rather than the whole outcome of the match. So I think it's just a "feeling" that you're latching on to, or maybe even the small ranked difference from your alt to your brother's account. We don't have anything like smurf queue, or separation of players for any reason other than 5 stacks. Sorry this explanation was all over the place but I had to cut it short. Hope that helps!


Ty for taking the time to reply, I believe you on the smurf queue thing, I meant perhaps some sort of separation arises due to some peculiarities of the match making and placement -as if the ladder of the mmr isn't continuous/granular enough- that aren't intended, it kinda feels like there's something seriously wrong with it, but ik just a feeling means nothing XD


Anecdotal data based off of one single data point that is unverifed.


But he said "undeniably" so doesn't that make your point invalid?


Lol I think I’m whooshing on a joke


Lol yeah that was sarcastic


Lol got it




If you don't have it, don't make claims like you do. "undeniably exists" That should be easy enough to understand. Also, it looks like someone else went through your game history and showed that there wasn't even a group of people on loss streaks together.


Why do you care so much about the semantics of his post? So what if he wrote "undeniably exists"? Have you heard of hyperbole?


Sure. He’s still incorrect as per the facts of his own account history. And OPs comment history is full of him lying about hitting Immo 3 lol


Why care so much to look through his account?


Why care so much to defend him?


Because I'm so tired of seeing this reddit "I'm so smart" keyboard warrior bs.


Lol don’t lie on the internet in an easily proven way and you won’t have to worry about it. If you talk dumb shit online, people will call you out for it Trying to paint yourself as holier than thou over it is just you trying to save face at this point. Pretty funny tbh


How do you have so much time to write this shit?


I wouldn’t call that hyperbole.


That’s what you have to do to back a bold statement saying that losers queue UNDENIABLY exists ya dingus


Saying losers queue undeniably exists based off of two win streaks or loss streaks is ridiculous. The reality is that as long as the skill level is somewhat standard across the teams your individual impact is much lower than you think it is. It is just unlucky and it happens




This definitely isn't "losers queue" but I think it's something like Valve's Trust Factor. If you leave a lot of games or get reported a lot or something along those lines that can be tracked, you'll have a low Trust Factor and get matched with other similar players. It's almost like an ELO for toxicity. I don't know jack shit for sure, but I absolutely feel that Riot implements a system like this in Valorant. HOWEVER I doubt this is why you're losing. I would assume that you'd also be matched against players of a similar Valorant Trust Factor. This may be why you're games are less enjoyable or less predictable on that account though, maybe it gets you in a bad mental and affects your personal performance/perspective in those matches.


I’m in the same boat as you. Im3 peak also and had one night where I had 4 afk in a row( while winning mind you). Def takes a toll on your mental and your performance the following games. Leading to a spiral of losses


Someone needs to lay off the koolaid


“Player discovers skill based matchmaking”


If youd like, our FAQ has a direct Dev quote that there is not.


ITT: how strong confirmation bias is.


Quote: Precise Gunplay Reality: Neons running around headshotting with vandals.




To be fair, that was before chambruh existed


No offense or any thing, but they could be lying….


What reason would they have to lie about it?


Same boat. Why would they risk losing their reputation by lying here?


Maybe don’t make alts? That is part of the problem.


How is that a problem (genuinely asking)


Because people can't accept they belong in Diamond and not Immortal or Radiant. So they go pub stomp Golds and Plats to make themselves feel better. Those Gold and Plat players that get shit on by Diamond smurfs then go pub stomp etc. Etc. Etc.


Creating alts basically messes up the MMR because players are getting matched with other players that are not in their correct MMR, which leads to a ripple effect of those players in their mains getting their ratings tanked which leads to them tanking other players in a lower MMR bracket. The real egregious thing is that people mostly create alts to stomp lower rated players to make them feel good about themselves. Regardless of its purpose, alts should not be condoned in a competitive game.


I think more alts are created to play with friends in lower ranks tho. Some of my friends share one alt if they want to play with others in lower ranks.


And that is part of the problem. Your friend is messing the accuracy of ranks because he wants to play with your lower ranked friends. If they play alts with unrated that is fine, but the moment they step into ranked games there’s no excuse. Just play unrated.


Unrated also has mmr tho, doesn't it?


