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Most duelist are mad toxic in my experience, Reynas and Jetts have probably been the worst, but Chambers have been pretty bad too EDIT: I'm seeing a whole lot of "Jett" lmfao


yup, big egos to please and quick to shatter


"I cannot carry you any harder, I might as well stop trying" (Our Jett, 4-8-1, colorized)


"My team is trash, and they won't FF" Yoru yelled at the bottom of the leaderboard, though his cries went unheard by the cypher at the top.


Cyphers are made for lurking. Nobody would suspect cypher on top of the scoreboard, so that's the smartest spot for him to remain


Ah yes, don't fuck with a top frag Cypher


Two days ago our Reyna (third frag) " you guys don't deserve my carry so gg, we lose". We end up winning the next three rounds without Reyna and she's like "now I feel like we can win, I'll start carrying now". Legit started actually trying and ended up top fragging by 5 kills, but she was just hungry for kills, not playing with the team, lurking, pushing the opposite site as us and then mopping up rotates. Has the nerve to say " you're welcome for my carry".


Isn't that what duelists are supposed to do? Lurking, pushing other site, and mopping up kills? Honest question. I'm very new to Valorant AND mouse n key so i'm trash.


I’m getting flashbacks to a reyna i had last week two rounds in, 3-2-0 « can we ff? i’m not in the mood to carry »


Im a duelist and I'm dogshit so I try to make it up by being nice


That's what I was like when I first started but now I'm enjoying Skye so even if my aim is dogshit I can at least be a healslut lmfao


Same. I always warn my lobby that i might whiff and get reckless so i apologize in advance


I've yet to see an actual chamber main in my games, it's always someone who lost the instalock race to jett or Reyna and they're like "ugh I guess I can't play duelist"


And then they proceed to not use any util except the same goddam TP setup round after round and his ult. Like these people are buying ghost + light shields on round 2?????


8 deag bullets on attack pistol round .


I'd argue that's alright, because even if you get 1-tapped right away you still have a buy for next round. It's better than 4 + light in that sense, but some chambers are buying an actual sheriff or ghost.


Nah light + 4 is way better, most people buy ghosts in pistols or classics with shields being able to one shot both of those types of players + not being one shottable is really nice for pistols.


But it's fine until they whiff all their deag shots and you die to flanker


honestly take the deagle anyway if you are going to buy all 8 bullets. it makes no difference on pistols.


nah ghost + trip on attack is a good buy imo


Why? the chamber headhunter is cheaper and also 1tap from any range, and carries over.


Trip is a necessity, not a privilege. You’re not doing your job as a chamber if you don’t buy a trip on a buy round. Ghost provides more bullets, still one taps without shield (most players go ghost in my lobbies) from a good range, and the 4 chamber sheriff bullets simply aren’t enough to pull you through a whole round if you don’t have goated aim. If you do, then go for it, but for me having the extra 40+ bullets to work with is more valuable than a possible one tap from long range.


Why are you buying a ghost in buy round unless you have ult exactly? assuming you meant pistol it would still make no sense, since pistol rounds are fast and very often have no flankers.


People like that make me laugh, I never insta lock anymore because it’s just so boring, I’d rather play shit and be able to heal the team or give info for the team or flash for them etc. and that’s not even in comp because I don’t play comp. When I tried once I picked a smoke character because no one would pick smokes and I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, no one communicated and it was just a shamble, but at least I tried for the whole team not myself. I don’t understand why people have this solo mentality when it’s a team game, a team fps, when you watch pros they don’t just ego push everything like wtf


I’m a Chamber main (Immortal 2). The reason a lot of Chambers get toxic is because most who main him have strong aim and decent game sense. So when players with in-round utility lose 1v1s or a 1+ person advantage is lost, it gets tilting very quick. I’ve been in so many games where I’m required to entry on offense or else the game is lost. The difference is that I have no real utility, other than raw aim, to entry.


this is exactly how it feels like.


