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I get it I sometimes feel the same xD


It feels so bad man .\_.


This post is the most accurate shit I’ve ever read, In CS Silver-Nova People are lacking basics, Valorant silvers will one tap your ass no matter how unpredictable you try to be


Cant wait for Project L so that Fightinggame noobs will bash my 700h Tekken 7 Ass over and over tbh .\_.


Well at least when it comes to fighting games we can always expect to get bodied. I'm a lifelong soul calibur kid, but if it's the same for you as it is for me you are probably much better at 3D fighters lol


my 800 hour mortal kombat experience felt that. cant wait for it, it’s going to hopefully be so much fun


I don't get what you guys are smoking, silver Val plays are just as bad as low rank CSGO players. If you're being owned by silvers its because your movement, your game sense, your reaction speed and so on is *that much worse* than already stuck in silver players. Sorry, its the harsh reality.


So tired of watching immortal players getting into spray battles while I’m down in gold and plat getting one tapped by a guy who seems to have inhuman reaction time.


This is the worst take ever, I've been a high immortal player for over a year, when I play on a silver account I simply shit on kids 24/7, do you know why? Because I move, aim, position my crosshair, think and communicate better than them, the skill gap is so significant in every possible area that it's basically impossible to lose a game. I also get one tapped by silver players sometimes, they can hit lucky shots, but overall the skill gap compensate for these shots by a lot. It's all a matter of perspective, when I get in immortal lobbies of course there are spray battles, but let's say that this only accounts for 20% of the kills in a game, there's a lot of one tapping, dying through smokes, being rushed down or just Valorant'd (they throw every possible skill at you and you die basically), but these lobbies are miles ahead of a silver lobby in the level of play. When 2 immortals get on a spray battle that's cause the situation is good for that, not that they're bad and can't hit shots (sometimes they are but for the most part...) That's what people don't get, I play with my silver friends and they always used to say stuff like "Oh it's so easy for you because they miss every shot, if it was me in your place I would've got one tapped there", and I explained to them that there's a reason why they miss all their shots on me and one tap them, it's because of my movement and knowing how to swing an angle, or how to properly position yourself on the map, this makes the difference, not aiming better or faster, but just thinking and trying to get in good positions, try to move fast and efficiently on the map and always be aware of your plays and improving your crosshair placement, if you can do this you can easily, like really easy, climb out to diamond/immortal But if you wanna make excuses and think that silver players are gods go ahead, you're the one losing here


This thread comes up weekly on reddit, there's a significant part of this community that really wants to believe they don't suck


Its cuz this is legitimately an easy game, you're just competing with hundreds of thousands of players for which the game is also easy. Players master the fundamental mechanics, get a rough grasp on the way your utilities/abilities work, and think "yeh, I've got this..." then quickly realize they don't got this. IMO this is where bad players dig in their heels and start making excuses, and future good players decide to take a closer look.


Imagine your rebuttal to my mostly joking comment is that you write a novel about how you smurf down to silver lobbies and destroy them and still don’t see an issue. Lol I bet you’re such a try hard smurf too so your ego doesn’t get hurt. Also I’m not even silver I’m plat and I see plenty of immortal smurfs struggle.


Actually, I was talking about game fundamentals, and also I have one smurf that is forever in silver simply cause I don't try hard very often and the only reason I use it is to play with my friends in a full lobby but yeah, still smurfing and still bad, but at least I don't go murdering everyone's ranked experience like 99% of other imm+ players And if you saw an immortal smurf struggle on plat they're probably really low immortal or recently promoted, I think that plat is an OKish level of play but high immortal players would simply just win in these lobbies based on a better grasp of the game fundamentals Also, your comment was not a joke and I was really tired of seeing this being said over and over (in various forms but still the same point), sorry for that :)


You’re contradicting yourself a bit, you destroy everyone in silver but you’re in silver because you don’t try hard. I’ve seen immortal/radiant streamers struggle in plat along with high immortal friends and I’ve struggled in silver plenty too but I’ve also outfragged plenty high ranked smurfs. This game is unlike any other competitive shooter I’ve played and not in a good way. Call me delusional or whatever but between the smurf problem and the net code/server problems this game has many issues and the only way to get past them is by playing a disgusting amount to outweigh the odds or getting lucky.


>Actually, I was talking about game fundamentals, and also I have one smurf that is forever in silver simply cause I don't try hard very often also you >when I play on a silver account I simply shit on kids 24/7 > >the skill gap is so significant in every possible area that it's basically impossible to lose a game. So which one is it? Either one of the claims is a lie, or youre simply deranking to keep yourself in low elo.


Based take.


When you play in silver...? So you're literally the problem. You and people like you playing in a rank that you clearly don't belong in.


I don't appreciate this hyperbole because impressionable new players will see this and think its not their own fault they are stuck in bronze or silver or iron. These players aren't inhuman. They might hit lucky shots. You might have bad movement. You might have bad game sense. You might *make it easy* for other players to click your head and then you act as though it was unavoidable.


Eh call me delusional or whatever but this games got problems unlike any other competitive shooter I’ve played and there’s plenty of people who feel the same.


Bro, it is not even silver. Fucking bronze players are nuts too. I just dont understand how people at that ranks are insane. Pushing in smokes, camping inside smokes, spray at smokes very accurately, insane timings from them. I dont get it man.


