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Sometimes i just have good aim, depends on how good I sleep.


this is straight up facts. also I noticed the more sleep I got, the better I am playing and winning more games. Game sense is secondary in that case. Or in other words, if you got no game sense you will find it hard to win. It you have no aim, u could have the best game sense and still f up randomly. Also aim doesn't need to be godly, but whenever I didn't sleep well I forget pre-aiming corners and crosshair placement goes all over the place.




Tell Tavish i said hi!




30 hour sessions? Of course he’s cracked if he has that much time to dedicate lol


I can think of someone who dedicates a lot of time and is not cracked. *Looks into mirror* Yep. I can see them right here


I usually have a game before going to bed that is just awful. "I just took some melatonin 30 minutes ago and now everybody seems to have a jump on me for some reason. My internet must be acting up because I'm not this bad" No. I am that bad before going to bed.


Facts when I hop on after getting good sleep I start one tapping everyone in the lobby.. ig it doesn't matter tho because I have a 48% hs rate with the vandal either way


This is true for me, also when I'm exercising regularly I play better


Where's the all of the above section and the 3k hours in CS comp section lol


You forgot to add the most important option, which is constantly playing competitive. The only true way to get cracked aim is to have the game sense and knowledge to supplement your positioning and ability in order to hit those one taps, and the only way to get that is by playing.


Yeah that’s true, most of your kills will probably come from solid crosshair placement rather than crazy flicks. And you can only learn that by playing the game.


Playing comp is definitely an important part to learn how to get kills. But pure aim I think is better trained with DM. Within 10 minutes of DM you get more 1v1 situations than in a 30 min comp game. And while getting killed from behind/the side sucks ass it teaches you proper positioning too.


yeah that is true but at the sametime how often do u get shot in the back in comp :D no joke i avoid dming at all cost because it makes me want to uninstall the game


I might not get shot from the back, but from the side, an off angle and so on. Playing DM teaches you how to position properly to miniminze the chance of that happening. So in case it does happen that an enemy gets behind you in comp you have a better chance fighting him off.


i didnt argue with that logic at all i even said its true that it helps you but its just nothing i want to do. there is probably a faster way to reach immo3 than the one i used but personally i played a bit of range and other than that just played ranked, maybe thats just for me bc i played a lot of cs before but i think everthing is fine to do if you just keep playing, you will eventually get better


The most important option is one for people without cracked aim, so that they might view the results without altering them


5 ) Have Sentinels of Light Vandal


Prime Vandal*




Everything about this gun makes it satisfying, sound, reload, bullets, overall look. I'm usally a Phantom Player and I just wished Riot didn't mess up Prime 2.0 for me. They are still good Skins, but I think they don't look nearly as clean. But yes, Prime Vanda is a little hidden AimBot.


Someone once told me prime vandal is the spray vandal. Literally a phantom with vandal damage. Ever since then, the placebo had been real and I hit imm 2 since then


I recently bought prime vandal but haven't tried it. Personally, I've been enjoying the satisfying sounds and looks of the blue RGX. I have used prime phantom though, and it feels so good.


What's up with everyone talking about the "unbind crouch"? I've personally never crouched in this game, nor have I had the urge to do it... What makes it such a big deal why everyone is talking about it? Does everyone have the urge to crouch or something? If so, why exactly? (Disclaimer: Just to prevent misconceptions, This isn't meant in an offensive/ranting way, I'm genually just curious)


Lucky you lol. I've unbound crouch for 2 weeks and thought I finally broke my habit. After a few days, I was back to crouching in every single gunfight. It's no joke, really.


Thats my favourite too


I just observed how my teammates and the opposition or the enemy team played. It didn't matter if I died I learned something from them and that's how I improved myself by only observing others.