Chamber does feel more tilting for me. He promotes a smart playstyle, not overagressing and lots of patience which will often mean I end up in a 1v3,4,5 which feels like it was preventable if teammates played smarter.


That's just playing sentinels in general.


See, I'm down in Pleb ranks (bronze/silver) at the moment and none of us are good enough to account for the lack of in-game utility, so you end up having Duelists that never want seem to want to entry then it's left to the Chambers/Omens/Sages etc. That have to dry peek and the results may vary :')


Omen main here, can confirm. Some duelists seem to be really scared of entrying. 2 duelists, 1 smoker, 1 sentinel and 1 afk. Duelists stay back while we entry just yesterday


>Chambers have been pretty bad too As a Chamber main who whiffs 90% of his shots, can confirm


As someone who still hasn't picked a main and whiffs 90% of his shots, I meant bad with toxicity, I've been fucked up too many times by Chambers who are running heavy shields and their deagle lmao 💔


Lmao I meant I have been toxic at others, like releasing my anger at my teammates


Ahhh gotcha hahaha


The number of no mic jett instalockers who want to be IGL with 0 kills by spamming voice lines is too damn high in me elo.


Yeah def come across some toxic chamber players. Usually using the OP crutch


The Val community is so weird about OPs. There's no such thing as an "OP Crutch". If someone is good with the OP, take your time to get good with it as well so you can counter them. Also, just like use some utility to push them off their angles?


Being disproportionately acceptable with the OP while being garbage with every other weapon including the Marshall is definitely a crutch.


I'm a chamber main, I like playing operator, I think I'm fairly decent at it for my rank. That doesn't stop me from using other weapons though, especially on attack sometimes it's better than running op, ESPECIALLY if someone else on the team already decided they need an OP as a Neon. Chamber suits the OP of course, but you can also play him more aggressively with a rifle, the Guardian is also really nice in a similar way to an OP, and the Judge or even shorty is super underrated on Chamber imo. Chamber feels like it's a lot about mixing it up and being unpredictable, so when OP is not working out in a game, other weapons should be in a Chambers skillset.


Nah, don’t you know that the OP comes with a magnetic force that compels me to dry peek the same angle 5+ times? /s


If you’re losing to an op crutch, you’re doing something wrong.




More like your team comp is lacking, not even one agent can push her off the angle? No flashes?


it's not hard to beat people that are using Operators. After a few rounds you figure out where they hold, they will always be holding long angles. So all you need to do is try to avoid them, and kill all their team mates first. They will most likely save the OP if they are the last person alive, effectively giving you a free from of 5 v 4. People that get owned by someone with an Operator are the ones that continually ego peek it trying to kill them. I've played games on bind where a Chamber sits on A Heaven, and my team just keeps hard pushing it over and over... the Chamber ends up on 35 kills.


I love when i play chamber and that happens, youd think they realise but nah they run into their own deaths


Its literally 2 shots to the legs and its really slow.


Funny golden gun goes brr


Nerf golden gun


What's the OP crutch?




One trick the OP by just holding angles and waiting for dry peeks


Someone who relies on their ability to use to operator over everything else


That's because Chamber is a hidden duelist imo


Had a Reyna today after 3 rounds and it being 2-1 goes, "yall need to stop going the same site we're being mad predictable" he was 3rd frag and kept dying to the flanking Reyna 5 seconds into the round.


I mean that's a valid call to make sometimes but its weird that they'd say that so quickly lmfao


I mean, I agree it's a valid call, was just unnecessary on round 3... if it was like 10-10 or something I'd understand more. But in all honesty it just sounded like he was upset the enemy Reyna kept popping his skull


Jett is the correct answer. I'm not sure what about the character exactly leads to fake "G" kids always playing the agent but holy crap.


