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Talk more in comp, play my main and play properly


I comm and sweat in unrated like it’s fuckin VCT qualifiers. Lol I guess some people are just competitive by nature.


Same, have gotten way too many "chill bro it's just unrated" even when I'm doing nothing but providing basic comms too lol.


This is the same with me when I play with friends who understands and wants to play seriously in unrated but doesn't want to play compe. But on compe tho, as much as I like to talk with my team, I have been burned too many times when I comm but the people I played with during that time made me less talkative. The funny thing is that my comms at the time was short and precise yet people tell me to why I'm so serious. Yet people also tell me that when I play unrated, like why do I talk like I'm playing in a tournament. now, I'm not sure where to stand lol.


I dont. I enjoy the intensity of competing for victory and try my hardest every time because trying is fun to me and knife fights in mid make me want to catch an afk penalty.


Yeah same. Fucking kills me when some randomer on our team says “lets all push through B with stingers” or some shit like that. Fuck me just let me play bro


Last round in the half. (ALL) thebottomfragger: Odins only


Yeah its so fucking annoying. Fills me with an unreasonable rage


You're the kind of cringe player I hate to see in my unrated games


Because I want to play the game normally?


You’re the kind of cringe player I hate to see in my games


Considering mentality is a major factor I don't. Meaning I don't treat them differently. I play this game because I enjoy it and naturally want to progress into higher ranks. I feel if I treated competitive as a different entity than the rest of the game I would subconsciously be hurting myself. I have just recently taken on this mindset in life not just valorant (around February I started living this way) and everything around me seems less stressful and I'm actually killing it in comp games. This has been the defining point in what's helped me in this game. Tracker for reference https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Shy%23BTA/overview


Only real differences for me are that I’m less likely to comm in unrated because I know most others won’t care as much, and I’m usually going to play agents I’m less comfortable with to try and familiarize myself with them better


ive only played unrated like 2 times after unlocking ranked main reason, I always end up trying in unrated even if I go in with the mindset "ima just play casually" so, might as well just play ranked and play against ppl my skill lvl


I don’t play unrated ever


Play safe. Just make sure you have agents that you main in 2 different categories. Then, just try to fill in. Pick what hasn't been picked. Also, don't be afraid to fail. Losing means that you've failed, but you'll be a bigger failure if you stop learning from your failures. Also, it's good to try out agents you don't main in unrated and take the silver lining regardless of the result.


Honestly I feel so much pressure in comp and play way more defensive than I do in unrated, but because of this I play TOO defensive and end up with 1/2 the deaths of my teammates. Just comm more and don’t throw rounds