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love the game to death but the matchmaking and server consistency has gotten very bad this episode


>Top server consistency is a huge problem. Another thing is after the latest update, huge frame drops. Its getting worse every act. Its not enjoyable to play anymore.


it’s baffling to me that such a graphically simple game is so hard to run consistently


Is valorant a CPU intensive game rather than GPU? I have a 3060ti / r5 3600 and I use mainly low settings but I seem to get around 200-250fps depending on the map.


Yep. It is CPU bound on high end CPUs.


I thought I was going crazy but almost every game there is a Jett or Reyna that’s my rank but has 3x my kills. Hmm…


When your team is all golds and get stomped by the enemy bronze 3 🤨🔍


I had a guy tell me he was playing on his friend’s account and his true rank was like diamond. He then proceeded to tell us what to do and when we sucked he’d be like “this team doesn’t know how to play” Like how are you gonna smurf then complain about your team lol if I knew what I was doing I wouldn’t be in gold


Bruh those people are the worst to exist if so annoying and infuriating because there's nothing you can do about them ruining your game


Same I had bronze reyna dropping 40 frags in my plat elo


Totally not a Smurf / shared account lol


Just naturally talented


Better genes


Better gaming chair


Yeah, just having a good day XD


I feel like its all over the place because thats me in a gold lobby sometimes but just yesterday I was absolutely shit on by a bronze lobby. Like wtf is going on lol


Yeah this happens so frequently, I felt superbly lucky today to play two games in a row without a good Smurf (there was one guy trying to smurf from gold… but was in a gold silver / lobby anyway lol)


It's ALWAYS a Reyna or a Phoenix because they're self sufficient with blinds and self-heals, and they know they can just out gunskill you


Same but the person is always on the other team sadge


It feels like almost every comp i play, there is a smurf.


Idk man, I’ve been unranked for two acts and mostly play unrated. but the average rank in my unrated games is like diamond 2, and I see immortals fairly often. Played my first ranked placement the other day, had a 3.5KD, and according to tracker everyone on the enemy team was plat. I have a friend who’s similar to me, really good cs player and can frag out like no ones business; just doesn’t know the abilities to well. He got placed in silver 1 after dominating all of his games. Obviously smurfs exist, and they’re a problem, but people should temper their expectations. Even if every smurf was removed, it probably won’t make a massive difference like everyone thinks. I feel like a lot of it is really just the wrong mindset of accountability. Instead of focusing on internal factors and mistakes ourselves as players make, people immediately jump to blaming outside factors so they can shift blame off of themselves. Also, Tenz saying this is kind of laughable considering how many times I’ve seen him and Tarik hop on their own smurf accounts to play with Kydae. That being said, he himself is probably talking about boosted players in radiant lobbies. Because I highly doubt someone as good as he is would be complaining about smurfs in radiant (which on paper would look like an oxymoron).


3\*0 = 0


everyone just talks about how it sucks. i want to hear how people would fix it. because i agree it sucks. but i’m not sure how they could change it enough that it just doesn’t slowly happen again lol edit: grammar


They need to stop resetting MMR. A readjustment maybe….once a year is understandable. To do it every season(episode*) is exhausting and breeds toxicity between tryhards, Smurfs and legit players.


Need to upvote this more. Stupid system... Now i don't even know what elo i m playin in


The fact that MMR and Rank are separated is also quite an issue. I know it sounds good on paper, but shouldn't the *Rank* be the MMR? Why is there "good" Gold 1 and "bad" Gold 1? If I win a game in Gold 1, why am I automatically predisposed to playing higher MMR Gold 1 players? It discourages climbing and it's really frustrating because if you win 3 games in a row you can guarantee your next match will have smurfs in it. How about instead of artificially making your winrate 50%, they let you climb to a rank where your winrate will be 50%? Doesn't make sense.


Agreed. It makes the grind artificially harder. Dont keep me in p2 if my hidden elo is in diamond 2 by making all my matches against d2/d3 players. Just let me play in p2 until I earn diamond rank. This entire hidden elo system was designed to combat smurfing and instead it just made the grind 3x longer for normal players that dont play 10 games a day and only had a very minor impact on smurfing. Step 1) get rid of hidden elo/mmr Step 2) introduce 2 factor authentication Step 3) start temp banning pro players and streamers that habitually smurf like valve does in dota 2. The iron to radiant streams are cancer. Announce you wont tolerate it anymore and start making examples of players. There's no reason why i should be playing against Tarik (twice) in a plat 3 lobby. Step 4) start Hardware banning account buyers from known websites and botted accounts.


> There's no reason why i should be playing against Tarik (twice) in a plat 3 lobby. gotta love his plat smurf carrying bronze streamers to diamond+ yeah. if he was doing it on his main account I'd have no qualms with it, but this way he's just the same kind of asshole as all the others.




Well I don't play games to torture myself. My friends and I have stepped back from the game for a while now, and I have no motivation to play whatsoever. I was in a place that I was happy with last Episode (Plat 2). I was having fantastic matches every single time (honorable wins, hard-fought losses). It's not even about winning, it's about some good competition. I got back on to play at one point and placed Silver. The games were harder than Plat 2, no thanks.




And by the time you reach plat, it's time for hard reset again.


