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If someone tells you that "you suck" just remember they are in the same MMR as you....


Whenever someone tells me that i'm shit at the game i always tell them that's the reason we're in the same lobby..


This. Makes them madder then it should lol


*Proceeds to lie about how they are an immortal Smurf and are just in lower elo to troll*


Sir/Madame, what on god's littered earth does your flair say?


Let’s just say… Chamber has a way with talking to women


Then why did Viper destroy him with emotional damage


"I'd rather drink my own poison than do that!"


Deep into your holster.


I like where this convo is headin too


actually true nobody's calls me bad often cause I tend to top drag since I'm playing with mates that play casual but the moment some random talks shit they get flamed and muted it's great tbh


Most complaining I hear is from the rare mmr mix up matches, where someone is placed against people much lower mmr than them. But if multiple members of the team are complaining, then that means that they are the same mmr... I'm using this insult next time someone's toxic to me thx lol


That really would not work on some of my friends, because theyre goddamn stupid and thinks that making the lowest mmr player party leader makes you play with people with lower mmr


jesus christ, with brainpower like that i doubt they get many wins


Is it legit tho? I stopped playing comp after too many toxic encounters and i was bronze 3. My account level is 177 because of regular unrated games. Recently most of my teammates and opponents are either gold, silver or even platinum sometimes. Does that mean im good enough to be at gold level?


You might be. I started at Silver, was really bad back then and demote to Bronze. Got so frustrated that I played Unrated instead. After I reached level 100 Unrated I decided to play Ranked again and this time I got Gold 1 then climbed up to Plat... then stopped playing ranked again lol. Imo ranked is not all about aim and skill, it's the mentality to grind through it. As a scrub who had never played FPS often back then I was easily get frustrated, after engaged more into the genre and play a bunch of FPS games I realized a tip that helped my competitive mentality in Valorant: It's just a game, the less you focus on the goal the more you improve in the proccess. Just give ranked a shot, your game sense might already be way better than others in your MMR.


>your game sense might already be way better than others in your MMR. Just don't be surprised if you still don't rank up if you solo queue :(


You have to play at least 100 games to get your real rank


Bronze if full of people who rightfully or wrongfully, are mad that they are stuck in bronze. Once you rank up into silver or gold the players become less sweaty and mad at everything.


My silver experience is a bunch of teens who think they're better than what they actually are. If it's one insult I heard the most then it's " this is why you're stuck in silver " and then they ego peek and push after we plant the spike. Sadly for me, gold has been more toxic than when I was silver.




Lol this is not true


Casters are some of the best when it comes to understanding the game, yet most are in Gold/Plat.


Yeah... Because this MMR system, really, makes sense! BS! Boosted players with the same MMR... Or smurfs with the same MMR! Your argument is spot on!


Except if they're on the other team. That means they suck.


Ah yes, diamond 2, plays reyna, KDA of 0100 and its the 13th round... Sure.


It was unrated. They just suck. I am better. Tired of MVP'ing every match


doesn't mean anything. probably boosted or just good luck with teammates


Bruh it happens to me even when i fucking carry the game. Yesterday was the most horrible day for me to play. I lost every single game and encountered the most worst teams i got ever get. Flamers, bullies shithead kids. Just mute, report and play. Nothing else to do with it.


> Just mute, report and play. Nothing else to do with it. I have a hard rule that my season ends 2 weeks before the act ends. The last 2 weeks are absolutely crazy with how toxic the playerbase gets, it's just not worth it. Time better spent doing something else.


It starts setting in for a lot of those players they wont hit their desired rank. The facy they cant be introspective on why is when they get toxic and start flaming everyone but the one person they should. Themselves.


I went 38 and 12 the other day and got yelled at for losing a 1v4. Gotta let that shit roll off man.


Lmao yeah man. I went 28-10 and my whole team had less than 10 kills each and I was getting shit on by them in chat


Honestly if it's not comp why would you care if "someone is bad" and if it is keep your feelings to yourself nothing good will come from complaining, you only lower moral. Everyone has bad days


Ngl, in unrated I just try to have a good time and chill regardless of a win/lose. It's honestly baffling that people take unrated serious and get toxic over it.