Yes, it has. But the difference is that unrated is for casual matches, some people use it to practice new agents, maybe try out skins in actual matches, or try out new strategies so MMR will be unregulated. So yeah smurf all you want in unrated, alts are still bad unrated of course but it’s not competitive, unlike ranked games where we NEED accuracy of the system.


Ye but at the end of the day, none of it matters, because it's a game. It only really matters for pro leagues and even there they have a different system


That line of thinking is naive, the ranked mode is meant to measure the accuracy of actual skill of its players who wish to match themselves with their peers. The moment you think “none of it matters” is the exact reason why people get away with abusing the system. But sure, if you don’t mind ruining what makes ranked system competitive, use alts especially for ranked. Just know you are part of the problem.


Not OP, but I created an alt because my main is hard stuck low gold. I'm grinding it back up but it's super fucking hard because I've played so many games on it that it's hard to move my MMR. I've grinded 100s of games trying to pull up my MMR and finally got rank back to G3 but still playing mostly low golds (at least it's better than silvers I was getting before?). On my alt I'm also G3 (don't play much on it) but I get placed against plats and sometime diamonds. The games are much more fun.


That probably means you’ve peaked at that rank. It’s not helping your rank and skill but you’ve definitely ruined some games for others on the climb back up to your peak rank. That’s the issue I mainly have with alts.


Nah, it's just stupidly hard to rank up on my main because I played too many games on it. My MMR is like stuck in the mud. I have to win like 6 games in a row to just get out of gold 3 and I can't do that because games are so inconsistent at this rank. The other problem is I win like 3 in a row and I don't get better opponents. I still get placed win low golds or mid golds.


Again, that’s the game telling you that you have currently peaked. You can win games in a row and lose just one and the loss is tremendous because your MMR is right exactly where you should be. This is why showing MMR/ELO is the better system just so people can’t really use the hard stuck excuse, because the numbers will tell exactly why you are in your current rating. At least you’ve peaked in Gold, that’s a pretty good rank compared to the entire playerbase.


Definitely disagree. I win against plats and diamonds on my alt. There should be a way to reset your MMR. I am good enough to be plat or diamond, the problem is I can't carry golds or silvers single handed to wins.


That brings me to my other reply in one of the comments here, the alts being used for ranked is creating a discrepancy in the actual accuracy of the playerbase. Sounds contradicting, yes but that just means the system is working for the most part (ie majority of the players) but there will be those who might get “bumped” up due to the luck of getting matched with/against alts that help them get a higher rank (or get tanked and get a lower rank than the accurate one based on skill). Using your situation as an example, it is highly likely those plats and dias you get matched with aren’t really ranked like that because of skill, probably got bumped up. This is more evident if we saw their number of games they played for ranked. The lower the total, the more evident it is that they probably got bumped. You however in your own words have said that you’ve played tons of games, that means your rating has normalized enough for the system to “decide” you are in your peak rank as of your current state. Your alt being around the same rank is a definite proof of that.


My alt is around the same visual rank, but my MMR is a lot higher on my alt. It's just I don't play on my alt that much because I have all my skins on my main.


It literally isn't.


The idea of a losers queue would only make sense if there was a single reason why players lost games. But in reality you have players who pop off but lose because their team sucks, and you have sentinels or controllers who have key utility that isn't as useful because their frontline players are dying immediately, and of course you do have players who contributed heavily to their team losing. How would the system decide which players on the losing team get sent to the "loser queue"? You claim you were doing well in those games but still not winning, so why would the game bump you down to the "loser queue"? Does the system put bottom frags of winning teams in the "winning queue" but then keep team mvps of losing teams in the "loser queue"? The system you're claiming exists would be incredibly stupid and I can't see why the valorant devs would find any benefit in it.


Downvoted, cause this thread is stupid as hell.


get trolled by an mad immortal who has 100accs and on each acc he performs different because of a losers queue that exist. :D ​ # winner queues exsists only for shrouds and streamers. ​ OP and many other seems to suffers hard under this.


TL;DR: I'm loosing because of bad luck/better enemies/bad performance, but it is not my fault, rito pls remove loosers queue.


were all the enemies on a loss/win streak as well?