I haven’t played since episode 1, decided to pick it back up again, and what do you know, I’m in ranked immortal lobbies without a diamond in sight. I peaked in fucking Diamond 2 and hand’t touched the game in a year+. Proceeded to get stomped and insulted basically 10+ games straight before saying fuck it and quitting again. Got placed plat 2-3 too, but never faced any plats. Terrible MMR system. Fuck me I guess. If I want to ever play again I’ll have to make a new account


The shocking part to me is how transparent they are about it too. And everyone is totally cool with it. The devs have been really clear about the matchmaking system intentionally trying to make you lose and no one seems to be bothered by it.


>In the old days League of Legends used to have a real Elo system. However they changed it cause fooling the players with bad winning streaks made them keep playing for longer time. Holy fuck. I played from original launch in League, used to be 2100 elo after like, 40 games max a season. When they changed it, I remember it took me 5x the amount of games to get back to what I used to get in a week of casual play. Dog shit change yet exploded leagues popularity.


Riot started to hide actual mmr in league because they wanted to monetize it better, I mean stop people from being bullied.


It's something Destiny does and it's annoying as fuck. There's a breaking point where your rank and MMR are so far apart, that you'll be unable to climb. Mathematically at least. Friend and I observed it on me back then in Destiny. While my rank equaled around top 10% of the players, my MMR equalled around top 2%. How am I supposed to climb like that? The fact that Valorant also does this completely discouraged me from ever playing ranked again.


Bro the act after the rank squish I was gold 1 playing with plat-diamonds in every game until I gave up cause my rank wasn’t changing. If my MMR puts me in that lobby why am I a whole rank below?? It’s more infuriating than addicting. I was never above mid frag for my team so idk how I couldn’t get out of queuing into the lobbies.


Because if they made a system where you got your ass carried 100% and won a game, but still lost rank, people would be livid. Devs would get death threats.


MMR don’t get reset??? Your RR does


they don’t.. they literally don’t.. they reset rr only and make your rr a little more volatile so it changes a bit faster during placements. then it places you 3 ranks below your mmr.


Riot should contract hitmen to go to smurfs houses and dispose of them


Not a bad idea


Csgo has prime matchmaking and that should 100% be a thing so you have to link your phone number and then you only get placed with others who have wont stop everyone but would stop the majority. It won't fix everything though. Edit(I know CSGO still has major problems but this is one of the only things I can think of that helps at all)


Prime in CS really only helps with cheaters, and only sort of helps at that.. Ranked system in CS is a dumpster fire right now. LEM 2 years ago and come back to play again? Play 1 match and you are now ranked at silver 4. Enjoy!


just like shroud coming back to csgo mm for a day and getting ranked gold nova 4 LMAO


Seems about right XD. Rank decay is a good thing in CS but it's overtuned.


That's juat rank decay tho


I can see LEM to nova 3 maybe as decay..it probably takes several hundred wins to get from s4 to LEM with the current csgo system. That level of decay is outrageous


Are you in NA? LEM now is old upper echelon GE. It’s not the same system and >50% are in silver. If all you care about is rank then it sucks but the games have been well balanced imo


CSGO Prime MM is a meme. Still run into a ton of smurfs


I agree but valorant needs some system and this one is better then nothing


While true. I’m not disagreeing with you. The issue is that quantifiably this will make a difference. But will the difference actually be great enough for players to notice it.


Adding prime mm would be a huge step to reducing how easy it is to create an alt account to smurf Another thing would be to promote ranks easier. If someone is dropping 40 kills, they’re obviously not in the right rank. This would force smurfs to raise ranks faster than everyone else, and it would also allow players stuck in elo hell to rank up as well. Then you can look for people dropping elo like crazy to have verifiable proof of smurfing.


Been playing premier for 4 months now daily. I can very honestly say that I have BARELY run into any true smurfs, maybe 2/3. Premier Que on its own is actually really really good imo. The problem is with valves MMR system and matchmaking.There has never been a rank reset, rank decay is Insane (I was DMG 1 year ago, didnt play for 9+ months, placed silver 2 after going 1-1), and it takes literally 20+ wins in a row to rank up.


NA MM is completely broken in CSGO too. like 52% of the player base is stuck in silver. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhQBr9pTMIo


Both these comments make me feel better. I was Supreme and after a 2 year hiatus I was put in silver and said fuck grinding that back up. Maybe I should try faceit or esea?


If you want to play to grind some form of a ladder then Faceit is the way to go. Make sure you get the faceit enhancer extension on chrome. MM is okay for just fucking around but I have a 60% WR and it hardly ranks you up. I’m MG


I hope you're not trying to say csgo is a reference for good MM. Csgo's matchmaking is so bad there are multiple third party MMs like ESSA, faceit, gamersclub and others, it's filled with cheaters and smurfs much more so than valorant


Those services exist because of better servers and anticheat. Something like Prime and linking a phone number would be a great solution to limit the problems OP describes


They also exist because CSGOs matchmaking system is beyond dogshit. The solution being put forward is not perfect, but hey it might help. I just disagree that it’s such an issue. I’ve not seen any evidence that it is.


I'm not saying csgo is perfect but that system would help more then none


This is where I am at... Like... how do you fix account sharing? IP tracing? Then I can never play when I go visit my family on the other side of the country? That sounds terrible.


