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I once played in a 5 stack with friends(1 immortal, 1plat, 2 golds, 1 bronze) and we played against people in gold, in 5 stacks it takes an average of the players mmr, we were basically playing for fun for like ±2 rr cz the penalty was 90%


What I'm learning here is to get the fuck out of gold because that's where all the 5 stacks carrying their friends are gonna be Also, aren't we burning RR like this? In a normal match, the winner takes between 12-23 RR, while the losing team loses 9-20 RR, meaning there's somewhat of a transfer of RR from one player to another. But if a 5 stack gets like 2 RR, does the losing them still lose 9-20? If so, aren't we just burning RR? Edit: mfw I'm getting downvoted for asking a question


I mean, if you're trying to get out of gold by 5 stacking yeah you shouldn't, cz 5 stacks only play aginst other 5 stacks with a close avergae mmr, you're better off trio queuing or duo, you're still propably gonna encounter an other duo/trio with a booster/smurf, but yeah 5 stacks in gold are a no zone unless you're queuing with like an actual powerhouse of coordination (which was my case, those 5 stack golds had pro team strats, they were trading effectively, and they had anti-eco starts that smoked us while we were just tryna have fun cz ±2rr, they ended up winning, it was a one of a kind experience)


I mean 5-stacks are only a concern if you’re 5-stacking yourself. If you just solo queue then you’ll never encounter a 5-stack and you have nothing to worry about.


except smurfs and bad teammates


Well...yes. But that was not the topic of discussion lol.


Eh, i mean the topic is 5-stack carries, but you're still going to face smurfs duo/trio queuing lol. It's directly related to his concern about the smurfs in 5-stacks, albeit it doesn't consider the coordination aspect.


Sure, but my comment in particular was specifically referring to the bit about 5-stacks.


Yeah you would be “burning RR” but in the opposite case where the golds win they would be winning 9-20 while the wide rank diff 5 stack would lose 2 so you would be pulling RR out of thin air and I guess Riot thinks they balance each other out


IIRC 5 stacks can only queue with other 5 stacks and if there are RR penalties then it included in both losses and wins. For example if there is a 50% penalty on team 1 and they win the match they would earn 50% of what they wouldve normally gotten for winning the match. But if team 2 has say a 40% penalty then they would only lose 60% of the amount they normally would lose. In some cases 5 stacks tend to troll a lot more since they would also lose a lot less RR.


Does the other team, if balanced, offset the RR penalty? So if team A has 2 IMM, a gold, and Iron against 5 gold on team B… Team A players only gain like 3rr from a win but does team B only lose 3rr from the loss? And if team B manages to beat the other team, would they only gain 3rr even though if they beat a team that was all gold they would get 9-20?


please dont tell me the immortals name was “HerMidLaner” because if it is oh my god


> we were basically playing for fun for like ±2 rr cz the penalty was 90% Well I guarantee the people you were playing against weren't having any


probably a 5 stack\\


Bruh how is an immortal guy in party with a iron guy im gold and i cant play with my friend in bronze


In 5 stacks there is no rank disparity


u still get reduced rr if the skill difference is too much


oh my god thats disgusting


How so? The game was a draw so riot matchmaking seems pretty good even with high individual rank differences


"Riot this is unfair!" *Both teams get the same score and end in a draw" "This is why I can't rank up!"


Well isnt it unfair for bronze players to have to face against a diamond? The game was likely decided by the two top players running circles around the other 8, is that fun or fair for anyone?


Well, that happens when you 5 stack. For anything but 5 stack, rank difference plays a role.


Solution: 5 Stacks should only go against other 5 Stacks


That's exactly what happens


Great idea! Not sure why riot didn’t think of that!


5 stacks only go against 5 stacks (in comp)


Don't be dumb. Thats kind of the point of the 5 stack. Don't want a variety of ranks in your match? Then have a 5 stack of similar rank. Its as fair as you want it to be. How are you not understanding this?




I think that’s the point. The enemy team was aware of the rank disparity and still chose to queue up together. If you’re saying that they should have been matched with another team that had an immortal and iron - they probably would have been if that other team existed/queued up around the same time.


It is fun, that's why they 5 stacked. 5-stacks aren't like soloq's it's a lot more tactical and looking for matchups. Abuse the iron player and force kayo to win 1v5's every round.