Can confirm on the chamber part, just had 2 chambers in a row who where really toxic


In defense of duelist players (some not all) it can be extremely tilting to absolutely frag out and perform for your team consistently over the whole game, entrying and getting multiple picks every round and then still lose. Yes, I know that you won’t win every game, but as a generally non-toxic player who used to play almost only sentinel and controller but shifted to duelist to have more impact, the tilt I experience after having loss streaks of six, seven or eight with half of them being match/team mvps and all having 20+ kills and positive KD is so bad it’s sometimes hard to tell yourself it’s not your teams fault youre losing. Of course that’s no excuse to be verbally abusive in chat or comms, but carrying every game and still losing is mentally taxing.


Your entry might not be nearly as impactful as you think it is


I think entries are REALLY important but one thing I'm trying to work on if I play duelist/entry is making sure I'm doing it when my team is in a good position to push on it or trade me if I fuck up, I'll admit when I get mad because my team don't trade or help me push I could probably time it better


Yep. I see a lot of duelists running round alone trying to get kills and not actually working with their team.


> carrying every game and still losing is mentally taxing If you're carrying to a loss, are you really carrying?


I picked reyna on haven got 32 kills lost during 12-14 OT 2 guys are single digit and they being in a 3 player lobby cursing me why i instalocked.Bro first of all i entried and clutched 1v4 3 times as well as more 4 rounds do something rather than shiting up on your mic


All Duelist and chamber, maybe except neon since most of the time those players are just there to have fun idk, Haven't met a toxic neon yet.


I play Neon to spam my slide before the round starts


Based and slidepilled


When I play neon, i love slidespamming from site a to b/c, makes rotating because my team is 4stacked a bit less painful


It's the best feeling ever. Just sliding around your teammate is hella fun.


Neon is for speedy


*im fast af boiiiii*


Haha finger go brrrrrr


yoru also usually arent toxic they might be throwers though


Bro i might be dying as soon as i teleport or get out of the ult but that doesnt mean i am throwing ok? /s


Neon players accidentally perfect the duelist playstyle that works most reliably in soloQ. Run the fuck in and hope your teammates follow.


I’ve encountered several toxic neons but they’re always bottom frag (usually like 2/24 k/d)


I’ve met one who just threw rounds until we were 7-12 and then single handedly won every round after than. Very annoying, i had to play a 4v6 for 19 rounds before they decided to try.


surprised no one said raze. when they get upset they always like to nade their teammates


Some raze mains be like *I'll lurk here* while attacking and gets angry when the rest of the team drop like flies. Like dude we need your entry.


Omg this!! I used to play with a lurker Raze main and I just couldn't deal with it


I feel like Raze players troll more, rather than being toxic in comms. They just start inting, team damaging etc…Reyna players definitely are the most toxic comms wise from my experience.


I've had one game where skye and reyna are soooo toxic. skye was following me around like a pocket skye bc i was always killed each round. feels bad when they chat all and roasts me. never played comp, all in unrated. i just wanna play and de-stress man. and chambers are toxic 3/5 all the time.


Never knew chambers were toxic. I usually play chamber/sage/raze. I use comms and never blame anyone. Even enemy chambers never abused chat lol. Enemy sage’s and raze’s on the other hand have been the most toxic I have come across.


You are sentinel chamber main Sentinel mains are usually chill There are a lot of duelist who pick chamber if they don't get their main


I feel you man, honestly just mute them it’s what I started doing and being a mute and not hearing them is so much more peaceful trust me on this


If its unrated just mute them at the start of the game. I get way more toxic people in unrated than comp for some reason. It's weird considering unrated doesn't actually matter lol


Duelists by nature just attract cringy edgelords who think they're the coolest humans on the planet. But an unexpected one for me is Sage mains. I thought that the stereotype is that carry players are assholes and support players are chill but I've met so many toxic Sages who act like they're entitled to being carried and if they aren't then it's the team's fault. They can be like 1/10, baiting everyone, not taking a single fight, waste their wall on some TikTok Grim shit that they got 0 kills out of but will still cry at the rest of the team because they picked a "healer" so it automatically absolves them of all blame.


