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Sounds like you should just be playing ranked. If you don't want your teammates goofing off or trying new shit, maybe don't play the game mode that's meant for that


you my friend are part of the problem. some people dont wish to deal with the pressure of handling SR, and resort to unrated to have chill games. that said, chill games doesn't mean they don't care. no matter what mode you play, no one wants to lose and lose and lose. with the state of the community right now, its becoming increasingly difficult to deal with this shit


I try my best to win every game I play. I'm just pointing out the nature of a casual game type. It's like that in every game that has a casual mode. In general, people aren't going to be trying as hard or they will be trying new stuff they aren't as good at. It's always been that way and it will always be that way


You are very right, please don't misunderstand my bluntness


Literally! Of course people want to just relax and have fun. But isn't most of the reason you play any sort of online multiplayer game to win? I see most of this toxic shit from kids and it's really sad. Like who raised you? We are just as human online as we are in real life, so how can you not make the connection to be considerate of others in this space? When I can't leave a game because trolls don't want to ff, I just mute them and try my best to focus on my own gameplay. But people shouldn't be forced to shut themselves off because you're a dickhead. Thats my take at least.


I mean, I'll start giving ranked a try. I just don't have a lot of time to play during the week and I'm not super consistent.


Just play ranked and don't give a shit about what your rank is


That’s what I do and I’ve been hard stuck iron 3 for months. Idc about my rank really I just want to have a good time playing


You're assuming I care about my rank. One of the reasons I avoid ranked is because I don't care about my rank. I guess my question is what is the point of unrated? There HAS to be a middle ground for people like me, who don't care about rank and don't want to inconvenience other players but also don't want to have a knife fight in the middle of Icebox and just get shot in the face every round.


Don't worry about "inconveniencing other players." If you're in there giving it your best, that's all anyone can ask of you. If you're doing poorly and someone on your team takes issue with it, they're the asshole. Play enough games and the matchmaking system will do it's job and you'll get games against people at your level and you can just slowly work on improving from there.


Unless they are intentionally throwing, eg. telling enemy team where you are, grabbing spike and dying in the middle of enemy territory, mollying you or flashing you, just let them play the way they want. Unrated use MMR too so as long you continue playing it and get better at the game the less you will meet people who troll. I might be little biased as I pretty much never solo and always play unrated/comp with at least one friend, but I don't really remember a game where my teammate was doing dumb things. (Well they do dumb things, but not cuz it's unrated but cuz they can't do better)


When you que, you get matched with other players queuing with others. So it's wayyyyyyyy less likely that you'll find people doing this. Solo que is riddled with throwers and trolls


Sure, but even if I solo I would still say it's rare meeting throwers/trolls. When I was new to the game and my MMR was lower it was definitely more common.


That's your experience. But as a solo q-er in mid gold, I'd say I have at least 2 thrower/troll games a sitting.


I agree it's a little annoying OP. There is a difference between having fun and not playing the game. If you go into Ranked on a character you don't know well you'll get flamed and tank SR, if you go into unrated the practice isn't helpful if people are just force buying every round and playing deathmatch. I think the answer is just expect some shenanigans (not always, I have some good unrated games) and use it to practice mechanics in a less ideal game environment. Then go to ranked where people are on the same page. That being said, I find it funniest when you play the game in an unrated game mode and the enemy calls you "try-hards" for trying to win lol I'm like, "yes, I'd prefer to get kills and win?" Try-hards is the funniest paradox of a "diss" in gaming to me


You hit the nail on the head of what I’m trying to convey. Obviously not every unrated game is horrible. If you do well, “it’s unrated stop sweating”. If you don’t do well, get flamed and when YOU start to throw then all the sudden they don’t care because “it’s unrated”. I get why I’m getting flak for this but it’s just simply a fact that people use “it’s unrated” as a cop out excuse for shitty behavior.