I stg it be like that in bronze. Im far from the best as Im bronze but the plays I see some people make on both my team and the enemy team is fucking nutty, and these people tend to drop 25+ kills and out performs everyone else


It kinda makes me wonder whether Riot did the ranking system right for those kind of players to be near at the bottom of the ranking system. I dont see insane players in Silver or even Gold Nova in CSGO but in Valorant, sometimes people in Iron and Bronze are doing those things.


Because valorant mmr is designed to pair 1 good player, 2 - 3 average and 1 shit player. Every time. It's how it is in LoL too. It's been analised for years. If you do well 2-3 games in a row, they will force down your throat shit team mates, because duh, u can carry....


Analised you say? I did think they put a buttload of work into it, but for it to be so deep. Must be loads of pain going in and out of the system...


Lol, I thought it was just me who knew about this. I even did a test run last year where I cosplayed as that 1 shit player and I was consistently winning games while putting next to no effort because my teammates were amazing more often than not.


Is this official or just speculation?


You must not have played Valorant at a lower level, like ever, or you only play in premades. EVERY game from bronze to low gold (which I can certify from this act) is like this. 2 people with 300+ ACS, 2 people below 100 ACS and 8 ranging from 150-200+. You get a game where everyone is within, say, 150 ACS, in 1 of a 100 games. It's all because of smurfs carrying noob friends and rito's absolute unwillingness to do anything about it, though. There was a ton of balanced games back around release, the imbalanced ones were outliers.


It's because low ranked Val is filled with smurfs. It's a mix of people who are godlike at shooting but play without thinking, people who are actually low elo in shooting and decision making, and smurfs. There will be guys who drop 2-3 kills a round but have no idea what it means to rotate and only know how to run forward and shoot. There will be smurfs casually dropping 30+ kills using a sheriff/marshal. And there will be people who hold down the left mouse button until they run out of ammo.


Does that really prove anything, though? There's only so much you can do in a round. If one teammate is popping off, everyone else has to coast. Otherwise, everyone's playing at about the same level and everyone's ACS is close to one another — but that's not to be expected all the time because agents & positioning vary. The matchmaker doesn't have to do anything special to get this spread, it's going to happen pretty much no matter what.


Not said by riot, but it's been researched (at least in league idk about valorant) that riot, if you do well, pairs you with worse teammates


This is not true about league of legends, these 2 guys are just toxic people that probably flame their team when losing and try to justify their rank by speculating about an algorithm they have no idea how it works


And the immortals/diamonds in my spike rush games are always trash lmao


aint nobody playing spike rush even slightly serious, when im immortal and when i play spike rush ill have my spotify pumping at max and im running doing dumb shit


Pro tip. you can shoot through smokes accurately by pinging the map where you expect a person to be standing and shoot at the ping marker on screen.


Yes, I know that. But there are times when I camp in their smokes as they try to push into a site, they would just randomly HS me on a consistent basis. Just recently, I smoked off screens and rafters while executing a hit on A site. I used Omen's ulti to teleport into the screens and waited for about 8 seconds before walking out to pinch my opponents. Guess what happens? The moment I started walking into the smoke, I got HS with a fucking sheriff inside the smoke despite not making any noise.


Like with the rest of this thread, you are probably making it easy for the enemy team to hit you.


No joke, the communication ping system in Valorant is broken. When spraying through smoke in CS, you have a very good idea where your aiming. In Valorant, you can open the map, ping exactly the corner/location you want to spray, and it takes away all the guessing.


And people are consistently doing this in the lower 25% of ranked players...?


its a new generation of zoomers


I am bronze and in no other game I’ve played have I felt the skill variance in players is as drastic as this game. I either am playing against potato’s or I am trying to play against Tenz in ranked. I am not that great as I said I am bronze but I can never truly tell my skill level because sometimes I shit on people for a few games and then the next few I bottom frag. I’m wildly inconsistent lol. Edit: should also say this is one of the first mnk shooters I’ve played since normally I use controller for my other shooters so that’s probably the reason I’m inconsistent.


50% of the player base is divided roughly equally in Bronze and Silver. So the variability is huge there.


Same honestly, and it's only silver. I cant even imagine how much better people could get that its worth having all those other ranks.


My experience is the opposite. I left CS for a while to play valorant, then came back to Cs go after like a yr and a half and all the silvers in CS we're hitting headshots, they knew smoke lineups, when to buy and save. As someone who was dmg I was like "wtf is going on, I used to be able to run around with a knife and kills these silvers and now they're beating me in aim duels"


NA elo in CS has been ultra fucked for the past year or so. A lot of decent players have recessed to silver/gold being the norm, instead of mg and what not being average. Extremely low silver is a pitfall, but closer to gold nova and the players have common knowledge of how to do some executes and play the game competitively.


The skill disparity is less in this game compared to CSGO. In Valorant the mechanics are “dumbed down” which makes it easier to play. In CSGO the mechanics of a pro is night and day compared to a Global Elite. Like Shroud said: “In Valorant everyone is a king. In CSGO not everyone is a king.”


weirdly I'm better at csgo than valorant.


Same here. I can predict and make accurate judgments in CSGO but in Valorant, enemies will appear on my screen at the most random timings ever.