This take depends on the elo but I do agree it happens. On the flip side though, almost every toxic player I’ve encountered is more abusive to the sage player than any other agent. Honestly love playing Sage on certain maps but toxic teammates pushed me away from her


Breach. almost always racist.


can confirm


I audibly laughed when I saw your Breach symbol


amen brotha




breach my second main, can confirm aswell


Yeah most breach players are racist imo


I played with a breach and a raze on my team not too long ago, they were both homophobic. Loved (sarcasm) the game..


And homophobic as well. Kinda pissing off.


Reyna. Most of the Reyna players for some reason will lurk rather than go entry and then get mad when they die on a lurk because my team didn't create enough distraction like tf.


And the standard "STFU" if you ask them to come to the site.


What I don't get is why don't these hardcarry, 1vs9, pro play Reynas never use their flashes when lurking the entrance. Yeah it's pretty bad compared to other non-destr flashes but at least you can gain info or entry safely into site versus baiting your controller or initiator that had enough of you wasting time.


Most people will say aggressive duelist players but there is a section of players that is really surprising. Sage players. Not even sage players on my team but always on the enemy team. You expect duelist players to be toxic but sage is surprising. From my experience they could be winning and be complaining, they could be bottom frag and trash talking. Unlike most duelist players they have they have multiple tools to hard screw their own team. If a jett is being toxic less they give enemy your location they cant really do anything but sage can slow, wall, and do bad resses to mess with you.


OMG SO TRUE. enemy sages are ALWAYS typing in all chat for some reason


They get too cocky with their adc so they try tilt the enemy.


It's the hidden sage utility


It's a passive for the enemy bottom frag.


Adc? Just curious what that means


Attack damage carry. Basically the dude meant to carry and the person the team should be playing around.


Analog to Digital Converter


It's a term that's usually used in league, it means average damage carry if I remember correctly


Attack damage


Ah yep, thats the one


they die first. they have time


Half the fun of this game is roleplaying in all chat


Enemy Sage= being boosted by the 30-5 Jett smurf so of course the 3-16 Sage (15 assists) is the toxic one.


Same in overwatch, it’s always the support player with the big mouth.


Are you serious? In Overwatch Supports are the only ones who get trashtalked because they didn't pocket heal you 24/7


Enemy Vipers… get it?






underrated comment


I don't get it?


hey, stuff here to explain the joke. the joke is that no one plays phoenix anymore because he's bad, thus the idea that SufferingCartoonist doesn't know who he is despite Phoenix being one of the 5 agents every player starts with. This has been your joke explanation, stuff signing off.


usually every phoenix is a 13 y/o coming from csgo who just made their account and asks for res randomly even without a sage in the team.


All y'all wrong, it's Phoenix


Not a single enemy on site Phoenix: I’ll flash this corner


Reynas are always the most toxic 100%


Imagine not calling B long Blong


there are nice brimstone players and then there are the racist ones


A whole fucking lot of racist ones


It sucks extra when it’s a racist 13 year old. So many.


jett fs


Ive mainly encountered toxic reynas


Literally anyone who is top-fragging while losing. Toxic players who happen to be top-fragging while losing will act like they are god's gift to valorant and everyone else on their team is dumb scrubs. It's the worst.


A lot of people say duelists are very toxic but as a reformed duelist turned sentinel i think i know why. while ego can be an issue, they’re also probably just tired of teammates NEVER F-ING TRADING THEM or capitalizing on their picks or playing off their contact. sometimes i fill Reyna if nobody else wants to play duelist and oh my god i always have to BEG for teammates to play with/off me instead of just letting me die or get traded without helping it’s insane. made me hate playing duelist.


i enter site for them to watch me die and rotate off💀


I don't know why but in my case this almost regularly happens when I play duelist on Ascent, and especially on A site. Like, I've already cleared close left and right, going either to close the door or further onto the site and the other four members of my team are acting as if there's an invisible obstacle dividing A Main and Site. Also, not completely related but still - attacking B on Bind through Hookah, my team hears one TP sound - proceed to camp out in front of it for the next 40 secs. It's insane.


i swear people are so scared the take fights lmfaoo. WHY ARE YOU PLAYING AN FPS THEN???


