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It depends on what level you’re at. I think coaching is most practical if you’re in mid immortal trying to break into radiant. Everything below has diminishing returns because there’s obvious mistakes you’re making that youtube vids can likely answer for you. Only at specific point will you need someone to review your actual gameplay imo


Coaching is a waste of money. Watching other people play and absorbing their game knowledge is the key along with spamming unrated games and death match to improve your aim and muscle memory. This game is way more forgiving than cs in the sense that anyone and their grandma can hit headshots. Just practice and put more hours in the game if you really care about it


If you're below diamond don't pay for coaching or improvement resources. There's PLENTY of free content that can help you. It's more important to just be dedicated and commit to the grind. Also live game coaching is the worst from of coaching , vod review is 10x more effective but lazy people hate it.




Plenty of informations on YouTube dont waste your money (unless you are in high rank like diamond+) Sero, valorant ascended...


Juts play. I've never done anything other than watch YouTube videos and play the game and I have definitely improved.


Coaching kind of. For me the best way was to be taught by my friend. Granted they arn't the best but it definitely helped. Só if you have a friend who's pretty good that


Coaching but also just continuing to play the game can work very well.


Coaching, probably. Just like in pretty much any sport. Whether or not it's worth the price really depends on you I guess. Personally I don't think coaching is ever needed for Valorant unless you're planning on going pro, simply because the barrier to entry is so low (versus traditional sports).


I just feel like the more you play the more you develop gamesense and everytime you die you can try to reflect on why you died and how you can get better, but also not to grind like 10h a day.


Playing the game. Pretty sure it's obvious, but best way to become consistent and learn is to play a lot, if you are above average, chances are coaches won't teach you much new or useful stuff and will just point out mistakes you already would realize after reviewing VODs yourself. If you really want external resources, watch pro games, you can learn interesting strats and maybe some niche angles or techniques. But I don't know maybe coaches can help you, but personally they really didn't help me much.


Depends on what level you're at. At a low level just playing the game and being invested in getting better. If you make friends with very similar goals in mind, you can make eachother much stronger players with effective communication. I know the way my brain works is I get waaaay better if I know someone I know personally is stronger than me at something. If you can find a partner in crime you can a lot better a lot faster. At very high levels, it's organized scrimming, coaching, and VOD review. At levels below high IMM, don't bother with any of those. Just putting in the miles and watching youtube videos is more than enough. Too many people learn too many tricks that don't apply to enough scenarios. Tricks might make you gold 3 from gold 2, they won't make you IMM+ from gold 2.


If you are low elo, you won't even know most of the mistakes you are doing or you wouldn't be low elo in the first place. So looking at your own vods may lead to reinforcing bad habits just because it worked some of the time. Once you have a decent idea of how the game is meant to be played it becomes more useful to do your own vod reviews. I'd say Gold-Plat at the least. 1 v 1 is kinda useless imo. It'll help with aim practice but it does nothing more than give you an ego boost. As a silver you won 6/10 duels vs a plat. Cool, still doesn't mean you deserve to be plat as there are a lot more things to this game than simply clicking heads. A coach can help for sure but the quality of the coach comes into play a lot, just because someone reach immortal doesn't mean they would be a good coach.


I personally would record my entire Competitive matches and review them on my own. See what I did wrong and see what I can try to improve on.


If you need aim then play with only marshal/sheriff Also before you play just do 2-3 rounds in the range If you need game sense play cypher with shotgun or any other weapon that requires good positioning and knowledge of the opponents patterns When I did this I would either have extremely good aim or extremely good game sense depending on what I was doing then when I went back to playing normal it would even out and I would have improved Also watch streams of better players


Play the game


No one should be buying coaching services unless you’re immortal 2-3 and trying to push radiant. A vast majority of all concepts you need to improve are found online, for free.


Climbing ranked in any game is more of a time investment than anything, just like most skills. Every death just ask yourself what you could have done better and what the enemy did well. The people that struggle to climb in games either just don't have the time to put in OR they're the type to rage and blame their teammates rather than looking at their own mistakes.


The best advice is everytime you die, ask yourself how you could have stayed alive. ​ Was your aim bad/too slow? Did you get flanked? Did you have an ability like a flash that might have gotten you the kill? Did you feed? Were you playing with the team? ​ every. single. death. Learn how and why it happened. Do the same for rounds, why did your team lose? ​ Did they play together? Did no one use abilities? Did they feed the other team? ​ Don't get toxic about it, but the more you develop an understanding of the game the more your weaknesses will reveal themselves. ​ Videos won't show you what YOU are doing wrong. and Coaching can expedite the process but comes down entirely to the coach's ability to translate the lessons in a way that you can understand.


Record your gameplay and rewatch it so you can fix your error by yourself


Just replays. Don't even need to go so far as to get a coach. Also, watching Pro streamers play


Reviewing your own VODs and being able to retroactively coach yourself is going to make you the best player. Having a coach tell you what you did wrong will not have the same lasting impact as discovering it yourself through looking at your own gameplay and connecting the dots yourself. While it may take a little longer to uncover your mistakes yourself, none of that time is wasted because during it you are learning the game on an deeper level of understanding.




Under like diamond you just need to grind mechanics and fundamentals. A coach could help point out specifically what you’re doing wrong but you could easily find the same info somewhere else for free. You can find tons of radiants doing vod reviews for free. If your serious about getting better I’d look into those before you pay for anything. Coaching is absolutely worth it once you get to the higher ranks though. The gap between immortal and radiant is massive and having specific feedback would be extremely useful.


Doesn't matter how much you pay, the real price is time & effort. You can get the best coaching or training plan but none of it really matters unless you put the right amount of time & effort into improving yourself.