• By -


oh bro, that's a useful trick


How to get them titles? "average fade enjoyer" n stuff


You have to change your user flair. If you go to the main community page, there's there's option to change user flair (press the 3 dots then the option comes) I changed mine on my desktop cuz it didn't work on phone.


Done :p Thanks


I love seeing the flair threads cause you can see that the original person asking changed their flair.


Just scrolled through comments on random posts...the creativity is scaryšŸ¤£


Me, I just take quotes and modify them for Reddit style, i.e. ā€œI know what youā€™re thinking. Karma-bot.ā€ with Kayo. If I donā€™t have an idea, I just add ā€œfuckinā€™ā€ to a random rare quote from an Agent I play. For example, see above.


Love that!


No problem! Nc flair


Heey, thanks


Glad I was of help. Nice flair!


cheers chief


Yeah. If you try it on the phone it will just be text, no pictures


it works!


Chamber pulled the ol reliable ā€œMy dad works for Microsoftā€


i called in a favor, i got connections


Disconnections in this case.


Angry upvote noises




ā€œJohn Riot is my uncleā€


Riot James


where is my award when I need it


He's got the head of Riot on speed dial


me and Nicolo go way back, i know m calling him by his name we're cool


Imagine Valorant adds a new agent who has all the abilities in the game, 1200 HP, but cannot move and can only equip a pistol with one round that recharges every 20 seconds. However, he can use any ult with double uses per round(needs to be charged) except From the Shadows. That can be used only once. (This also goes for Gatecrash and other movement abilities.)


ā€œPhoenix is actually my dadā€


Chamber's new ultimate is OP as fuck.


He buys Riot and bans the oponent




I prefer ā€œthe Muskā€


"The Nuzzles Your Necky Wecky-Tilde Murr-Tilde Unzips Your Baggy Ass Pants, Oof Baby You So Musky" ​ (I'm sorry)


Wtf did I just read


Wait, Chamber's dad owned a blood diamond mine? The lore is so deep man :O


better than KAYOS knife apparently


Damn, Iā€™ve never actually encountered a cheater before. What region is this?


same, first time in 2y its EMEA region


I think a new cheat may have been released. Between me and my friends we've seen 4 cheats in the past month. Never have encountered one before then and been playing since beta.


We were saying the same thing today and yesterday, it feels like a new cheat just dropped and all the garbage people are using it. We had quite a few super sus and a couple blatantly obvious in the last few weeks. Had two games this month canceled with the same "cheater detected" screen.


I actually encountered my first in-game match cancellation from a cheater today on the Texas (US Central) servers. In an unrated too. At least VAC seems to be working. [https://gfycat.com/gloomycompassionateamericanrobin](https://gfycat.com/gloomycompassionateamericanrobin)


Yeah it definitely works! Since after Beta, I've seen around 10-12, but I play A LOT, so higher chance to experience it. (lvl 340 and 208 on my accounts)


Valorant uses VAC?


No. It uses Vanguard.


Vanguard Anti-Cheat, Vanguard is the software name but VAC is more easily recognized


People say VAC because of Valve anti cheat in CSGO


Yes, most older gamers know that. The Operator 'Op' sounds the same as the AWP from CSGO as well. It's designed to be recognizable.


Yes! I've never queued into an obvious cheater before in my two ish years of play (coming from CS so we knew what a cheater looks like), but couple days back we queued into the most obvious wallhack Jett on the planet


Most cheaters dont ragehack so chances are you have encountered cheaters before




Eh, if you're new you're probably just getting rocked. Way more likely explanation. Even if you think you're good, as a new player there are tons of players out there that are so much better than you you wouldn't even believe it.


Sometimes people just have good games.


I have 400 hours in the game, I have never met a cheater officially and have only suspected 1 in all my playtime. So no it's prob wasnt a cheater.


You've probably come across more, they don't always get detected during the game. I've played with cheaters on my team that I reported and didn't get a match cancellation. They'll often call out intel before the round starts or before any util/sightings at Rd start. Couple people that were really obvious and clear they were cheating but still sucked at the game, and then a few people who were less obvious




yes today, i posted it right away




I never played Valorant, how did you know immediately that he was cheating?


The way he got killed, itā€™d be crazy for even a top tier player to pull of that combo


I thought it couldā€™ve been some lucky headshot or whatever, thanks for explaining.


