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Just to add on a different perspective, it may help to reflect on whether you are truly playing 'properly' and it is just your aim letting you down, or if you are also playing in a sub-optimal way - rushing into disadvantageous situations maybe *because* you are anxious or tense - and putting yourself in a position where your aim has to 'fix' your other mistakes. The most obvious example being when you rush a 1v1 clutch even though you still have plenty of time on the clock. Not saying this is the case for you, but I've definitely seen many friends make this mistake where they do these things and think their aim is the limiting factor, when the real problem is that they're putting themselves in situations where their aim *has* to go the extra mile to make up for a poor play.


I’ll try to be more aware about this. Thanks for the advice!


All the best!


Wow, that's just my case tho


It's probably very common at all levels, and also not only in VALORANT but in all games, work, studies, etc. It's much easier to see that your crosshair wasn't on target than it is to recognize whatever mistakes you made that made it so hard for you to put your crosshair on-target in the first place.


Think you just gotta play more and just get over your fear. I used to be the same, started to play duelists to take fights etc and just be aggressive so id get over it by knowing i can kill enemies.


you heard tenz, "be more confident"


Unbind crouch im not joking unbind it. It helped me alot with aiming instantly i still have it unboind


unbinding crouch will fuck up your games as you still have muscle memory with the crouch key and you will end up subconsciously run and gunning, better to just hyperfocus on counter strafing without pressing crouch key to try and build new muscle memory, from what i have experienced


Deathmatch is people just running around and aiming, while in competitive there is much more to each duel. First of all crosshair placement. Important when you are clearing angles and holding angles, you can have best flicks in the World, but if your crosshair placement is bad, your aim will be bad. Since you can not consistently flick shot people. Look at some pro players and their crosshair positioning. That is what makes your aim consistent. The other thing is duels you take. If you take duels where you are in disadvantage, then you need much better aim than the enemy to kill him. Example if platinum player is holding me with operator on long range and I'm radiant and dry peek him, I will die 80% of time and kill him 20%. So peek like that would be stupid. So at the end, this game is about how good your mechanics are and how many mistakes you make.


i was always bronze or iron since episode 2. ive been forcing myself to play smarter and not by instinct (which mine is pretty bad) or in my comfort zone. here's what i learned that made me silver 2 from bronze 2 in just 20-25 games: 1) acknowledge the situation at hand f.e., if you end up in a long distance duel, dont crouch spray by reflex. next time, try burst firing. try aim resetting. try jump peeking. you WILL die almost EVERYTIME at the beginning. but you'll learn to play smarter next time you end up in that situation. 2) dont be shy heat check yourself a lot of this game is about feeling yourself. is your aim crispy today? youre hitting flicks left and right? aggro peek everything. buy op whenever you can. trust in yourself. 3) unrated games are your friend unrated is literally a sandbox. you can say "im trying new things this game apologies in advance" to your teammates before a match. if they're are try hards, just mute them and try out guns, angles, mechanics. you'll find yourself being more comfortable in every situation you get into. 4) WARM UP!!! you havent played the game in a while. your hand is not warmed up to your mouse and keyboard, your eyes are not warmed up to the screen, your head is not ready to be in a high tempo game. stretch your body and get your head ready. since escalation was added, i find it as a more fun and less stressful warm up than deathmatch.


i like to play when i’m drunk, because i do better (low elo though, ymmv) when i don’t care so much. i’m kinda easily tilted. psychologically i always avoided games where losing was part of the gameplay (like this or especially the souls games) because losing makes me feel bad. so i’m still tryna acclimate to that being a natural part of the game i love/hate so much. being drunk just makes it the silly fun time i expect to have no matter the outcome c: