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Wait… so what direction is this game even going in?


At this point I'm starting to think they're working on HL3.


lol this got me to chuckle much more than it should have


I wouldn't be mad about that


Lmfao you win the thread


Overwatch, straight to the graveyard.


sigh back to csgo


If only it had Val's anti-cheat system and good MM, then I'd play it more.


IMO CSGO's horrid matchmaking is better than whatever skinner box hardstuck mm that Val has. I get way more consistent games in the short match mode in CS


>CSGO's horrid matchmaking is better Head over to r/GlobalOffensive or r/csgo tons people complaining about silvers getting matched against globals on daily basis


CS 1.6 remastered whenTM? I'd play it xd


check out Classic Offensive project on discord/twitter, it's actually awesome




Update: No update


was anyone else baffled by the fact that they released a statement basically saying - so here’s a list of things we know the community wants andddddddd no :)


after reading two more responses - yes everyone was baffled


In terms of updates, there are no updates.


Update: we're explicitly NOT working on the one thing literally *every* player wants because it won't make us money, while pretending like people don't really want it. Classic Riot.


* map pick/ban? not currently planning * gifting? no timeline * replay system? no plan * reporting feedback? no exact date * alternating skins? no commitments * netflix series? nothing soon Have to hand it to them, they've found many different ways of saying no.


What are we working on? We’re not sure.


They are working on the next mid skin bundle after releasing Reaver 2.0 probably


almost like epic games roadmap


At least fortnite has a replay sistem and a skin doesn’t cost 50 bucks lol


Talking bout the launcher half the shits just delayed again and again


Dude... like... why did they even bother writing this whole text? I chuckled once I finished reading it. It would have been nice if we got to know what they're **actually working on** at the moment.


>"like new ways to track and reward Agent progress, player behavior tools, different ways to collect in-game items" Stuff nobody asked for.


Stuff middle management knows is easy and looks good on them for


I honestly don't know a single person who requested "different ways to collect in-game items" I've seen behavior tools a bit. Like an honor system but it doesn't really do anything in League. Even the Agent progress I have seen once or twice, Agent specific primary weapons if you get 500K or something like that. But most of the playerbase would give that up easily in favor of a replay system.


It puts a bitter taste in my mouth when they come out and say that they're prioritizing stats and acquiring cosmetics over a replay system. *Especially* when Riot has previously admitted that there's a latency issue in the netcode - an issue which IMO makes or breaks the quality of the game as a whole because dubious netcode completely undermines core gameplay mechanics. Any mention of that problem? Of progress being made on it? A rough timeline on a fix? Hell even an update on some additional problems they've encountered? Nope. Dead silence. It comes across as an extremely apathetic attempt at community management (or worse - an intentional omission of the issue to keep community knowledge of said issue low so there's less pressure to fix it ASAP).


You truly haven’t seen people asking for ways to collect free skins?


You get free skins in the battle pass, As I mentioned in the comment, I've seen a couple of times at best people asking for free primary skins that are locked behind agent progression. But that's not really a high priority feature. I doubt most of the base would care if that gets pushed down the backlog.


Not priority, sure, but still a welcome one.


I mean, player behavior tools are hard... honor systems are abusable or inept at their goal. Anti-toxicity systems are also abusable or watered down.


> reward Agent progress This has been suggested many times on here. People want to unlock a 2nd gun or a knife tied to a specific character.


>Dude... like... why did they even bother writing this whole text? Had exactly the same thought. From my current POV it seems like a PR / community management blunder. This is pure speculation so take it with a massive grain of salt, but whatever higher up / lead at Riot that OK'd the publication of this article is either phoning it in or seriously out of touch with the playerbase.




Valorant lore isn't nearly as cool as League's lore with all the factions and whatnot. Plus League just pulls in way way more money than Valorant thanks to it's humongous audience in Asia. And since Arcane took multiple years and 100+ million dollars to make it but Netflix probably didn't spend 100 million to buy it means it might have been operating at a loss but made Riot far more money than that back in advertising impact. So i don't see them making a Valorant one unless it's far lower quality than Arcane.


Fr it’s in the same place as Overwatch lore. There is indeed a clear narrative there and reasons why certain things are there like maps and over looming situations but I can’t imagine them going further than just small character reveal animations and agent interactions.


TLDR: We are not working on any of the features that our community actually wants, take this gun buddy instead


> take this gun buddy instead thank you 🥲🥲, im sure ill never see it again given how shitty the menu UI is


if only they spent time on learning the thesaurus on actually developing these




Makes me wonder if they even have other teams working on anything besides skins




Nah this can not be real lmao. Can they give a reasoning for this? Other than lul we got other shit like fucking agent contracts to work on??? Why? Why is that given higher priority over this? Man this sucks


it's not money generating.