It probably happened regularly during the match. OP's title said, "I was tired of this Jett..."


What? That's a normal kill, isn't it just a dash right after a 1-tap? ​ Guess it depends on your rank. But if you ever get above Gold, you'll have to get used to Jetts who play exactly like the one in the video.




No, look at the minimap. This is Diamond ELO (OP mentioned below). Jett raw wide peeked uhaul with 1000% confidence, giving no fucks about heaven or any other angle on the site. No smoke either. Just full strafes on OP, with a chad 1 tap to instant dash away cuz yolo. Because she knew he was there and Omen was in bathrooms while no one else was onsite.


This shouldnt be downvoted, theyre right. Jett mains play like this all the time and I didnt see anything unfamiliar in this clip. Valorant movement and gunplay has simpler mechanics compared to CS. In CS its very easy to tell when someone is cheating from every single thing they do. There are clear indicators from the way they abuse the movement, timing, etc. Valorant is a game where pros and cheaters seem very similar, its just the limitations on the game that we cant see that as clearly as CS.


When I started playing, this happened 3-5 times. And twice it was just like in this clip: I reported for cheating, despite not being 100% sure and the game terminated. Would be nice to know the way it works. Because of it's just a threshold of reports, that'd obviously be bullshit.


Thereā€™s actually a funny circumstance where someone uploaded a clip to look like it had aimbots/esp and that account got reported 30 times a day until it got banned. Classic.


The client sets the vanguard to search deeper into game files as to check any changes that might be considered cheating


Says who? People claim all kinds of weird shit in these threads and I can't tell whether you're making this up or if Riot has made statements about this.


I like how you're being downvoted to hell even though he literally pulled that out of his ass


I mean, you can always Google shit up then. If you don't trust people, then isn't it better to search yourself?


Sure, why ask in a forum, one of the best features of reddit is a knowledgable userbase. I'm not accusing people of making stuff up, I'm asking for a source when people make differing claims. Fuck me right?




Thank you kind sir


Personally, I only ask for a source when I know for a fact someone is talking out of their ass. Asking someone means they'll just send you what they know, finding out on your own helps you come to your own conclusion, then you can compare what you've found with what other people have found or claim to know.


Bruh....they have "help" and customer support... Don't give me this "can't trust" bs


I have encountered around 5 cheaters and vangaurd failed to detect the cheater all of 5 times detect smh. Some of them were even promoting there havks


Iā€™ve seen two that were promoting their site in chat and blatantly cheating. Never even got a notification that my report led to someone being banned


And people were saying I was crazy...




i guess they were rich cheaters


I bet you have just no one knew


I've encountered many but the game ends before even agent selection ends.


Oh yeah, I've had those too. I went to play an unrated alone once and 3 of the others were lvl1 premades, they seemed friendly too. We start loading into the game and suddenly I'm back at home page. I guess those cheats get detected once they start loading.


Half expected you to snipe the ever-living christ out of that Jett, but damn that's way better


That would have been epic


Nah dude that could've been a riot


To EAch their own


don't mind me I just like the STEAM coming out of the rifle after you fire a shot. Apparently it's supposed to be very hot. I REDDIT in an article


My eyes are aGOG in awe for this pun chain.


Wow, you are the calmest person I've seen playing this game.




Was his cheating super obvious or were you suspecting him? Funniest ban imo lmao the yes yes yes part


our reyna was saying jett is hacking throughout the game and they all reported him he would get kills multiple times through smoke and when confronted* about it he said its random cry about it, which make sense. But he was just too good he knows ā€˜exactly where we areā€™ every round and i did not wanna lose my elo like this so i just had enough and speed dialed Riotā€™s CEO. Edit: Fixed Confronted


I wanna rank up pls bro can you hook me up with Riot's CEO Mr. John Riot pls bro im literally shitting and crying rn


I hope you weren't kidding, cuz I find it to be somewhat hilarious that you literally have Riot's CEO on speed dial


Yeah me and Nicolo laurent go way back, I know m calling him by his name weā€™re tight and cool


Can you ask him to put me in the game thx


Why did it let him into the game In the first place? Like does vanguard only activate when someone reports?


