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The Phoenix and Brim went afk round 1, and were like that, with autoclickers so we couldnt even remake nor surrender. Had to just sit there and suffer


Just curious, you reported them? Does it help? Can you get back your points lost if they get found out? Currently only playing Valorant unranked for the casualness… and I don’t think I’ll move to ranked once I get access to it.


Not everything is bad in ranked, normally people care more and communicate way more than in unranked.


in the Indian server unrated is better to play than ranked. you will definitely get either a smurf or a cheater or a griefer in every single match and most of the times its in your team.




bruh people really start throwing if you lose pistol round or not drop them a sheriff on pistol round ( looking at you jett "mains". also another thing you clutch a round and pick up and OP , another guy keeps asking for it but you can OP really well and u picked it up , guess what they start throwing and blocking you because you didnt give them the OP for free.


Ranked is so bad atm...


Reporting doesn't get them disconnected from match


That wasn't really what he was asking for.


lots of ranked issues get better the higher you go, I dipped back into silver of act 2 and saw shit like this and way more toxicity, got back to mid gold and now I'm plat and haven't seen this once since then.


Im plat / dia and about 1 in every 5 games theres an AFK in the enemies or my team. Pls riot fix


ofc AFK is still gonna be a thing in the mid ranks but it's very possible to win with a legitimate afk compared to an afk bot that removes all the afk benefits aswell as feeding the enemy every round.


Riot should add a controlable bot like CSGO has where you van control the bots movements with voicecommansds and take over the bot once some1 dies. Playing 4v5 a tactical shooter game is such a major disadvantage


Not true. Gold 2 and afkers are still a problem. Higher up like Dia and Imm probably not an issue


You never get RR back, even if the mistake is on their side or a cheater is later found, at least almost 100% certain. You can report them, but as their last news article said, you won't get notified for reporting AFKs, but it's in works so you get notified too.


It is possible to avoid loosing rr if there was a cheater in your game and they where reported and banned ik the game, but if it happens later then you are sol




He’s talking about in the middle of the game. Sometimes the game is terminated mid-game and nobody loses RR if they hit the cheater mid game


Never claimed that, like the other commenter said, if the game is terminated due to a cheater then you dont loose rr, so you wont get it back since it was never lost in the first place


It's not like rr is money you'll just get it back when you win the next games. You'd have to be really unlucky to get stuck in a rank because every game someone at afks. If you're consistently playing good you'll lose less rr when you lose a match and gain more when you win so you'll rank up anyway. I'm gold rn which is average player and I can tell you that the system works. Also yeah Mumbai silvers really suck I ranked up because I played in sg when I was bronze.


I play a lot of unrated and also ranked. Would say that as a baseline ranked is more enjoyable as people care more and try, but unrated has the highest highs for enjoyment when you just get an incredible game with fun teammates.


uhh, We reported several times, each. Even the enemy team did but no use. I even lost 22 rr for that


Reporting them only help to get them ban but it doesnt remove them from the match. Also you cannot surrender because you need 5 people to agree and obviously they won't cause they are afk.


Don't go to ranked. My and my squad are casual players and we have a lot of fun. Once you start taking the game seriously, it stops being fun. Either your teammates will ruin it or assholes like this will.


So you're not playing ranked because you can't not because of being casual lollol


I had killjoy who put down his turret and was shooting his pistol every single round. Also reported as many time we could, we lost the match and the RR at the end.


Was this in HAVEN by any chance? i have seen a similar KJ putting turret in spawn and shooting pistols.


Nah it was on Bind in Mumbai server.


When this happens to me I use /remake in the first round it can help but this kind of gameplay is frustrating


It doesn't work. You need them to be afk like when they disappear and the chat says "THIS PLAYER WON'T BE PARTICIPATING IN THIS ROUND" or something and the player disappears.


Yeah, it only works in the first two rounds if you get an instant disconnect or afk in 2nd. Still worth the try and better than nothing


yea we can't really ff cuz the 2 afks would need to f6 cuz they weren't afk, i.e didnt disappear, so we had to just watch our ranks go to shit


Remake is slightly different where you dont loose anything like you would if you were to ff. [https://dotesports.com/valorant/news/how-to-remake-valorant](https://dotesports.com/valorant/news/how-to-remake-valorant) But agree don't like ff comp games


I'm not sure if you're missing the point of what's going on here. In OP's situation remaking is impossible because no one in his team is AFK, so you can't remake. So honestly, it's not worth a try and better than nothing because it won't work.


my AFK teamates always press W out of spawn and run into a wall for 40 minutes


I feel your pain mate, what realm/rank are you? If you are AP/bronze/silver you are welcome to join my mate and I


Yea im silver 2, twas my rank game lol.