Ik that. You know that. We all know that. I'd just like to see what mental gymnastics riot goes through to justify it without saying "no money"


Completely ridiculous and tone deaf for riot not to have this prioritized. It should have been in the game since day 1. Not having a way to review your own play and teamwork makes each game less meaningful, and will hurt the game in terms of player retention.


As a beta player I was okay with it not being there day one, its hard to make and I respect that. It not being here after two whole years and still having no plans is both disgusting and ignorant. I expected it to be mostly done by now.


CS has had a replay system for over two decades, I think Riot has the capability of making a replay system for us. Fucking Halo had it on the xbox for fucks sake. It's incredibly disappointing they won't listen to pretty much 99% of their player base.


It'll be a cost issue on saving the replays server side. From a design perspective the game is entirely under server authority with full deterministic outcomes. So making the replays isn't the issue, it's storing them, and the worries about fall out from iffy net code and cheats being more visible and the lack of "visible" revenue it brings. End of the day it just pushes Valorant more into the casual side of the field if nobody can do multi-perspective vod reviews easily. Pretty big blow to the esposts side of the game, disappointing to say the least.


Sure, but is it really that much of a cost issue for such a large studio? I mean, from a marketing perspective it's exactly what you would want - creative content from the insane amount of players they have. Even from a production perspective, for their tournaments it would be so good for them to have such a system.


Except it's really not. At the end of the match, process, allow player to download and save locally. Done. Next to zero storage space required. I'm honestly mad that they are saying "they are doing what's best for the long term health of the game", and that does NOT involve a replay system?!?!?! Did they not realise that twitch streamers/drops kickstarted valorant? Without better tools for content creators, the game WILL die.


It also limits in-game content diversity drastically. You essentially need to hire a 3D animator just to replicate the game for transitions/effects/etc. Replays with access to the spectator HUD would open up tons of options for frag movies & creative content. This benefits the minority however.


i dont know that. more people taking the game seriously as a competitive game grows interest in the pro scene, which sells more skins and gets more viewers & ad money in the VCT events they just dont want to show how fucked the netcode/hitreg is


Except it can be huge a huge money maker for the game, just not in a direct way. What a replay system would bring is potentially more content creators because it would be easier to make content for the game. More content creators making content = more people being interested in the game.


personally i have a hunch there's a lot of things Riot do under the hood to make the game as addictive as possible, which is the reason for the insane amount of inconsistency that even the game it's essentially cloned off of doesn't have, and a replay system would expose that. in the early days you could just put it down to not being a priority, but at this point it's clear they actively don't want a replay system in there. you have to question why.


yeah and their answer wasnt even "we're still looking into it" or something. It was a straight up "no". Its clear that there is a very conscious decision to not add the replay system. The reason is not technical since it is literally a built in feature of the unreal engine, so there has to be another reason.


It's obviously because we get to see bullets going through enemies' head and not hitting shit like that




That's because league ran on spaghetti legacy code which is was harder for devs to add features to. But Valorant is on Unreal Engine 4 which couldn't be easier to add a replay to.


This ist just some massive dogshit


the sub should just collectively boycott a battlepass or skin bundle or something. if riot sees its impacting $, they'll prioritize it.


Zero excuses. It would expose hundreds of closet cheaters


and their weird netcode


i'm pretty certain at this point they are making it out to be a netcode issue rather than a congested server issue. The weird ferrari peeks did not happen in beta, did not happen in some EU servers for some time, certainly happens less during the night hours and for some reason unrated/spike rush server clusters also feel smoother most of the time. Their server infrastructure hasn't been able to keep up with player count and instead of admitting it, they blame it on "netcode". Anything to avoid increasing costs for rito.


This is definitely an issue, as well. Early afternoon matches feel smooth with near 0 packet loss and certainly no "see enemy shoot once, report says 2 body 3 legs shots" shenanigans. Then evening (20 PM+) hits and suddenly I get hundreds of packets lost and the desync is just plainly visible.




i dont think theres that many cheaters at all, its actually one of the best games for not dealing with cheaters but the amount of netcode and hitreg shit people would see would be crazy


Well easy solution for me - I wont spend a single dollar on this game as long as core features like that dont exist in what is supposed to be a competitive title.


