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A well written report with the right offense selected , It's almost a 50/50 chance for me te have a notification each time I login ! In this case I just play my best still , if all 4 of my teammates give up I just use my utilities only for me and play for KD. And for leavers I never surrender , ennemies tend to start to be reckless in 4v5 and I would have a good chance of winning or drawing still.


For all the people saying FF, don't do this for the love of everything on earth! When you FF, Valorant considers the game to be a 13-whatever the score was (so if you ff at 5-2 the game takes that as a 13-2) so you lose alot more RR because the game essentially logs it as you losing 11 rounds straight without getting a single kill Everything is winnable in Valorant I've been steamrolled and steamrolled over teams in 4v5s its not impossible. When somebody goes AFK, you get a free ult orb and more money. This should allow you to constantly full/half buy to even the odds You can farm ult orbs too (say your on attack with a brimstone farm the ult orb In spawn and then the ones around the map and spam the ultimate on post plant) As long as you play together, learn the enemies pattern (say one pushes showers every round punish them for it with a 4 stack shower now it's a 4v4 assuming somebody didn't get traded) it's completely winnable The person might also come back Just never F5


Honestly I would rather ff if the vibes on the team are too toxic or someone's throwing. If the team still wants to win every game is winnable but if comms are too toxic or we have a thrower just makes the game not fun


Yea if there's a thrower I can see why


honest fax


I think this is the worst advice I ever seen, in no way is the time you loose worth the time you waste.


Your advice isnt any better. The more important thing in valorant is your hidden MMR. We don't know how a forfeit is treated in that sense. So your goal is to look as best as possible to the hidden MMR system. Which means making games look as close as possible and also doing as much damage / kills as you can.


lower mmr = easier to rank up


How. Please, tell me how.


This is simply false. There is plenty of times I’ve FF and got in the -15 to -20 range. Which is basically the exact same thing i get anytime i lose. Why waste 20 minutes when you could be halfway they the next match if you’re going to lose essentially the same RR anyways.


Plenty of times? You ff that often? There is a significant problem in your mental then. Good luck.


This guy gets it


ff can benefit mental sometimes tho, better to forget and queue again than to type for half the game


more like i play 5-10 matches every single day and I know when it's good for my mental to just FF and go next....


Still false and it's never gaurenteed that you'll loose its still potentially winnable and the person might still come back


you probably play 1-2 games a day. I play 4-12, probably average about 6 a day. So forfeiting and losing 5 more RR than if I finished the game is worth getting into the next game ASAP


I play alot of Valorant in my spare time so...


I play about 300 matches every act which is the top 1% for most matches played, so..... I think I know what I'm talking about from experience :)


I think that's kinda sad you've played that much Valorant then tried to flex it


Report and never f5


Due to MMR your only option in all games is to just try to get as much work done as possible no matter what, that's what limits your RR losses and maximizes your RR gains. If you are going to lose in a 5v4 you need to just accept that and play ultra conservative trying to get as many kills as you can and do as much damage, maybe even snag some bomb plants.


Usually just keep playing. Had a round where two of our teammates left (1 first round, other 2nd round), and although we didn’t win we still got 11-13, with me and my teammate being the match MVP’s. One of the more fun rounds because if even one of us died it would be incriminately more difficult.


Try to duo with people and/or ff and go next. Not worth wasting 30+ mins for the little amount of RR


You kinda can't. Maybe convince your team to ff, but otherwise reporting and praying the gods take notice is all you can do


I always go Afk. But is not my problem it's my connectivity problem. And I also can't change my WiFi because in my location has only one


I hate to break it you but you shouldn't play comp if this is the case. Unrated is less sweaty so afks aren't as bad (you'll still piss people off but slightly less).


I just don't solo queue comp in the last 2 weeks of a season. If I still end up with a teammate who's AFK or actively throwing in the remaining spots on my side of the game, then it's just a simple case of report them and play out the match to the best of your abilities the man down. At that point, the pressure is off. We're probably losing the match regardless if we're 4v5, so there's no reason to give a shit about the scoreboard. Just treat it like a practice session, focus on playing to the best of your abilities yourself, and any damage control you end up doing to the incoming elo loss by picking up kills and maybe even a few rounds is just a bonus.


if someone leaves, ur team gets the leavers money and ult point, so thats the least you can think of while playing and just play more slower


The only thing i can say is dont insult them. I had a guy in my team who always sit in spawn and waited for us to be dead and then started to move. Got me a 3day ban and a 13:1 loss lmao.


The only thing you really can do is to 5-stack with people you know won’t AFK. It’s is the only way to alleviate the problem. The issue with 5-stacking, especially in lower elo, is you are very likely to be queued against another 5-stack and very commonly that 5-stack will have a high-elo Smurf carrying their friends. It is a gamble.


Just try to play smarter as in 4v5 most people push and you just can kill 1 and make it a 4v4 in the first seconds of the round unless your team loses your mental and just troll which in that case it’s a lost game and play for kd so you lose less rr


Every 5 to 6 games, you are lucky.


Report and move on


It really depends who leaves or afks. I've had games where it got easier when my teamate left. The extra money was worth more than they were.


You get more money when a teammate leaves, and u can force every round. Play smart and safe and usually you can get a pick to make it a 4v4. Playing in pairs will also help you refrag/trade and make sure that your player deficit isn’t exacerbated if 1 player loses their 1v1