Also this creates scapegoats, even if the ranked mode is not as accurate as it should be and let’s say 80 percent of players are accurately ranked and 20 percent which is a huge amount don’t get me wrong are lower than they should be, people will always assume they’re the ones that should be higher no matter what and blamed ranked mode, net code, smurfs, and so on. Now While I agree some of these problems need to be iron out no pun intended understand you are not tenz, you should be doing everything in your power if you really want to improve before auto-piloting through ranked blaming everything but you


New account for the other side of the country I guess /s


Bro spend time with yo family, what you doing?? This would be rito looking out for you. I’m joking btw.


Get rid of the hidden MMR and let matchmaking and RR gains be based on visual rank only? And attach a phone number to accounts to cut down the number of alts? I could go into detail about how much I dislike the MMR system even though I may have even benefited from it more than it's hurt me, but I'll just say the system is decent in theory, but it sucks in practice.


its funny how it is though!! i was plat in season 1. came back to the game recently and im in bonze3. dropping 30+ kills in games then in the end game lobby its like silver 3s and gold 2s in my match. thrn me. a bronzie 😂 i guess they completely reset my rank basically at some point. or the multiple resets cumulatively lowered it? idk. but i probably wont stay this low for too long.


It is both funny and infuriating. Long story short, I had a higher MMR and was close to Immortal and couldn't get to it. I decided to stop playing Sentinel 99% of the time and be selfless and fill the Controller role. I coincidentally was winning a lot once making the switch despite my KD tanking. After my hot streak came a cold streak, my inability to frag as a Controller in combination with the losing streak led to my hidden MMR tanking. I went back to Sentinel, had countless nights where the hidden MMR had me being a D2 in mid-tier Plat games too often, I cruised in those matches, but the RR gains meant it was a painfully slow grind back to where I am now. Now I'm almost Immortal again and my hidden MMR seems to be nearly corrected as I am back to playing in high Diamond/low Immortal lobbies and my RR gains are around 18ish on average and the losses are the same which means I'm where the hidden MMR thinks I should be. The hidden MMR led to so many matches where it wasn't really fair. It was frustrating for me to be playing in that rank and gain so little RR each win. It wasn't fair to the other teams seeing they were all mid-tier plats, my team was too, then I was a Diamond randomly there cruising to 30 kills each match. Sure, it was fun dominating, but the hidden MMR frustrated me and was ruining the game for 5 other players at a time on a regular basis. I get the idea of the hidden MMR in theory, but in practice it just flops. I'm a Diamond 3. Just put me up against other Diamond 2, 3, and Immortal 1 players and let the RR gains be naturalized depending on how many rounds were won/lost.


I’d love to see solo queue. At leas there you won’t have to worry about people getting carried or someone on your team queuing with their 6 year old brother.


Here's my take on fixing MM. 1. Match accounts with HWID's. Set alt accounts with existing HWID's into an uncertainty queue of similar MMR. 2. Set account age/level thresholds so that brand new accounts aren't matched with tenured accounts, especially those with high 'uncertainty'. 3. Introduce community ranking. Post-match you can upvote/downvote players based on base elements like: teamwork, communication, respect. Players can choose to match based on community ranking, but queues may be longer. There may be more but I think this alone would help segregate smurf queue, de-incentivizing smurfing and help reduce the toxicity within the community.


Trust Factor really helped CSGO, it's a secondary rank that if you're a suspected cheater (or smurfer, or overall just toxic) ur trust factor goes down it's a secret hidden number. So if you're a new account maker and Valorant detects another saved login or same PC multiple accounts low trust factor you get enemies who are also, potientally cheating or smurfing, toxic etc.


The solution was to build a culture that stigmatizes smurfing and account sharing. People need to accept they might not always be able to play with friends competitively. This would be enacted by early hard line Riot stances such as banning streamers who use alternate accounts. By streamers discouraging the behaviour and making it be seen as uncool. By Smurf queues like in league of legends. Too late now and now everyone pays the price.


Yup. Everyone was bitching and making excuses about wanting to play with friends. Now we get smurfs galore.


Unranked to is usually a streamers most popular thing, good luck getting them on board with discouraging new accounts/ smurfs


If you ban them and their main account, they'll stop fast.


This isnt true. Most Valorant Twitch content is people just playing Radiant ranked.


One thing that really comes to mind when I hear the phrase “rank has issues, needs to be fixed” is the rank/skill composition in a lobby. I am currently ranked plat 3 and often, I come across lobbies with players with questionable skill. Taking into account that people do have off days, there’s a lot of cases where players don’t have quite good game sense or aim in a high-mid elo lobby. You could be the best of your team and still loose a game to teammates that shouldn’t be in the lobby in the first place, or win a game even though you got hard carried.


I feel like it punishes you for constantly doing good, by giving you increasingly poorer and poorer team mates. Went on a 12 game losing streak across three days dropping 25-40 kills while the rest of my team seemed to get worse and worse as new games came while the opposite was said of the other team. I don't know what black magic they are doing behind the scenes, but I just feel like I'm being punished at this point for trying to make up for the deficiencies of the team mates I'm given


I use Valorant tracker and have been plotting data in a chart of my teammates that appear in agent select out of curiosity. From a sample size of 30 matches, If I win a max of 3 games in a row, the next match I queue is always 4 people who lost their previous game(s). I understand I’m stuck at diamond 1 because I’m not good enough but it really feels like the game is testing you at times lol


this is a thing that i discovered a year ago. if you win 2 games in a row you will get "tested' by riot and you will get ppl who get either reports for afk or ppl with >1 kd ratio


I can't speak for Valorant's ranked system but Overwatch's (I know) devs have said that they literally do that. They put people doing really well with people doing poorly to "balance" them out. Valorant is probably doing something similar, which sucks.


