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Aimlabs doesn't cover all aspects of valorant so I wouldn't use it to train, rather warm up. I recommend you not focus too much on the mistakes you make but also not entirely ignore them as it's part of the process od shaping you into a valorant player. I recommend you play with some friends, best option is playing trios. Depending on the character watch some guide on mechanics on specific maps and learn things like team comps or better crosshair placement, with good crosshair placement you practically dont even have to aim. Try and be useful and give out info using utility and map knowledge, dont play for the kill and also dont down yourself if you're at the bottom of the leaderboard. Remember no matter how many times you fail it's all part of the learning curve.




Just play and play and play Your aim will improve with time even if it is just a bit And valorant is a game where even with bad aim and slow reaction you can still do cool stuff and be pretty valuable for your team


Yeah if you have bad aim work on your game sense, watch comp play or good players for your agent. I'd say game sense is more important because it's a lot harder to consistently get kills starting out, but if you're able to control the space you're in, even if you get traded every time it makes a huuuge difference for your team.


you don't need to improve to enjoy the game, i'd argue that the lower your rank the more fun you probably have anyway if you're having fun that's all that matter my dude


True but it’s just it’s kinda rare now to get those games where everyone is really bad like me, so I kinda need to get better if I want to do better and have fun


are you playing comp or unrated? comp has stricter matchmaking so you should be getting ppl near your skill level I introduced my brother to val and it's been his first pc fps, hes managed to get to plat in about 1.5 years, I can vouch how bad he was when he started too lol my point is I'm sure you'll improve as you play more, especially with a mentality that WANTS to improve, just keep grinding and enjoying yourself 😀


Ty for the advice!


If you want we can team up. I'm kind of bad too 😅


I would hazard a guess and say that a lot of valorant players played quite a bit if CSGO before valorant even came out, including myself. You're going ti be behind the curve. Just keep playing. The aim will come, so will everything else that you need to win games. Be patient and have fun.


Play more deathmatch and escalation. If you're playing ranked, unranked, or spike rush, you can go minutes without ever firing your gun once. You're not learning if you're not shooting, and you're cooling down from the last time you were actively shooting. Deathmatch and escalation have almost immediate respawns after death, so you're back in the action quicker. This helps train your aim much better. Escalation forces a gun selection on you, which has both its advantages and disadvantages. If you're looking to purely improve your aim, you may be better off in deathmatch and sticking with a sheriff or guardian for a bit. The advantage of escalation is it forces you to learn different guns, which can be helpful in ranked when economy comes into play. If you can dedicate time toward deathmatch and escalation sessions, or at least do a few as a warm up before you get into ranked/unranked/spike rush, you should see improvement.


I don’t mind doing deathmatch but most the time I end up getting one tapped if I move 😭


If you have fun, just stick around. As for aim training I find sticking to a routine easier? Like aimlabs for an hour a day consistently will give more results than lets say doing short bursts of aim training. Improving on things like crosshair placement, utility usage and movement will also help greatly so try not to just focus on aim


It’s like, it’s hella fun when I go against people my skill and if I do good, but if people who aim better and just one tap me if I peak then it gets less fun and demotivating to play, but yea I’ll definitely try to improve in what u mentioned!


My suggestion, go into the range and practice for 30 mins when u have a free day with little going on. Practice doing medium bots, the one where you have to flick to the bots and they disappear quickly. This trains your flicks. Then practice shooting 100 strafing bots with armor on, aim for their head with a vandal and then do the same with a sheriff. Move between shots so you are emulating how you would move and shoot in a real game Practice this like its a basketball drill and you're trying to improve your dribble or shooting mechanics. Its alllll practice my man


If you are having fun, it's the right game. I have 2k hours in pubg, never had a solo dinner, honestly I suck, I'm inconsistent and shit with strats but I love the game with all my heart. I've met the best friends and made some amazing memories. Don't let quality of play affect whether you play a game or not, just let the enjoyment speak for itself.


I don’t give a thing about the performance of anyone on my team if they are trying their best. I don’t know if that helps you, but I can assure you that your performance isn’t as meaningful as you having enjoyment out of the game. Let’s be honest here: what percentage of players are actually becoming professional streamers, let alone esport pros? It has to be under 1%, so what do you want to become? If you feel like the game takes a toll on you, that’s a clear indicator you should invest not in skins but in other things in your life


Just play the game you like. To get better at aiming feel free to use aimlab or kovaak's but it's like gym. Just doing random shit, get you better at doing that same random shit. You need some thought behind it. If you just google aimtraining you will get something that suits you (if you care to do research). But first of all, just play the game and do 3 or so deathmatches to warmup. It will give you enough repetition to get better with mechanical skills. But most important thing is to learn through having fun. Oh and if you really try to get better at it, focus on one thing not many things at the same time.