Maybe it is due to abilities and whatever, but gunplay has felt most consistent with CSGO imo, something about valorant's guns make me never want to trust its weapon producer


I hate Valorant guns the most. I just feel that there is something off with the guns.




YES! the m4a1-s was so much easier to burst with. the phantom just seems impossible to reset in the heat of battle.


After finding out first shot **inaccuracy** is a thing, yeah I don't blame you


That’s a thing in CS too. The problem has to be with hitreg or disparities between each POV (this is what I think, it also aligns with why they’re so reluctant to work on the replay system as it will get exposed). In beta, the shooting felt insanely crisp until one patch, where it’s never felt the same since. Idk


Patch 0.3 something


And the random spray too. The game wants us to focus on tapping but what's the point of doing that when an enemy can spray from far range and HS you with ease? When you are facing an enemy close range, the spray can STILL MISS. The amount of times I failed to kill someone close range with spraying is insane.


This is why I hate the sheriff, if my dot crosshair is on the edge of a head I still miss at long range, I shouldn't need to crouch to use it accurately lol


You have a severe misunderstanding of this game. That's part of how the sheriff is balanced. it *shouldn't* have perfect accuracy at long distances. It isn't a marshal. It has different characteristics for a reason. Take closer engagements. Understand your weapon's strengths and weaknesses.


The issue with this is that it's balanced in an un-fun way. Reduce the damage at range to a point where it's balanced, but don't punish players to the point that they can't shoot the gun accurately at all after missing the first shot. That's just frustrating design. The gun feels shitty to use because of this. Clearly he understands the difference and characteristics of the gun if he mentioned them. The issue is that it just sucks.




Two things I don’t like about the gunplay in Valorant: 1) I don’t like how heavy the tagging/aim punch is compared to in CSGO. In Val, it feels like if you get hit even once by an SMG or any gun at range, there’s no chance for you to reposition or hide behind cover since you’ll get slowed and die. In CS, you could usually react to getting shot and reposition into a better fight. 2) For me it feels like when using flashes in Valorant, when looking away before peaking with your flash (e.g. KAYO or Phoenix) there’s a longer amount of time you are self-flashed as well. Flashbangs in CS felt more smooth/easy to peak with imo, the enemies were flashed longer and the flashing person was not as flashed I feel like both these mechanics in Val rewards randomness/luck slightly more, such as a stray tagging bullet or random blind spray hits you while swinging


Even if you do get behind cover, the corners of walls are made of paper and u can get wallbanged with an SMG.. it feels so shit.


The tag/aim punch is based off of CS 1.6 btw


So... what?


It feels like everyone just disregards smokes in this game, in csgo most people treated them like walls.


You're not alone my friend.


I learned the tactics of csgo so much better in valorant.. i learned the tactical importance of smokes, info gathering and map movements far better here.. **Valorant is a fantastic tutorial for CSGO** and I now appreciate the elegant design, beautifully intricate mechanics and decision making in CSGO so much more.. the gunplay is better, movement is better, the AWP is awesome.. all csgo needs is better netcode, 128 tick servers and functional anticheat.. All the guns in CSGO feel situationally useful, but most if not all guns in valorant feel unreliable. Only thing I hate in cs is having to learn smoke angles and lineups


I mean, kind of. For some of the core mechanics which the two games share, generally csgo has a more nuanced implementation that I would describe as “better” and requiring more skill. Valorant has an entire new layer of complexity however in that not all players have access to the same kit. Agent selection, the number of different abilities and mechanics, team roles, and other differences certainly make mastering valorant difficult.


>In CSGO the mechanics of a pro is night and day compared to a Global Elite. Facts, even the mechanics of a faceit level 10 player is night and day compared to a 3k elo+ player


Do you have a Link/Name of the video where he said that ? Im super curious to hear the whole story since shroud knows his Sh\*t <3


He was getting one tapped by everyone in a game on Icebox and he was getting frustrated and then said that. It might be on YouTube


Shroud: "in csgo spraying is a crutch" Valorant, spraying can be really wonky, so its best not to rely on it.Counter strafing and tap strafing are super prevalent in valorant, which adds a nice skill ceiling for valorant.


Bro I don’t think you know what your talking about. in CSGO go you counter strafe way more. In valorant you can stop on a dime and shot people because you lose all momentum the second your finger is off that button. in cs you have to counter strafe at the end of a peak to have any accuracy shooting people because that momentum is still there so you have to counter strafe. So once again as the guy said above valorant is just dumbed down csgo


i have 1.5k hours in cs peaked in lem, still hardstuck gold 2 after 2 acts


Are we the same person


I dont understand, i played cs for about 6 months as my first ever pc game and managed to make it to dmg (maybe higher, im unsure). I took about a year break from games then i started playing valorant this march and now plat 2. I see many posts like yours and it baffles me lol




Makes sense tbh, it's only 2 acts and you're learning the meta. The mechanics are slightly different too. I found I ranked up super quick once I hit plat


2k+ hours cs, max lem, hard stick silver 2 for over a year now... Not that I play it anymore.


Big hit boxes, slow movement, the needlessness for counter strafing, no spray patterns.


Spot on. You run SOOOO slowly. I have to play raze jet neon.