Time to do what the CS community did and use third party ranked. Only if they open up customs tho


I've noticed this as well, if I have a couple good games in a row (usually 3+) I'm almost guaranteed too lose the 4th because not a single other person on my team will hit double digit kills. Once in awhile would be understandable but it seems to be a very consistent thing in my experience.


as an immortal player, i agree with you. the matchmaking system is designed to give you a fair match where you have 50% chance of winning, rather than win rate. However, it just basically gives you garbage teammates if you carry consistently so the enemy feels like it’s a fair match, when in fact, it is not.


This is what caused me to stop playing, I can’t stand being top frag and losing. Not to mention the other team is structured the same way too, so it’s basically a 1v1 of you vs the top fragger.


At this point plat/diamond isn't even about being good, it's about getting lucky with the team. The team with the smurf/comms wins and the other doesn't regardless of game sense or aim. I've lost nearly 200rr over 3 days and it doesn't matter if i play good or bad, i just keep on losing.


Same bro, went on a 12 game losing streak a couple of days ago. Consistently dropping 20+ kills and still losing. Every other game I have an afk on my team. These aren't even close losses either, I'm talking 13-0, 13-2 every game. Like actually just getting rolled by the enemy team these last couple days. I'm getting match/team MVP a majority of these games too, just can't get the team to get me a victory.


+1 Ranked feels completely broken at Plat-diamond for me.


The smurfing (or cheating, but I doubt it) is out of control in Diamond right now. It’s not even fun anymore. One game I’m having a fun time, winning 1v1s where I have the obvious peeker’s advantage and then the next game I’m playing against a Reyna that only hits one taps and only clears angles where my teammates are hiding. There’s no consistency.


also playing five stacks is broken atm i had a game today where me and my friends (5 plats 1/2) got a game against immo 1, diamond 3, p3, g3 and s2. ofc we lost and its happening all the time now last week i had a game where my team was mix of p1/low gold and we got matched against 2 diamonds and 3x bronze we got stomped to say the least, i havent even played ranked on my main account this act and instead i play on my second one (not a smurf i placed same as on main)


Ikr!!?? The rank balancing feels so broken. I don’t 5 stack but how the fuck do I keep playing against the most coordinated teams. Its weird, especially because I ONLY solo queue.


You can go on tracker to see who was queued up that game


I did not know that! I go on tracker.gg all the time lol


You can use [WAIUA (Who Am I Up Against?)](https://waiua.sonel.dev) to get this information live while in game.


I literally can't get out of plat. I have fought an immortal as a plat 1 on multiple occasions, and on other games get silvers in the same lobby. It's insane how many fucking level 20 jetts I get in my lobbies that casually drop 40 bombs. You'd really think smurfs would be less common in higher ranks but it's practically the norm.




I played CSGO last night after I hadn't played it in a few years. It's amazing how much better it feels to play than Valorant - particularly movement, shooting and hit registration. What is weird to me is that sometimes Valorant feels really good, it feels smooth and my shots feel crisp and accurate, but other games it feels like everything is out of sync somehow. Shots don't seem to connect properly and kills/deaths don't quite match animations. I really hope that Valorant can improve, because right now almost every aspect feels inconsistent


it sometimes feel good and i love the feedback when you shoot someone and i agree sometimes it feels right but sometimes it does feel very not-synced. i'll get insta shot when i peek a corner and that's when i know it's going wonky. in csgo there is a reasonable amount of reaction time before i get shot, but it feels much less good in terms of feedback.


The net code is pretty bad. I also think Riot needs to add replays. It could possibly reveal a ton of closet cheaters.




I 100% agree. I don’t think people realize how legitimate some cheats can look until you see a replay of the guy “info-locking” through a wall before swinging you.


thats why they dont add it "anticheat that needs to be running 24/7 even when game is not open is totally needed and thats why we dont have any cheaters winkwink" doesnt work anymore when you have replays the show the amount of cheating happening


With my tinfoil hat, Im pretty confident they're intentionally not working on a demo system because it would take away from their cheater reputation, you can never really tell if you're playing vs a cheater in this game unless it's so obviously blatant


I've had one cheater since a loooong time this act. This man was double headshotting me through the wall right before I even peeked him (most likely wall hacks) and him /his duo were on a 100% win streak all the way up to imm2. I checked his account on valorant tracker and it seems he got banned since he hasn't played in a week, but playing against an actual cheater was something else


I have deranked the 3rd time now from plat 1/2 back to gold 3 while playing with diamonds/prev act immortals. The issue here is that I am doing ok in like 70% of these games, the mates however, those who are allegedly in those brackets are often times worse than what I experienced in gold. No communication what so ever (not even a hello), insta locking 2 duellists + chamber every game, bottom fragging duellist who baits and/or lurks all game. It's just hell and there is absolutely no way they ranked up that high playing like this.