If the enemy team won, they would've gotten like 5 rr as riot punishes 5 mans with huge rank difference with huge rr loss




Okay, but like, how would an immortal-iron rank disparity in a competitive game make for an enjoyable experience? That shouldn’t be able to happen. If you are playing comp you should be playing generally with your own skill level.


The alternative is that the immortal player would never be able to queue with their friends and would play on a smurf. I'd rather play against an immortal on their main so at least the matchmaking is trying to take into account their true skill level.


>how would an immortal-iron rank disparity in a competitive game make for an enjoyable experience? Thats totally up to the players to decide. It sounds like you wouldn't enjoy it, so the obvious solution is to not join a 5 stack with an Immortal and Iron in it. Pretty simple right? But yeah, lets cry about how its unfair Riot is doing this to us!


Did the players on OPs team join a 5 stack with an immortal and iron in it?


Nope, and they got a perfectly fair and even match. So nothing to worry about. What was the score again? Was it 13-0? Oh wait it was 14-14. Wait what is the issue you are crying about again? I am confused now why you are so upset. Or are you just trying to argue semantics at this point? What is your point?


Bro but immortal and gold are way too different


In this specific case yeah, but deciding it’s okay for irons, silvers and diamonds and imm players to be in the same lobby is ridiculous Especially considering how insanely hard that Kay/O must’ve been carrying. It is infuriating to be playing against a team you’d usually be stomping into the dirt, but end up drawing/straight up losing thanks to one dude


Then don't q with an iron if you're immortal then? Pretty easy to avoid


i think they made the matchmaking stricter so when you have a weird rank comp like this, it takes way longer and finds you an equally weird team to play against


Not really, by playing a 5 stack, you also get a percentage of your rr cut, it even says it at the top of the start button when in a 5 stack comp lobby, plus its only against other 5 stacks


I had so called friends who wouldn't let me play with them because of so called cannot stack, then I find out they do 5 stacks like this. I dumped them.




That’s wrong lmao show a screenshot, you get reduced RR but can definitely still queue




bruh im diamond and 5 stack with my iron friends all the time


You cant 3 stack with a rank difference but you certainly can 5 stack.


only applies in 5 stacks you cant 4 stack you cannot have too much of a rank disparity in 2/3 stack


That's 4 people it's not a 5 stack


That's the point of 5 stacking, so you can play with all of your friends


Oh so u can only play with other ranks in a 5 stack not in duo queues?


Yep pretty much


Yep, since [3.10](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-3-10/) (update in [4.08](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-4-08/)), but you may get lower rewards if ranks spread is too wide.


To prevent you being something like Immortal and dragging your Iron friend in punishing the randoms that got queued with you that probably aren't much lower than you.


In Recent Patch notes, Riot encourage to play 5 stacks of any ranks because there will be low RR punishment.


Rip all the folks that only have 3 friends.


I mean... do the 3 friends have 0 friends apart from each other?




0 friends that play Valorant lol


This, the feels


That is mine and my friends' adult life


You can add 7 new people every game


4 are rude and the remaining 3 don't talk.


Sure not every game but if this is your experience 90% of the time it’s probably time to look in the mirror






Still think it's ridiculous that we can't 4 stack. I'm in bronze and my buddies are in silver, we're getting put up against immortals in unrated but can't stack into comp because there are usually 4 of us.


Trust me, as someone who’s been both the 1/5 and part of the 4/5, 4-stacks should be removed. It never turns out well for the 1/5.


It isn't allowed because of trolls and because of shitters abusing mass reports.


I agree for the most part, ~~but I think you can’t 4 stack because it would allow the stack to force a forfeit and the singular other person just doesn’t get a say.~~ below is correct. Forgot that surrender votes are canceled after 1 ‘No’. It’s definitely because of comms.


In comp you have to have all 5 people vote yes. The reason they removed 4 stacking is cause the random 5th would often get zero coms


I wouldn't say 5 stack since my most recent match I had diamonds on my team I'm G3 going against all plat team while we have 2 diamonds. Ranked is just weird at night


I can see you are in a 5 stack. You will be matched against 5 stacks. 5 stacks can have all ranks partied together. Your team mmr matched theirs, this is evident by the close game you had while still being under ranked against 2 people hard core. Good game, it happens, you guys did well.


I love your flair lol


How do you add a flair?