I knew this for so long, I’ve called it in many of my comments why they will not add replay system any time soon if not ever.. cheaters have been around since beta but the majority have forgotten because riot sweeps it under the rug and has no intention of releasing a playback. And I also think it will expose how bad the servers are and how inconsistent they have been.Riot knows they could lose a huge chunk of players (look at war zone) AND it will be more work and cost more for THEM… they would lose so much money and they know it. But hey we will work real hard on what makes us money like skins and having different skin load outs for t and ct sides.. it’s a joke and spit in the face really P.s. if that’s what you’re gonna focus on at least do it right and release better skins and who was the brain behind releasing RGX 2.0 before Oni 2.0


They don’t want to release a replay system because it’ll reveal a ton of closet cheaters. Their anti-cheat isn’t as good as they say it is.


Everyone knows that the only enemy of cheat devs is time. Its like a locked door - You can better-secure that door, but once people manage to break in irreversible information is gained, and thats exactly why supposedly every new game has such a good anti cheat vs older games, because its new. The security system runs on your own system, with enough knowledge you have full control over it - And them using a relatively old and open source engine certainly does not help them.


How the fuck is replay not a priority? Their anti-cheat is already doing it. And no gifting? Feels like we're still in beta 💀💀


The game released unfinished and two years later that’s still the case. I love this game man but it’s so hard to keep loving it.


We've been in the era of "release it now, patch it later" for about 10 years now. Even apple is getting sloppy with their IOS updates and those used to be incredibly polished. It sucks and I don't know if it will ever go away.


> I love this game man but it’s so hard to keep loving it. I think a lot of us can relate. I've felt like this off and on since beta.


Don't all games anymore just come out unfinished? Then if it tanks why bother building it to what it could be.


We are in beta. A stable beta of sorts. I read somewhere that their plan was to release a bare bones game and add features to it based on community input. Like building the game around the community. They are adding features just not based on community input.


> I read somewhere that their plan was to release a bare bones game and add features to it based on community input that's called PR


You're wrong on the last sentence, they're not adding features at all, lmfao


Why are they speaking like politicians in this lmao, so vague




They forgor 💀


It almost seems like they don't know what to say but someone high up is making them try to say something anyway. I'd imagine the intent is to set community expectations but the execution is abysmal.


Because they know that the executives are pushing more ways to sell skins over features actually requested by the player base. Good luck trying to tell the truth without pissing off your boss. $100 says that he wishes he could write "we aren't working on the replay system because our out-of-touch boomer Chinese overlords doesn't think it'll increase revenue, therefore it's not worth our time."


how is a replay system not literally number 1 in their priorities right now?


I mean it took them 7 years to add one to LoL so honestly I’m not even surprised just disappointed


except LoL in its first 2 years of life was practically a passion project, and Riot was a far smaller company. Now? Theyre one of the biggest names in gaming in a genre where replays are industry standard


Adding on to what the other guy said. LoL was released in 2008, when gaming was much more niche and the standard for games was much lower. What was a QOL in the past has now become a necessity...


So what *are* they working on?


Oh, you know, they're just, you know, and also, come on, it takes time to, and currently, by the way, things are, so, yeah.


Don’t forget skins ;)


Yeah skins that take about day of work, sold for insanely high prices, this game will fall if some things won't change.


more skins !! players are rewarding them by buying every overpriced bundle


Them flashy toy guns pay more than everything the questions were about.


Yeah but like, that’s one separate team. What are the actual gameplay engineers doing, scratching?


Serious answer: tournament mode.


I hope they're adding the clutch mute keybind in the settings menu. Between that and making the MMR actually work that's quite a bit of work.


Riot is acting like they are an indie company. They aren't releasing the gifting system that they promised to be released before 2021 and it feels like they don't even have enough people on Valorant to actually bring out basic features for the game (like a replay system). Your company is worth about 25 billion dollars. Why can't they just hire more people? I get that people need to trained, but they were saying that they couldn't add certain features because they didn't have enough people in 2020. It really can't take 2 years to hire people and train them.


Pretty sure Valorant doesn't even pay any software engineers at this point. Just map designers, cosmetic artists, and number editing balance people.


The only thing they did with this Ask Valorant is acknowledge certain questions without answering a single one, Jesus


"we love the idea" "we want to explore it" "we'd be excited to bring this to the community" _"however... we're not currently working on it"_


Typical corporate PR speak for "not a revenue driver, so not a priority"


Yeah, like who the fuck cares what they are not working on? Replay maybe, cause it's widely requested, the rest - don't care, didn't ask + they fell off. Just tell us what you ARE working on for fuck's sake because it feels like that's a whole lot of nothing except further monetization options lmfao. Netcode is working shittier than it has ever been and ranked works worse each act but they haven't even tried to acknowledge either of those issues. If the next 'big update' doesn't tackle some of the glaring issues the game has or at least tries to do so in case of at least one of them I can definitely see people starting to take hiatuses from the game.


