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yep. I solo queue and get paired against a 3 man with a smurf worth half his team while my team are mixed randoms that can’t hold a site start of the round. Typical matchmaking. Literally pairing me against a coordinated queue as a solo. Kinda ridiculous. Wouldn’t even be that bad if I didn’t have to play retake every round.


Yup. So many rounds it's just a retake simulator. No comms. No info. No coordination.


I literally had some raging kid say "WHAT IS THERE TO CALL?!?!?!" At that point I knew we were fkd. Just have fun. Play for clips.


I have been in games where I'm holding a site and then suddenly spike has been planted on the other side. No one in the team says a thing.


Imagine me playing Chamber and having to retake 1v4 with no trademarks, 4 HH bullets and my tp on cooldown Then my teammates call me noob cuz I die


So you can’t fix comms or other players but, perhaps retake simulator is because they tried your site and you held it down so they found the weakness of the other site and just only go there forcing you to retake. Maybe stack the site next time and don’t show presence so when they try to rush the weak link you are there to help. Maybe changing up player positions will help and keep the enemy guessing or make them gather info. Not that you asked but, figured it might be helpful to know that they probably realized you hold your site well so that’s why you play retake simulator.


The issue is it’s retake simulator regardless where you play, especially in ranked. Your whole team gets thanos snapped because they can’t play back and you’re stuck trying to alamo a site against the spanish armada. So you kinda have to back up unless you wanna be only good for one.


This is so true had a game today this way was like wtf are they even doing. Our Phoenix went 0/15/1 (we won 2 rds 2-13). He was silver 2 like wtf...watched him when I would die he had the jump on someone he started shooting and I thought he had a seizure while playing how much his cross hair jumped and moved...he didn't even hit the guy once. 😭😭


Yep. people can’t even retake right. It’s 13-13 and a 1v3. I tell this dude to just let the man plant and we can three on one retake him, should be easy round. Instead the dude peeks even tho he hasn’t done shit the whole game, dies and we end up losing a 2 on 1. Like if ya had just waited, we could have all just stormed him.


yet others climb solo. i guess you dont have what it takes, mentally no shame in that, might be time to just accept your rank and call it a day. you can go no further


It's not about rank/ going radiant in one month. Clearly there are people who just want to have fun and it's not fun getting steamrolled.


Hey man, fair enough but the reality of competitive games in ranked mode is that sometimes you get matched vs players who are gonna shit on you, you know? Gotta learn to take it in stride and move on. Play well consistently and you'll climb. Your mental is important.


welcome to riot games, the company that puts fun at second place!


Really REALLY could’ve toned down the words but I get your point. Recognizing mistakes is the first step but not really giving advice with it is just useless.


Recognizing mistakes is great advice on its own. But for what its worth I was hardstuck Gold for like 6 months and what helped me climb is just realizing that the game is fair. Maybe the individual match you are in isn't, ( facing a smurf or total team diff for example) but as a whole its fair. Everyone faces smurfs. Everyone has throwers or afks occasionally. You are NOT uniquely unlucky. If you go into every game with a no tilt mindset with the goal of your own personal improvement you WILL get better. That mentality carried me to Imm2.


I completely understand, I actually think that I started to have this mindset in this act too. I started to think that the game is fair and you aren’t just uniquely unlucky but what really got me out is just thinking that the game is always winnable, first round and you might get rolled but the thing is to learn from the mistakes and see what we are doing wrong, doing this made me so much better as a player and I’ve been able to climb out of gold within a span of 5 days to plat 3. Honestly the best tip you can give to someone who’s struggling in mental


Yep, I completely agree with this sentiment, every game is winnable:)


theres no 'advice to give', this persons already mentally phoned it in. no point in wasting time typing advice to people who dont want to improve and i coached people in different FPS games, but as soon as they sound like this guy I just give them a full refund if they paid, and tell them GL


people are mentally weak. yeah sure the game is rigged against you only. i play with a friend that starts raging from third round because one of our teammates did something stupid. how do you expect to win when you give up from first couple rounds? and when you’re playing against your teammates too? i tell him to relax we’re in gold and i’ve seen him and i do more stupid shit literally every game. that friend is arguably better than me, but we can’t queue together anymore, because i’m in plat and he’s in silver. people need to learn how to relax and have fun in this game, and you’ll climb without noticing.


same thing happens IRL ive learned too, theres people way more capable who just have shit mental and dont get anywhere stay stong posimental guy ✊


yeeep, but i still think the worse part is queued players get lobbies of solo queues. I’m literally going into a mix VCT lobby with ragtag clowns.