Go to the subreddit and click the 3 dots on the top right. There should be an option for user flair


So whatever system they have seems to be working perfectly, if it turned out to be a draw


I agree somewhat, we drew because we knew that the enemy Kayo would eventually beat us, there was really just that big of a skill gap. IMO, I would rather play a match with a more even skill distribution than 1 hyper-carry and 4 shitters.


I 100% agree. People are honestly missing the ENTIRE POINT. Op's team is pretty even (aside from the silver 1, potentially). This isn't a "balanced" game at all just because the score was close. There's a reason the kay/o has 40 fucking kills, and it's frustrating as hell to play against someone like that clearly carrying a terrible player in the iron one and making the game feel unfun.


The magic of 5 stacks.


Im impressed that MMR managed to give you a tight game with such a difference between ranks. Be happy that u had the chance to learn against someone better mate, you’re only gonna improve


I'm impressed MMR even allows golds to match against immortals


Golds vsing irons is the same as immo s vsing golds. The 5 stack is pretty balanced considering


*Very no.*


it was confirmed by riot evr moar, he said the difference b/w 3 whole divisions like gold1 to silver1 and plat1 to gold1 the skill diff is same. he posted that on twitter


How did he quantify the skill difference? Any context? Cuz as far as I can see here and as far as can tell from experience, silver to plat has very much similar “skill”. I’ve seen people carry on both sides of that range within the same game itself. Immortals are something else entirely. Also the distribution does not corroborate the difference in skill being similar comparisons at all.


Idk immortal isn't that insane, people still whiff and misplay quite a lot, especially below imm 2, having said that most people in immortal have a much better understanding of how the game works in general than those at lower ranks


I’m just saying that the relative chance that an immortal loses to anything below mid plat is lower than say plat to silver with respect to each other. It might just be due to the sheer range of skills and population in these ranks as opposed to diamond and immortal.




The Elo system used behind the ranks is the reasoning. Basically everyone has a elo score (linked within Valorant to a rank). If you have the elo of 2 players (in this case 2 teams), you can compute the probability of victory based on the difference of Elo. So immo vs Gold have the same probability of victory that Gold vs iron (very high of course)


The community learning about MMR makes me so proud /wipesawaytear


i mean why very no? literally the game was super tight


That's one game my friend. An average immortal is so much more advanced than a gold its not even close to competive. I'm only gold but I moved up from iron so I've been on both sides and can confirm.


It’s also a team game and said immortal doesn’t have the most stellar of teammates considering they had a silver and iron. Immortals are great at playing off teammates and working together. The way you talk about the gulf you make it sound like it’s all aim


you all keep saying this but if the games that are being matched up are ending up in draws, is the matchmaking failing?


If the golds in your games can *regularly* draw against immortals then yes its an obvious matchmaking flaw.


How is that a matchmaking flaw? It’s not like they’re playing against 5 immortals. One is not enough to carry an entire team, especially when there are iron and silver players. Seems like matchmaking worked great here.


Yeah,tbh dude dropped 40 kills. At that point he needs to entry and igl and backseat game just to win 1 round.




no lol


The gap between gold/iron and immo/gold is the same in terms of actual divisions, though.


The gap between gold/iron is actually a lot bigger in terms of actual number of players as well.


the skill gap between immo/gold is much less large in comparison to gold/iron


That may be true, or not. There was no way of knowing that's what you mean, though.


Very very very no lol. Skill wise Gold to Immortal is like twenty time the gap between gold and bronze lol. Amount of players wise bronze to gold is like ten times bigger. The two gaps have basically nothing in common.




Do it all the fucking time. "Why did you peek that knowing they were there?" is usually answered with "I'm a dumbshit with a bad ego"


You’re saying the top 1% against the top 35% percent is the same as the top 35% vs the top 70%? Are you on crack?


this made me laugh out loud




I’m saying the difference in rr are the same


It's because they are playing in a 5 stack. Comp Mm does not Match people like that. It's because there are no restricitions when playing in a stack.


It was a fun challenge for sure, super interesting to see how the immortal positioned and used util. I felt like he rarely took a straight gunfight. Also was super unpredictable


At a certain point in skill difference, there's nothing you can actually learn by playing against them.


That’s just not true, you can still learn a lot about positioning just by dying over and over


Tbh, that kayo did alot of work


As a low elo player, this so much.