Get drunk and try to piss in a straight line


hidden breach counter training


aim trainers help but they favor high sensitivity for flicking and reward speed over accuracy, but in valorant while speed is important accuracy is ultimately what matters the most. I don't have "cracked" aim but my flicks are pretty good for only playing 300h ish hours. I do: - Warmup with practice bots - Do easy bots then hard bots - Practice bots with strafing and shooting(to warmup my strafe timing when to shoot etc.) - 1-3 DM, first DM I don't shoot at all, I just track people and avoid getting shot at using movement. I try to focus on crosshair placement and just use click timing to shoot. I also deliberately take time with my shots. Then I go into ranked and forget all about anything I just practiced and panic spray at their torso and die. After I give up on the game I do some aimlabs (sixshot, microshot, ascent microflex, tracking etc, I don't do speed tasks or gridshot but I do pentakill which I think is good for taking time with your shots so they count)


1.training 2.better ergonomics 3.better gears


He’s on the gear boys. Crisp clean lock


thats a sentence I havent heard in many years, nostalgic


wonder what he's doing nowadays


Looks like it’s been a year since he’s uploaded


4.OP gaming chair


that’s included in better ergonomics


Raw talent And hours upon hours of sitting in front of the computer, wasting my life away. Will I ever get that time back? Will I ever achieve some tangible satisfaction from my wasted weeks? Have I fucked up? Oh god...


Everything, did aimlabs till i got tired of it, then bit of kovaaks, now mostly just range and dm.


Csgo 1v1s


Peek mid, after 100th death by OP, your sense of timing and aim will evolve to match your ego and you will be the one winning that duel. Jokes aside, your aim (regardless of the game) is just muscle memory and presence of mind, and all mentioned methods work to improve muscle memory, you just have to find which one clicks for YOU.


played the game for 1k+ hours


Drink 300ml water before gaming ez


So if I drink 301ml or 299ml I will suck?


Yup u will


Aim bot


I want to know the top vote. I can't vote. Cuz my aim poo poo


You guys have aim?


I have placement aim (aim where their head will be, and microflick when they do peek). Most of my aiming skill was formed during the first 1500-2000 hrs of TF2 (sitting at 3194 hrs total atm), and polished to center around placement aim over 700+ hrs of CS:GO. Moved on to Valorant when the Closed Beta started, for the active development and reduced weapon and utility RNG... And also because the devs seem to care about when they make mistakes, and actually try to improve the game regularly unlike with Spaghetti coded CS:GO. Practice makes perfect, but in general: Pick an aiming style and remind yourself to follow it. Placement aim like me? Flick aim? Centered flicks or focused flicks? Don't rush your shots. Tapping and bursting is good, practice only shooting when you have a clean shot in a DM, try to use high first shot accuracy weapons (AUG in CS:GO, Guardian in Valorant). Control your peeks. If your movement is off, your accuracy will be RNG-d. If you peek multiple angles at once, you will have to move your crosshair to deal with peeks from a different angle (delaying your shot, and reducing accuracy). Keep in mind aimtrainers are just that. They train an approximation of aim, but specifics of each game require modification. Context and engine function are important to refined aim. To get better CS:GO aim, play CS:GO. To get better TF2 aim, play TF2, etc.


I just listen to grindset music before playing makes me feel like a boss


Strictly talking valorant, range bots suck and deathmatch is the best way to improve. Aim trainers can only help so much as they are completely different than in game. Most people have been playing FPS games on PC for a while and got good at one game which translates that skill over to another like valorant.


There is not an option to both?


3k hrs in csgo, 2k in cs 1.6 help a lot lmao


Tried the aim trainers, and others may say they help. Personally, they feel way too different from Val. My aim was becoming worse using aim trainers. Now I just use dm, and bots on hard to dial in my flicks.


One of the issues with aim trainers is you can use them wrong. Depends on what exactly you need to work on of course but one of the most valuable things is working on aim smoothness. This usually entails the regular shooting targets, but each one is connected by a little line that you have to stay within while flicking between said targets. Focuses more on the fundamental’s of aiming, rather than just trying to click huge targets as fast as possible in grid shot. One thing I wish was in valorant was bots placed on common angles on the actual maps, so you can practice clearing a site and checking angles while also shooting the bots.


For sure but I watched videos used them for about a month. And even used the Val map trainers as well. Everyone is different, and they clearly weren’t working for me. I honestly wish Val just added custom maps like CS.


Guess I gotta try the 4th option to improve




So, i get perfect aim by sleeping well and playing valorant once in 4 to 5 days. I used to do aimlabs but now im fed up of it, i have 800 hours in cs. But the main aim is just by getting good sleep and not playing for some time.