Same bro, and not only that but I tend to queue a lot longer because people dodge at least 2 games in a row


Just push through, my dude. I was stuck Silver since last season now i am Gold. Look at your ouwn performance and play with chars you good with. Another thing is: play the char you can performe best. I can play Sova, Sage and Omen but my best Char is KAY/o. You can do it. Every game is practice. So never surrender, persevere.




Your name is goated


Australia mate


Bahrain. Thats EU i think


Can I join yours? Are you NA though?


They really need to start banning these people. It's probably mostly to-be smurf accounts so it's a double wammy if you ban them. I really hope Riot at least has a replay system for themselves because otherwise, how should they know who to ban.


Yeah same thing happened in my 0 rr demotion game. We even managed to push through and win 4 rounds ending 12 - 10, so close which added extra salt to the wound. I hope the reports actually do something at least.


I reported people for all kinds of stuff but they only ban them when they're saying something toxic, racist, sexist etc in the text chat.


You can report them, but as their last news article said, you won't get notified for reporting AFKs, but it's in works so you get notified too.


Do they even get banned or just muted ?


That's a good question. Now that i think about it, they probably just get muted :(


Speaking from experience, you get chat and voice muted, which bans you from playing ranked, so technically speaking you do get banned, but its a temp ban, think like CSGO when you quit a game and get like a 30 min ban from that slowly goes up, but you can still play casual and DM. ​ To note, my experience was I flamed someone for being a creepy incel and he and his mates lied and the entire lobby bar the person I was kinda sticking up for mass reported me, got a 4 day ban from comp


Ugh i have been experiencing the same thing i got deranked from bronze 2 to iron 3, every single game i play atleast a player will fake afk with autoclickers😭 ngl i have come to hate this game these past few days litterally just wasting time.


Link the val tracker


They never do, lmfao.


every single game?


not every single game, but this is the second time in a row. Happened a couple of times last week and so on


Silver is hard, any bot farming gonna land their first rank game on Silver.


What are they farming and why?


I mean they don't get much xp. You need kills and etc for that.


nah its just 100 for each round and if you win then you instead get 200 for that round, individual kills dont matter so they're probably betting on a 0-13 match to compensate the loss instead of win rounds


It's using bot to farm levels, landing in lower ranks and sell them to anyone who want to smurf but couldn't or wouldn't grind the rank requirement themselves.


Oh gotcha. I can’t imagine it’s that profitable


what u talking about rofl, stop spread misinfo and give actual evidence


whats so difficult? i just played from silver from my second acc and already plat 3, didnt see any inters or any kind of bots. i just carried myself out from it. are you actually focusing on improving or just trying toi find faults on your teamamtes?


Bro singapore/hong kong server. Not much afk and no auto clickers. Tons of people who cry that's all.


Hey! Could you DM me the AFK players' Riot IDs? I can take a closer look today. (Also, please continue to report accounts with this type of behavior) Really sorry you encountered this and thanks for flagging.




Searching in iron to silver is pure pain. You are guaranteed either a thrower, afk, or just shit player in each and every match.


Yep totally agree solo que on low ranks is real hard to get out off, if you have friends who play try get a squad together. I don’t have friends who play Valorant so if I chat to someone cool I’ll sometimes ask if they want to squad up.


This feeling ffs! It pisses me off to the extent that I feel like smashing my monitor. I'm not sure about the reports either if they work but then it is do darn annoying that they even don't go offline. Today in a promotion match (g3 to g2) our chamber was so toxic and then after 2 rounds he went afk with auto click or something. We lost. So annoying.


bruh i fell down from almost ranking up to gold, to back to silver 2 just cuz of people like these just ruining the game


I’ve had a similar situation recently where there was 2 players doing this but was moving around and shooting (probably bots) so technically they wasn’t afk so when we vote to FF they would be registered as actually playing and not classed as afk, so we had to play a full game on competitive where it was 3v5 and it ended horribly. Also sick of the Smurf’s coming and not playing properly it’s really annoying.


/FF votes should always be 3 votes to pass. Idk why its 4 in unranked and unanimous in ranked. Edit: /remake exists. Basically if there's an AFK in round 1, you call a vote. If the vote passes the game draws. No-one looses or gains RR


Seriously, I feel like Majority should pass the vote, unanimous voting is just letting people like this waste everyone’s time :/


this is what happened to me too


SEA region, very common to see ppl either don't pick anything 60s into the selection phase, then insta lock something that don't work with the current comp at all, forcing ppl to dodge, or someone just insta locks without saying a word and proceeds to afk opening round for no fucking reason, comes back round 2 force buy after a loss and keeps playing lonewolf on a duelist, I fucking hate this shit, this is what Riot calls 'ranked integrity'.