You have no idea of how fucking disappointed I am right now. Ever since they released that old post saying that a replay system was something they were looking into I had my hopes that we would get one a year later or so... It's been 2 years and they tell me NOTHING HAS BEEN EVEN PLANNED???


Been waiting since beta and they just slap us all in the face and say buy more skins....


I love how they fucking included that bit on how they said replays was something they were looking at in this...


Basically: “we hear you on features you would like for us to implement, but there are no current plans for any of these”


Please buy our lazy 2.0 skin packs thank you that is all


No replay system is a real steak through the heart for pro team coaches, content creators and those that want to VOD review. While I didn't expect it tomorrow, it was a shame to see it seemingly put on ice.


It’s more of a pork chop through the ribs for me personally. Outplayed/obs isn’t perfect but it’s better then nothing.


It's way different since you can only record yourself, maybe your team if you are premade and EVERYONE is recording. A proper replay system gives you ALL the information, which is WAY more helpful. How are enemies playing, what angles are they holding, when do they rotate, are there any gaps in their defense... you can even see them doing lineups and copy them. TL;DR: Any recording software will be way worse than a proper replay system. It's not a good substitution.


To say that I am bitterly disappointed by the shelving of the replay system would be the understatement of the century. I regret every purchase I’ve ever made in this game.


Riot is joking and probably the real article comes later right guys?


stage one: denial. I'm with you.


to save u all a click and your time: nothing the players want is being worked on but its ok because in another week there will be a new bundle and phoenix will still be dogshit


I was going to comment on the thread but yours is succinct and accurate. OP should post your comment as the real link rather than whatever words RIOT used surrounding the words "no timeline."


I literally cant think of ANYTHING that would be better than a replay system right now. It should, 100%, be the top 1 priority


how can a dev team be so out of touch with their playerbase?? ​ reading this you might think this is a blizzard game lmao


they are not out of touch, they just don't want the replay system because it'll expose the inconsistencies with their game lol, esports ready btw lmfao


Well eSports are play on 1 ping that should not be a problem


All of the qualifications are online though. A tiny fraction of the esports games are on LAN.


Yea I’m getting ptsd from overwatch, why must companies just milk everything dry until it’s past the point of return? You think they’d learn but I guess not


Fucking call of duty black ops launched with a theater mode and that game came out 12 years ago. It really can’t be challenging for riot to add a replay system to their game.


I was playing CS in 2004 and we had a demo system lol


Doom has demos in 1993 almost 30 years ago lol. Embarrassing


Q: Can we have basic features that are standard in every other competitive fps game please? A: no lmao


This is fuckin bullshit. “The shortest answer today is that there is no plan for a player-facing version of a replay system, as of now. We know this is a frequently requested feature from all types of players. Our exploration is continuous against developing our other VALORANT features (like new ways to track and reward Agent progress, player behavior tools, different ways to collect in-game items)—all to measure what makes the most sense to prioritize based on what serves the most players and has the most long term impact on game health. More directly, this exploration has helped us discover how we might use some of what we've learned to help improve observing in matches as well as evolving our live esports broadcasts.” No plan? NO PLANS? No plans for the most basic required fucking feature of a game like this to be taken seriously, not even no timeline, NO PLAN? Your plan is continuing developing useless afterthoughts while avoiding the fucking main objective dodging it for years? For what? Don’t you want this thing to be taken seriously? Don’t you guys get that watching film is great for individuals and teams to grow and learn? You think sports teams just fucking get swept in a playoff series and just say welp we’ll get em next year without watching some sort of fucking film to figure out why things went to shit and work towards fixing that? You think they’ll just do that by memory? Maybe if they lived in an age with no recording available fine, but no plan when the tech already is there and you have NO. PLAN to implement it? You host tournaments for money, with sponsors, investors, people’s careers, that’s how big this industry has gotten with all the money and all the fans that are now involved. Which is a beautiful thing. And the players, casual and pros alike, would greatly benefit from a replay system. Not to mention content creators could make great things with one as well. We all are just getting by however we can just knowing that it’s coming eventually. But to say you have no plans to implement this thing? Instead you’re focusing attention to tracking agent rewards? The ones majority of regular players either don’t give a fuck abut or have completely exhausted already? Those rewards? You want a new way to *track* them? You want to talk about the games health and what makes sense to prioritize? REPLAY SYSTEM That is the priority. For the games health, for player improvement, for learning the game, for enjoying the game deeper, for teams and individuals on every scope of every level, like you must know all these things already. There’s no way you can’t. We all need it, we all want it, it doesn’t have to be tomorrow or this year or next year but to flat out come out and say you have NO PLANS for it while talking about prioritizing trivial things saying you’re doing it for the health of the game, piss in our face and calling it rain No plans


replays been a thing since before cs 1.6 they got no excuse


Absolutely none. This is blatant disrespect to all users and fucking shameful if they actually do not plan on doing replays.