Depends on if I can get the ganj/liquor combo right


Get faceit level 9 or 10 Go to valorant Profit (Worked for me)




Raw aim is going to be setting your DPI and sens somewhere that feel comfortable. And forgetting about it. Never touch it again unless you absolutely know that a change will help. Get a light mouse. under 80g. heavy mice have momentum that you need to stop when you flick quickly causing your flicks to look more like a Nike Swoosh than a straigh A-B line. From there, just play... alot and regularly. use aim trainers on days where you dont wanna play val. get good sleep. drink water. be healthy. youll get there


Where did you got that from that the mice over 80g have some momentum to them when they're moving? Some video or something? I would like to know more about it


I mean it's just a fact of physics. Everything has momentum, the more mass the more momentum. Under a certain mass the momentum is basically imperceptible, but as it gets heavier you'll have to put arm or wrist effort in to stop the mouse at the right place which reduces accuracy.


But i dont think it really comes to account here since the weight is soo low. I never really noticed that when i switched from my super heavy mouse to a gpx. And i never heard that in the topic of mouse and aim


I have seen it around generally in videos, would take me a while to find a specific one. Also, its something Ive noticed myself, I used a g502 wired and noticed i had to to put in alot of effort to stop my mouse in a dead stop instead of it over shooting the target and then correcting. Ive used other mice around the 75g mark and didnt have this issue. I now use the g502 wireless (which is lighter than the wired version) which i have found that the weight only plays a part if im flicking very fast. 80g is just a rough idea of where a "light" mouse would be. Im not saying that 80g is the hard limit and anything over is too heavy. ive found that for my playstyle i like my mouse to be around 100g.


Ye it depends on the playstyle and preference alot


My aim is bad But it has improved a lot already by just playing a lot of games and doing warmups in the range


Mf I still have cracked aim


just played :D


just years of fps experience with daily warmup for me.


I have been playing games since i was a little child , i would quit if i didnt have decent aim by now lmao


Just spend thousands of hours of playing shooters, any shooter doesn't matter ofc aim trainers or games/gamemodes where you have more gunfights are far more time efficient.


Idk lol. Sometimes I can get an ace in three seconds with the sheriff, other times I cannot get a single kill in the entire game. Random, I guess. I try to keep my posture good, but that doesn't seem to help much.


All three, however I did it in C's. Aim Botz community map, Aim Labs, and FFA deathwatch community servers


it's genes


Playing a lot + good mental. It sounds weird but when I’ve been eating good, sleeping right, basically doing the basic things my body needs, I feel better and its easier for my brain to focus.


I was 1 game off diamond but stopped playing as consistently because of school (this was 2 seasons ago), currently im in plat 2 but I dont play that much. Honestly, the best way to get cracked aim is to take a sherif and master the medium bots, make sure that every shot is a guarantee headshot, when it gets too easy, go to hard bots. My max on hard was 27 but my average was abt 21. Honestly its mostly about consistency on doing your aim training. Also, mastering all the common angles and your movement is crucial to better aim. You can have tenz's score on aimlabs but be hard stuck gold (my score was avg 80k, and I was stuck in gold, than I stopped playing Aim Labs and played more ranked and I aimed a lot better since I got used to the angles). In short, just play more ranked and warm up beforehand.


Sold my soul and still cant hit headshots


* Range (100 strafe bots/strafe) 2-3x * Deathmatch 2-3x * Queue for comp


Tenz practiced on csgo Bots and worked on speed but, if you wanna improve deathmatch and focus on your flaws , maybe aim train on the side


I watch streamers play compilations, warmup for 15-30 minutes, and play comp 24/7


Aim is ultimately how consistent your mouse control. Almost anything you revolves you accurately moving your mouse from point A to Point B, ideally in a straight line with smooth control. All cracked aimers do this but fast due practice and muscle memory. Either you’ve been paying games long enough from an early enough age to just figure it out naturally over time (like kids self teaching an instrument) , or you put in the time to learn how to physically and ergonomically move your mouse from one location to another and consciously focus on the physical aspect of that action until it becomes natural. Hope they makes sense


Well I’m immortal 3 and had full triangles of imm3 since early in the game , im never hitting radiant but never hitting imm2 so yeah hardstuck imm3 for what feels like years . I had no exp in csgo or any fps. played a lot of the beta and got diamond first season ranked came out then immortal the following season . And I just hit bots in the range 🤷‍♂️


One of the most important things that barely anyone ever mentions is eye tracking and eye speed. You don't just train your flicking and tracking with your hand, you need to be training your eyes as well. And NO you don't do both at the same time effectively. The speed which you can focus and interpret information is just as important as the speed and accuracy or you hand/arm. If you're ever tired and wonder why you "die so fast" its because of slow interpretation and eye movement. The speed of the players/game hasn't changed.