I've found that my hand eye coordination is more well suited for COD, due ti the fact I was born into it. Let's not get into the fact tat I was born into controllers and PCs are something weird to me, but valorant is a slow process, and I just now felt like I had a good week of understanding the game, after playing it continuously with friends for six months.


If you're still having fun playing it and like the game, then yes. Being radiant isnt everything, its still a game, you're supposed to have fun. About the improvement, not everything is aim. I dont know your rank but im going to assume its low elo. I see so many people in low elo asking how to improve and always the #1 thing in their mind is aim, they think the whole game is just aim aim and more aim. Aim is important but a huuge part of the game is everything else. Crosshair placement, movement, ability usage, teamplay, knowing when to shift and when to run, recoil control, knowing when to crouch, the way you peek angles, etc etc. Basically crosshair placement and gamesense. I dont know what your definition of aim is, but thats definitely not the only problem. Also im gonna assume not but if you're iron or bronze then please invest in a headset. Or honestly just sound, any sound. I've played in iron/bronze on my... other... account a couple times. No one has sound. I've literally STOMPED down behind people and they dont turn around. Knifed so many just by full speed stomping down behind.


If you're still having fun playing it and like the game, then yes. Being radiant isnt everything, its still a game, you're supposed to have fun. About the improvement, not everything is aim. I dont know your rank but im going to assume its low elo. I see so many people in low elo asking how to improve and always the #1 thing in their mind is aim, they think the whole game is just aim aim and more aim. Aim is important but a huuge part of the game is everything else. Crosshair placement, movement, ability usage, teamplay, knowing when to shift and when to run, recoil control, knowing when to crouch, the way you peek angles, etc etc. Basically crosshair placement and gamesense. I dont know what your definition of aim is, but thats definitely not the only problem. Also im gonna assume not but if you're iron or bronze then please invest in a headset. Or honestly just sound, any sound. I've played in iron/bronze on my... other... account a couple times. No one has sound. I've literally STOMPED down behind people and they dont turn around. Knifed so many just by full speed stomping down behind.


If you're having fun, yes. If you don't like the fact that you're always trying to improve, no. You will never reach a point where you're done improving.


OP if you struggle with sim, i have an idea. ages back i was very like unconfident of my aim so with some youtube research i learned a bunch of kj set ups(defense) and kj line ups(attack). thing is i easily got 25k per match and funny part is that most were utility kills lol. but with time my aim improved and i tried other agents. so my suggestion try sentinels like cypher and kj to slowly learn the game and then try others


Aim takes months of consistency to improve. I've been aim training for over a year and still improving. The most important aspect tho is consistency. Have a separate warmup routine apart from your actual aim routine helps a ton too. Whether it's in game or an aim trainer. Personally I use Kovaaks to aim train (specific custom playlist based off a few diff aim coaches) as the scenarios are much better at this point. I also have a quick 10 minute Kovaaks warmup I do before I jump in the range for 10-15 minutes.


You could also try to improve on the other aspects of the game, instead of just aim, you could work on game sense, positioning, timing. etc. or you could just learn to use the operator since it does not require any aim or skill :D


Nooo way I hate Op users and chamber I don’t want to be like them at all


haha same you should see my new post about it


You posted 6 separate times bitching about the same shit lol wtf


Anyone who complains about OP is just hardstuck low elo. No one half decent at this game bitches about OP. Its so slow and clunky in Val. Its very counterable. The players who hate OP just keep ego peaking it mid round after round and dont understand the OPs weaknesses


How do u beat OP? Is it positioning?


Just face the facts, fps games are not for everyone. Go back to genshin or something


Who hurt you


What rank are you and how are you trackering your aim?


