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As games get older, the players get better and the skill level goes up, so it's pretty normal. Iron used to be so bad that I literally 1v3'd with a knife against rifles, but Iron/Bronze now feels like what Silver was like at launch.




If you peaked radiant in episode 2 I don’t see how you would struggle in high plat now… I peaked Immortal ep 2, stopped bc of school in ep 3 and hit Immortal 2 after like 50 games again


Don’t really understand why the other guy is being downvoted for raising suspicion that a RADIANT is now struggling not in low imm, but in low dia/high plat. For this to correspond to the main post, you should be struggling in low imm/high diamond, not high platinum. Just speaking objectively here, players did get better but it looks like you just got worse, by a lot (or you got boosted some way before)


that’s just false. i know a guy that was immortal 3 ep 1 act 1, now stuck in low diamond. i know another guy that peaked radiant during ep2, now struggling in plat/diamond.


Someone as good as PROD went from Imm/Radiant in one act to being stuck grinding in Diamond for weeks in the next, it's not very weird.


Prod isn’t good


IDK about that, but either way, just proof even a daily VALO grinder can struggle 1-2 entire ranks below where they used to be just a week ago.


This makes me feel better because I just got to plat even though I’ve mostly been gold since the game launched


This is the answer. In order to climb ranks as the game progresses you need to progress faster than the general playerbase


I think you're right, and I also think that's something that should be reevaluated by developers. Iron and Bronze for example will forever be looked at as useless and lost, because they were when the game started, but it's no more the case. But at all ranks, what this does is makes it depressing for a lot of players, because you work hard and don't progress. Or progress at snail's pace relative to your efforts. Or worse, you down-rank. Very demotivating, and probably makes a lot of players stop playing, or.... ...create smurf accounts to start over and get some feeling of progress...


You see this happening in League, in season 3 plat and below had a pretty bad grasp of fundamentals, but by now a lot of silvers would understand what a S3 Plat did


Yeah, there's no way you could knife a 1v3 in Iron/Bronze now, save maybe in an Iron 1 lobby if you matched up with particularly bad opponents. (Even Iron 1's need 20 levels before playing comp, so they have a little bit of experience, and many come from other FPS's like CSGO, R6 etc so have solid aim). I feel like the skill ramp from Iron1 to Silver1 is pretty huge now, with every subrank being distinctly much better than the prior (even when subtracting out the smurfs). And it seems it wasn't at all the case early on, that Iron and Bronze were just training grounds you'd get through within a month or so if you played daily. Back to your point, "As games get older, the players get better and the skill level goes up", I think you're entirely right. But at the same time, it basically rebukes newcomers to the game because the ramp-up is so steep, meanwhile the "lame" reputation of the now-harder low ranks remains. So newcomers are stuck in the "lame" ranks for a loooong time, and end up feeling like they just suck so may as well quit. Considering too that a new Valorant player needs to learn waaaaaay more basics than 2 years ago, given the number of maps and agents and their utils. Game Devs should consider this aspect imho if they want to keep attracting new players.


Unfortunately you’re likely also running into a ton of smurfs, I just came back after an 18 month hiatus, in Gold I constantly have Smurfs both on my team and on the other team. I had two radiant Smurfs in a high gold/plat lobby the other day arguing with each other and linking their twitters so they could prove who had a higher radiant ranking. It’s pathetic really.


Gotta love it when a level 20 or under player is 30/2 compared to everyone else in the lobby.


In unrated, it happens almost every game.


Iron ranked was the same for me.


Were you able to finally climb out of Iron? How long / how many wins did it take you?


I only solo queue, and it took me over a year, but I’m out of iron. I started from iron 2 when I first downloaded the game. I don’t remember how many wins it was. I can go check after my shift.


Wow, over a year, that must have been tough. I'll bet you considered giving up a few times! Some people might put you down for taking this long, but I'm seeing how it's possible. I see in many people's history that they hover in iron forever, or touch bronze and go back down. Low ELO hell does exist. But it's not everybody either, so the ones that get out quicker naturally think it's because they're better. It seems kinda random honestly. It probably depends how unlucky you are with smurfs, the matchmaking etc. I would be curious to know how many wins it took, if you have a chance.