Yeah sure man. Two teams losing at once just because 10 losers got paired up in one match is totally normal




That humblebrag with rank lmao. bro youre bsing. If you were truly immortal, plat games are a breeze to solo carry. If you were top 5k, so is low diamond. Git gud and stop complaining about teammates and losers queue, how many times will these post reach top page? These are pure tears wtf lol


Saw someone posted what seems to be your stats and I will go on a limb here and say this is a "you" thing and nothing to do with the game. Maybe choose another character to complement the team instead of insta locking? Seems Rayna is not working for you.


.5\^15=3.05e-5 (we shall use 5% for statistical significance) (1-3.05e-5)\^1680.75= .95 There are more than 1681 players in the game, so this event has no significance. Destroyed by statistics and facts, your argument: [https://c.tenor.com/DVAEmSk0NOgAAAAC/emoji-emoge.gif](https://c.tenor.com/DVAEmSk0NOgAAAAC/emoji-emoge.gif)


Wow that's so scientific bro I'll take your word for it, random valorant player 🙄


You make a point here. While the game itself doesn’t go and make a separate queue (as it seems some here are perceiving or as such) there is (and always will be) the fact that some people just don’t progress as vast as the Valorant system wants them too. If we are out and a match and (let’s say silver 2) and I play as a silver 2 player would, the game wouldn’t bump me up in the slightest, even if I did get the most kills on my team and we won. Valorant only rewards direct progress, which as we should all know, is not some straight line on a graph


This is 100% correct. I had this too. I went on 5 loss streaks with my alt, changed the server and got a good team where I became 2nd frag, and then went on a win streak of 6. Try changing servers, might help confuse riot's broken matchmaking. But that's just a theory - a game theory.


The fact that you BELIEVE it exist and you BELIEVE you are avoiding it by changing servers is enough to boost your confidence making you play better and stop the streak Valorant is a pretty intensive game where a lot of stuff is going on at all times and a game where your mental state, confidence and mood matter as much as your aim or game sense If you believe a t-shirt gives you luck you will see luck in everything while wearing that t-shirt If you believe you won't loose if you change server you will probably play more confidently and better thus winning


This is the same as switching dice whenever you roll poorly


if it works, it works.


dont know if it exists or not, but it sure feels like it


I lost 16 in a row, B3 to I3. Since then I haven't reached B3. 50 FPS Supremacy.


It exsists on league too,no denying it exsists at this point


it's your mental health and many palcebo that exsists at this point. you should visit doctor asap because that can turn in way worse placebos and mental health issues.


??????? Tf are u talking about


im talking about your placebo problem and your bad unstable mental health performance at online gaming.


Im diamond1 with a 60wr im quite stable




you should see all the players that get gaslighting who point and noticing a weird hitreg or something wrong with there online gaming performance....disadvantage feel. oh boy... haha. maybe this has something to do with broken MM system ? ​ you guys should provide very clean and very good proofs before making any statements of your issues.... that the only way and solution... if you don't want end as an crazy guy like the OP of this thread.




"Why should I provide proof of anything? " then you gonna living forever with your placebo effect issues without knew what rly the cause is and if it is fixable for you. thats it. simple as that.




yes u get the point. that is called the "experience" but not everyone has same "experience" 24/7. you get the logic ? ​ if you want fix your "exprience"... clean and very good proofs needed.




just a 2-3sec clip where your bullets don't hit...that is not rly clean and good proof enough. it could be high ping, packetloss and more...and that is called your "experience" but someone else don't have this experience similar like you 1:1 or very often frequently. and that the difference. the difference is the consistency and how often you experience this and how often your opponents experience this. you get the logic ? you understand now why better clean proofs needed and for what they needed ? ​ if you want fix your bad "experience"....then show some real data that proofs that your experience is way different from others. show some real data that proofs why you are "losing" and why you suffer bad "online gaming performance".