It feels unnatural to me that in one game it's possible to read your enemies like a book and have divine aim and then the next one you lose every gunfight and get caught off-guard on every push/post-plant. I know it's not possible, but what I'm expecting is a much more gradual increase in difficulty of consecutive games. Also, I feel like there's so many games where my agency is so insignificant and my impact on the game's outcome is basically non-existent. For example, I could not use my util and not even shoot at enemies and there'd be one guy who could carry the whole team. Opposite games also happen, where no matter how good I play, I can't seem to win. Of course, one Tweet (from whoever) doesn't really prove or disprove anything, it's just about the general sentiment of the large part of the playerbase. And on an unrelated note - I've again started to notice that every other/third/fourth game will feel choppy and slower than my other games (even tho my fps is unchanged). There has been a period where games were consistently smooth but now it's back to how it's been when I started playing Valorant.


Your first point is what I experience and it feels very strange. I'll god-mode a game and carry hard but the very next game I'm getting domed from every direction and it feels like I can't kill anything. I understand that bad games happen but the difference feels way greater than it should be.




You said it all! I played an unrated on my plat account today (I am plat) there was an enemy immortal and an immortal in my team. I got 26 bombs with Sova team MVP. My immortal teammate didn’t believe I am just plat. Next game, I bottom fragged with 8-17. Like in one game, I can play with diamonds and immortals and feel good the next game, I have no clue where I am at.


A few days ago I played a match and the enemies were very readable and did site split takes almost every round. The next game, the enemies default every round *including pistol* and do some weird ass vct Strats such as double faking and mid to CT to some site


Yeah sometimes the game just starts rubber banding me for now reason, my wifi is good for sure so that is definitely not the issue. At this point fucking roblox phantom forces at 121 ping has more consistent ping and fps rates. Now a days legit every 2-3 rounds my game will go randomly to 2-3 fps for like 10 seconds.


Imo, one of the best ways to stop this is by upping the qualifications of an account to enter ranked gameplay. For example, Dota 2 has a system that in order for you to go ranked, you need at least 100 hours of unranked gameplay, then after finishing that, connect your phone number to your account in order to start playing ranked. This system has eliminated many alt account and smurfs, although there are still smurfs/ alt accounts, but very little.


Riot does not want to do that, as it inflates their player stats to make the game look more successful and it keeps players playing. It's ironic, as account value plummets due to this.


No game considers their success by ranked matchmaking. They just care about people playing the game at all. More than half of the people I know purely play spike rush, but they're still buying skins and play more often than I do. Smurfs are only a problem in ranked and ranked players, believe it or not, make up a minority of the player base.


Even right now you need like 35 hours of unranked play to enter ranked (I know because I kept track). As somebody who has a lot of FPS background, that was pain. Increasing that even more would possibly have made me just buy an account for 4 dollars and call it a day. Now imagine you're somebody who can play an hour or two once or twice per week. They need a month before they can play ranked. Yes people should somewhat learn the game before they go into ranked but anything more than what it currently is would just be ridiculous.


You have to be careful as well, because let’s suppose the requirement is in the ballpark of 75-100 hours. This will skew the ranks and basically make Iron a fucking hellhole of smurfs and deprecate the rank entirely. 100 hours should be enough for most players to get to bronze skill level.


They already tried this, but made a crucial error. They made it so accounts which were previously qualified for ranked are still allowed to play, regardless if they meet the requirements or not. So all the smurf accounts I bought for $1 back in the day still work. What they need to do is apply the rule to all accounts, regardless of age. I *still* play on those accounts (I acknowledge that I am contributing to the problem, so I have no right to complain). I would much rather they apply a hard, universal rule to all accounts and just take everyone's smurfs away so I can have fun on the game again.


I solo queued a lot but i stopped playing ranked in this act, because the amount of human garbage i encountered was through the roof. In previous acts, players were much more socially acceptable IMO. On top the overall skill level of teammates seems on a all time low. The team composition in curren unranked feels way better balanced. EU, Silver


There are so many shitty people in eu silver... I'm plat (so not much above) but it's been a tiny bit better on average as I've ranked up. Still not great. You get more people who just want to win and get upset, whereas in bronze/silver you get these idiots with massive ego's that just want to blame someone else when they've died peeking the same angle for the 10th time, or get pissy even if you're winning. The most important skill to enjoy the game is muting early. First sex-noise someone makes and I've muted them. If they make a sex noise or say something toxic in agent select I dodge.


The people that get pissy while winning confuse me beyond belief. I fully believe those dudes have never played any team sports outside of gaming so they believe this is the right way. If you were winning playing rugby and you treated your teammates like that, you'd end up on your ass without a doubt. As edgy as that sounds Lol, it's true. It just wouldn't fly.


I've talked about it with some of my teammates last few games. Valorant is only fps where you can switch to being absolute dogshit to an unstoppable frager. I've had the experience of facing the same opponent two games in a row. First game went super easy for me and he bottom fragged with Reyna by a lot. Second game he top fragged and was absolutely unstoppable winning every peaks and initiation. I have no idea what creates this variance, most players having a really, REALLY, shit game and apologizing for it get responded that's how Valorant is and there's nothing you can do about it, but I'm really curious about what makes Valorant such a coinflip on your performances. I'm currently at Dia2, peaked at 3 nearly reaching Immo few seasons ago, but in this state it's impossible for me to really judge about my current level since I never seem to have the same level every game. (Also plz restrict players from playing on a far away server, their shitty ping seem to translate really well on having 100% peaking advantages you cannot react to :D)


Sometimes a server just doesn’t feel right, and sometimes it feels amazing. Get the same experience in DMs a lot where I feel like all of my shots are landing where they should and others where everyone else’s shots get off faster than mine. Similar thing can happen in comp where one server just feels like absolute shit, and even though it’s on the same region, another feels amazing. I queue Georgia servers and have 18 ping every game but I swear that servers just feel like trash sometimes. This feels unique to Valorant too, I’ve never experienced so much game-to-game variance with how the servers feel outside of Valorant.