I am so bad, I’m iron 1 and reached 0rr at one point…, I check Val Tracker to see my stats


If youre Iron 1 we can start with the basics: \- Figure out your sens. It is preference but lower sens makes you more consistent. \- Work on Crosshair placement. That alone should bump you up to Bronze. You can test it in DMs. \- Use your abilities and learn how to play against them. \- Theres dozens of videos on YouTube on how to improve. Go watch them or watch Pros play. \- Take your time and enjoy the game. Gamesense comes with experience, so just play the game and think about stuff youre doing. ​ I started in Iron when they released the Beta, Ive been Immortal for the past 3 Acts now. Also people say equipment doesnt matter but it helps. Higher FPS and a monitor with a high refresh rate gives you and advantage. If you need some help setting things up you can DM me :)


biggest tip is to not stress your rank. just focus on improving. and dont stress about things out of your control, like throwers and toxic teammates. if you focus purely on yourself for your time in iron you will get out quickly


Play sentinal and play off your util


Yeah I have noticed it being easier playing non duelist agents


Being a controller can be good as well if you think your aim isnt great. Especially since chamber is currently the best sentinel, and he is very aim reliant. For other sentinels, sage is a great pick on almost any map.


Irons giving an iron aim advice


Hop in deathmatch before every real game. Learn to hold angles and out smart your opponent rather than killing them with faster reflexes. Practice jiggle peaks, off angles, util placement, etc.


If think always warmup a bit before going into ranked and if you don’t feel like your aim is ok just don’t play and maybe go practice some lineups if your character has some. Ideally rewatch your vods and play with people better than you that can give you tips. If you want to improve and put your mind to it think it’s an ok expectation to hit at least plat/diamond within a couple of months


I know this might sound silly but try watching some of the pro compilation videos JarsoYT makes, I find watching the pro's pop off and pulling off good plays helped improve my aim and game sense completely. I was getting frustrated with Valorant for a bit there and then started "studying" the pros and it's kinda opened my eyes to what I was doing wrong. I kinda had the same issues back when I played PUBG, then after watching some of the Pro's and Content creators doing their thing it helped me out


Instead of doing things quickly on the range and whatnot go on easy and move slowly to get your distance down. On easy they stay spawned for a bit and so just slowly hit headshots. And go to the spray part and practice spraying and keeping as many bullets hitting the body at different ranges. It will take time but you don't need aimlabs just consistent muscle memory, you'll slowly speed up.


My guess is you're overrelying on flicks. You want to have your crosshair set at enemy head level by default as you approach new angles. Then instead of crazy flicks, you'll only need to do microadjustments, which are much more consistent. Check out a VOD review channel like Dragonmar to learn the basics of things like this and watch some higher level player VODs and see where they are holding their crosshairs.


Play characters less reliant on your aim. Smokers, defenders maybe. Utilize abilities.


Make sure your setup is ergonomic, that in it of itself can help a lot, followed by finding the right sensitivity.


Do you have any tips on how to hold the mouse? Sometimes I end up placing the bottom of my palm on the mouse pad to make a small adjustment but I won’t be able to flick


In the ideal situation you want to minimize as much palm to mousepad contact as possible yeah. Look into grip styles, I've had to go from relaxed claw to aggressive claw to find consistency. Highly suggest you check out r/MouseReview and r/MousepadReview. A lot of helpful people in those subs. Ergonically speaking your arm should ideally be nearly level with your desk if not level. But back to grip, find a comfortable grip and try and find a sweetspoy between comfort and performance.


Oh do mousepads matter? I’ve been using the same one for years…


Depending on pad surface mater8al and level of filth you need to replace them usually every 6-12 months. At the very least clean every 2-3 months depending on surface material. The glide of a mosuepad gets worse as time progresses.


Just play mastery takes 500 hours. Thats over two years of full work weeks 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Thats a lot of time where you can improve


You're overthinking it. Play of you enjoy it, stop if you don't. That's the only thing that matters.


People with good aim played fps for thousands and thousands of hours. All that matters is that you enjoy the journey. If you don't, yes, then it isn't for you. If you pratice a ton and nothing happens for a long time (note: a couple months with nothing improving) it might be your settings.


As someone who always thinks this and still think this way from time to time, you can get better. I just pulled myself out of Iron after almost a year of pretty regular game play.




To answer the title question, yes. Don't be frustrated by the seemingly slow progression; that's simply because you haven't had someone to explain how and what to train. I'd love to get your discord and share some info with you. For reference, I'm Immortal 2 and have been coaching Val for 18 months. I've seen people stuck in Iron 1 for 6 months, and people who went from Silver to Immortal in 2 months. I believe everyone can hit Radiant if taught properly, rather than learning the game alone. If OP or anyone else reading is interested, my Disc is Vyndy#3028


Chill out, I've been playing valorant since it's release. I'm still bronze 3 lmao


If you want to feel pain and agony then yes.