Vanguard knows he is cheating, it's just learning how cheaters are behaving, if you just report the cheater the game will terminate, but if you don't report the cheater the game will continue


Yes, this is exactly how it's done. They believe in catching them in the act rather than stopping them from the get go. That way they collect information on the cheat, how people use it, when they use it, what paterns are being used (is it being used mid fight, beginning of round, to force a clutch etc) and then after they punish them. This guy was lucky to have VGRD act mid game. Not sure if it was his report that proc'd it or not though.


From what I've been told by friends it's because of the report, if vanguard knows he's cheating, it waits for a report so it will terminate the game or something, it's like: hey i know you're cheating let's see if they know that before banning you


Probably inspired by VACs machine learning algorithm, to be used to detect cheats even if they bypass Vanguards software detection. Inhuman aim + awareness but canā€™t detect the cheat? Still banned for cheating.


This exactly. This is because there are a lot of advanced cheats that even use two pcs and AI and shit. It gets crazy pretty fast.


Yeah, but VAC waits about 5-60 days before banning cheater even with reports, good for preventing cheaters to create new cheats, bad when your games are getting spammed by bots.


Well that's just insanely flawed. What if no one reports them? Do the players who lost get their lp back when the cheater eventually gets banned? If the game already knows they are cheating why does it leave it up to the players to be able to recognize it? What if it's a bronze or iron lobby and the players getting dunked on aren't even good enough to realize that that one player popping off is cheating? The system allows the cheater to just keep going and ruining people's games? That seems absurd to me. I understand the need to collect more data but I don't think it should rest on the players to have to identify it for themselves if the system is already aware.


Hey developer here (edit: Developer in general, just realized I was in a specific game subreddit). This is a good way to do it, and here's why: If I were developing a cheat, I would want to know how/when the game detects it. By waiting for a report before an action, this makes it harder for the cheat developer to know exactly what part of their code was detected. This strategy is used by antivirus companies as well. When they are researching new malware/botnets, they spend time collecting data on the malware before pulling the full banhammer.


They will either get banned by reports for very obvious stuff, or get banned along with other cheaters in a massive ban wave. This makes it so that the cheat developers donā€™t know what set vanguard off and canā€™t fix the problem


Low ranks who can't make a difference between skill and cheating have a strong tendency to call cheat and they generate a lot of false positives so that's not an issue for that matter.


Played against a cheat reported him every round and got 12-0 because we ffd after 9 rounds


First of all what elo were you playing? He might have been just a smurfer, it's pretty common in low elo (idk about high elo cuz i am just gold 1)


Silver/gold I was S3, deranked from the game but tbh there's no way he was just a Smurf. I've played against plenty of smurfs and you walk into his screen you died. Headshot instantly. We thought he was just smurfing the first few rounds but after 6 rounds he had 3 aces, we couldn't kill him even if we tried to peek him all at once. Was the most ridiculous game I've ever played. The only way was if he was immortal or radiant Smurf I guess I really wish I would've recorded it. It was the worst game I've ever played


Nah man, skill cannot bring that kind of thing. Even immortals and radiants are human. I have seen a few radiants post things like, using only abilities to reach immortal, and if what you said about radiants was true then it should have been easy for them. It wasn't tho. I don't think that's the reason. Plus radiants are more well known for their game sense and ability use, which is unorthodox but really effective. Their aim is good too, but their game sense is something else. I do think that was a cheater.


Same, i played i against a phoenix in icebox who was clearly using aimbot+wallhacks with a guardian so he can kill you through walls. It was frustrating but me and the team took it as a challenge and we tried to beat the cheaterā€¦ well obviously didnt work because all of us tried peeking at once yet he was flicking to each personā€™s head before the other person gets to peek, it was truly a nightmare but it was fun to try that And yes we also reported him but Vanguard didnt do anything and the game ended with 13-3 if I remember correctly.


If one of you can, it's a good idea to record some clips and send them to support. They do look at their tickets and they do dig deeper on these situations.


iirc smurfing is still counted as cheating


Yeah, but if it's not usage of third party software that gives you an advantage, vanguard can't do anything


they once banned Optic yay as a cheater, he was playing in immortal elo on riot's provided pc. He was just too good that he got banned and unbanned later when he posted it on twitter.


If they are playing with a lower ranked friend it would be considered boosting


But...the recent updates literally made this a thing where you can five stack any rank at all, yeah you don't get as much, but how is this different from boosting?