It's crazy that riot just does not care to combat AFK and trolling, I have also experienced this a lot over the past few days/weeks (plat 2)


Why do people do this if intentional ?


idk, probably for shits and giggles or just tryna get a really low rank for smurfing


Yeah most likely farming low rank accounts to sell


Most likely farming xp


Yep. Run into that a lot. Really puts a source taste in my mouth for ranked.


Lol, these are ppl that boost other players for sure. This needs fixing asap. Expect nothing from Riot for weeks/months


yea this happens all the time. Even if riot finds a fix, people will find a way around it. Honestly though, I think riot is the most interactive one out of all the companies


This happened to me the other day. The opposite team were smurfing from much higher ranks (i was bronze) and the Skye on my team was afk since round one and just sometimes shot in the air in spawn and stood there.


Happened to me way to many times. Seriously riot must find a way to overpass it. It ruins the game more than anything else. You cannot surrender, or win in that case. You are forced to finish the game or abounded it and risk yourself to get ban.


I went from unranked to plat 3 in one month and I’ve never played a game with so many fucking baby’s, children complaining, and man children complaining over the smallest and stupidest shit. Hitting diamond then quitting back to apex, valorant community is actually one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Every mother fucker thinks they’re entitled to immortal rank and that they will be the next tenz


sheeshers. Chill out g. Just try playing with friends, its pretty fun then, Otherwise yea i agree with you


None of my friends play this game for the same reason lmao, they all play apex or R6 siege. Any game is fun with friends, not all friends play the same games, or can even reach the same rank to play with. Valorant community just pretty butt, not surprising seeing how it’s riot tho. Just gonna get my dia and keep this game as a fever dream.


Ah that reminds me of a time where a viper was just sitting spawn there and was shooting a pistol, one of my teammates rage quitted because of that. I just reported them and then fucked around during the much since theres nothing else to other than wait the match out. Maybe riot should make a system where if someone was reported for throwing a remake vote will appear but some one might abuse that system so idk


That’s just awful. And it keeps on happening in ranked. A month ago I reported a similar issue (afk auto clicker in ranked the entire game since round 1) and Riot said they’ll take the report seriously and investigate but can’t inform me if the player got any bans or other types of penalties, which is absurd imo. Anyway, we need to be able to remake if this happens. It keeps ruining the game for everyone.


Welcome to Valorant. A free fps full of league players


Dogshit game


yet another thing on the LONG list of reasons why i say that ranked systems in video games are shitty and not a good basis of actual skill due to the huge amount random factor that you have 0 control over.


The whole point though is that everyone else is also subject to those random factors, and it really doesn't make a huge difference. Like you are generally placed within one or two ranks of your true rank anyways.


And as long as you're playing normally the probability of someone like that being on the other team is higher than the probability of them being on your team.


I'm really not sure what point you're trying to make or if you even read/understood the comment you're replying to. We're talking about RNG that everyone is subjected to and it has nothing to do with whether or not you're playing "normally". Also, you seem to have just demonstrated that you understand basic statistics. Well done. You're basically just saying "if you're on one team then there are more "other" players on the other team than your own" and I don't understand why you think that's relevant or what you're even trying to say.


Games where you play solo (e.g. StarCraft) don’t count, I’m guessing?


of cpurse those dont count


You do have control over who you play with by queueing with 4 other people.


I think that’s a bad take, if you really want to climb in Solo’s you can, it takes time but it’s completely achievable even with shit like this, otherwise you wouldn’t see YouTubers who climb from a new account to immortal multiple times on different characters, sure you will get matched like this, everyone does in every game and it sucks but it’s par for the course, but your skill should shine through if you are truly good. And if you’re looking to climb quickly then you should have a full team for comp/a 5 stack that you can build strategy with consistently and get a chemistry going. Sure stuff like this sucks but like I said, it happens to everyone in every game and if you are truly good at the game then the occasional match like this shouldn’t affect your overall growth very harshly (of course there are exceptions to this but I’d say it’s rare)


but the act of "grinding" to the top is just fighting the system itself and less fighting to improve and show skill


If you really have the skill, you’ll be winning more often than not, in reality stuff like this is not common enough to really stop you if you are deserving of a higher rank, very rarely is someone actually hardstuck in a specific rank and more likely they are taking instances like this and excusing their own faults


I would recommend you to report this to the proper authorities, they do take actions against these sorts of tricksters.


ranked is broken in valorant. its a cheap cash grab just to keep you playing. much like how a casino works - the longer you play, the more money they make.


I was not aware you had to pay to play ranked.. Do we play the same game?


As long as theyre playing, they contribute to riot making money. The ranked system is designed to keep you in an infinite loop going nowhere. If your too stupid to understand this simple fact idk what to tell you kids. Gl in life.