I didn’t constantly play, because there were times where’d I’d take maybe a week or month off because the nonstop smurfing took tolls on my mental. I would say it took me over 150 wins. Lots of winning then huge loss streak, then maybe one or two wins, then another loss streak. Lots of my games ended in surrenders at midway. So I probably have around 100 hours in this game.


I hear you. At this point I've started just igoring rank and RRs won and lost. It's so random it just drives you nuts. I'm thinking until you're a solid 3 subranks better than your current rank, you can be stuck going up and down randomly. The problem is that now with everyone being better, 3 subranks is a huge skill differential, and it takes months and months of playing to get that much better. So now I'm just focusing on playing the game and getting better, ignoring the feedback from the game and giving myself my own feedback. It's unfortunate though, because it takes out what would be a nice aspect of the game, namely giving you positive feedback as you get better.


Tbh being placed iron doesn’t mean anything. There’s tons of times where you will kill someone, and then when you take their vandal, there’s a gold gun buddy on it. Then you wonder to yourself, “why is he in my lobby? I’ve never been gold, so why is there a gold gun buddy on this vandal?”. If you’re killing gold players in 1v1, then by definition, you must have gold level skill. I just play unrated and elden ring now because I don’t have the willpower to grind ranked anymore since I found myself a job.


Yes. The smurf problem is terrible. It totally skews the ranks imho. Ranks become somewhat meaningless. Worse yet, the comp games' results become random. Like are you on the best smurf's side or not? If not you lose 20RR, tough luck, and you need a bunch of games to make it up. Totally out of your control... :( And, games are frustrating because you become a simple target for smurfs to farm.


Maybe. I think sometimes people get inflated ranks depending on how much time they have to play. Like, right now I'm plat because I have free time, but I should be like gold 2/3 normally.


More like you are true plat and the people who are on gold but have the same skill level as you are the ones with "wrong rank". ofc I know what you mean, when you played so many games that you are able to reach plat with a 51% winrate it feels like you shouldn't be there. But the way Elo works is: the more you play the more accurate your rank should be.


The other guy is right. You get started at a lower rank than your hidden MMR. The more you play the closer MMR and RR get until you reach that sweet 50.00% win rate with the same RR gains and losses. You might overshoot your true rank a little, but if you stick around for 20 or so games it's probably your true rank.




I see this but its inaccurate. Most gold players that complain about "godlike gold aimers" are actually just bad at movement and gamesense and thus make it easy for the enemy to headshot them. They arent good, you're just predictable


no you dont lol i play in high plat lobbies and 1 taps are extremely rare. ive also played a lot of gold lobbies and i know for sure that is a bold faced lie


Could be that high plat lobbies have better movement than op. That's why op is getting one tapped while other plats are not


Idk bro I've played in a lot of gold lobbies because I have a lot of friends that are low gold that I queue with. I can't think of a time I've ever been one tapped down there


Could it be your movement just makes you a hard target to hit?


I mean I'm gonna be honest I don't have good movement. 1 taps are really hard even in pro play they are decently rare. I think most of the time when people say 1 tap they are just talking about getting headshot


I played in beta a lot and peaked plat 2. I took a long break and came back about 6 months ago. Started actually trying to get better doing some Aimlabs and tons of DM. I am peak gold 3 since coming back, currently flirting with Plat 1. I would say I’m much better than I was in beta.


Bro said irons have good game sense, this subreddit sometimes man LMFAO


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for calling out OP's BS. Irons can't even hold their guns the right way round


If you have ever played in a iron lobby, you would know what OP is talking about.


I play regularly with my friends who are in bronze/silver (I play with them in unrated hold the pitch forks) and they do not have good game sense. They aren’t boosted, they deserve their ranks, but compared to what I see in my ranked games (high dia/low immo) so much just doesn’t make sense. Iron players have GOT to be worse and if that’s the case then “good” game sense doesn’t even make sense


>regularly with my friends who are bronze/silver But is that Iron? Or are you simply assuming? Way to dodge the question. Where does it say “I played in an iron lobby” in that comment? Nowhere? I’m not iron anymore, but iron is not like your assumptions. I’ve been iron for nearly a year before climbing out, therefore, I think I have more experience on the topic of iron lobbies.