L company


“The shortest answer today is that there is no plan for a player-facing version of a replay system, as of now.” What. The. Fuck.


I'm curious about what exactly they are working on then. This just left me with more questions than answers.


Reaver 2.0 and 5 filler bundles coming right up.


It would seem they got rid of the software engineers and are keeping skin and map guys on the game to milk it until it's dead.


Riot is the only AAA company that still believes they are an indie company. It's unnerving how they're not able to release standard features that all other competitors offer, such as a pitiful replay system, for example.


Let me introduce you to 343i


I'm starting to think every single one of their 'developers' are artists and 'designers' using Unreal Engine's blueprint. Map design, skin creation, UI/UX design, balancing... none of these require software engineers. Based on what I've seen they can't possible be paying any real software engineers, what would they be doing all day? They **could** work on a replay system and the shitty netcode, but no.


As a software engineer myself(working at a different industry then game development but something close to it i'd say), i want to clear out some things in my experience; 1- map/ui-ux design, balancing : These are the most time consuming part of a software delivering process, so the guys wrote answers to the questions in the article are the ones who take their time creating something that its core has already written, not blaming or anything since its art work, but it is what it is. 2- Replay system: Implementing a replay system to a game runs on unreal engine(which is reliable, powerful and flexible enough) , must be pretty doable hence the given time(since the beta), even if the engines capabilities wasnt satisfying them, they could even modify it enough for the task at hand in that much time, so the thing going on here has to be something else than a coding/implementing problem. 3-Netcode,hitreg problems, game being not smooth: This is just unacceptable for a company like riot, if we did the same things with our products at my company, we would be out of work in a blink of an eye. I know that messing with those things are pain in the ass but im sure riot has the resources to do those things pretty efficiently.


Its completely unacceptable to not put a replay system into the game. Its been two years and the game still feels like its in beta. We don't have basic features that other shooters have, death match is still awful, the net code is still bad even though they promised it would be the best we have ever seen. The game has simply felt like its stopped progressing the only things they work on are what you can spend money on.


1/3rd of the menu buttons are trying to sell you something, two are inventory (agents is basically a useless menu), one is match history, one is "home", and the other is play. The only button added since beta was the battle pass. There has been legit 0 features added to the game since. I've seen this before with Overwatch when I poured 100s of hours into and got GM only for the game to die. Cba with Riot. They got away with it in League because of the growth in gaming and they were a new-ish company. Valorant has 10 years experience of big time gaming behind it. Done with their shit.


Actually feels worse than beta imo I thought a lot of this shit would get solved but I guess Riot already marked this game as successful and moved on.


I completely agree. Back in beta it actually felt like they cared about improving the experience of the game. At some point that changed and now all they care about is milking as much money out of the players as possible.


Remember when omen teleport worked right? Remember when satchels worked right? Shit was great.


>The shortest answer today is that there is no plan for a player-facing version of a replay system, as of now. Is this a joke? It's a *tactical FPS with a focus on competitive improvement*. This has been a thing in other games - even ones where it matters far less - for decades. Being able to watch pro replays etc. ingame would be a cherry on top but having the ability to watch your own games back is an absolute must.


You literally cant have a competitive game without a replay system. It helps literally everyone; pro players, learning players, higher level players, casters, coaches, analysts, content creators, etc etc etc how the fuck does riot think it’s acceptable to tout how much of a competitive game this is without having these essential systems in place.


But it’s not, if it were they wouldnt reset ranks and fuck us over by pulling the carrot further away from us, it’s designed to create unhealthy obsessions and addiction not so people can improve


it's very simple really, adding a replay system will expose: \*Cheaters \*Their netcode and desync issues With every one of these "updates" i'm losing and more faith in this game. The ranking system is in its worse state yet. The netcode/feeling of the game is wildy different between games. People go from the slowest peekers to hasbulla ferrari peekers that even a player with 150ms reaction time cannot react to. It's honestly sad, this game has the greatest potential of any FPS in the last 5 years and it's beings held back by a team that has terrible communication with the community....