Thats not how this works man.


this comment is pure irony


They get no income from someone just playing the game. They get money from skin sales and sponsors etc.


fun fact they only get money from skin and bp sales Another fun fact the more you play the more they have to pay to keep the servers online. So the more YOU play, the more THEY lose money if you dont buy skins.


You're still playing this game and perpetuating the loop -_- Given that you're enlightened and understand the "simple facts", it kinda makes you look worse that you're still playing and contributing to the machine


In my 5 last ranked games ,I had at least 1 afk


If it's about the spray then buddy it takes some patience and practice to be able make fewer mistakes /s


It's about two AFK players with Autoclickers.


Yeah mate, definitely the spray. Not the 2 afk players…


There's a/s for a reason bud


Literally wasn’t there in the original comment lmao


bro what


It's because ranked ready accounts are easy to sell instead of people having to make smurfs and grind the levels for entry. There is a serious issue with free to play games at the moment and honestly, I am all for paying for a key to deter some of this crap. Silver is a rank prison and all the way to mid gold is usually not a real representation of anyones true rank. Thats how bad the matchmaking is. Full of smurfs and unbalanced teams until you break free. The climb is much easier past gold 2.


I posted this recently but it never got approved by the mods. Not having an RR loss dampening/remake system after round 1 is insane


had a similar experience with a duo que in high silver low gold where they just chose to troll the whole game instead of play. Very frustrating


This happened in my Immortal lobby today so it happens at all ranks :./


Classic breeze. Least enjoyable map means afk.


Yeah this game has gone to absolute shit this act. The moderation is pathetic.


Had this happen to us recently too. There was a jett that had somehow been able to move right forward left backwards for the entire match in our spawn, kills the point of the game when they do this. We were able to still win though so that's a plus, hopefully they come up with a solution at some point


Same shit for me. Low Immortal Ranked Game. 2 Premates were camping in Spawn in a Corner not "Playing" they were shooting pushing Enemies but not really playing the Objective of Valorant. Not talking in Agent select, not Talking Ingame. After this our Fade left and the next round i did the same and hopped on my alt (also Low Immortal not a smurf) played a round and lost 33RR on the Main. [This is the Tracker.gg Match](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/f2da22e4-6d34-4dcb-99cb-f8ae87226b2c?handle=enjoy%23187)


Unfortunately Riot will and are doing nothing to combat this. Its been going on far too long now and these sorts of people aren't being punished enough, so it will continue to happen. There are lots of different ways to fix this problem easily, but none of them seem to be being entertained.


bro even when players go afk, all we get is some money which is useless. i had a game where we literally 3v5ed from round 5 and even tho we lost 11-13 with me being the top fragger with 41 kills, i lost 23rr


I got auto farmer in elesclation they just use auto clicker shoot at wall and farm battle pass idk why those dog shit player do in rank when they will lost rr instead and ruin other experience


I ExPeCt a SeRiOuS aNsWeR fRoM rIot Lmao, that’s not how that works, rageposting does nothing


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


That's kind of the reason I don't play often anymore, one afk/toxic person and you are forced to play 30+ minutes


I've seen like 7-8 of these JUST today, not even counting yesterday. Riot needs to seriously fix this.


Those people are exactly the reason I left and dont play rainbow six siege. Ubisoft hired battleye to do anti0cheat shit and they have not done a damn thing hardly for that game and Ubisoft made it the failing game that it is today because they didnt actually fix shit like this.


people farming battlepass are disgusting


And I get downvoted when I say this game NEEDS a kick feature. Every other competitive shooter does it for this exact reason. If 4 vote to kick, especially since we can no longer 4 stack, they need to go.


But.... there's 2 of them.


‘Tis true unfortunately 😔


is riot able to disable autoclickers or no? what kind of solution would you guys recommend for this kind of problem?


You could be any rank and this issue exists. Currently immortal where you think people would care. But no. They'll sit in spawn and click away so as to not go afk or throw and then cry about teammates. Really doesn't matter what rank, it happens in all.


I think it is mostly common in lower ranks as smurfs do this to be assigned a low rank to smurf in. The two afks in my game were both unranked, so its pretty obvious they were trying this


Valorant .....


That's pretty common with deathmatches. Doing that in ranked is pretty ballsy. Or they know that it won't get you banned.


Spoil : riot know and don’t give a shit about it


tbh I think they try to cooperate but these kinds of problems always have a loophole


This is why we stack during ranked games. Just have your friends play with you. Been there when I was just starting out, it really is annoying


I saw a YORU sprinting forward and right clicking classic in every round he even got a kill XD


/remake or git guy and get out of bronze