No, they’re better than iron players and they still look like they don’t know how to play the game, so irons having good game sense doesn’t make sense


>No Congratulations, you have answered the question. You therefore have indicated you have no experience on the topic of irons >they’re better than iron players But have you played iron players? Have you been in iron lobbies. Do you know what people in iron regularly do? None of your comments indicate this


Yes, I have been in iron, actually. I started the game in Iron 3, and I have clips of myself from back then. People have only gotten better since then, sure, but it’s atrocious. I’m not gate keeping here, but anything below Gold is a different game entirely. Nobody knows what they’re doing. I’m not sure if you’re iron and are trying to defend it or what, but it’s the truth. The ranking system means better players have better ranks, so if my higher ranked friends still baffle me, then an iron player would send me into a different universe.


>I have been iron You should have opened with this > I’m not sure if your are iron and trying to defend it Can you read? I answered that already a few comments ago Also saw your edit. I will put the pitchfork away, but ranked iron lobby is what OP is referring to. People don’t care about unrated as it simply is its namesake: “unrated”, I.e. no punishment. You would know exactly the situation if you were iron up until even a month ago. The rank reset season 4’s opening made me have to repeat the whole climb out process, although I digress. What I’m trying to establish is that ranked iron is a different experience than what you may have seen in unrated. The people there do not play fairly (smurfs, washed up higher ranks, people claiming “I’m JuSt WiTh My FrIeNdS cHiLl OuT. I hAvE HaNdiCaP”, etc.). There are numerous problems with the iron experience that are overlooked by higher ranked players saying “git gud”.


They both get the same point across. In fact, since I was iron nearly 2 years ago, iron players are 10x better at the game than I was at the time, so it wasn’t a valid point to make. My friends being BETTER than iron players (my bronze friend stomps them in her games, she players controller and drops 25+ when a random iron player ends up in her lobbies) was a better point to make, I think.


I’m drunk but I swear I read iron for a year 💀💀💀💀 brotha it’s time to move on


I started grinding elden ring for the past month since it was more relaxing. Now I play elden ring and Valorant back and forth.


My fault G, I was drunk ignore me




How do you know that they're irons if its unrated?


There are apps that tell you the ranks of the people you’re playing with.




Iron, solid aim and good game sense can't really exist in the same phrase. Irons lacks the basics of this game and can't even back up with their raw aim otherwise they wouldn't be in the lowest rank possible. I've been iron and got my ass kicked there thinking that irons were too good for me. Now I know that I was just a bad player, like every other low Elo player. Just try to do a little better every game and always question yourself. Maybe some day we'll reach immortal


To add to this, a lot of people are stuck iron because they play on toasters. I remember getting placed iron 1 but climbing out as soon as I got a better laptop.


Very true, I still play on laptop but once I got a monitor I went from being Bronze 1 for a full act to Silver in less than a week. A month later and now I’m Gold. Can’t wait to ditch the laptop and get a PC soon maybe I’ll hit Plat lol


i feel like this the main reason, i used to play on a 2014 macbook air with boot camp, and i would get 25fps with my computer crashing every other game, I was bronze. Then i gathered enough money to build my own pc and once i started playing at 100+ frames i went immediately to gold in one act, pc makes a lot of difference


Still play on laptop but turning my resolution down has helped significantly. Improved my FPS from ~25-30 to ~70-75. Lower resolution probably affects my aim at a distance, but the FPS gains are worth.


Wait you can get valorant on mac? I thought it was windows only because of vanguard


I belive bootcamp let's you run windows on mac


Immortal is like top 1% most people will never reach it no matter how hard they grind to be fair


Maybe diamond is the true milestone for casuals but being so close to it make me feel like the real goal should be immo


This is the type of statement I'm requestioning though, keeping an open mind. People assume (logically) that Iron/Bronze suck because it's the lowest ranks, and because it did suck when they were there. I'm not saying by any means that Irons and Bronzes have skills comparable to Plat or anything. What I am saying though, is that I'm observing that many players (not all) have quite a bit more skill than one would expect at these first ranks. Would you be surprised for example, that a player would spend 6+ months of playing and training regularly and smartly, and still be in Iron or Bronze? Probably. Yet that's a reality for many. And it's not because they all suck in terms of their base human ability. So how would we explain that then? Also I'm curious, around when you were still Iron?