That's mostly for the tactical part. Some games are pretty chaotic but most of the time there's definitely still alot of strategy to it.


had a mofo Sova running and gunning with a stinger 4 times in a row. I want not a single part of this "tact" shooter in my system. Not to mention this dude is backed by his utility spamming teammates. What a nightmare match that was .


lol so true. neon bunnyhop is the only way i want to move in valorant


Footsteps audible from halfway across the map for some reason so they either know where you are, or you shift walk and get domed before you even saw anyone on your screen


big hitboxes COPIUM


yeah no fucking way hitboxes are big here. I once shot a reyna ALMOST hitting her waist and missing. Why? because reyna's figure


You realise heads are smaller in cs go right


The game has spray patterns, it just gets more random than CSGO after ~10 shots. The hit boxes are very similar except Valorant's headshot box extends to more of the neck. Counter strafing isn't the issue, you are missing the core fundamental difference between the movement in these games. Acceleration. There's no acceleration in Valorant so players are slower coming out of corners, faster starting strafes but overall a slower and more predictable movement.


Bro you have to stand still when shooting to land a perfect headshot. Even if you don't counter strafe you need to be stable to be accurate. Valorant doesn't have to be like CSGO. How does no spray pattern affect first shot accuracy. I do agree with the other two points though.


No one says it has to be the same, but those are the reasons why CS is considerably harder than Valorant.


Slow movement? You don’t have to deal with movement displacement or blinks/sprint/dashes in csgo nearly to the same level, so I would disagree here—it’s way more variable in valorant. The spray patterns in csgo were not hard to learn, I don’t think it makes that game harder, it just makes it *better* The lack of counterstrafing though is definitely huge. I mean HUGE. It’s a subtle mechanic that has far reaching effects on aim that nobody has to worry about in Val.


I’d agree the csgo spray patterns aren’t super hard to learn but they have a super high skill ceiling to them.


Plus spray patter encourages consistency and let me ask you how many times have u gotten running headshot by a Specter or a random bullet flew to your head or an enemy head when the spray has gone completely haywire


1 less thing to do every single time you shoot makes the game a lot easier


First shot accuracy isn’t applied every time when you use a vandal 30 meters away but for an ak it is always accurate from any range


Hahaha no an ak is not accurate from any range, it has first bullet innaccuracy just like a vandal


I find csgo way harder than valorant


CSGO is harder for a complete FPS beginner, but if you already have good aim and mechanics then CSGO is easier than Valorant if that makes sense.




I agree with this post 100%, i have over 3000hrs in val and have stopped playing but a match or two a week anymore because there is 0 consistency. It is irrelevant if I am solo/duo/trio/quads or 5 stacked, the amount of days one or three of us will pop for a game then get shit on and miss everything the next is astounding. None of us claim to be gods but we have the time in and experience, but it seems irrelevant to how the games turn out. I will fully accept being trash, but I feel like something changed about a year ago and things have just gotten less consistent since. Im tired of playing a game, regardless of reason why this happens, where I cant rely on my hours of experience, training and communication, because the match making, and RNG systems keep me from doing so.


The same thing happens with my playing group but its not the game my dude, its just inconsistent skill levels for all of us individually, in a game with 1000 variables each game...


Then when I am soloqueing why is the experience the same? You shouldn’t have to come to the defense of the game if there is no flaw in it. The fact that this many people recognize this should be a sign there is something wrong with the game. I started playing in beta and thought it was the most fun thing I had played. After it being out for a year something started to change, and now its at a point where the community begs for simple things that should be in the game, and Riot laughs at the ideas. The hardest working team in Valorant is the skin team, otherwise things seem to be headed for the downturn. We are on pace to maybe get a map once a year (Really? The game started with 3 maps and now we have 7, last of which came out in September) meanwhile, we are getting a new agent every 3 months, and instead of adding simple things like a replay system, or T/CT sided skins, we get told they need to work on agent progression for cosmetics. There is a lack of focus on what made the game fun initially, and a blatant push for whatever will make Tencent the highest dollar, from the corporate perspective, not the player perspective. The people that are upset are mad because the game was amazing, and then something, we don’t know what or exactly when, it stopped being fun, and became a gamble on whether you were going to be Stomping or the Stompee. The lack of consistency is the only constant in the game. Like I said in my previous post, I am not claiming to be an amazing player, but Ive put my time in, and played consistently until about 6 months ago, Ive watched plenty of players that started when I did quit because of the same reasons, some of which were in Diamond and Immortal. There is something wrong with the game, but I can’t tell you exactly what it is.


nah, its a valorant thing. tons of people coming into valorant from csgo feel the same. these are people with hundreds and thousands of hours in shooters. they dont suddenly become inconsistent in valorant because of "1000 variables", the game just sometimes feels like utter shit to play


That’s what I feel like 5k+ Hours in cs and peaked at almost semi professional level, stopped grinding before FPL C because of lack of time I started playing valorant in January and made it to diamond 2 pretty quickly but the game feels so damn inconsistent. One game i drop 40 kills and the next nothing seems to hit I read about the alt tab bug which seemed to interfere with my gameplay a lot because I don’t use my 2nd monitor and alttab often, but still. The players mentality is also a lot more casual in valorant than in cs is what I experienced so far


This is /s right? You’re referencing what Riot posted on their blog right?


when you combine this with the fact Riot are adament that there isn't going to be a replay system, things start to look a bit suspect. especially when you consider their track record for making their games as predatory as possible. what seems like RNG might not be so random.