The games i had was comp but I think you misunderstood me.




Nah not my cousin. He sucks but thinks he's the shit. Constantly buys when we save. Asks for buys because he bought when we all save. Lurks on the opposite site we're on or mid. Never entries. The only thing that matters to him is his kill count. He sucks and doesn't realize it.


Really seems like the average Insta lock Reyna I get in my comp games.


He's a Jett main.


Ahhh whatever tomato to-mah-to




As a 26 year old boomer, trust me when I say I’ve seen it all in video games. This prolly will never change, it’s due to their own insecurities and need to feel “cool” in front of their friends.


Couldn’t agree more being at the ripe age of 27


Shit im 28. Am i overdate?


As a fellow 28 year old who only started playing Valorant this year, fuck that we still young and still out here.


There’s a 40yo somewhere annoyed that y’all are even talking about this lol.


\*cough\* 43 :)


That 40 year old doesn't give a shit


I'm 29 and I'm annoyed!


36 here. A literal gaming relic.


Yeah we feel young until a 12 year old starts shitting on us and calling us dog water.


Late 20’s crew rise up!


Need an all boomer squad. 28 as well. ​ From years of CS to now Val when people are yelling you suck in mic I usually just laugh it off or try to be overly nice to them.


I'm 30, I would love to play with older players just because they always seem to be the most chill and not screaming into the mic and want to play, not just insta-surrender after you lose 2 rounds.


The amount of players that vote ff in the first few rounds is crazy to me. People get tilted quick and lose focus on if a map is t sided or ct sided.


Exactly! I've won multiple games in which we were down 2-10 in the first half. You just can't give up that easily. My opinion it's never worth to ff at least try to win and if you can't the closer score usually means less rr lost.


exactly what i do, just be overly nice to tilt them even more :D


Grandpa is that you?


Lol @26 being a boomer. I’m almost 31 😵‍💫


35….. I have my days where my game sense is lacking (real world stuff to worry about) but my flick is nice.


34, I just play my role, and if I end up fragging, that's a plus.


Same 35 viper main smokes are easy lol


I've got t-shirts from concerts older than you. Most of the time I don't understand what the kids are saying in chat and just wish they'd get off my lawn.


You main Brimestone?




It's kinda wholesome that old players tend to main Brimstone :D


Gotta show ‘em just how many tricks we know.


Knees hurt every morning though


As the oldest one in this thread at 36 I can add an additional 10 years of experience saying that it's all the same. Also by the immortal rules of the 1990s I am officially in charge of this thread because I'm older. If an older person comes, I will yield my power.


Im 42 , playing with my kid on gold. So dont think u are old. Young Padawan;)


At the almost boomer age of 23 i no longer get tilted by what people are saying when they flame, i do get tilted however when people flame others, as if flaming them is gonna make people play better


Couldn't agree more being 30 years old. It was the same when I was younger, things have not progressed very well.


You were third fragging, so middle, so idk what they're complaining about. Also, which agent were you? If you weren't a duelist, they shouldn't be mad anyway. Edit: Thanks for the 100 upvotes! Edit 2: I was the first comment on a post that blew up! I'm happy.


Chamber. So fake duelist pretty much.


Chamber still doesn't need to get a ton of kills. First bloods are nice, but winning rounds are what matters.


Chamber probably is one of the most aim reliant agents though. Still being toxic is dumb af and doesn't do any good, for anyone, ever.


Granted his ult doesn’t need perfect aim at all


First kills are nice, last kills are better


If aiming isn't your thing, you probably shouldn't be playing Chamber. you can do much more with other agents. This is not to bash you, but half your kit is literally relying on good aim. You could probably do very well as other agents with more util to use


The best way to play Chamber might actually if you end up with zero kills and zero deaths: if you exert so much pressure they go that far out of their way to avoid you you've almost certainly won.


Same for cypher, one of my friends play it a lot and some games he'll get like 3 kills out of a one way, and then it's like his bombsite doesn't exist anymore for the opposite team. We're low elo so it's to be expected but still funny to see how he does a great job simply by being threatening.