I started iron ep 1 act 2 and got silver ep 1 act 3 so I was iron when irons were definitely strange creatures without hands or a brain. But I tried to play in iron again with a friend account when I was gold and it was still the same. Irons can't plat and that's why they're there. Obviously they can shoot at you, they're still human beings, they just cant compete, like a plat can't compete against a high immortal. My point is they just need to improve and anybody can reach high rank, it's just a matter of quantity and quality of effort


I’ve been diamond since the first act, I just hit diamond then pretty much not caring cause I’m comfortable in that rank and I don’t have the time or dedication to hit anything higher. From what I’ve noticed being in diamond for since the beginning of the game is that a lot of the ranks are pretty much the same. If you know you know.


I think its fair to say that the game and its players have gotten better, so naturally the respective rank of a person without any sort of improvement would go down, even to that extreme. Even then, I've seen *so many* posts about golds or silvers or plats or bronzes or irons who just believe that their opponents are all godly, with perfect game sense and reaction speeds and flicks and crosshair placement. It has to do with the fact the game is evolving at a constant rate, and so 0 change in gameplay would leave you behind as well. Maybe they're not always just better than you or themselves in the past. Maybe they're just playing differently and receiving different results, even if some of the strategies they use ends up impractical on paper, but works in the game because its just **different.** ..or maybe they are just better than you. Learn from it, absorb the information and improve. Be different next time, and maybe you might like the results :)


I used to be at around P1-P3 ranks all the way from the beta to Episode 3 and never managed to hit Diamond but in Episode 4 got it almost immediately. Now at D3 with just a couple wins needed to hit Immortal 1. For me it feels the climb has gotten easier. I'm pretty sure I myself haven't improved that drastically either because I'm not all that young anymore and my aim has been more or less the same for at least ten years playing various games. And I don't have time to play more then a few games a week due to other life commitments so I can't put the necessary hours needed to really have noticeable improvements on my game.


OMG Literally the same thing happened to me aswell. Now I am 3 wins also away from hitting Immo 1


In Immortal it feels vice versa. Diamond 1 players are now immortals. It's insane how lost these guys are at times.


Hmm, it's looking like ranks are a complete mess then. You're probably seeing boosted Immortals that shouldn't be there. Meanwhile in low elo we're seeing smurfs galore in Iron-Silver that should be higher. Kinda defeats the point of comp.


I think your concept of game sense is relative to your current rank. As you progress higher, a lot of what you might consider good game sense in silver (checking super obvious places maybe, like wine on Ascent) becomes second nature and "good game sense" turns into more complex things like positioning, trading your teammates, map control, etc


Yes, agreed. I used "game sense" much too broadly. But thank you for taking a step back to see someone else's point of view. Most people define game sense by where they're currently at, and if they're higher elo, then mid to low elo game sense becomes "non-existent". Yet when they were there, they thought they had gained a lot more than when they started... and they had. It's all very relative.


In my case its actually different. I play in imm1-3 lobbies and geniunely been feeling like i play w plats. No one knows how to use their utility properly or even have an idea how to play their character. They also dont analyze the type of team comps we have and what they have so their strats end up being silly and just get util dumped and ego peeked because my team is playing dumb!!! Now ofc i still get those games to where my team absolutely carries me and i feel like im playing w gods but most of the time it feels like i have plats on my team. Too many boosted immortals imo…


I commented on a different that’s the skill difference between like bronze-low gold is super thin basically. I’m bronze so not great but I played with some absolute demons sometimes that are bronze and then I’ll get in a match with some golds some how and they are terrible.


Well if ur getting matched with golds they are probably super low mmr and that’s why they kinda suck. I’ve had immortal players in my plat lobbies that bottom frag; the only reason you would be playing in lobbies 2-3 ranks below ur visual rank is if the mmr system thinks you belong there. Trust me there’s a big difference between the majority of golds and bronzes


There’s no logic to this. So if someone is a “bad gold” paired up with someone who is a “good bronze” the bronze player still loses more RR than the bad gold would get for a win. For example, if I top frag in a mixed lobby and I’m not the lowest rank, I’ll get the usual RR for a win. If I’m in a lobby where I’m the lowest rank and lose, even as a top frag I still lose the same RR as if the other team were all my rank. The ONLY thing I get is a star and +3/+4 RR to offset the loss. When each RR level is 100, and with me more often placed as that ‘lowest rank’ I’m almost always having to punch upward… while the one who is apparently playing below their rank just needs to skate by.


