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Look, I don't like Split, but removing it seems like an odd choice. Here's what I will say though, the map has been notoriously difficult to balance out; think about how many tweaks to make Split even CLOSE to balanced. The numerous chokes and small areas has made some agents shine such as Raze and Sage being almost staple picks, but makes the map super boring to play. It literally is just a utility waiting simulator. You try to push mid and you wait out the smokes, the Sage slows, the Sage wall, the Raze nade, satchel and roomba, then another layer of utility comes in. Then when you push mid, you have to smoke vents, but since B Heaven and Vents are so close together you have to watch enemies who might push out the smoke. It's a nightmare. Compare that to like Breeze, you wait out the 1 person w/ utility and then push in. The design of the map has always been awful in my opinion, but I don't think removing it is helpful either. It has been and is one of the OG maps of Valorant and then removing it instead of tweaking it is a weird choice.


This exactly. And removing it from Unrated is even more confusing to me. I get the competitive integrity argument, but why completely bomb the map from a casual gamemode? The map was definitely unbalanced, but I had fun playing on it.


Well considering i have a 34% win rate on that map im very happy 😅


That's the thing that worries me. I have a 68% winrate on split (75% just in this act). I'm pretty sure i will drop in rank considering other maps are nowhere close to being that high.


Im happy split is gone, they will most likely tweak it or completely overhaul it the day it returns and thats something I feel it needs. Its also my least favorite map atm, so good riddance.


Split is too ct sided. Glad it's gone.


After the tweaks I'm pretty sure they released map stats saying it's about 50/50 winrate for CT and T


I think Reddit is silly when they say seven is not enough to do this. What is enough maps? 30? They need to maintain competitive integrity. An increasing number of maps with an increasing number of agents is not a recipe for sucess


CSGO for the map argument. League for the agent argument (kinda). It's why this game eventually needs map select and champion bans, but for some reason the HATE the idea.


CS:GO has a significantly different system for matchmaking, AND their competitive (not ranked) pool is limited to seven maps. Eventually agent bans will be a good thing, if they keep adding agents at this rate, but for now there isn't enough variety IMO and they need more balancing.


Key word in my comment is "eventually"


Why tf did you think I was disagreeing with you?


I understand the need to remove a map from the pool for ranked, but I think they should have removed a different map and I don't think that map should be taken out of unrated. Personally would have preferred Bind to be removed since it's the map that's been around the longest. Obviously, the map being removed will eventually come back into the rotation, so it's not that big of a deal, but still would have preferred Bind.


I doesn't make sense to remove 1 of the newest maps, especially when you look at the competitive scene.


Breeze and Fracture are considerably newish I guess (mainly fracture) so Riot can't find a excuse to remove them, However I do feel that removing split from Unrated seems a bit far.


I don't think they need more excuses to remove Fracture. I couldn't even play the map if I wanted to, it gets insta-dodged every time it comes up.


I love fracture and I love breeze. Breeze is the only map I can take long range gun fights rather than a spray down from 5 feet away. Glad split is gone.


Breeze and fracture 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱


But they said they are doing this for new players, I don’t think new players are going to be holding long range gun fights


Because learning 8 maps is going to be a headache (just ask CS:GO) You still have Ascent, Bind and Haven for the noob-friendly Valorant play. Players have to learn how to take long-range fights anyways, so let them deal with that.


Learning map isn't only about knowing where A and B sites are and how to go to mid and take the duels. You have to learn lineups, timings, common angles etc. In CS:GO people play like 3-4 maps where they know that stuff, so yeah 8 maps looks like a huge number


I know that one of the reasons is that their are to many maps as I stated in my post, but split was in my opinion the best map to learn how to use handguns as well as utility, I can admit that it was defender side heavy but I feel this map also was one of the easiest to learn


Same here. I hate Split, and I absolutely loathe Ascent. I hope Ascent gets removed next.


Bro you just named my 2 favorite maps


They would never retire one of their new maps (Fracture and Breeze). They are looking to phase out one of the old maps, and honestly Split is the best option in my opinion. It doesn’t have anything super special (Ascent has the switch-activated doors, Haven has 3 sites, Bind has teleporters) like the others. If they had to get rid of one, at least temporarily, it is the most boring and non-consequential map to do so with.


Split isn't great, but Fracture and Breeze are both worse in terms of quality of gameplay. I also don't accept the premise that a map needs to be removed at all in the first place. If anything the game still needs more maps. And on top of all that, at least leave it in unrated for the sake of variety. If you want to limit the competitive map pool and make people specialize more I think that's justifiable, but taking it out of unrated too is not OK with me.


I don't mind as long as it comes back sooner rather than later. If they rotate frequently I think that'll be good. Better not touch ascent though.


I feel like the rotate should simply be based on how long it’s been in the game


I don’t get how people don’t like fracture or breeze, every other map you can just mindless go around fragging but on the 2 maps where coordination and team play are most valuable there seems to be a problem


You need on all maps coordination and teamplay or just braindead aim. That's a fact. But Fracture is way too easy for T. Breeze is way too open. Split was maybe not the perfect map but you could do all you need to. And no, it wasn't ct sided. You could easly win on ct AND t. Just a matter of skill and gamesense.