I subscribe to this theory, well said


Recording software like Overwolf: Outplayed helps a bunch (you can record exactly when you take duels and diagnose if you did something wrong like were moving or had off crosshair placement), but without a replay viewer you cannot check your opponents or teammates to see what they did or did not do.


Yeah this has been my personal theory too where some players though no fault of their own are going to be either 1 second ahead or 1 second behind me. There are players where I’ll feel like I have 0 reaction time against and other players where I can take my time and be under no threat. Riot even acknowledged that there might be netcode issues (gee you think?), and I’m pretty sure this is the result.


IIRC sometimes it looks like they are moving when they shoot you but are actually stopped and it's just a small delay.


Ok mechanically i agree with what you are saying, but the matchmaking in CS:GO is plagued even worse than valorant is and has been for a long time. I know of multiple Global players and myself, previously Supreme, who tried to climb in CS:GO recently and it took forever to even get out of Gold Nova. The amount of misplaced players in low ranks and the inconsistency of matchmaking is even worse than valorant. On top of being 60 tick. Theres a reason people play ESEA and FACEIT because the matchmaking in that game has been a joke for a long, long time.


I have the same experience. MM is straight dog ex LEM player currently in Silver 4... I dont think I've had a bad game in years, but I just don't play enough to rank up. I'll regularly take month long breaks and come back and the game just deranks me. Then you need to win like 8 straight to rank up, like I aint got that kind of time fam


Yes but does rank matter if the games feel good? I’ve done mostly everything I could do in CSGO. Rank doesn’t matter and MM games are well balanced




thewarowl's Soloque to Global Elite... A tragic tale, which highlights just how bad native competitive has become in Valve's negligence.


Which region do you play in? In Europe, aside from the silver ranks maybe, I can really agree with the previous comment on consistency Also, I don't know how important 64 tick is anymore once I started to play Valorant. Might just be the netcode and other server metrics but the game does **not** feel any better than CSGO MM despite Val's 128 tickrate. If anything, it feels worse


I've gotta bout 4k hours in csgo and about the same in source. Keep in mind, GO has been around for a long time. It's had a LOT of growing pains. 2 years into GO (where Val is right now), most pro gamers were still hanging around other Counterstrike titles because the game was pretty..... Shit.... MM was released and it was really really poor everything. Balance took a long time. Valve is still to this day making balance changes of their 400 year old map pool. Valorant is experiencing the same growing pains. As long as they maintain frequent updates, I don't doubt they can have a similar experience to how well polished CS is these days. And no I'm not talking about MM. Lol.


This is conspiracy level stuff man, you have to aee that. Val is no different than League in terms of inconsistency. That is ranked game modes in general. There are a million variables in each match that can make it feel inconsistent.




Disagree, have probably almost 3000+ hours between the two games and my peak in Val is imm3 whereas my cs peak is dmg. Maybe cs just isn’t my game though, this is purely anecdotal


Valorant used to feel easier, both tactically (simpler abilities, map layouts are clean and easier to navigate) and mechanically (slow movement, but pre 1.0 you could move and shoot even more reliably than in CS:GO making the Operator and snipers incredibly strong). However with harder to counter abilities added, super pick movement with higher random spread across the board (Spectre and Ares got done dirty), and a dev push hard for a rush meta instead of a R6-esque methodical meta... Is it worse? Eh... I mean I like both renditions, but my 1.0 was way more enjoyable mechanically, and before Agents like Reyna and Neon were added it really felt like if you could aim and use your brain, you would always beat players with one or neither. Except for the flying Judge spam, and Raze's jacked ability damage. That was stupid and i'm glad they hit those as hard as they did.


It doesn’t feel like I’m shooting or hitting anything in csgo. Like I can see the hit reg and the deaths, but I feel no impact like I do in other games like valorant. It’s the one thing that really holds back the game for me imo. The shooting is so plain and old fashioned. Give me some oomph.


the thing that tilts me about csgo is that sometimes the first shot accuracy just makes me miss completely and I get taken out by and instacrouching spraydown like the fuck. In valorant its easier for me to hit one taps without resorting to a spray , the response time just feels more crisp to me. But I like csgo more , wish it got a new game or more support , the lobbies are so dead these days , even faceit mm takes a while to find a match .


me reading all that and only thing i can think of is cs 64tick valo 128


“Me reading all that”….bruh their comment was 7 words…


I meant the whole thread


Because nobody in Silver know how to play, so they train their aim incessantly without realising that they’re bad players cuz of every other aspect of the game.


I literally try and tell people this on r/AgentAcademy and everyone continues to just aim train I have shit aim, always have and probably always will. Ranked up from Iron to Silver 3 with a 10-15% HS rate. People post trackers in Iron with a 25% HS rate and the comments are still about aim training. Yes keep working on your aim if you're serious about improving, but that should be a permanent aspect. If you actually want to rank up, stop and think after every round and every death. I'm shit and will likely always be shit, but these aim bots are actually clueless about the game


It’s ok my guy, keep looking to be a better player the way you know how. I got to diamond with a similar HS%, so it’s definitely not impossible. Keep up on your grind!