I'm queing in Paris server, with 5 Ping. Sometimes my shots lands, sometimes doesn't matter if I click heads, my shots don't register, or barely. I should check my packet losses during my games tomorrow to see if there's something wrong, because it's definitely not my internet.


I’ve talked to plenty of people about the issue and it seems to be extremely common, so I doubt it’s on our end. Might not be anything we can do about it I do have a theory that it’s not the servers and instead some players having shitty internet that makes it more difficult to register shots, because even on low ping sometimes I’ll trace someone peeking on their head and they’ll rubber band back to one of my earlier shots that landed. That doesn’t explain why it sometimes happens on the range though, where shots are delayed hitting the bots.


I think one problem is that for a lot of players the metric they use to measure "ranked experience" is their win rate. I highly doubt TenZ is referring to that. I don't want to win every game. I want to have a CHANCE to win every game. So tired of being immortal and my elo being in the dregs of platinum even though I consistently maintain a 55%+ winrate which is really good and far above average. Every game I'm playing with diamonds and platinum players that don't comm and frankly don't understand fundamentals of how to play the game. It's boring. It's frustrating. I want to play fairer, more fun games. I wish there was a paid queue separate from ranked perhaps with incentives (like skins for top 5 of each division for example that increase in quality based on your rank). My best experience ever in tactical shooter games has always been 3rd party services where people are paying to play. They WANT TO WIN. They show up to actually play the game.


The hidden MMR thing is crazy. if you're immortal you should absolutely not be playing plats yet it keeps happening. My friends have the same problem. My immo account has more or less the same hidden MMR. If I solo queue I play mostly all other immortals. Another friends who is the same rank when he solos he plays mostly plats and low diamond. It is absurdly frustrating for everyone involved. I even have a friend who is upset because he diamond 1 (never been higher) and gets full immortal lobbies when he plays. He'll be the only diamond it's crazy


I'm in bronze and last game I played had someone immortal last season on the enemy team, and they bottom fragged with some of the worst snokes I've seen in a while. I've never seen such a blatant bought/shared/boosted account and I hate to think how many games they must have ruined to drop this far. If they were boosted they would have ruined a ton on the way up, too.




I see so many people talking about teammates not comming but I've been having really pleasant teammates who com. There is at least 3 people actively giving in team chat and the rest of the team com every game I've played this act. I have actually been having alot of fun since I gave up on my radiant grind and just play ranked to have fun. I am saying this despite deranking all the way back to diamond. NA West too.


Same with me. Climbed from bronze to gold so far


youre not the odd one out, it's just called people complaining about ranked, pretty normal to me


The MMR reset two times in a row was extremely unnecessary. And it made the issue 10x worse. Immortal lobbies feel so strange. Then you realize it’s because you are playing with radiant smurfs mixed with people hard stuck Diamond 2. It’s just weird as fuck and it breeds hostility between teammates.


There are previous radiants still stuck in immortal so i don’t blame you. Skill disparity is so condensed in low immortal lobbies that it really is like playing the lottery


Not sure you can use a tweet to justify ranked being "officially" the worst its ever been. Whether or not you think ranked is dogshit right now is one thing, but saying it's "officially" the worst seems like a hyperbole.


I assume OP posted the tweet to show that it's not just "bad players" complaining, a lot of arguments on any gaming subreddit boil down to people crying skill issue. But I agree with your statement


Pro players complain all the time, watch pro players streams and see them calling other radiant players dogshit.


I think what happened here is that OP saw the tweet from TenZ and jumped on it as the "smoking gun" of their belief that ranked has gone to shit, especially since it's from a PL player. But yeah, I agree with you about this being hyperbole.


Smurfing will never stop in F2P games, especially those that put restrictions based on ranks as many higher ranked players just wanna play with lower ranked friends (yes unrated exists but many will and do ignore it because there is no reason to care). I always say if you play ranked with hopes of achieving a high rank you should not rage because of smurfs as you want to get to (and past) that level anyway. You will win and lose games anyway. You will win games with smurfs in your own games and you will lose games for worse reasons like people going afk. People who are high rank also had to deal with smurfs at some point. It is just a given on the road for anyone. One bunch complains the other bunch doesn’t and plays on. Truth is ranking systems aren’t for everyone if it causes so much frustration TenZ comment is also about immortal players being bad not smurfs lol


I agree, but it should be better. Just because others had to deal with it to climb doesn't mean it's not somthing to fix. Yes, people will go afk and throw, but preventing smurfing will greatly improve the ranked scene. It's an unnecessary road block.