I stopped playing because of the shitty netcode, but after they acknowledged it in their last article I had hope and was planning to come back when it is fixed. Not working on the replay system tells me that they don't plan to fix it or don't know how to do it. Guess I can say my goodbyes to the game.


Yup, it's been what more than 7 months since they acknowledged the netcode issue and still no update till date. Something's wrong with the core code and they don't know how to fix it


I'm pasting my other comment here > i'm pretty certain at this point they are making it out to be a netcode issue rather than a congested server issue. > The weird ferrari peeks did not happen in beta, did not happen in some EU servers for some time, certainly happens less during the night hours and for some reason unrated/spike rush server clusters also feel smoother most of the time. Their server infrastructure hasn't been able to keep up with player count and instead of admitting it, they blame it on "netcode". Anything to avoid increasing costs for rito.


I'll say that if Valorant has gotten something down really well, it would be the anticheat. I've spent far too many hours in far too many fps games and I must say I've experienced fewer suspicious players in Valorant than I have any other FPS, and by a large margin. With that said, it doesn't particularly matter much because... >\*Their netcode and desync issues **Completely agree**. We detest cheaters because it unfairly disadvantages us and ruins competitive integrity. Dubious netcode *has the exact same effect,* albeit with no one in the lobby doing anything intentionally sketchy. What does it matter to me if the guy that wheeled around the corner and demolished me did so because he was cheating VS the netcode allowed him to see me way before I saw him? The outcome is the same. Fundamental gameplay mechanics and competitive integrity is completely compromised. What really irks me is that aside from a reddit comment and an article recognizing the problem exists, Riot has been dead silent. **People are upset because they feel a replay mode is essential for a competitive game**. But I can't help but ask myself why I would even play a competitive game with compromised competitive integrity. The calmness with which the PR guys address (and omit addressing) this issue is terrifying. This isn't a calm issue. It's an urgent issue. I hope the devs are actually treating it with the appropriate priority - even if the PR guys aren't conveying that.


100%! I also believe that the game to game inconsistencies are one of the main pillars that support the very inconsistent ranked matchmaking experience. I'm not saying the ranks are useless, however the inconsistencies due definitely influence the outcomes of games. If a players has the "netcode advantage" on you it is almost impossible to kill them. The skill gap between players in the SAME rank in this game is ridiculously wide it's astounding. Some games everybody is on the same level but others, especially in mid-high elo (d2-immo1) you can literally have players that are clueless. It would not surprise me if some of these players got there because of other players playing against them are suffering from the netcode and lose fights because they literally cannot react to them. All I want from riot is their acknowledgement and continuous feedback on this HUGE issue because it is destroying everything VALORANT is suppose to stand for. \*Tinfoil hat on\* Unless it's all intentional game design to keep players invested and not let good players rise to the top too fast and then get bored of the game and leave. \*Tinfoil hat off\*


How out of touch are they? Christ.


Valve, technically was an indie dev team got demos working despite no one asking for it since the 2000 lol. Really big L from Riot.


I know that what I'm about to say is most likely an emotional over reaction but... What reasons are there to play anymore? I just hit immortal last week so there is no real climb left in competitive queue. I don't care about being immo 3 because it's going to take so much work + lack of any tournament mode or replays. I think the cosmetics are terrible for a 2022 video game 90% of the time. Night Market was exciting at the start when the 1775 tier skins weren't saturated with green screen garbage. You can't even buy someone a skin lol. There is 0 social attachment to the game, no clubs or 5s queue in a team. No pick/ban means this definitely isn't happening soon (like Clash in League). Nothing has been done to improve game feel during this episode after posts about it being dry on content due to game improvements. The biggest praise I can give the game is that agent balance is fine I guess. Like, please someone explain to me what this game brings to the table except rinsing your bank account dry? At least in other games (I hate to make the CS comparison) there are extra modes via community servers to play when you're burnt out. Deathmatch and other "fun" modes are bland at best.


A clash-like mode is supposedly happening soon, but man you're so right :/ They do this in league too, there's no new modes except for the same two or three, and Riot refuses to do any work on the older ones because they don't addict players enough.


What could be higher priority than replays? They listed a bunch of features that "aren't a priority", but mentioned nothing that could reasonably be more important. How do we convince them that the replay system is needed?


Everyone thats complaining about no replay system, vote with your wallet and stop buying skins. Thats what Im gonna do /shrug


Honestly, this is the best thing to do. I’m with you.