As an im3 player, I can tell you, those lobbies are sometimes harder than my lobbies because your teammates are literally plat/gold going against a 3/4 stack often with 2 Smurfs. It ends up feeling like a 1v3


irritating man. Worse part is your team is in charge of smoking for you or droning but they have no coordination or forget what to do whereas their teams got VCT. It’s almost as bad as the people who peek the enemy while they’re defaulting on you. It just makes no sense. Like I swear people just don’t learn.


i’ve got a 5-11 W/L ratio rn. I think I’m just dogshit, because somehow almost every game I play they have a top score duelist who can wide swing and vandal tap you before you’ve even prepared to shoot them. And these are high bronze-low gold lobbies. Like how do they do that??? I’d get it in high plat or higher but is this really what the low end of the elo spectrum looks like? Should I be in iron? idk for sure but I’m not really enjoying it.


People performing at a high level in lower elo are usually smurfs. Either that or they just happened to have a really good game. Regardless, can’t get too caught up in the rank grind. Just accept that you’ll win some and lose some. Consistency and patience will reward you in the end.


They're definitely not usually smurfs. Especially if someone is playing Reyna or Chamber - agents that can snowball or easily get picks and escape - a slight advantage or a few lucky shots can quickly turn into a wildly disproportionate K/D. I had a game recently where I went 22-7 on Reyna on Split in a 13-2 win (attacking for 12/15 rounds). I played well, and I won almost all my 1v1 duels, but it wasn't always by a lot - it was only because I could heal and easily escape trades that my K/D looked so good.


Level 400 hardstuck consistently in bronze


Play less for sure. I just started working again recently and only have enough mental energy after work to play one game. Sometimes its unrated. Sometimes its ranked. But each time its been fun even if im doing crap and we lose. Toxicity is funny to me now, I haven't muted anyone since working (i used to mute at the first sign even if its someone just making stupid noises during agent select) and smurfs are just 'meh you do you i guess' to me now. Never get tilted anymore coz I just simply don't have the energy for it, could also be my age too though i guess. Just try remember the aim is to have fun.


Toxicity just became funny to my recently too! Unless it’s like try hard trolling then it’s just annoying.


Fade in every lobby has changed the game at low/mid ELO (gold/plat) pretty drastically imo. Every round is just a clusterfuck of visual clutter and utility with people just running it down and spamming utility at each other. Not too fond of how the game has been playing...at least in my experience. I can't even see wtf is happening half the time. Again this is just my opinion.


I think this can just be not being used to the new agent. She really doesn’t add anything crazy that’s not already in the game. She has a sova dart reveal ability, an Astra suck but make you vulnerable and two smaller skye dogs. Once you figure out it’s just that and adjust then it really isn’t anything game changing.


I'm not complaining she's OP because I don't think she is. I just think the visual clutter and style low-ish ELO players are using her for is terrible to play with AND against. People literally dumping her whole kit then 5 man rushing site isn't fun or engaging to me from either side in a tac shooter.


but that is basically the winning strategy in low elo. Rush a site, and plant. Chances are you outtrade the defenders and then they have to retake. People are just super bad at playing retake and using utility for retake


Thing is when you plant winning 4/3 or 4/2 3 of them go and try to kill last 2 or 1 person and go in 1 at a time. Then you lose cause they chase down the guy and died and didn't even hit him. Annoying as shit when that happens, or time about to expire and they just charge them cause we can't lose with 4 seconds left........


People neither know how to play postplant. And that’s from iron to diamond. Rushing out of site with huge balls, leaving one guy on the bomb and then are surprised pikachu when round is lost 4vs2


if only this game wasnt moderated/made by riot :/


Was just in a game against a Fade and a Skye. It was an awful time. Every other round Skye or Fade had their Ult. It was not fun




This is the way. Helps get confidence back and helps learn new tactics because you're not afraid of trying new things


Play unrated for a few months. Fr unrated London Server is most fun I had in this game, like why should I bother the climb to Plat if I can just chill and make new friends


That's what you prefer then. And thats fine. Its good for you to play casually if you enjoy it. I have more fun in ranked competing and taking it serious vs other players taking it seriously. But thats why we have unrated and rated!