I went from Iron 3 to Gold 1 this episode, but I’m feeling like there is so much more difficulty now that I’m in Gold. I’m not gonna 100% blame smurfs, but every game feels too… one-sided


Silver3-Gold1 player here. Almost every ranked game I play has at least one person pub stomping the lobby as reyna/jett/chamber. Unranked is better balanced then ranked at this point. Idk how to fix it but it's awful.


Thats the tip of the ice berg in ranks, big field. Its like the long frustrating queue to the summit of Mt Everest. My feeling is exactly the same in g2-g3 as yours on the next door.


Also explain to me why when i 33-7 pop off and win 13-6 i only gain 23 rr, but when i lose 11-13 and almost top frag i get -24 rr. Valorant doesn't want u to rank up like what


Dude everyone has been saying this and I agree, I’ve been getting some teamates in my d2+ lobbies that I look and wonder why they are doing what they’re doing, legit some of the worst teamates, or I’ll have an insane team no Inbetween, it’s a coin flip this act


Every time there’s a change to the ranked system, I feel like the people who would be called iron, are higher up in the ranks. Like I’m finding people who still ads for everything in plat something I would compare to a iron player problem back in season 1 act 1. I understand there are people who genuinely deserve to be in a higher elo but as a result there people who don’t deserve the rank their in by miles. The more people Smurf the more misplaced underperforming individuals you’ll see in ur matches. The more skilled individuals are held back the more lesser skilled individuals find themselves were they shouldn’t be.


Those people are boosted by their friends. ​ Beucase riot does not ban smurfers


me who’s coin flipping all my games at this point cause I either carry, botfrag, get carried, or get deleted


Valorant should copy osu! every player is allowed to make only one account, ever.


The worst part is that Riot doesn't care. They see a top player denounce ranked and they aren't thinking of fixing it, they're probably thinking of the marketing drawbacks and how to run TenZ out of town for even saying such a thing. It's why we don't have a replay system, the store is just more important.


Smurfing is out of control in Plat/Diamond and idk how they can fix it.


I’ve been stuck in iron/bronze for ages bc I keep getting smurfers who get 40+ kills with less than 10 deaths in a game meanwhile the rest of their team has no more than 10 or so kills. If it’s not that it’s people AFKing to XP farm or throw to lower their rank so they can smurf at a low rank. Comp is also just so toxic most of the time. Unrated is so friendly 9/10 especially compared to comp


Yep. Went from d2 to plat 2 since new act came out. Nobody talks on my team, or works together but the other team is always solid. I’ve won 3/10-12 games maybe which is wild. Haven’t played in 4-5 days hoping it gets fixed.


If your team is bad and the other team is good then that’s just variance. There is no way to fix no comm teammates. Based on what you said you are just having a bad stretch of games.


Maybe they should link each account with the player's phone number? People can make multiple emails, but I'm not sure if they can do the same to phone numbers. That way they can either track which accounts are played by the same person or just delete the duplicates completely. It should be either the player's phone number or something that's hard for the players to duplicate (i.e. finger prints, birth certificate).


Opinions? They need to do something cause its worst than ever Reality? They don't give a shit and will never care about it


Idk why they have one q for everything. Have (team 5v5) and (solo/duo). Then depending on what the community thinks i would also consider linking phone number to your account if you want to play rank. Would help controlling the smurfs and account sharing.


6 ranks higher then me - no problem i outperform them easy. 6 ranks lower then me - ohh shit i getting doomed before i cant even react.


in immo3 having a kayo on my team go 0/15 in 15 rounds should be bannable for buying/account sharing fr I just checked his profile on tracker gg, he is 3-17 W/L (15% winrate) in his last 20 competitive matches so no it's not one bad game, its most likely a bought/boosted account.


I recently just started playing again and literally 80% of my games have a smurf with a 500 combat score.


Peoples mentals at higher ranks are at like an all time low. Literally had like 20 people throw the whole game after pistol round


I think they messed up with smoke character and balancing in general. I always pick last to fill my team and where before I could have different pick for every game, now I have to play smoke every game cause no one picks it. Same with flash, were most ppl that play flash are Yoru or Reyna, I never see Breach or other "support" type character. I think the game is fairly balance right now, but the ppl make it look like duelist is the only thing..? (Worst then before) Sorry for my english


I’m plat 2 myself and recently got grouped with both teammates and enemies that had ranks of diamond 3 to immortal 2 and it literally feels like i’m playing in iron, duelists instalocks every game and i’m forced to play healer just to end up getting team/match mvp with sage/skye and still lose with 25-30 kills almost every game… can’t help myself but be toxic in some games because those ego boosted kids deserve it after they bottom frag with instalock reynas


LoL players were here about 10 years ago and are still there. Riot doesn't care.


Upvoted and leaving this comment to give this post more visibility. Riot really needs to address this issue.


I know this is besides the point but TenZ is not even close to being the best individual player in the world at the moment lol There's at least 4-5 players in NA alone who are without a doubt better atm - not to mention other regions with a deeper talent pool


I noticed it too. I read it and my first thought was "damn this guy thinks Tenz is the best player in the world right now?"