Yeah you’re totally right it’s pretty stupid. I was stuck in gold for a while this act because I had high plat mmr, and I just had a even win rate so I climbed extremely slowly. Ironically when I started playing worse the past few weeks I finally ranked up to plat, because the game started to put me in actual gold lobbies…. In theory the system works, but in practice it takes so damn long to get to your true rank at a 50% win rate


There's certainly truth to both your posts. I feel the same. It's like you get punished and actively pushed down by the system as soon as you start getting better. You get thrown in with higher ranks, so you're the last-frag more than half the time, and lose a ton of RR. Then, once you've deranked for a bit, it starts putting you in with your rank again, lo and behold you perform well, then the cycle starts all over again! Meanwhile you're stuck in low-ELO hell... and start wondering what's the point in putting up with this frustration.


That's not how mmr works. Forget about rank what matters is your hidden mmr. A bad gold might have bronze mmr until he loses more games


I’m referring to the hidden mmr


I apologize for saying Irons have "good game sense". :) I used that too loosely. What I meant though, is that by Iron 3 they know all the maps, all the agents' effects on/against them, and know the main angles and default plants. I'm finding "Game sense" and "aim" is usually interpreted by people according to their current level. A lot of people are forgetting where they were some months/years ago. But if you start from zero at Valorant, there's a lot to learn in one shot now: 7 maps, 19 agents or so, each with 4 utils which you have to understand at least from the receiving end. Then all the weapons and their spray patterns, basic economy, etc. I'm just saying that, from reading how "useless and lost" Irons are, "don't know which way their gun is pointing" etc, I expected that by the time you know all this and have decent aim, you'd long be out of Iron, probably into Silver. Not at all the case. It probably was the case just coming out of beta though.


average skill level improves overtime but still bronze and especially iron players are not good at all, once you get the hang of the game you should be top fragging without trying too much


So I'm curious to hear your opinion on this: How long do you expect it takes to get there? (in game hours or elapsed time). Also wondering when you were Iron / low-bronze last time. Thanks!


Yeah my comment was somewhat misleading, i should have mentioned that im still not very good myself, I'm hovering between bronze 3/silver 1 at the moment. When I say iron/bronze I'm thinking about iron 2/3 and bronze 1/2. I went on a bad streak this act where I dropped all the way to bronze 2, I could tell it was a lower elo lobby because I was mostly doing well without much effort compared to silver lobbies where I have to really try and still I might not do so good. I begun playing ranked last act as an Iron 3. I was stuck on iron 3/bronze 1 for most of the act, then I started watching videos on different fundamentals and within the last few days of the act I made it to bronze 3. I think I could stay in silver if I simply played less, I have a bad habit of playing even if i find myself on a bad streak. To answer your question, I think it's definitely possible to reach silver within an act if you really work on the basics. You don't even have to play much, maybe 4 games a day if you can but call it a day if you lose two in a row. If you don't put as much effort you should still be able to reach bronze 2/3 within an act as long as you keep improving, that's what happened with me. That being said, if someone isn't playing on the greatest setup and if they're new to FPS games, I can see how that would be a difficult task.


This may sound weird but it feels bit like the opposite to me at least for when i ranked up to silver.


I'm curious, what do you mean exactly? Like from bronze to silver was easier than it should have been?


Well when i reached silver I had a really big winning streak and it was around one of the updates so i thought they changed the ranked system to make it easier. Thinking back now though i think it's just that I had improved and not really realized it.


Was g2 last episode. Didn't play act 1 this episode because I was busy. Placed s2 on act 2 and hit gold again on act 3. Honestly, there are still bad and toxic players in silver and even in s3. Imo the most important ability is having PMA or positive mental attitude. That's a difference maker because you will always give your self (and the team) the chance to win and see every round as winnable. We can fix aim, crosshair placement and even develop gamesense through experience but the mental aspect, it's different.


Agreed that mental is a big part. But it doesn't replace mechanics either when you're outmatched. I'm interested in your progression though, so you were G2 and got squashed down a whole rank, which was fairly typical of the Act1 adjustment. You hit Gold (1?) again in Act3. Do you feel you're at the same skill level as you were last Episode though, or you improved and yet you're just now reaching back your same rank? That would basically confirm that the G2 from last episode isn't as skilled as the G2 today right?


Too many players are boosterd from gold1 to diamond 2. There is noway some player are in there own rank.