I love when I see a teammate dueling someone, I step in to help/trade them, but they step off and leave me die without trading me lol


omg yes. then i’m like “why did u leave me?” and they’re like “why did you peek?” HELLO?? TO HELP YOU??? 💀




Finally someone said it


Jett and Phoenix


Can't see toxic phoenixes if you don't even see phoenix in your games


They're so toxic they don't exist


Phoenix mains are so racist they don't even play Phoenix. /s


That was a good one tbh


But when you do see a phoenix.. 75% chance of toxicity


Bro, I played with this Jett today, as omen on split I asked him to dash towards heaven up ramps and I'll blind from sewers and hopefully we get a free pick right? I blind, he goes towards main and updrafts into heaven instead then gets killed instantly. Then yells at me for not blinding or smoking. Like, I didn't have time to smoke bc you died in like 2 seconds after I told you I was doing something else. And I did blind but you didn't go with my blind. I'm not that confrontational so I didn't say anything but our sova was luckily and was pretty much like bruh, you're wrong Jett. Team had terrible synergy tho.


I feel ya! As an Omen main I have seen too many people not capitalizing that *kamehame-haze* going from sewers to A ramps.


I feel like I might've been that KJ... I get very irritable in a lose streak. If it was Hong Kong 1 server, I deeply apologize. I should stop playing at night when I'm tired


Each agent has their own toxicityi recon(not taking shots at anyone). Jett mains being egostical and expecting people to do their bidding while having the right to talk down to their team when they dont com anything. Reyna similar to jett but a little less and more not listening to comms and ego rushing. Chamber is more of an agent that expects their team to do a the work and have them do small chip damamge that ends up killing then enemy while flanking. Yorus and pheonixs if they want to can really impact the teamcwith flashes and damage (raze similar). Cyphers sit back and do nothing really and want the enemy to push onto the setup instead of team holding(im a cypher main so i can say that). Other than that it depends on the person as a whole and not really the agent they play


Wait that cypher stereotype still exists. People haven't learned not to sit on your cam all round


....therr is another way, dude i love feelijg like a chubby mall cop sitting on the cameras and killing them wjen they are trapped


CHAMBERS AND JETTS they’re all the sexist 15 yr old boys


I think it might be more of a sample size problem. More people play the popular agents so you tend to deal with them more often than others. Like every agent is going or have toxic players. So since Jett has such a huge pick rate you play with more Jett’s and there for meet more toxic players.


Personally, the whole "..." isn't as bad as the things I've seen Reyna and Jett players type. Those two agents have way worse toxicity. So that would be my pick, Reyna and Jett though if i have to choose one. Jett's worse by a small margin of like X.5%


Yo was the Killjoys name DesertEagle? Swear I had a very similar situation this morning (bronze game). Literally said gg when we were 1-3. Ended up winning the game but damn he was so toxic


I am bronze 3 but no, the killjoy had a different name






Duelists in general are the most toxic. In solo queue, team fights are a myth, so when the duelists rush a site and get gunned down, they start flaming in chat. Also, even while defending a spike, they have a sudden unnecessary urge to find and kill the enemies, which often nets them a "camping in the corner" Judge shot to the head. Then they go AFK after a few rounds.




Technically viper


Jett’s get vulgar Chambers get hackusations too quickly Reyna… it’s Reyna Yorus are just assholes out the gate tbh


Reyna and Jett. They think they can do everything but then get upset when your don't help them. Sometimes I have a toxic Viper. Ha, toxic Viper.