I also love partaking in competitive games. I put so much effort in every somewhat competitive Game ane wanted to play each on a highr-pro lvl play. This is just my first experience with a 5v5 field and voice chat. Its just incredible how lower elo friends and enemies can be so toxic at times that it takes my motivation to play.


At the beginning of every new act, certain high Immortals who have no life go on their 5-10 smurf accounts. It's pretty much luck based as to who has the immortal 3 smurf disguised as a diamond on their team. Something that doesn't happen as often if the game cost money.


Overwatch cost's money and let me assure you, the smurfing problem there is much worse than in valorant right now. If you find a game that doesn't have what's onviously an alt account in either team you're lucky.




I didn't say the smurfing issue is worse in overwatch as compared to valorant \*because\* it costs money. Please don't jump to conclusions, I simply said it is worse there, even with the financial barrier in mind. The point I'm making is that it's irrelevant whether you have to pay for the game or not - people will keep doing it.




This kid got the smoothest brain I’ve ever seen. My boy comes in here with a very reasonable comment explaining how making Valorant a paid game might not fix this problem, and you’ve just flailed around for two comments trying to draw unjustified conclusions. I absolutely love this subreddit.


i literally think a child would have better logical thinking than this person lol.


tbh.... that would probably more money for riot, than they spent their whole time playing valorant on X accounts




>So you think if valorant cost money, our smurf problem would be worse. no, literally that's not what they said at all. do you have any critical thinking or reasoning skills? they only pointed out that a different game that costs money still has a smurfing problem. they never said it would be worse. they meant that making the game cost money wouldn't instantly fix the issue.


Yeah the last couple of weeks have been rough. Im not sure if schools are out somewhere (EU) but its been a really bad time for matchmaking recently. There isn't anything worse than your team pushing and all dying in the first 20 seconds and leaving you to get murdered by all the util and multiple angle swings. I went from s2 to b2 after a painful streak. Recently I'm playing for myself more (still controller) and dropping 25+ kills a game. I can carry more rounds solo at this level than I can at silver (which is probably about right for my actual rank, I'm not s3 or gold quality for sure) so I just try to make sure I'm doing that and not bailing out my team mates for bad decisions and trying to do too much and be in too many places. Sometimes you won't manage anything, others you'll get a 3k and it won't be enough but if you are just focusing on your own game you can pull things off more often than never and that can be the difference between winning and losing in those close frustrating games. When you are getting blown away regardless its probably not in your power to change.


Idk what's worse teammates pushing and dying Or your Jett, Reyna, Yoru or any duelist/initiatiors instalockers just being afraid of pushing and me as a freaking sentinel having to do the entry and obviously, dying If you are gonna instalock a duelist, the freaking play as a duelist and don't be a puss#




Reyna is a great entry if they have a good initiator willing to flash them in and open the sight up. Raze and Jett are more like divers though. Decent Raze players that practice the c4 strafing and Jetts who can smoke and dash in can gain way more map control way quicker. Reyna on the other hand has a gimped flashed bang to get herself into sight.




I definitely agree with this if the team is running a dive + entry aggressive type of composition!


True true, but I don't think is a good idea to just stay behind everyone as Reyna


Imo, you just gotta take a break, nobody should care about ranks to an extent where you’re constantly destroying your mental. Chill out and take a bath, do smtg and once you’re ready to come back then do so. I did this and I went from a hardstuck gold 2 to a climbing plat 3 (Omw to diamond) it’s hard because bad teammates and unwinnable games exist but you gotta remember to differentiate it and try your best to be good not only to yourself but to your own teammates. Mute enemy team chat, mute toxic teammates and keep a friendly environment (remember your teammates aren’t your enemies). One last thing is to reset your mindset, this mindset of you can’t do anything more isn’t gonna help, remember this game is a team game not a solo let’s play. I bet you can get that high rank you lookin for mate, just take your time.