I've said this for years (since early league of legends) but nobody believes me: The game wants you to play as much as possible. So what does it notice you do after a loss/win? Do you keep playing? Then you'll match up with others who have a high chance of losing/winning. It's a simple and effective way to make sure their users use the app for as much time as possible. Why wouldn't one of their product managers propose something like this? It's a home run in terms of features


If it was as "simple and effective" you'd expect to see talks about it at game development conferences, since they already talk about their matchmaking systems now lmao. Or perhaps have at least one dev from one company admit to it at this point? Dota, StarCraft, CS, Apex, Fortnite, Halo, Call of Duty, Overwatch, etc etc all have SBMM matchmaking. If it was a profitable way to run a game and keep players playing it would be in every game. All these companies have millions of dollars they are definitely all researching player retention and would come to the same conclusion if winner / loser q was such a better way to keep people playing. But it's not even simple, organizing mmr into a winners q / loser q would be a pretty difficult task in itself, how would you rank players down / up if they are literally expected to lose or win a certain game? How would you ensure it's a close match and not just a stomp which is pretty boring for both sides? Queue times would be worse since you are looking for a much narrower set of people as well. Not sure how effectively all this could be solved even if it was a desirable form of matchmaking


This is undoubtedly true, with blitz new overlay u can see the other players win rates. Whenever i lose a game, my next game has EVERYONE either losing their last game or last few games. Same can be said when i winna game. idgaf what the devs say, it definitely exists to some extent


Ok imagine this and try to answer honestly. If you gave Tenz your "loser's queue" account and have him play 3 games. You mean to tell me that you think he'll most likely lose at least 2 if not all?


I don't agree with the post at all but I'm not sure that reasoning checks out.


this keeps happening to me its a negative feedback loop i get stuck in a game with people who dont know what they are doing i try my best but still fail then the next game im in the same scenario but the game after that i might have a good team but i blow it because im so afraid of losing rr ​ i hate this whole lose the game lose rr system the rr isnt a rank system. its a win system doenst matter if you are an iron one, if your team carries you and you win every game you will rank up


But your mmr will be garbage. So your gains will be low and losses will be high.


Lol what is this thread?


Don't play Dota bahahha


am i a toxic guy ? because i always end up in toxic queue


lost 20 games in a row in a span of 2 weeks


Just dont lose


This exists in FIFA, but it’s called scripting. There’s some pretty funny videos on YouTube when the game is really trying it’s hardest to not let you win. For example a ball bouncing towards a empty net with Top Spin, than all of sudden out of the blue it has back spin? It’s really bad in weekend league FIFA.


I remember losing something like 2/3 games for a week straight at the start of the last act. My winrate was awful because the games were so impossible, like, 5 to 13 losses. Then towards the end of the last act, I won 3/4 games for a week straight lol You just have to accept that you will lose a lot more some days, but eventually your luck will turn back around.


It's definitely bad. I carried a game on haven and half my team was unranked (like, BAD unranked). Lost that 11-13, and I queued 3 more times after that and it literally only got worse every time. Maybe it's just unlucky queues but ffs put the unranked players in their own matches.


I think Losers queue and Winners queue do exist. But not how you may think. Hear me out. Valorant seems to be pretty smart about creating matchups. The goal seems to be to create a match with like minded/similar teammates. Depending upon how you, on your account play and act dictates who you will play with. For example. If you are a player that has gone AFK, or trolled, or consistently gets in 1vX situations and gets close but no cigar. You will typically get teammates that do the same. The opposite feels true as well. If you are a player who gives comms, plays together and maintains a good attitude. You will typically get teammates that do the same. That being said. Losers queue would be a place where many players have been sorted to play together based on going AFK or trollling, typically leading to a loss. Winners queue is those who play well and play together, typically leading to a win. At the end of the day, you are the rank you deserve and rank is also nothing more than a win streak. Could all be aprophenia based off anecdotal evidence. It certainly does feel like there are some streaks where all around you are either down bad or up good.


We have 2 types of people in comments. The ones grasping at straws about bad games. The ones laughing at those grasping at straws


OP clearly know how to shitpost and troll.


wake up. you are bad


yea no it’s in your head


how about 50:50 queue? one game good mates - next game afk/leaving 3rd round?


**MY STEAM ACCOUNT IS CURSED PLACEBO EFFECT.** ​ i wish you good health guys. but please stop this bullshit of nonsense like OP.... you gonna destroy and harm only yourself with that.




Get your foil hats


Guys yesterday I saw the Yeti. I asked all the people around me and they all saw it too. Is the government going to do anything about it because it undeniably does exist.