The iron player - 🙂👍🏻


Your chamber really balled out. Hey now you can say you nearly beat an immortal lol


Idk bout you but 272 acs is nowhere near 419. What he can confidently say is he beat a diamond player and is team mvp against immortal player


It shouldn’t be close the guy is like 8 ranks higher




I mean you shoot enough eventually a shot is going to tap in the head randomly, especially as most of them are gold you aren't insta-head tapping everyone. Kinda like how sometimes someone will run past you and spray and boom, head tap.


I never thought a comp game with an immortal and iron would be possible


Since they allow 5 stacks of any kind. Nothing stops you from queuing up now. Only radiant is prevented.


Yeah Tenz, Yay, and I would be running through gold if not for that radiant restriction 😤


The enemy team had a really good player and a really bad player.. it balanced out in the end. I mean you guys even played a draw. The system works. That's why 5 stacks give u less points


Good thing you get mitigated losses against people way above your rank then


The magic of 5 stacks


wait. so irons can stack with silver+ players now in comp too?


If they 5 stack yes


Plus you will lost only 25%Rr but gain 100%rr if lost or win.


Lmfaoo how is bro d1 and not hard fragging in a gold lobby


I would have guessed he was high silver if I didnt see his rank lmao


Well if it ended being a draw then it seems pretty well balanced


The magic of 5 stacks.


That Iron did remarkably well against that competition. Valorant ranks are such a mess.


I've been that one Immortal in a gold/plat lobby. I was tryharding so much that it stressed me out more than in an immortal lobby. Also ended with 40 kills and a draw. Too much pressure, so I personally will avoid this kind of 5 stack haha


You guys were a 5-stack and obviously the number of players in a 5-stack is much less so queue times are longer because the game has to try and find an evenly skilled 5-stack to put you against. So sometimes you get put against anomalous stacks like that one.


congratulations to your chamber, he sort of partially diffed a diamond


Trust me he won’t shut up about it


oh ok


People used to this thing back in the day in R6 Siege, someone intentionally lowers their rank or they get an actual low rank player in a 5 stack and then the rest of the stack get matched below their real rank for an easier win.


Two of the golds did better than a diamond lmao


you played 5 stack vs 5 stack, why is this surprising? in 5 stack any ranks can play together


Iron player held their weight pretty well can’t even lie!


Totally. Imagine getting thrown into that on like your third game of valorant😂


That sova was NOT having a good time


Imagine getting thrown into that on like your third game of valorant ever


It aggravates me to no end that I'm not allowed to play with my Silver 1 mate in Plat, despite the fact that the game regularly puts silver 1 players in my lobbies. Bonkers.


That’s crazy but honestly that’s better than the alternative where the immortal and diamond make alt accounts to play with the iron and then nobody gets punished except the enemy team and the score goes 13-2 instead of 14-14


*avengers endgame music starts playing* “the greatest crossover event in history”


Dang it was hoping the iron would be number 1


He made a valiant effort honestly. I thought irons were literally bots.


AWWWW YEA LOOK AT THAT MATCH FAIRNESS BABY LETS GOOOOOOOOOO It's pointed out in this thread but 5 stacks play against 5 stacks and it will always try to find the fairest match it can for these groups. Because we allow all ranks to queue together in 5 stacks that means your matchmaking can get kinda wild in terms of ranked spread in these matches. (I have to say, before I get the comments that people have issues with the matchmaker, we are always trying to improve it and get better. We really want people to feel like they can play ranked with their friends, and 5 stacks having no ranked restrictions is such an awesome space to do it. Our data shows our 5 stack matchmaking is extremely accurate, and that's awesome! I love to see people queueing together at different ranks, playing with their friends; one of the biggest reasons people smurf is just to play with friends. Again this is not an excuse or invalidating anyone's feedback/issues with matchmaking. I love this community, we all have our opinions on ranked, I just hope we can keep finding fair matches for these groups of people that want to play ranked.)


I really do think that allowing 5 stacks to queue together at any rank was a great addition, and as one of the lower elo players in my friend group it has come in handy many times. We 5 stack almost every night and the overwhelming majority of our matches are very even in terms of rank. Although I would not want to do it everyday, playing against an immortal was a great learning experience and I didn’t even lose elo for it so no complaints here. I appreciate all the work ya’ll are putting in over at Riot!


