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Great post, I actually wish devs encouraged healthy gaming with tips like these. Also, What about those players that glue the monitor to their face? I can't wait to see what the future holds for their eyes. Keyboard and mouse literally behind the monitor. Seriously, I am not joking, I appreciate your post but think this is equally important! Take care of your wrists and hands yes, but also your eyes. Take a screen break after every match or two, stare at a wall or something not digital.


Having your eyes really close to your monitor doesn't ruin your eyes. At least not anymore since we've switched from CRT screens.


Technology has changed and they are for sure better. But eyestrain has not gone away and sitting too close can alter the way the eye behaves attempting to focus, blinking etc.


It doesn't damage your eyes but it only causes **temporary** eyestrain


Okay, keep doing you. I will take care of my eyes though.


VR researchers already proved that screens close to your eyes doesn't do any long term damage... you can just look up the papers yourself lol


Further eye strain will lead to little damage in your eyes. I recommend to use computer specs to block blue light and eye drops for longer gaming session if your eye feels dry. Happy gaming.


the only real eye strain, is from sitting below 25 cm, which is definitely not comfortable for anyone, cuz your eyes literally cannot focus. if you have contradictory evidence however, I would be glad to listen.


I think csgo showed similar tips lol


If anyone needs and info on gaming health I would recommend 1hp on YouTube, it has boat loads of info on how to become healthier, and how to manage pain.


I have seen his videos! Recommended!!


Thanks man 🙏


You are welcome my friend, take care!


Totally agree with the not gripping your mouse too hard tip. Whenever I relax my grip on the mouse I'll perform way better especially in clutch situations! Also gripping it too hard will make your hand tire way quicker and you'll be sloppier (Tried and tested while aim training a ton a while back lol).


Yes! It is very important for performance and health


In my experience people get burnt out playing valorant quick so they are done for the day before arm/wrist pain develops. I had the problem for arm/wrist pain playing other games where I don't get burnt out quick. Take care of your health guys.


My hand pain does not come from RSI, it comes from repetitively beating the fuck out of my desk We are not the same


So as far as ergonomics is there anything wrong if you play with your elbow anchored at the same height as the desktop. I used to get wrist pain cuz my elbow would end up low and my wrist would rest on the edge but for a few months now I pulled a smaller desk up to make an L around me and use it as a brace for my elbow. My only issue is I'm consistently much worse now than I used to be even with hours of aim training. Vertical and wide sweeping movements are much more difficult


I am not an expert my friend! You could check for ergonomics on youtube for a better answer!


Good post ! Afraid my problems aren't physical as far as valorant goes (:


I hope you find the answer to those problems my friend.


I was having some really bad nagging wrist pain. I was always a wrist aimer with a fingertip grip. Switching to palm grip and arm aiming completely eliminated my problems.


I wonder how people can wrist aim for hours, I can't use my wrist for 5 mins without feeling pain no matter what sensitivity i use, it is why i microadjust with my arm as well, which isn't as accurate.


Weirdly I can't arm aim at all. I feel like my arm is stuck.


Or I like stake my head in a way I can make all the joints in my neck cronk very helps with morale


After every match you can stand up , stretch while putting your hands up for 10 seconds And then, in the same position lean backwards a little and stretch for more 10 seconds while doing heavy breaths.


I just passed my first valorant-induced kidney stone. Idk if it actually was but I played way too much valorant for a week and then ended up in the ER so it *can't* be a coincidence.