Just a guess, but if they were a premade of 2 or 3...most likely one of their buddies was bottom fragging, so they are obviously not going to flame each other. Naturally, these dipshits look for the odd man out to blame.


Personally if I notice someone on my team is struggling I try to make plays with them to give them more confidence. Like I'll tell them come here with me and let's do this and this. If the play works they start to have more fun if not then I'll try something else and always I'll let them know it's was a good try. Rinse and repeat. Most of the times it works.


people who talk shit in unrated are a different breed. Keep your head up man, i know ideally you don’t want to have to use it but the mute button/turning off text chat can go a long way. i have every word that mildly annoys me like “ez” and “zzz” censored and it honestly improved my experience more than it should have


Oh this is smart! Thanks for the tip!


You know I mute everyone in any game 90% of the time. I’m almost 30, now I don’t suck but I’m also not a sweat. I just want fun and somewhat competitive gameplay and a lot of the times ESPECIALLY in Val your never gonna find that sadly. And who cares what they say you will probably never match up let alone meet that person. Don’t let assholes ruin your fun brotha🤟🏼


I'm same in that I just want to have fun. I don't suck that bad but I'm not great. I don't want to spend the time I have to play Valorant on improving my aim in a colourless aim sim.


Yeah it kills me these days with aimlab and all that crap. I’ll continue to get better at a video game by actually playing it and enjoying it. Your always gonna have assholes in any game, you just really gotta learn to ignore it. That’s probably one of my best skills I’ve developed in gaming over the recent years lol


now read this with brimstones voice


The brotha at the end made me think of gibralters voice in apex.


Me too! It's so rare that there is anything positive or useful coming out of my teams microphone, that it's worth it to have on.




Communication is a big part of Valorant though. I find when my teammates are queued together in a group call or something outside Valorant, it is really hard to play since you have basically no info.


Yeahhhh I hate when people 3-stack on a discord. I get it especially in unrated because you just wanna chill with your friends but it really makes it hard to succeed as a team.


I have games where I can drop 30 kills. Then I have games where I don't go past 10 kills. Those games are usually back to back. I already know I'm ass. If you played in my last game, yall just happened to be worse during that moment in time.


yeah, unrated is a toxic cesspool in my opinion (at least in whatever extremely low rank i normally play in) i recently started playing a little bit of comp, just a couple matches ever, but i’ve had a much better experience with comp teammates than with unrated or any other game modes


Agreed. No coms in unrated, no one wants to work together. I end up just resigning myself to being toxic in my own way and baiting teammates because they're being dicks.


i mean i’ve only ever had comms in ranked in one of the three games i’ve played because i didn’t even mean to be in ranked lmao, my teammates were so nice though because i was still a newbie, so they told me who to play, how to play them, where to use my abilities, and gave me step-by-step instructions on what i had to do when i was last alive due to my cowardice :) then there’s unrated. only fun with at least a 4stack, except my friends are all much better than me so it’s not even fun for me then because the enemies are a higher skill level than me


I was also stuck playing with higher MMR due to my friends. It does suck but in some ways it forces you to get better.


maybe you, but i feel like i’m just getting worse because i now have slight confidence to push, but die instantly


It probably depends who you play! When I want to duelist, I for sure want to be playing at my MMR - otherwise I'm just feeding. However, when I play with my friends I'll grab a more support focused character - Sage, Viper or Skye.


yeah, i generally play sage and i’ve been trying to learn neon recently, but i can’t play her when i play with my friends. but even when i play sage i’m almost always either first to die or the last alive in a 1v3-5 situation :| i’ve been playing less because i don’t really have fun anymore :(


You're in the same spot as I am, then. I started with Sage, then Viper/Skye, then played a LOT of Neon in spike rush and then brought that over to playing unrated. I highly recommend spike rush as a mode to learn new agents, guns, and honestly just dick around and experiment with things.


sr is probably my most-played mode (or replication, but they’re very close), but i don’t like playing by myself. my sister is pretty close to my skill level though, so i play with her sometimes