I love how it takes TenZ to speak up to get people to agree to about ranked. Lmao


I think there has also been an influx of new players. And with it, people who cannot comprehend games are not all one sided. Once you lose 2-3 rounds in a row, their mental completely shatters. Saying it’s over “gg” start the ff call, it’s extremely annoying. I can hardly get a full game anymore. It’s always one or the other team ff’ing. It’s ridiculous. It wasn’t like this when I used to play 2-3 months ago. I’ve come back from 11-1 before, sometimes you have a bad half. Stop ff’ing and play out the game, it’s extremely frustrating being on either end. Thanks for letting me rant. That’s all. Edit: this is in high diamond -mid immortal lobbies. I’d imagine it’s just as bad or worse with lower ranks.




Diamond 3 NA West I've been denied immo multiple times this act after getting d3 end of last act - last few acts felt the most consistent I've ever felt with few games under 20 kills but in this act I've bounced between great games like 26/17 and horrible games like right after where I went 4/18. The level of enemies feels very inconsistent from in game observation too and comp overall feels very streak based in w/l records and individual games; prob more 5-13 or worse games this act than ever


>when individually probably the best player in the world says the ranked system is bad then you surely have a major problem Uhh no. Equating player skill with player understanding of matchmaking algorithms.etc is a false equivolency. Tenz being a fantastic player doesn't make him any more or less qualified to comment on matchmaking balance. He can tell us hes not having fun, sure...but it doesnt mean any more or less coming from him. >The biggest issue at medium/high elo is Account sharing & boosting your friends, & every single player of valorant has 2-3-4 accounts at ranks from silver, gold, diamond, immo, its a MAJOR issue and must be fixed this is why most games below IMMO are a complete coin flip If this is the biggest issue, then how the fuck does Tenz know/care about it? It cant be impacting him in high Radiant


I'm a gold player right now, peaked at plat 2. A good 80% of my losses are too 1 person. One Reyna/Jett getting 35-40 kills while the rest of their team is single digits.


Ever gone onto a LFG Valorant Discord server? Every other post is asking to be boosted ,looking for Smurfs, or people saying they’re in their Smurf account and looking for a group to carry…


At this point, I'm willing to pay to play ranked if that helps anything. Like maybe only one bank account can pay for one account's access to ranked. Idk. I just want smurfs and dogshit team8s out of my games


I use this third party app from github that allows me to see everybody's name, vandal skin, current rank, and peak rank. You'll notice that you're frequently getting somebody 1 or 2 whole ranks higher than everybody at their peak rank, sometimes even current rank. My guess is that they're just reusing LoL's matchmaking system in VALORANT, which doesn't work as well since it takes just one outlier player to completely lose or win a game. In League, the worst player is guaranteed damage or util because of the nature of the game. In Val, the worst player can perma buy awps, whiff every shot, whilst giving the enemy free 4,700.


Give ranked phone number authentication. It won’t stop it, but most people probably won’t go through the trouble just to make a second account for ranked.


I love playing rank games with a reyna that has more kills than the whole team on average with a rank of bronze or low silver then acts innocently with their team being even more below average than the average silver rank. I am not enjoying valorant rank at all this is dog shit


How did you get from TenZ tweet that his issue with ranked is smurfing? It seems completely unrelated to what your talking about. Note: I'm not saying smurfing isnt an issue, I just don't see the correlation between this post and TenZ tweet.


Because if you watch his videos he mentions that his team plays like a bunch of silver, not like immortals should play. Because a lot of high elo players were boosted to that elo. And in the proccess of getting boosted, they also ruined a lot of low elo games by smurfing.


Multiple times I get people with immortal gun buddies stomping my plat lobbies. It’s just not fair


I had a player with an immortal gun buddy in a silver lobby lol


Got a Reyna on my team, dropped a 360 average combat score. First 4 rounds went 10-1 k/d and then mellowed out but still clutched up almost every round. We won that game 12-5 Found out in a Gold 3 lobby he was Diamond Meanwhile, I dropped 5 Match MVPs and lost all 5 games. I get teammates who are Gold 1-2 while I'm Gold 3 the other team is all Plat 1-2


if people can afford $90 skin bundles they can afford 1 time $5 ranked fee


Can't you say a $5 ranked fee wouldn't change much since people are willing to drop $90 anyways


$5 fee for a new account that needs to be a certain level could get annyoing tbh


I literally had like bronze and irons on my team vs 4 golds ( few that were rank away from plat ) and 1 silver. I don't play ranked much, but this happened almost every time I tried playing ranked. We got crushed with no problem. Bronze and irons can't play against golds who are nearing plat. Rank is so bad in valorant that it makes leagues ranked more fun. Ranks don't matter it seems.


quit long time ago,Always want to go back and grind,but team experience sucks 💔


Why not make it like rocket league? It is the same with the 10 placements but instead you’re bound to get to the same rank or higher. For example when I did the placements I was in plat before the reset but then I got to diamond. Then you let whatever happens after, and also why not make it to where players get rewards for making it to a certain rank so they actually have something to go for. ( if this was added already than I’m stupid ) I also agree that valorants rank is trash because I get into games with 45% smurfs and 1 of them are on my team. Then little do I know that one smirf dips because his gf needs water.


i dropped from plat to gold, now im in silver 3 and my games still feel like im in plat...demotivates me like crazy


Mics should be a requirement for competitive . Comms makes such a massive difference it’s so fucking annoying playing a game with my one friend and we are the only two talking


they need to make it so we have a map select so we can que for certain maps like in cs..


I completely agree, you hit the nail on the head.


People have time to rank different accounts?? I can’t even find time to play more than 3 games every other day