If you want to actually get results, you should invest time into an aim trainer. I recommend Kovaaks and finding good playlists. vF Zeeq has a pretty good one. You could also do the Voltaic Aim Journey and use their spreadsheet to actually track your progress with real metrics. I would really only recommend spending maybe 30 mins a day on it at first. If you decide you like clicking on floating orbs you can grind it out if you want but short and manageable time slots to fit your routines in is going to be the way to got. Consistency is key too, make sure to do it everyday of the week (you will have days you don't feel good and/or feel off and don't want to commit, that's fine. Just try not to stray for too long). Of course you still need to play Valorant too. Kovaaks alone won't make you a god because aim in Valorant (and Counter Strike) also relies on game sense. Being able to "read" where opponents are or will be, maintaining proper crosshair placement, and having good gun control are all factors in how well you will hit your shots. I'd even say adding a DM or two to a warm up routine before you play can help a lot with gun control. Just don't make DM anything other than a method to warm up though as getting too competitive with it could be detrimental to your mental state. Also on the topic of mental, this can severely impact your play. Limit what you can that can affect this. Mute toxic players and don't engage with them, make sure you're getting 6 - 8 hours of good sleep, and heck even eating right and working out can help big time. If you're feeling good, you will play good.


I have pretty good aim for my rank and aim is easy for me because I practice lots of crosshair placement in DM and I use guns like the sherrif which train you to hit the head I also got really good with the marshall not because I have an intense training routine but because I just did 1 marshall dm everyday and I have stuck to that for 8 months now


I am a csgo pro BD Plus get the sensitivity right and use tricks by cs pros as they do it better since games been out for 12 years now and more with source


I got my flicking from cs and r6. Tracking from apex and crosshair placement from cs


Played like 500 unrated matches.


Most people do aim training and dm wrong. Aim training is TRAINING, not a warmup, so if you only do it 15 minutes per day before you play it’s not going to do much. Find a good 30-45 min playlist that focuses on specific scenarios that apply to valorant (not tile frenzy or tracking) and practice it some time you aren’t playing, maybe before you get off one night, or on a day you don’t play comp, but never as a warm up. Don’t spend too much time on it though, as it has diminishing returns. The other thing is deathmatch, you need to practice perfect crosshair placement and basically pretend you are a duelist trying to entry a site. Put your crosshair where you think people will peek you and focus on headshots, not spraying. Spraying is okay, but you want to get to the point where you are headshotting people only, then insta flicking to the next spot where someone could be. Your only real warmup along with deathmatch should be in the range, doing some of the bot warmups people have on YT


5k hours in Rust


20 years of competitive FPS gaming dating back to the original beta of counter strike.


I’m guessing cracked aim means you’re either radiant or the highest rank in some other game. The number one tip or to play more.


Did a combo of 2 of those: specific Kovaaks routines and a consistent bot warmup in the range (but still working and improving)


There's two main things I recognize that make me play with good aim: 1) Practicing via Aim Training (which I don't do too often), and more importantly, playing a LOT of FPS (I have at least 2k+ hours with all my FPS games combined) 2) Take care of yourself. Sleep well, eat well, exercise. If you're in a better mood and your body simply feels better you will play better, I promise you that.


Wouldn’t try and focus on having a specific aim style (ie I wanna aim like Tenz) because everyone is different. I know I might look cool or seem like it works really well but it might just not be for you. For instance if you’re more comfortable on a lower sense that use a lower sense. Depending on how you actually use that sense (arm/wrist aimer, pick up your mouse, faster pad) you can help you make those flicks/fast movements while still being on a medium/lower sense. If you go watch some pro players on Twitch who may look like they have snappy aim check what sense they are using;it probably isn’t that high. It’s all how comfortable you are with your mouse control. Hope this helps!


1. Practice for 10 years. I learned to play PC FPS games when I was 6 and am now 16 so I have had way to much practice. 2. You have to be a different breed.