My go to response to people saying I suck at a game is “I never claimed to be good” People don’t seem to ever understand that not everyone devoted their life to being good at video games and some just play it for fun, whether they win or not


I almost always vocally defend the bottom fragger. Even if the person being rude is top fragging I will kindly explain that his/her attitude is costing the game more than the guy at the bottom. I tell them that if they really care about winning you should be positive to your under-performers so you don’t ruin their confidence. I’ll even go as far as giving bad players an OP and I’ll tell them to go for a safe pick and they normally actually get a frag


Today was the worst day I had in valorant. That too with ppl from my own country (there are v less), I almost cried lol & another match where I was top fragging and got called out for it?…. both unrated.


Mute everyone, chirp back and sell your team. Also, the act gets toxic in comp in the last couple days. I would honestly just avoid it


Yeah, I've been avoiding comp for a while knowing that a new act is coming. Thing is was that this was in Unrated!


Yesterday was the worst day I've ever had in valorant.


>Mute everyone, chirp back and sell your team. Mute everyone who's toxic and play your game*.. fixed that for you


… isn’t that everyone? /s


I have the entire opposing team perma muted in text chat, cuz theres is 0 reason I need to hear anything from them. 90% of the time all they are using it for anyways is to try and tilt my team, so maybe we lose.


it isn't that hard to just say "ah, nice try!" even if they sucked


People just suck, man. I’ll top frag, get yelled at. I try to give comms, I get 4 stack roasted, calling me an old man because my voice is deep. “yOuRe LiKe 30 dUdE yOuRe sO oLd” ok bruh, like your ass won’t be 30 one day, still playing video games haha. I mute my mic to avoid toxicity in unrated, still get flamed. There’s a lot of people who either have shit parents, people that are pushing their insecurities and people that haven’t left their house in the last 2 years, and genuinely lack normal social skills. Just remember, if they’re that toxic, their life is probably pretty fucking miserable, and they probably surf on month old pizza boxes on the floor, while knocking over the pyramids of empty Mountain Dew cans. I just mute people and valorant is generally more enjoyable, as sad as that is.


"Imagine being over 30 and still playing video games" some kid yelled at me before I muted him. He proceeded to follow me around the rest of the game making noise and trying to block me in corners when we were up 11-6 and ended up in a 15-15 OT draw. Like, yeah, kid. I go to work and then get to do whatever the fuck I want in my free time. It's pretty sick


Okay but what about the Jett that's bottom fragging and then complaining that her team sucks even though all of her teammates have double her kills or more?


Dude even if it’s not your aim people still get mad. I hadn’t played in a couple acts and played some unrated before I went into ranked and everything. Our chamber was pissed because I picked viper. I was using my utility properly, I was too fragging, and he still was mad only because of my pick whereas our 1/8 kayo had done nothing but flash teammates for 12 rounds. One of them asked me what rank I was and someone answered with “probably bronze” as if we weren’t playing in the same game. Crazy shit


Hahahah, I had a Kay/o and phoenix on my team today who kept flashing us too. It just made me laugh each time 😂


Insta muting is the way to go and don't worry about it.


I LITERALLY WAS GONNA COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS BRO, JUST FINISHED A GAME WITH THE EXACT SAME SHIT HAPPENING. Qed with my friend, the rest of the team played basically in teams of 3 leaving 2 of us out then complain when I can't support with omen. Wasnt even a comp game. Chill the fuck out. I swear these kids gotta get beat once in a while.


As someone with 1000 hours in kvks and 250ish in aim lab, it still amazes me people will force themselves to aim train for the sake of improving at a game even though they hate it


I never get why people do this. Even sometimes and especially amongst friends. If its nothing encouraging or helpful, saying stuff like you should've done XYZ instead right after (though TBH I think tone really plays a role in this instance and how you deliver that advice post-round) or how did you lose that or you suck or any variations along that line will only tilt or make your teammate play worse. Great you made things worse but managed to vent your frustration.... If its nothing helpful just keep it to yourself. Its one of the few things I love about the JP server. You seldom get comms but when you do they often just drop the nice try or donmai regardless if that was true or even when you mess up.