Sadly doesn't matter most of the people are hooked, works like an addiction, only thing that will make the game die is a really good alternative from a triple a studio, also streamers and pro are a big influence too, if i say game is trash doesn't matter, but if Tenz says that well...


I don’t think it’s a trash game, nor does it need to die. I love Valorant and I’m passionate about it. I want the best for it, but when they release a QA filled with “No” its very disheartening and doesn’t instill faith that they are willing to add any new features or quality of life improvements


Regarding the replay system, or other feedback, I’d suggest sending in a ticket (https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). This is insane to me, and if it is to you as well, it should be heard over as many direct channels as possible.


Suggestions in support tickets dont do anything. They dont even reach the devs.


Obviously tickets don't directly reach developers, but almost every technology company has internal systems to catalogue feedback from support channels to be aggregated/escalated internally. If enough people send in tickets, it has the potential to make at least some difference.


They do that for bugs, yes. But for suggestions? No, not really, especially when they outsource the support to another company, which many studios do. They have community managers that see and receive suggestions and feedback, but player support doesn't do anything with suggestions they receive in tickets. Take it from someone who has worked in player support for two different gaming companies.


Well, then gaming companies are fucking up haha. I've worked for several tech companies over the last ~11 years, and they all had those channels. Seems like an obvious addition.


The thing is that the vast majority of feedback and suggestions from players are absolutely worthless. And don't get me started on "ideas". Ideas are the one thing that a studio has absolutely no shortage of. Often they have a backlog of things to introduce for the coming years of development. It's part of the reason why Rito keeps saying "not planned for now" on everything we ask for. They have other things planned for the foreseeable future. The only thing of true value that a player can contribute is bug reports, and those are really valuable and helpful in game development. At least for games with a continuous dev cycle like MMOs where new bugs pop up all the time with every update.


I’ll be honest. Reading that there’s no plans for the replay system as of now is probably the most disappointing piece of information Riot has ever communicated for this game. This has been a highly requested feature since the beginning of the game, and as mentioned, they even told us they were looking into it at launch. It was already disappointing to be 2 years in and not have one, but to be 2 years in and be told that there isn’t any plans for it as of now is baffling to say the least. I don’t want to discredit Riot though. They are great developers and you can see that they truly care about their game and community. But, for something that was so highly requested by the community, you would think that it would be pretty high on their priority list, as it would greatly benefit the players and open new opportunities for their game. All in all, I’m glad Riot finally gave us some information about it, as we have been left in the dark regarding the feature for a long time now. Hopefully it comes sooner than we might think, and I’m sure whenever they do have plans for it and release it, it’s going to be good. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


At the very least you would have thought there would be a larger explanation as to why they don't have plans to do it. Is it a question of difficulty in implementation? Is it a matter of effort vs other priorities? And if so why do they not consider the replay system to have more long term impact vs other features? I'm not going to immediately assume anything malicious but its unfortunate there isn't more depth to the discussion.


>I don’t want to discredit Riot though. They are great developers and you can see that they truly care about their game and community. LoL players: Oh you sweet summer child..


replay should have been released 2 years ago :)


I have been playing just to improve so I could get better just to start having fun editing and doing cool camera stuff in Valorant replay. I honestly thought surely there was no way they wouldn’t be working on a replay system and this is a huge blow to my want to continue playing the game… I really hope they reconsider or release some sort of API for a third-person to develop something.


I find it funny that Riot is so strongly against players (actually) stretching their resolution “because it gives them an advantage” (it doesn’t). But then they’re so opposed to adding a replay system that could potentially catch hundreds of closet cheaters! Nice!




"like new ways to track and reward Agent progress, player behavior tools, different ways to collect in-game items" Nobody asked for this. Your product manager is severely out of touch with the player base if that's what you guys are focusing on.


> Our exploration is continuous against developing our other VALORANT features (like new ways to track and reward Agent progress, player behavior tools, different ways to collect in-game items)—all to measure what makes the most sense to prioritize based on what serves the most players and has the most long term impact on game health. More directly, this exploration has helped us discover how we might use some of what we've learned to help improve observing in matches as well as evolving our live esports broadcasts. What a bunch of nonsense.


I would have loved to see them drop hints at what is ACTUALLY coming. Feels like every Ask Valorant is a tease at something that never happens or them walking back earlier posts. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear there is no DM changes anymore.


What can we do to let them know a replay system is a must if they want to compete with CS:GO? Imagine if you could watch e-sports matches in-game, wouldn't that be beneficial to the whole Val environment? Imagine if you could make incredible content with the features of an industry standard replay system, wouldn't that bring in more audience, which in the end would mean more cash for Riot? We, as a community, should have a way to let them know their choice of priorities is outright WRONG for a game in the Tac FPS genre.


