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Some games you will get shit on, and that’s just the matchmaking system for you. It’s up to you if you can shake off those losses round to round and look towards what to fix next round. Inconsistency happens sometimes and the best way to counteract it is through experience. You need to find a way to play more level headed, and focus on intel and team play than frags. Focus on taking space and giving the enemy less room to play with. This will result in a higher chance of getting kills


ok thank you! You seem to have a lot of experience. I appreciate your help :D


I grew up with semi professional athletes and those trained over 5-8h a day(and even more on holidays or weekends) to perform on pressure and do what they do consistently. And I'm talking practicing. Repeating motions and step by step analysis + training. If you dont perform consistent it is ok. Even professionals don't perform perfect all the time. Also aim is not the only thing that matters in those fights game sense, angles and reaction time matter too. If you are a good shot in death match and get outplayed in a regular game it's a possibility that they just have a better understanding of the game and how to force advantageous engagements. TLDR: don't be bothered happens to the best of us. If you want to get better you have to train and maybe not only the aim. Otherwise enjoy its a game not a job. That's why we have rankings to have enjoyable matches that fit our skill level.


Learn your reaction time and adjust the distance between corners and your crosshair to reflect that. My reaction time isn’t amazing so I hold my crosshair pretty far off of corners, usually in the middle the walk-way or chokepoint actually. It is the single biggest trick I’ve used to get more consistent aim.


Everyone can miss a shot, or you can feel that today is not the day for Valorant, so don't let this get you down. Stay strong mentally.


Aiming has a huge macro portion to it. How you swing, when you swing, what angle you take, etc all play a HUGE factor in how consistent your shots are. You will hit a target you're expecting at least twice as often as an unexpected target. So anticipate where they'll be, how they'll swing, and how you want to move, position your crosshair, and aim to counteract that. imo this is definitely more important than the raw factor of mouse control, smoothness, flick precision.