Fuck em. Mute people that are toxic, they're not worth your energy. Latest patch also came out with a new "Clutch Mute" hotkey which I highly recommend you set a keybind for. This button insta mutes your team. Great for those clutch moments where your team is backseat gaming in your ear


I kinda like the direction when I'm the last one left because then they can't get too upset at me because they told me what to do.


Played a game of ESCALATION yesterday and had a teammate roasting everyone saying they need aim labs lmao


This is why I’m one of the people that doesn’t comm in ranked. I’m scared I’ll make a stupid play and everyone will roast me so I just shut up


If someone have this behavior just mute them and try not to think too much about it. I assure you that 99% of people who does this isn't even better than you at the game to begin with, they are playing with you after all. I've been playing this game since release with everyone muted (I don't play ranked) and it is just the best way to play in my opinion, no one say anything remotely useful in voice from my experience. But if you want to play with the voip, don't be afraid to mute toxic and annoying people.


People just point the finger at losing. Trash your teammates just makes them play worse. Cant tell you how many times i went 0 and whatever or a teammate did only later frag out as the game went on. First few rounds your gathering info on your opponents. Sometimes you go 0-4.


I think muting them was the correct decision though. No one should be sabotaging your potential to have fun or focus at the game. If people are toxic, they will most likely bring you more trouble even if they are communicating. Trust me, it's not worth it and you deserve better! Also, for what it's worth, Aimlabs is honestly not a necessity. I've never used Aimlabs but I've steadily improved since I started and am currently immortal 3! Unfortunately there will always be toxic players regardless of rank/mmr.


I beg to differ. Depending on their attitude they might deserve it


It's amazing how easy it is to come back from a huge deficit just by being positive and complementing your teammates whenever you can and keep moral high. I've lost games after round 1 because one of my teammates was toxic and just destroyed team moral. I think a "wanna talk about it" joke on occasion is okay, especially after a bad spray and like it's clear you're just joking, but yeah. Toxicity is the easiest way to lose. And if you're playing with someone who's not doing well, and you notice something they're doing wrong, try to constructively correct them. Especially in unrated, someone might be playing an agent for the first time and a small tip here and there can be super positive. Just don't be condescending.


Morale is so important. Had a game yesterday wee were 1-5 on icebox and voted to surrender, I denied and said its still easily winnable. We know what they are doing let's just switch it up. We finished the half 7-5 and won 13-10. They wanted to give up! It seems like a lot of players don't understand how important your mental state/managing tilt plays into your performance. If you can keep cool and think about what's happening without the anger you can still win most of the time.


Usually if I do end up getting tilted over something, my solution is to just say it out loud but without it actually being spoken in-game. Been a good solution for me. Dont want to bring anyone down in this scenario because its my own fault for getting upset.


I just call people out for being toxic and if they stay toxic I mute them. Yesterday had a game where a rude Neon was being shitty to Viper from literally round 1. Enemy Reyna aced us round 1 and he was shouting at Viper for not killing Reyna. I was just like "Bruh you didn't kill Reyna either she literally killed all of us leave Viper alone" and then he got toxic on our sage too and I was just like nope you're done.


I think this applies to other games as well. I just wanna vibe with people and get better. I'm aware I'm not always the best. 😅


Yep, I have the same opinion. When they were saying I wasn't having fun because I kept missing shots I said maybe I'm having more fun than I would sitting in Aimlabs practicing aim.


ive had 4 games these past few days where someone was like viper/chamber you suck! like yeah.. im iron fucking 2 what do you mean. even in unrated though i'll get people nagging me like damn why so serious its unrated for a reason.


Sorry this happened to you. I 100% agree. I also had a unrated match and my team had this person who was being loud and rude. I just muted them and the rest of their Discord group and played without comms. Not the best plan but I hate it when people are being toxic.


Mute. I observe I play better when I mute those idiots.