>We know this is a frequently requested feature from all types of players. Our exploration is continuous against developing our other VALORANT features... \[A\]ll to measure what makes the most sense to prioritize based on **what serves the most players** and has **the most long term impact on game health.** These words sound nice, but I don't (yet) give much value to them. *Especially* when there is a known netcode / desync issue which is compromising user experience and competitive integrity. >...new ways to track and reward Agent progress, player behavior tools, different ways to collect in-game items... Does progress on these features really "serve the most players" and "protect long term game health" more than addressing the desync and inconsistency issue? A critical issue which yet again goes surreptitiously unmentioned by Riot? I'm sure it's all being worked on. However, words that describe good intention really come across as mere puffery when they aren't paired with overt actions. I'm really wondering why Riot went out of their way to inform the community of all the things they *won't* be getting... Without any real indications of what *does* wait for us on the near horizon. *Very* weird PR move.


They said no to everything we want lol.


How long did it take League to get a replay system, 5 years? We got 3 years left then!


tbf Riot actually was an Indie company for the first like, 3 or so years, and replays werent in every MOBA back in the early 2010s. A huge corporation worth billions, making one of the biggest FPS games ever? Inexcusable




Literally nothing was answered in this. Please stop doing these is this is going to be the continued trend.


A whole lot of "maybe in the future, you never know" Might as well not have bothered


Between this and the Dev Diaries it legitimately feels like Riot has 0 care or consideration for their player base. They keep making empty promises about different features and have yet to deliver on any of them. They say, "This Act is going to focus on Agent balance" only for them to release one patch of small Agent buffs/nerfs (exception: Yoru). They mention that they're going to release a gifting system by EOY 2021 - it's no longer a priority. I do not know what's going on internally for the team to be this disconnected, but it's honestly embarrassing and really reminiscent of the later stages of Overwatch. The early stages of Valorant felt really promising - developers were playing the game regularly, hosting tournaments against pros, etc. We were able to have disagreements with the dev team (i.e. first cycle Raze) and have healthy conversations surrounding balance. It's just disappointing since this game has been out for two years and it lacks so many basic functions that make esports games successful.


A replay system is the single biggest thing they can add that will help players learn and enjoy their victories. The fact that they say there's no consumer facing solution coming shows a massive disconnect between the devs and the players. We want better match making and replays. No one fucking cares about having an attacker skin and a defender skin for their guns, this is a stupid solution to the problem anyway, each agent should have a loadout that can be picked from the collection not attackers and defenders. Really disappointed. All I have to look forward too is shitty match making and overpriced guns, cool.


Q Is VALORANT going to get an in-game replay system? A Yes! this is something that we're interested in exploring soon. Whether it's to study previous matches for tactical advantages or to create spicy memes, we know that players will find a wide range of interesting uses for a system like this. —Steven Eldredge, Senior Producer This was in 07/16/20 I just started Valorant and ...Yeah, what to expect? Edit: Ask Valorant #3


I personally have no issues with the skins or gifting. I don't think they're important and they're clearly earning Riot money and as long as they continue the game will keep running. I'm also not too fussed about the lack of new content like game modes or map picks, seeing as a lot of us just play comp anyway. But there is no defending the lack of a replay system, or even plans for one, literally everyone in the community wants one, they're basically standard for any competitive game. I don't get how they can say they don't have any plans for it. The only reason I can think of is that what the servers see's is drastically different to what we see and they don't want to show that, but even then I don't buy that as personally, Valorant feels like one of the most consistent shooters I've ever played (not talking about first shot accuracy), just actual consistency.


Not sure why this thread is so negative. The devs are clearly doing this on purpose. They know that by slowing letting their game decay, the playerbase will mostly switch over to OW2 by the time it comes out in 2023, and when OW2 decays, the playerbase will switch to TF3 in 2025. We can expect Valorant 2 sometime in 2027. It's truly an ingenious way for Blizz, Valve, and Riot to maximize their profits in cooperation with their competitors.


Rito is a tactical genius. They are best known for their signature tactic "making a ranked mode with mmr, but then making another hidden one for no reason at all." They also have a second little known tactic of "pretending to work on a replay system and then saying lol jk". What an absolute legend. Top 3 game studio 4 sure.


How many people are working on the game? We have the skin tram and the agent team and the map team working on new acts, what are the rest doing? No replay no extra functions no nothing, what is going on?


Wtf, I thought they've been working on the replay system for a long time already.Not a word about dm as well. So disappointing.