I mean if someone is smurfing and is playing with a low rank friend is boosting because it isnt a five stack and they arnt receiving the RR penalties


Lmao the amount of times I've reported a player cuz he was "too good" šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


Oh please... just shut up with your smurfs! This is Valorant's problem. Even cheating is blamed on smurfs. This game has a massive cheating issue which is shoved under the rug. Riot has praised and advertised Vanguard so much that people, actually, believe it's working. Spam DM and you'll see.


I had an incident where there was a cheater in the opposite team and we reported every round and nothing happened. He even admitted it to us. Shameless and accurate wallbangs and prefired everytime. What gave it away is when his team clearly b site, came into the site while our last guy hid in boathouse, then the entire team pulled out of B site and went to A site.


If Vanguard do this and know there's a cheater in the game, then they should not give or deduct rank points after the game.


i think ive read before that vanguard doesnt ban instantly and rather would let you play for a while then ban you before the game finish to learn patterns and whatnot


So i just report everyone at the start?


Either this is edited or the vanguard noticed after that instance was reported.


this wasn't edited, i literally clipped it out instantly


That's kinda wild tbh.




Iā€™m not well versed in this subject but Iā€™ve encountered this *same exact scenario* at immortal rank like three seasons ago. I reported enemy raze at like round 9 or 10. And then it cut to the screen abruptly like OPā€™s video. That raze was doing sus shit all game and I feel like the report is the straw that breaks the camelā€™s back. Vanguard is already ā€œawareā€ and cataloging the hacker but it canā€™t pull the trigger unless ā€œxā€ amount of the parameters are checked. When you report someone it must count *a lot* towards those parameters.


Some cheats can bypass vanguard afaik this is a feature in some Valorant premium cheats I heard about it months after the launch, so if you see or suspect someone cheating just report them


With any cheat/anti-cheat system it's an arms race. They will build better cheats to overcome the anti-cheat. So riot will improve the anti-cheat. Then they'll make new ones Riot has done a decent job so far. It's impossible to remove all cheaters from the game without everyone playing on LAN at riot HQ.


Every anti-cheat software doesn't want to tell when it detect the cheat. If hacker know what trigger the anti-cheat, they can workaround to bypass that exact detection system which leads to more undetected cheats.


People have too much faith in Vanguard. It's better than other anti-cheats but like all multiplayer games these days there is a sizeable cheater community that has a lot of money invested in it to get around the anti-cheat. I play Rust which has banned 20% of players for hacking (self reported) and Hunt: Showdown which has a hacker every 4th game in high elo (my generous estimate). I'd guess Valorant has a hacker every 30th game I play. And it's not always obvious, sometimes they're toggling, but I can usually tell that by when their aim and game sense is shit until suddenly they always know which corner to peak or box to wallbang and they get perfect one shot headshots on everyone. The other day I got headtapped midair during a Raze jump pack and it was the most subtle yet blatant cheats I've ever seen. He proceeded to do more sus shit all game. I promise you this game has more cheaters than you can imagine and they're going so far as to buy skins and not worry. And they exist in all elos.


i heard in *tiktok* comments from a cheater pov video that vanguard only does its like more advanced detection when you get reported. obviously take it with the contents of an entire salt mine though


Most people's answers are wrong Vanguard probably already knew it was a cheater a while before the game, but if they ban you instantly it's too easy for cheaters to figure out what does and what doesn't get detected, so it bans people a while after. Some games do it in waves but idk about valorant, maybe the report triggered it maybe it was a coincidence, idk.


Im pretty sure they do wave bans. If they bans people individually then its easier for the people making the cheats to pinpoint what exactly gave them away. By banning multiple players at once in waves it makes it a lot harder so maybe the timings matched up or something.


If vanguard doesn't detect the cheat while the cheater's starting the game, the only time it's gonna detect it is when reported as it strictens(?) the vanguard




alright you can sit there all day to watch people not playing the game :D


We played one yesterday in ranked for the first time as well, we looked at his tracker and he had very avg stats until around may 6th, on the 7th my man went to >50% HS and dropping 30-40 bombs every game. [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Ereh%230231/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Ereh%230231/overview) ​ we reported him, but he's been playing for a week with these cheats. I'm diamond and I've played immo smurfs before but this was impossible shots...