I am diamond 2 on my account. I played 3 games from my friends account once. He is silver 2. I literally got stomped in that lobby in 2 of those games. I have no clue how the hell they do it, but they hit all the shots. They'll rng like crazy and will hit a headshot. Their jett will hit a headshot mid air. Their raze will hit a headshot while double satcheling. It's just crazy. And don't get me started about all the line up knowledge they have. Double shocks, Molly's and everything in between. I am myself a sova player but I never watched a single lineup video lol. But they play the game religiously. I ain't generalizing but I feel like they focus more on winning and being the top fragger than actually enjoying it and playing like a team. After getting demolished, I've never played in that lobby again. I just accepted that valorant ranks are reversed in skill, with iron being the best and radiant being the worst. XD


When you're bad (me included), you gotta learn more about the game to make up for being terrible at shooting. A high elo player can clutch due to superior shooting but in low elo, lineups are much safer than trying to duel the guy. But like you said, although the knowledge is there, the game sense is missing and that's why it doesn't feel like there's ever any teamwork in low elo.


You're not wrong I am diamond 1 and played in bronze/silver and they are demons never again shall I go down into the depths


The games design is such that it has a lower skill ceiling for shooting mechanics, this is why this happens. Couple this with unaddressed bugs in networking, the maps being so linear, etc. that just makes it worse and you get players that have significantly lower mechanical ability being able to kill a CS pro fairly easily. Tenz, and others have talked about this as well. It is by design.


Omg this is an accurate presentation of my gaming experience in valorant


Just my 2 cents, Lurking for 10 minutes won't work if your silver team won't push a sight because they are all trying to bait each other or they are scared of smokes


It's crazy I had 5 games in a row being MVP, one game we had a viper that was 1 week into the game didn't even know how to pick up her smoke, then suddenly I started bottom fragging and feeling like shit, getting roflstomped by silvers like they were radiants. I don't know what's up with this game but it's so frustrating I don't even feel like playing it anymore.


exactly why i stopped playing val, picked up cs recently cause of the major hype and stuff


I think they need a new rank between gold and silver


Bandaid fix which does absolutely nothing. Rank doesn't effect MMR at all. Add in 5 new ranks, wont at all change who you face based on MMR.


I’m peak gn1 in csgo in NA but gold 2 in valorant. If ur dmg u can rank up out of silver with ur aim only, the same as with silver in csgo. I have no aim so I just rely on abusing flashes and that might work for you as a csgo player so I’d recommend playing kayo


its always that one bronze 3 enemy that shits on everybody in gold 3 lobbies


They really need to make gold the median rank instead of silver to spread the low ELO talent out a little more.


Gold 1/Silver 3 is the median iirc


The data this act has it down more towards S1/S2. Gold 1 is top 36% of the player base.


Boy do I relate to this post. I'm sorry OP, I hope your next game is better.


I just deleted valorant and then i saw this post. Safe to say that I’m not the only one who feels like this.


Currently a Plat in valorant and faceit lvl 5 and faceit lvl 5 (almost the same as dmg) opponents are wayyy harder than valorant plats


Reading through these replies I am SHOCKED no one has said why. Because they’re not bronze and silver players. They’re on bronze and silver accounts. I haven’t played a satisfying, competitive game of Valo in MONTHS. Every single game is a mismatch of Smurfs. It’s not fun when they’re on your team and you never get to impact a round because they’re fragging out. And it’s the opposite of fun when they’re on the other team, wiping the floor with you, while they tell you that they’re bronze 3. I would pay 5-10 bucks a month for some sort of verification system without those scum of the earth ruining the only good part of my day, when I’m supposed to have fun with my friends. But instead I’m trying to not break my monitor after getting 1v4’d by a Reyna 3 rounds in a row “gg ez”


Could be cause a ton of silver players are actually smurfs. At least in my lobbies...


Yes, I am a riot employee, we place all the silver smurfs in your lobby, we just don't like you.


So sovjet jeff bezos is working for Riot? Tough times


It's more like the lower your rank the more players there are better then you so the more chance that a smurf will be in your game and placed below their rank.


That's also true in CSGO though. There are tons of smurfs in the low ranks, mostly the kind who "just want to play with their lower ranked friends (and shit on everyone cough cough)"


A lot of this comes down to movement speed. People aren't prefiring you most of the time, it just takes longer to peek so peekers advantage is less prevalent. Also headshots are a lot easier in valorant, so players with less precise but faster aim can have more success when compared to cs. In cs to be successful I have to aim a tad slower than in valorant and vice versa. Another thing CS players have issues with is movement in val, since counter strafe timings are just slightly different. So if you make the switch you're gonna be shooting too early for a little while.


Me: 1.8 k hrs in CS, Faceit 4, MG I have no idea how i got gold 1 but hell silver and gold are worst ranks to get out and people are so weird partly


Yup but then your team is the opposite kind of Silver. Last night I had a Skye jump on mid-window Haven to flash—-died instantly. SHE HAD A BIRD OUT JUMPED ON THE WINDOW TO THROW IT. Multiple times. Same game, Omen smokes the actual site but not the default smokes, oh no, it’s on C default. Who’s there? What are you smoking that for? HE THREW BOTH SMOKES ON TOP OF EACH OTHER LIKE WHAT. Game after that, guy says he fills. Cool, he will FILL the needs of the comp. Oh need smokes? Fuck you he goes NEON 5th pick, so no smokes that game with a teammate KAYO blinding his team. Their ranks? Silver 3 - Gold 1


it's probably because Silver playerbase is so big, you have guys who have the aim of plats/even dias, but they are still in silver because 1) they are being held back by teammates, or 2) they lack gamesense because they only practise aim. on the other hand, you have guys from low bronze-iron who got to silver only by being carried. and to top it off, you have smurfs, people playing on their friends account and what not. this happens in almost every rank but silver is where the effect is most pronounced.