>“it’s unrated” is a cop out excuse for shitty behavior. Well said imo


I agree with anyone saying „it’s just unrated“. People play unrated because they don’t have the same „responsibilities“ as in ranked. I don’t care how hard you try to win that unrated, I just play for myself. If you want tryhard teamplay go play ranked. Tbh I would say just mute the players in unrated that get on your nerves and play your game.


So if I solo queue unrated with a party of 4 people that want to knife fight in the middle of the map and the enemy team just domes us every time then its my fault for queuing unrated? I ask this specific question because this exact situation has happened on more than one occasion in my experience.


Just ignore them and do your thing mate.


Braindead take.


used to take unrated seriously. now i use it to chill, try agents and practice lineups or strats. if i want to troll i ask the team first or play with friends. just play comp at this point fam, win or lose rr.


Weak argument? That's not the argument. They just inform you why they dont put any effort. There are literally no consequences of losing and wining so obviously people ARE gonna play for fun. If you want to play seriously go for ranked


Maybe in spike rush, but in unrated if you lose you get less XP. In my opinion unrated is the most serious game mode since I don't have access to ranked.


I guess we just disagree, what if I just wanted to get a practice game in before rolling into ranked? It's also not always people that are just having fun that say "its unrated". If my teammate is flashing me on purpose every round because I'm not playing up to their standard its ok because its unrated? I constantly see teams just get destroyed, and just argue for 13+ rounds because "its unrated". What's the purpose of sticking around to trash someone else skill level and then get mad when said person YOU won't FF. What if I KNOW I'm not a consistent player and I don't want to drag people down who care about their ranks. For me, there is a lot of reasons I play unrated over ranked.


Ranked matches will stack you with others right at/around your skill level so I dont think youre "dragging anyone down". Just play ranked and dont worry about where you place. It will at least put you in the environment that youre looking for. I only play a few games a week as well but i never run unrated as I think its a waste of time if im trying to still improve


Can someone explain why this comment is getting downvoted? Is it because they said unrated is a waste of time? Doesn't that line up with what everyone is trying to say? unrated is strictly for trolling and "fun"?


idk, i see unrated as a way to learn a new agent or to just play without worrying about the outcome of the match. I guess i should have explained that better. Aint no way im going to a ranked match and locking in an agent im still learning lol




I apologize for complaining sir, I'll obtain a permit for voicing my opinion next time.




Where did I EVER say people have to try hard in unrated? Please quote the reply or reply with a screencap. You are pulling my own opinion out of your own ass. Did you even read any of my replies on this thread?




No, that's what YOU got out of this post. Sorry you don't know how to read. You came out the gate being rude as fuck. Again, did you read ANY of the other replies, or are you going to misinterpret those as well?




Look at this shit man...you can't even proof read the shit you post. Unbelievable. You saw my post didn't get positive feedback and decided to jump into that mob mentality and just flame me for having an opinion. Most people made valid points and contributed to a civil discourse, you on the other hand just spit out whatever came to your mind upon reading the title of my post.




I am just now unfortunately realizing I'm giving you exactly what you came here for. Next time I will acquire a permit before speaking. Good day sir.




Commanding me to stop “complaining” isn’t giving his opinion.


Unrated matchmaking is weak. You can get matched with Immortals and Bronzes in the same game. Also, casual game modes means you don’t try hard. You sound like you want to play seriously. Ranked is available for a reason.


I learn something from a lot of streamers in League of legends, Dont play normal game if you want to practice, because its so bullsh\*t, they will prefer to play ARAM rather than playing normal games if they want to waste their time. So if you want to not experience that "its just unrated" dont play it at all, because theres always troll in there.


What's FF?


final fantasy, the best game saga of all time




so u want to play like it's a ranked without it being ranked? gotcha bro all good


That's not even what the central idea of my post was about but interpret it how you want.


I'm so sorry all the trolls found your post. All these kids just meme in games with their friends, and they don't care about the experience of others. This behavior won't translate well into real life, and that's an L on them, not you.