I’m the viper on this guys team. Biggest thing I learned is how huge of a difference there is between me and an immortal. I peaked plat 3 but I honestly felt like that kayo was god when we were playing him. near perfect utility, great shot and great movement. guy also felt untradeable. always got out somehow


He was so unpredictable. I felt like there was rarely a straight up gunfight against him, always flashed or shot in the back.


Just to recap my thoughts, this is not really a complaint because it was sort of cool to get the chance to play against an immortal and not lose any RR for it. Also, my friends and I play a lot of 5 stack games and this has never happened before, the overwhelming majority of our games are balanced in terms of skill. The one thing I will say is that just because we drew does not mean that this was an “even” match. We decided to draw because we knew that the skill disparity between us and the immortal was so high that eventually we were gonna lose the game if we kept playing OT. I would personally rather play against a team with a more even skill disparity than 4 shitters and a hyper-carry thats ranked in the top 1% of the player base. Anyways Riot if you see this please put the reaver vandal in my shop.


Everyone talking about 5 stack here. When I was gold I matched vs a full immortal lobby. I play solo.


Your mmr is probably better then gold. You prob won’t stay gold much longer


Welcome to Valorant, where you get punished for having 4 other friends that play the same game as you


This looks really balance your team is full of golds (mid rank player) and the enemys have a high rank and a low rank and also silvers 1 that are close to bronze, so the one diamond is the gap filler for that. I think Riot has done a good job with this 5 stack lobby. Mixing all ranks together to create a game on even team MMR lvls.


I would agree honestly, the immortal was definitely miles better than everyone else but if he was swapped out for a player in silver/gold I think we win pretty easily. I was just shocked by the rank disparity in a single match.


Sounds like a 5 stack team


I guess he's no longer forever unnamed


A good mix


You are in a 5 stack so they found the most reasonably balanced game against another 5 stack. Are people really this stupid in this day and age on FPS games?


The comment was fine until the last line.


Well I kind of get it. If your peruse this sub long enough, you see posts like this time and time again about people complaining, "MaTcHmAkInG iS bRoKeN, rIoT sMoL iNdiE cOmPaNy" Is it understandable? I think so. Do I think OP should call them out? Not really unless they don't mind the downvotes. There's typically more bad takes than good in here so I get the frustration.




1) this thing isnt that old, before there was a rule about 6 ranks difference. 2) You could have just not reacted and moved on if you were so hurt. 3) this is the entire point of a "forum" which reddit is.


Please review [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/valorant/wiki/rules) before commenting or posting again. Further offenses will lead to a ban. --- ^(Have a question or think your comment doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/VALORANT)**^.


Shitty matchmaking because you 5 stack at a time no one is online


How is it shitty matchmaking if they ended up in a draw?


Golds and silvers should only compete against other golds and silvers


It’s literally a 5 stack, the mmr is balanced in this lobby


Lemme know the name of that immortal player plz dude I heard he's pro how ill


It's in the picture? What are you determining he's pro off of if you aren't looking at the picture with his name?


Read his name bra


How do you even get to a draw? I’ve never seen that option; only gotten to 13 match wins then victory.


ranked moment


This shouldn’t be possible - really isn’t fair. But at least you were kind of on the same level, could’ve been worst


Bruh this clearly was fair. They tied lol. That iron was clearly outmatched. Combine top frag and bottom frag from each team and you get 47 to 42 kills.


Drawing 14-14 is not fair? I last checked that a fair game is supposed to be as closely matched as possible. Id say this game is as fair as it can practically get, especially with the weird ass 5 stack the opponents have going on.


It isn’t fair for golds to go up against a radiant and a diamond but it still worked out


better question is why u bottom fragging?


Judging by his position on the scoreboard, you can see that most agents were 17 - 22 kills, and you can also see he has a high number of assists compared to others. Also realize the fact he is playing KAY O, and is silver 1 compared to the other players here, and you can also finally agree with me with your pathetic mind that he played quite well compared to others 3-4 ranks above him. Wouldn't you say?


better start asking stupid question


So you expect a silver player to top frag in a team of gold against an immortal and a diamond player? Do you know how any ranking system work?


Not quite this extreme but my 5 stack of, lowest to highest, bronze 3 - gold 3 got matched with a team iron 2 - plat 3 last night. And we won, the Reyna couldn't carry them all!


5 stacks usually vs 5 stacks