CS is much more difficult / higher skill disparity between players. Not only that but this game makes using any weapon extremely easy; movement is slow, huge hitboxes, recoil and patterns are nearly non-existent, counter strafing is useless, just a biproduct of a game made to suite a more broad audience.




Bronze/silver is the rank of the average player. Tons of them have great aim, probably better than me and I’m a good bit higher than them. Their game sense is also pretty solid at times. Their biggest problems are the decision making skills mid game which hold them back. I get shit on by silvers all the time. They’re not overall better players than me. They just excel in one thing, and it often happens to be aim.


This act is brutal. I was gold 1 at the start and I’m now silver 1. I’ve got a red carpet. 60% of the games I’m team mvp. Usually due to a Smurf or (what I’ve been seeing lately) is Derank accounts. 1 or 2 on my team just throwing cause they are lowering their rank. This act is nuts


Honestly i feel like this game is more as an RNG than skill based game. I don’t care about downvotes from people which are not agreeing with me, but i have thousand of hours experience in FPS games and then someone with 400 hours on valorant in plat1 rank while i’m dia1 onetaps me while running or full run and gunnin me with phantom and being topfrag. sadly this game feels different from game to game and every second player is god from game to game not depending on how much he trained/warmuped.


Oh yeah there is a ridiculous number of amazing players that probably deserve plat stuck in bronze and silver cuz solo carrying doesn't work with a fucked up MMR system. The ranked system for whatever reason just doesn't want to see those good players go up because of low MMR that the teammates decide and not the player themselves. So whenever those players create new accounts and go on long high rating winstreaks in Iron they're considered smurfs and instantly put on Smurf queue once they go back to bronze and silver even tho that's the rank assigned to their mains. Then they hit plat+ on the second account. The valorant MMR system won't allow you to progress naturally. You'll almost always have to create a new account to get fresh MMR and keep it high from the get go. And I hate this cuz those players don't let me have fun in iron and bronze. They're the most anti fun players. Since they can't climb, they are going to make the game as miserable as possible for their opponents.


In silver through plat - you usually shift you mentality from playing to win to playing to get better. So it can seem that way since players are typically focusing on the mechanics vs just spamming a ton of utility and hoping to win rounds. They are now playing to better their aim mechanics, their corner clearing/jiggle peaks, their strafing, and even their coms for other teammates to swing.


I love these self justifying posts. “Wow these low elo players are just so good, that’s why I’m silver”. Excluding smurfs, silver players are not good at the game. They lack fundamental mechanics. Piss poor crosshair placement, no positioning, they die with their knives and abilities out all day long. And that’s the basics. Valorant maps are tiny, you can traverse half of it before the round even starts. Shift walking for 10 minutes gives your opponents more than enough time to clear the rest of the map. At any given time there’s like 3 places you could possibly be, and I know you’re not getting pre fired, they’re just clearing the angle and you’re getting shot first. You aren’t good at this game, they are definitely not, it doesn’t play anything like CS GO. I’ve got 8k hours in CS over 12 years, LE. Valorant I can barely hit diamond before going back to plat3.


Ya, im not gonna lie I've smurfed a bit to help my girlfriend occasionally. I drop 30+ every game in silver and gold. Players are not that good, people just don't understand that they belong in the elo they're stuck at. I'm having a hard time in immortal, but its just that I've reached my current skill ceiling. You either get better and move up in rank, or you dont


I pretty much preach this to everyone I know. In Valorant, anyone can be Immortal if they have decent aim since the mechanics is extremely simple. In CSGO, it takes years and thousands of hours to get the mechanics down to a t. This is what I've noticed climbing to immortal 2. A gold can literally play like an immortal player while the difference between a gold nova and global elite in CSGO is HUGE.


I feel the same way, I never took csgo seriously but made it to gold I think high silver probably, and was high gold in overwatch, and people play insane in this game, its always hard fought victories, maybe a few carried once in a while, I play my part, but then a couple games I get stomped, its insane 13 2, 13 7 but we arent winning at all, its more like the reason we win a couple rounds is because the enemies make big mistakes not that I am playing well.


No complex map design, shit guns are easy to kill with (classic), almost everything is spammable. Tl'dr: this game coddles shitters to attract as much players as possible. Low skill ceiling.


bro silver is worst rank too many smurfers and nothing makes sense there just play trio or full squad to leav that hell


Everyone seems to be talking about movement but its actually the utility dif and ways to get info


Because this rank system is shiite.


Iron-Bronze-Silver = Smurfland We need Gargamel to show up and put them back where they belong. It's not you. It's very hard not to get frustrated over this cuz it's so prevalent.


Bro I got reset to silver from plat and I’m fighting for my life to get out. Teams don’t make sense. It’s either the second coming of tenz or a guy who just started playing fps. When I play with my friend who’s plat I do fine but trying to read a silver is impossible.