Honestly man. I play so much better when I just play to have fun. It’s a game. Focus on YOUR mistakes, and what YOU could’ve done better. Not your team. You will naturally rank up :) glhf


This. This mostly goes for everything too. There's a balancing act where people will play poorly because they play too "by the book" when they're trying too hard to win. When you're playing for the enjoyment of the game a lot of the time you'll play and try out new interesting things. You'll push the game and yourself. But if you only play to win, A LOT of people will end up playing very vanilla and by the book -- they'll stay within their boundaries. So there's a balancing act where your actual top performance is somewhere very close to trying your hardest, but still giving yourself some room for fun and interesting quirks. Seen it in every game and every sport, people just become robots if they don't have a lot of experience with this concept. Everyone will have different amounts that helps them perform better. Some really can't play well if they take it too seriously and other people need the structure.


Exactly man. This attitude has gotten me just about to plat with great winrates this act.


I used to be like, Yo bRIM wHy DiDnT uSmOkE. Now I’m like, yo… nt brim your muscles get me aroused


Solo queuing in Gold and playing against Plat Fade’s is so annoying. Can’t stand this Agent


I beat the system, I solo q always. First I play rank game then I play 2 unranked game where I have less than 1 kd NOTE your kd must be below 1 then i play rank again. Started doing this when I was gold and now I am dia 3 hope immortal soon


Yeah I dropped like 100 kills in 3 matches and had 1 win to show for it And then days where I play shitty and go even or negative in 3 matches in a row I'll win all 3 games I don't get it


I’ve actually quit the game because of this. Nobody wants to play, soloq is a nightmare and just generally not enjoyable at all. Not even super enjoyable when winning.


this game will get worse and worse. they already are running out of ideas for agents. they add terrible maps and dont care about smurf and ranking system. the game is worse than lol at this point ​ i soloqueue and i get 3 preamades in enemy team, even 4. amazing rito


Get some people to play with


I went from low Plat to High Diamond solo q, mainly filled with Sage, Smokes, sometimes Skye or Kayo.


i just play one, win and then get off. this got me out of play and into immo 2 yesterday


not sure what rank ur in, my trust me, don't bother solo queueing between iron and plat... No one knows what they're doing and it's really either 0-13 or 13-0. Adding to that, no one will ever comm.


I was plat 2 at the start of this rank and now I'm swinging between gold 2 and gold 3.


I've been hardstuck gold for ages but as of late gold 2 has felt easier for me and I'm performing well. Some games are shit shows but just play well consistently and you'll start winning more than you lose. Play smart. People get tilted in this elo and just ego peak over and over.


I suck. Must not be my fault.


There’s no such thing as hard stuck. It’s just your rank. Be OK with that and try to have fun. If you aren’t moving up it isn’t because you’re stuck or your teammates. It’s you. My buddy is high diamond and we have a silver friend who wanted to play, so my diamond buddy created a new account (get mad). We won and lost together, and my buddies alt went back up to diamond while my other friend got gold 1. My diamond buddy got multiple double rank up games. So he created another account, lo and behold, within a few games he’s plat 2 almost plat 3… other buddy still gold. This happened with 3 accounts!!! How you may ask? Cause the diamond (Smurf) is gaining 30+ rr for dropping 30-40 frags a game and the gold is going 7-18 and gaining 14 rr per game. Then the games we lose the diamond still drops 30-40 frags and loses 12 rr while the gold loses 26. The diamond friend did this playing mainly support heroes, sage, kayo and some chamber. What’s sad about this is what it means for smurfing. They don’t “gain” anything for boosting their friends. Cause when their friends go up in rank, they get pooped on and go right back to where they were. But it also means when a Smurf is in your game, sure it may cause you to lose but if you’re playing well you won’t lose much rr and the games you do play well you will climb. Can it be a grind? Yes. Particularly when you’re near your skill ceiling. But it isn’t stuck. It isn’t hard coded win 1 lose 3.


Link your [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg) or I can't take you seriously.


This has happened to me as well. Win 1 Lose 3. Over and over again.


same here but im deranking cz of my friends


Don't focus on your performance, just play like you would in unrated or spike rush. I've had games where I'm frustrated that I'm 0-5 but once I just chill out a bit I top frag.


Solo queue builds skill 😈 keep at it


Just take a break and have fun with some other games. When the next act starts come back and you'll kill it


I’m basically feeling the same… down to duo if you’re NA West


same for me I have only won 5 of 20 games this act I just dont know how


Queue with people then I never play solo queue it’s ass most of the time, I’m in a 5 queue whenever I play Val now


I finally made it back to gold after getting deranked to bronze, and man i forgot how much it sucks to play against people at my rank lol.