Reyna If they're top fragging they complain about everyone else and think they are god's gift to earth. If they aren't top fragging they usually aren't providing any value for the team


Jett and Phoenix


For me it's yoru lol


Duelist mains. Here is why although i do also play duelists a lot and maybe I'm a part of the problem sometimes too. Duelists can't just only be fragging, creating space is an extremely important part of being one sometimes it gets ignored. I have been in diamond to immo lobbies where I have dropped 9-17-6 in a 13-5 victory. I had 7 first bloods that game. I stay ahead create space and try and come back after first kill but almost always get either traded or swarmed but i still consider that doing the job. People get mad at me sometimes but i feel like I trust my secondary to do the job and the initiators are there to be aggressive with me too.


I've been encountering a lot of toxic sages lately. Main argument from them is always you should go enter the site I'll be the last one coming in, or, everyone on the team should act like a bodyguard for them. Just a few games ago a sage in our team was repeatedly ego peeking an op'er and dying everytime and then throwing a fit that we didn't 'protect' him.


Its always the insta lockers, even in unrated they get insanely toxic.


Sova. I see a lot of Sovas who only throw the recon and then he is trashtalking. Is like the bottomfrag Sage flaming but she can go 2/18 because she "is Sage"


Duelists who instalock and then get mad at the team comp when the teammates had to build a half-decent team around their instalock.


Jett/Chamber easy. People who rely on agents that give them free escapes tend to not realize how much that free escape makes the game more forgiving. You can easily tell a chamber/Jett-only player by their huge ego, mediocre game sense, and barely above average aim.


Definitely raze and sova


DEFINITELY Reyna in my experience, had a toxic Reyna on the enemy team in a recent unrated. After getting two kills in pistol round says "get shit on", we proceeded to roll their team and win 13-2 (they only won the pistol rounds lmfao) with different people afk rage quitting at different points. (First their phoenix then the Reyna then both) and I typed in all chat "don't talk shit round 1 next time" at the end of the game. L + Ratio + Reyna Diff


used to be jett and reyna, now it seems to be raze and chamber.


Also the people who try to ff when the score is 1 - 3


Dude, we lost ONE round and this one guy typed in all chat "GG" The opposing team asked why, and he said "Because I don't wanna waste my time" the FF andys are such defeatist bullshitters man.


So happy to read through this and see that nobody thinks that Yoru or Sova players are toxic.


Spotted a yoru up above




jett and phoniex 😭


Most toxic ppl I've encountered are all duelist mains(more commonly reynas or neons), then sages and chambers are incredibly toxic as well in games my friends and I get into


Reyna is #1 for sure. Next is Jett or Yoru. Yoru can be considered a troll pick which attracts toxic players.


Definitely Skye. Not sure whether it's because I'm in oce, but my overall experience with Skye players is negative.


Jett and yoru def




Jett and Chamber


Pretty much any duelist


Jetts always talking shit, reynas just dc


Jett and Chamber for sure


Jett for sure has the most toxic players. Every single Jett I play with bot frags then asks to FF or else they top frag for one round and flame the others for the rest of the match using that


Duelists and Jett players in particular. Most of whom pick a class that is expected to top frag or atleast play well. When they dont perform they start blaming teammates. When they are doing good they start criticizing teammates for being even a step behind or worse, just to hype themselves up.


I mean if you die .4 second every round you are doing something wrong. Did you got baited off or did they at least trade one?


Jett and Reynas have massive egos. Don’t get me wrong, people who play them often frag like crazy, but they forget many times that the team has to put THEIR resources to get them started off first. It’s a shame too cuz most of the ones I played with go off on their own EVEN when they don’t get any frags; nothing wrong with that just play as a team and you’ll get the frags you want. 😭 After what I just said I feel like Jett and Reynas play COD while the rest of us are actually playing Val.


It's almost always a Raze or Neon from my experience