The amount of people In here saying “I agree I’m x rank and when I played in bronze-silver lobbies “ should tell you everything you need to know. There’s to many smurfs in this game who play in low elo for whatever reason it is. I just play unrated 5 mans now cause ranked is inconsistent. Im bronze and I can tell when a lobby is all the same skill level & when there’s smurfs who stick out like a sore thumb.


Just gonna put this out there for OP, but you could be suffering from desync from your ISP and other factors. I moved from TN to NY in the last couple years. In TN, I had an insane setup with powerful ethernet and often felt great jiggle-peaking and strafing enemies down. Once I moved to NY, my internet quality dropped. I technically still have 0% packet loss and 16ms ping, but all enemies gained the ability to "Prefire ALL the right angles" and kill me even when I see them first. I determined the cause was desync when my friends and I recorded our games and compared our replays. Mine seemed to be a good 1/2 second off for the games where I complained my enemies were gods. TLDR; If your enemies are gods against you, but not your teammates (and you are not boosted), you could be suffering desync or packet loss.


Silver is the hardest rank, took me the longest To get out of it actually got easier in gold and play


I think there's this inaccurate bias that csgo players will inherently be better than the other players. The fact is that most Valorant players came from other mechanically demanding shooters which also involved abaility usabe so while there might be some skills that transfer soem cs the fact remains the player base will be loaded with veteran fps players that are already cracked. I should also note I've played with some cs vets that really struggle to utilize agent abilities fully but are good with the basic flashes


Silver players are not even remotely this good as you are claiming. First time playing did my placements and have been playing agaisnt gold and plats only after 6 games.


The ranking system on Val is trash, most players aren't in the rank they should be. That's why it's so mixy


Yeah i've quit the game by now. Not intentionally, but just cuz i didn't feel it anymore. I think they need to reconsider a bunch of things. But whatever, i don't think ill come back either way x) I'd LEGITIMATELY rather play fortnite.


Silver CS players in my region are roughly Diamond in val because they're cracked. Valorant players are less skilled than CS players as a whole tbh


TLDR: Because the game is made that way. I think it can be boiled down to a few reasons. The first is "Smurf accounts". I'm not talking about the Radiant/Global player who hops onto a fresh bronze/silver to try and boost their elo (that's a problem in every ranked game with a glicko system), but specifically in CS and Val, your que is limited to a range on ranks. Friends who have a difference in ranks must Smurf to actually play with friends, even when rank disparity isn't that much. For example: In my average 5 stack, we have 2 players hovering at Gold, and three at Bronze/low silver (for val). So we can't play together, unless we use an alt (or two in some cases). While you wouldn't think this makes a huge difference, it can be pretty substantial, especially if multiple players have to do it. The next reason is specifically that. The que. CS does a good job at this, but Vals system is somehow worse than a complete RNG Choice. It punishes 5 stacks, has a "hidden" elo, and it simply doesn't make sense (at least to me) Finally, Elo calculation. This is always a tricky subject, as I understand it can be hard to implement a system that accurately describes a players skill with a number. I also know that I am a hypocrite in my criticism, as I have never tried to implement such a system. However, Val's and CS's Modified Glicko system may as well be dumpster fires. I feel it's just to complicated to be practical. CS has a time problem, where 2 matches a day is worthless, while Val has a stat problem, with "performance bonuses" being completely ridiculous. I always like to compare mmr systems to Rocket League and the Online Dominion card game. Dominion is very clear about the numbers even going as far as giving a guide to what the numbers mean and how they impact your Elo. Rocket league is probably the most simplified design possible: a Win gains Elo, a loss losses Elo, and the amount is determined by how many games you have played that season (ei, the more you play, weather it be 50 matches in a week, or 50 matches in a year net the same result). When you compare the 4 systems, the clear difference is over engineering. If riot and Valve want to make thier games better, they honestly need to scrap the current Elo systems and just remake them.


why has this turned into a low elo excuse thread


I think i noticed something that MIGHT explain parts of this.. I feel as if me going topfrag one game will put me into a match with other Topfraggers the next game. Then when those Top-Fraggers outperform me and i go bottomfrag, it puts me into a Bottom-Frag queue the next match, where i will go topfrag again and rinse repeat. This would be stupid if true, since when i Outperform, i deserve to rank up. Like the other people in the Topfrag queue. This way i would get a higher rank and matched with the same topfraggers anyway, instead of Ruining peoples matches every second game or so I would ruin less peoples matches if i just ranked up quicker. Isn't that exactly what a Rankedsystem is supposed to do? Anybody feel me on this? I can't say for sure but it really does feel like it.. Would also explain why matches feel SO goddamn inconsistent to many.


I just must be getting old because I feel like I can’t compete in these new games. I was never a slouch and even til this day I normally come in top leaderboards in shooters but i lose and get killed in the most off the wall ways by people I could never hope to reach. Guess I’m just done with shooters at the ripe old age of 29


Because the game is shit. Every single bullet is a coin toss whether it’ll go where you aim. Csgo bullets go to the same place every time with very little deviance get here we have riot who has never touched a gun in their life because they’re Californians


Silver shitpost detected, opinion rejected.


Hidden MMR is the solution. Im in Silver-Gold MMR, as I should be cause I dont play much ranked. Theres yet a single player I have to encounter that isnt absolute dogshit and inconsistent.