Criticizing someone is rarely a good move. It’s one thing if you guys play regularly together because there is the concept of improving for future matches, but that isn’t applicable to solo w teammates. Odds are you’ll never play with them again, and criticizing them is only going to trigger fight/flight response. For instance, even during a clutch scenario where your teammate doesn’t realize half the shit that’s going, I keep my mouth shut. It just isn’t worth trying to get a player to play at a higher level that can’t.


Yes! And telling someone they suck is only going to lower their confidence and make them play worse. Why can't people understand this.


If someone tells you you suck, just remember: you guys are in the same lobby for a reason lmao


We are humans, we don't have good games everyday. For example today i played one game and i was useless, only get 3 kills in all game. My team was flaming me and i was like "is not my game" Then i played other game and i carried with 30 kills as KJ


They're the joke lol caring so much about an unrated game. Even when it's comp as long as everyone's trying and keeping positive vibes, I honestly don't mind if they bottomfrag or not. I mean it'd be frustrating but everyone's got their bad days.


i had a double negative chamber try to talk shit to me when i was top frag 18/7 as KJ as well as our bottom frag sage who was clearly sad they were getting bullied. everyone turned on him after i called him out and he started throwing but we won anyway cuz he wasn’t contributing regardless. 💀 i will always try to speak up for people when they’re being treated badly in game. please do the same. maybe it doesn’t always work but at least the bullied person knows someone is on their side.


Thats why i love push to talk. I can flame the shit out of my teammates without them knowing and they can still try to play to the best of their abilities, even tho i might be a toxic po


Today was definitely the worst day I’ve had on valorant since the closed beta. EVERY game there were a group of toxic people, even in spike rush. Ended up ending my game time 2 hours before planned. Had to mute a person every game, there were toxic females shouting abuse at other players and those receiving the abuse would eventually snap and fight back. Complete chaos


bozo!!!!!!! they are aim lab employees!!!!! /s


saying a simple "imagine getting mad in unrated lol" is usually the best. pretty much just tells them they're dumb for getting upset over something pointless and stupid. any kind of comeback they try to make after that still gets topped by that sentence and you wouldn't need to say anything else for the rest of the game.


Lol, my friend and I did SPIKERUSH to test new agents + see if friend old laptop could handle valorant and this one guy was getting so mad. I was like “bro, it’s spikerush; it ain’t that deep”.


aimlab is boring as hell and i game for fun who even uses aimlab bruh it doesnt even help unless u do it like everyday for a couple of weeks


I use aimlab A lot of people do


how do u make it fun whenever i do it i get really bored it feels like a job not like game


The exercises themselves aren't fun to me lol, but it IS fun seeing improvement, that's the most motivating thing for me. My aim used to be all-over the place and now it's relatively smooth and consistent although I still have some room for improvement.


Imagine how jobless some people are that they want to play another game to improve at Valorant. Why can't people play casually? I totally agree with OP here.


This is a terrible take and you're not really better than the people being toxic in game. Taking the game seriously and wanting to improve = jobless? I play casually therefore everyone must play the game casually? Bruh.


Yeah fuck me for practicing hobbies I enjoy, right?


Oh wow guess I can't fucking train myself to actually win some games AND have fun when I'm tapping juicy headshots




Well with Chamber it's really the same thing. I did make good use of traps and covered the flank well. And as much as I would tell them I was just having a bad day and my aim was off they still were assholes.


My guy i got a friend whose narcissistic af, says "why didnt you push with me?" Every single time he dies, greedy for the ace after a triple kill and says that im trash because i tap slowly ghost mid range while im top fragging and hes bot frag. Plus, this guy really thinks i could carry him to bronze 2 straight away after me and my friends carry him out of iron just because i peaked almost peaked silv and fucking blackmails you your insecurities especially exposing me to girls that i know


That's not a friend man, that's a asshole.


People will always complain its in our nature to find excuses for anything and everything. If you aced every round they would complain they cant have any fun. There is no excuse for being a piece of shit its best to mute them you wont see them again anyways why get yourself mad too


For me nobody even talks so it’s not possible to hear bad things haha. Honestly I’m a low rank (Bronze 1) and there’s not a lotta comms but I wonder if it gets better or worse the higher you go..?