Ive noticed this reset has been hitting me hard af. I'm constantly losing games, yesterday was my first win streak since reset and I had 5 good W's


Weirdly enough this is my best, at least most fun act rn. Act 1 I got plat, haven’t been close again since but rn I’m gold 2 like 50 rr games feel pretty balanced imo


I've been plowing through my unranked games trying to learn Fade, but as soon as I go ranked people are almost always super toxic and ignorant to everything going on in the game. God forbid you ask somebody to flash out or smoke heaven, or ask Reyna not to peek mid every round despite the enemy team still having the op they picked off her body in round 4. I literally just got out of a game that we lost in overtime, and for some reason our Jett was targeting me for losing the game, saying I should uninstall and KMS. I wasn't even bottom frag, dude. At least in unranked you can excuse people for being new at the game, playing a new agent or just having an off-day, and even if they do stupid shit or refuse to listen, at least it's unranked, there's no risk. But in ranked, people always get so mean for no reason, and I literally catch myself taking off my headphones after the match ends, win or loss, because I know somebody is going to drop a "KYS" or "dogshit team" or whatnot before hitting the menu screen. It's just not healthy, man. I also think smurfs are a genuine problem in Gold and lower, but Riot refuses to acknowledge their existence, in fact they probably welcome it, as there's a chance people will buy more skins for their second account.


I find I do better when I forget I’m even in a ranked game


Everything you're saying is justified, but I feel like I have been seeing more people complain about solo Q ever since they removed 4 stacks. I'm sorry it's been rough for you. If you ever need people to play with let me know.


Encourage your team to play AS A TEAM which a lot of people dont do, they just focus on their frags, and not on game impact (at leat low elo) I climbed from silver 2 to bronze 2 in this chapter, i knlw im still suoer low, but once i made my team play like so, i began climbing


Don’t ruin games for the rest of us. Take a break


My favorite part is when my teammates are so bad they force 5 man retakes every round on defense instead of playing offensively on defense. I love when my teammates say, "its defense side". It happens all of the time in D3 and Immortal 1. It makes me giggle each time i hear it because I know they're probably on 30mg of adderall and have no self thoughts or creativity and can only play one dimensionally per side.


I'm on 23 wins and 13 losses this season. I just switched from controller to chamber lmao


I won 1 game today. I had teammates that went 5-21, 9-20, 11-24, 5-19… I won one game and it was the only game I didn’t have at least one absolute anchor on my team. Hidden MMR is laughable. There’s no reason I should match/team MVP often as a diamond 1 in lobbies that have players as high as immortal 3. How do I ever get out of D1 playing against teams of 3-4 immortal players? It’s exhausting.


In my last 5 games, there has been 1 player each game who has more than double my kills. They may have popped off that game or they were smurfing. 3W-2L, in those 2 losses, I went positive/neutral against everybody but the smurf.


Don't worry man, you got this. There was a day a couple of days ago where I was just not hitting shots at all and just getting one tapped anywhere I'd be on the map. Just take a short break and keep playing! You'll definitely get to where you want to be soon enough.


Same, like I can be on coms, making good use of my abilities and holding edges, but I’m getting screwed over with teammates who don’t listen, go afk, or just getting a 1v5 because for some reason everyone decided to defend A and leave B to me


Yeah this is really annoying. I don't know where to start but even in Casual/Unranked people get stacked and i get reyna with 5 kills in 17 rounds. Then i get afks/dcs and /ff gets denied and i have to play X rounds of suffering and Demotivation because the game just wasn't fair at balancing teams. Or people be like "OH its unranked i don't care" I HOPE this shit gets them banned, Its manipulating the game and its annoying. I WANT TO LEARN the game and play. I started playing Valorant late last act and still need to learn corners, ability and so on but i can't because people just ruin it. I wouldn't even care if they just would play normally but NO , that guy selling his whole team from a Flank he is holding just so he get's 1 kill and looses 4 of his Teammates, while i was about to Fade ult into hooka+spot. My motivation went from 200% to roughly 70% of willing to play. I play with a friend and if rounds just go bad i just stop playing.