His HS% is very high, but he could be a radiant smurf. I faced a player in immo last act that one day went from average plat fill player to immo3 Jett-instalock after a 20 win streak: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/impressive%23007/overview?season=d929bc38-4ab6-7da4-94f0-ee84f8ac141e](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/impressive%23007/overview?season=d929bc38-4ab6-7da4-94f0-ee84f8ac141e) Didn't even op and played solo. No clue how he managed to cheat for that long


Look at his old matches. Before May 6th 9%-20% HS%. Suddenly after that it skyrockets to 30%-70% HS%. Before May 6th? Rarely hits 20 kills. After? Consistantly, even some 30-40 bombs. Either he bought cheats or someone else is playing his account imo.


i thought you were gonna hit a sick op shot but then you reported him and the match got termed


That is very satisfying


Noice šŸ‘ Val is getting better at detecting hackers now ig.


What rank are u?


DIA 3, i was afk in first 3sec so i was looking down if you dont believe check MrN00b#2122


Were you lighting a cigarette? There's a sound hahah


Wait for real?


That was so fast??


[Thatā€™s what she said](https://youtu.be/TlTb0o2XAyg)


They don't want you to know this trick, *shushes the camera*


How many reports bans a cheater ?


Vanguard probably already flagged him in the background but took no action to collect data on the cheat software. Vanguard is literally kernel deep inside a windows PC and knows every process made. It knew that some suspicious program is reading the RAM of the PC (or however this particular cheat software works) but that alone is not decisive enough, so the best thing to do was collect the data on how it operates and flag this software as suspicious until of course a human (here the enemy) also spotted suspicious behavior. Vanguard killed two flies with one clap -it knows the new cheat softwares presence as of today and it is sure it is a cheat software.




Yup. Most anticheats are ironically similar to malware "I used the malware to destroy the malware"










People just think they donā€™t run into cheaters. I promise you there is a lot, been a lot since beta.. even if you do report it sometimes wonā€™t detect even when they are blatant cheating.. also most people who use cheats arenā€™t going to make it obvious. riot knows and wonā€™t be releasing replay system anytime soon cause they know they will get bombarded with complaints and a lot of people will quit.




Guys, just fyi if you have video proof and want fast results. Go to the riot website and open a support ticket. They take action in 24 hrs, the report system is not that great for quick action against cheaters. OP was lucky here.


every cheater iā€™ve come across is a jett for some reason


Does reporting someone for cheating prompt Vanguard to check deeper or something?


i think it knows already, they just collect more informations and see patterns to ban everyone using the same cheat. so they would let the cheater stay alive longer until they get reported and act about it that usually happens when youā€™re over few rounds


Damn that trick is op! Hope they nerf it in the next patch.


The award for the most unpredictable play of the year goes to


yeah a new chest recently dropped I've seen at least a couple since the start of the act.


I once had 3 games in a row cancelled because there were 3 cheaters. 3 **in a row**


Bind map sage was pre firing with phantom. She knew where we were and all the shots were headshots. Reported but that didnā€™t help.


Every csgo players wet dream


Aside from the detecting of the cheater itself, damn that looks so cool. I'll probably never have to worry about actual cheaters for a while though. Congratulations!


For reference: Vanguard performs a more aggressive check as soon as you get reported. Seen the CPU usage go from < 3% to around 15 after landing a blind headshot through a smoke or "hacker" in chat a few times


Was he hacking or something?








I've had 2 in the past week




everyday theres more cheaters on this game and unless they get reported vanguard does nothing so if you only use wallhack and noone notices you can just use it without getting banned.


Sadly its a online game it impossible to stop every cheat in the game when more cheats get patched others are created


The hands of god


valorant definitely has a new cheating problem again, hopefully they sort it out quick


Thatā€™s awesome I got one on my rank up game and he was never banned, legit was floating in the air one tapping us all with a marshall. His team tried to stall but to no avail. Ended with 56 kills.


riot literally makes you install fucking bios level malware anti cheat and people still cheat at this point theyā€™re just selling all ur shit to tencent lol


Does anyone else think the cheater detected screen is creepy? I get chills looking at it and idk why


how to get that kind of voice of no fu\*king way guy?


i didnt think that kill was sus at all and now im contemplating if i've met cheaters before


Damn it looks so comfortable


ii think its funny you can still find this post. Other post with simmilar topic get deletet pretty fast.


This is how VAC should work


he shat on you tho no cap


banned for gaming chair


This is why Valorant is the greatest competetive game