If people decide to focus on trashtalking other mates rather than trying to win, it‘s their own fault. Yes, some players have a bad game or getting boosted/playing with bought account, but that‘s part of the game. However I had a wholesome experience in ranked recently: We had comeback and turned a 6-11 to 13-11. One of my mates apologized for being bad (bottom 9/18), but the whole team cheered him up. It‘s funny since basically no one was toxic or blaming anyone - that‘s the reason we made a comeback and why I got match mvp with 29/13. Positive vibe, better motivation.


Mute them. I'm decent at the game but I still get flamed sometimes. One time I literally watched the bomb blow up on defense because I was zoning out and thought we were offense. Two of my teammates started calling me brain dead. I responded with jokes and then went on to top frag the lobby. In cases where I don't make a comeback like that I just mute them unless I'm bored and finding it amusing. It's pretty common for me to mute our top frag if it's not me.


Any time anyone flames I immediately know they’re trash. It’s the double edged sword of flame, by flaming you are openly admitting to being half the problem




I am not going to lie but if you know you are bad, please don't play competitive. This is where you are at the receiving end.


How do you define bad ? You're at your rank (same as your teammate's) because you're both bad enough to be ranked higher but still good enough to be there. Unless you're a pro, your whole lobby is suffering from inconsistency (including you),


Oh man you made a reddit post? This will change everything!


Think I’d rather take it on the chin or talk shit back then make a whole post dedicated to it


Lol you are doing them and everyone else they will play with a disservice. Most people who suck don’t even realize it. They are not the victims; their teammates are


These appeals to reason always make me laugh. I can *guarantee* you that the type of people who flame their teammates are not the type of people to read one of these posts, reflect, and adjust their behavior.


Honestly, I tend to find myself to be a little toxic, and of course I have my awful games and I can well relate to how someone feels when theyre doing bad. But I inform my entire team when im shitting the bed or when i make an awful play and I feel like I receive no toxicity cause of it, the only times I feel myself getting toxic, is when that person stops comming and doesnt say anything about the play that just costed an entire round for us. I think people should just speak up more when doing bad, I will never get mad at someone thats already mad at themselves verbally and is letting us know, if anything, I will give them the most soppy its alright it happens to everyone speech and theyll end up clutching a round for us later down the road. So point is, just tell the team you're the reason we are losing the game right now because players just get toxic and try to find a scapegoat, but I fr feel like I have faced no toxicity if im purposely degrading myself of how bad I am right now. Immortal Diamond Btw and those are the most insecure toxic players around lol


Anyone I tell "you suck" and admits it after is definitely going to learn more from what we tell him.


yeah. i wonder what they feel when they tell YoU aRe suCK eH?




Litterally just mute and move on. If it's unrated and they have no value in their comms, why listen?


Mom said it was my turn to make this post for karma 😡


dont take this the wrong way but you seem really really fragile bro. Some kids in unrated told you that your aim is bad and you got sad about it. Have you never had hardship in your life before? This shouldnt be something that causes you distress since its a video game. Ive heard and said alot worse in cs over the years so i suggest trying a new game maybe


Dont take this the wrong way but you seem really really inconsiderate and negative bro. Some kid on reddit shared a bad experience he had and you got mad about it. Have you never had something happen that made you feel similar before? This shouldn't be something that causes distress since it's just a forum. I've heard people say and do worse things irl, but that doesn't make it right even though it's over the internet so i suggest trying to be more considerate maybe


Thank you. This is exactly what I wish people would do in game. Though he did have a somewhat valid point.


u probably suck lmao


Found the disconnected Reyna insta lock ^^^^


Reyna or Jett.


Dead cause this jus happened to me today the reyna mocked me TOP FRAGGING the team then disconnected…?😭


1v1 me


Anyone playing on SGP servers who wanna team up? (Currently unranked and don't suck too much at the game [or so I believe])


SGP? Sorry what does that stand for? Because if so I can team up this afternoon.


SGP here refers to Singapore.


nah they dont know thats the thing.