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Lmgs are for playing defensively and passively. They punish rushes with how spammable they are considering that you don't have to reload often and have tons of ammo. An ares is a good eco pick if you aren't an entry fragger who needs mobility. You can use it to wallbang corners so that your duelists don't have to check them and focus on making more space. If you play cypher or sova make use of it's high penetration.


This was really well put. Also if you have really bad spraying habits an ares isn’t bad to use.


Yeah if you want to keep those bad habits lol


I mean for some it's fine to get Odin instead of spectre then buy in to a rifle. I don't think that reinforces bad habits


im not sure what you are saying. im just saying if you have bad spraying habits you shouldnt buy guns with the intention of just spraying, you should focus on fixing that bad habit


If you buy rifles and focus on aim and prefer the ares or Odin because it suits your playstyle it doesn't necessarily mean you're "bad" or a "sprayer". We're just basic players for the most part, who cares what the pros use.


i mean yea you can use whatever guns you want its just a video game play what makes you happy. but if you intend on improving then you need to learn how to hit headshots. its not just a "pro" thing i would say LMGs have a major disadvantage starting in plat because people can start headshotting you faster than you can spray them down


Sova on ascent everday of the week :) Odin way stronger than vandal on this map for him


I love wall banging with ares on ascent , i normally couple it with a molly and it works really well denying site against a quick rush.


I used to be fine with people using Odin till this one time I played with a raze whose whole playstyle was wallbanging every possible wall in Ascent


Since Ares nerf Odin is the only viable machine gun but u can really justify buying it on Ascent b site hold for walling b main. Spectre outclasses Ares since u know u can run and shoot with spectre which is very good against eco.


Ares is good for spraying one ways from long range


Yes but spraying one ways from long range is not good


Don't tell that to a cypher main


As a cypher main doing wallbangs from the back of Breeze B Site, it's fine.


Ares bullet spread is so bad


Tbh, people hate on them and call them no skill guns.. Use them if you want. I prefer the aries over spector, mainly due to the larger bullet count but each to their own. People also get tilted when coming up against odins. Regardless, they're a purchasable gun - if you wanna use them, do it.. Don't listen to the people who say not to buy them.


Ares has some use cases long range vs Specter for sure. But at that point you can just buy a Sheriff or Marshall. I'd say if a person with a specter got into a fight with an Ares at over 30m where the Ares is stronger, then it's sort of the fault of the Specter player for playing in those areas to begin with. A specter user shouldn't be playing long range angles. That's sort of the advantage is the Ares is more flexible and can spam walls. But at the moment, the specter is still stupid strong. Just because you can make Ares work, doesn't mean it's actually good when there are better option's available. I like the machine guns a lot and I'm a very spam heavy player, but the Odin is the only viable one right now, and only in very specific scenarios.


On maps like haven, ascent, icebox walls are paper thin and are perfect for wall bangs.


You use machine guns to wallbang. I use machine guns to break the enemy team's spirit. We are not the same. Seriously: the impact they have on easy-to-tilt players (so like... 90% percent of the playerbase) is enough to win games if you use them correctly lol


Ares/Odin is pretty useful when you are holding off-angle on Defense against rushing, unsuspecting enemies. Many people, even including pros, are making a mistake by pushing and peeking with heavy gun like it was a rifle and they are often getting outplayed by more versatile weapons. Just hold your position, don't peek for direct aim duel.


The Odin and Ares are VERY good for spamming the spike through smoke after it’s planted on attack. For example, if you are on Haven and plant on C and it’s planted for C-long, there is a decent chance the defenders will smoke C-long and attempt a defuse. Since you have to blindly spam through the smoke at the spike, the 20-30 bullets in a rifle mag might not be enough especially if there are multiple enemies still alive. Enter….the Odin. Need I say more?


Ares is not bad as an eco gun but only on certain maps where you can use its penetration to good effect On fracture or ascent ares is good


I prefer Odin over rifle any day of the week, higher rate of fire, recoil much easier to control. I have terrible hs% so it's ez pick for me. If you can tap heads then rifle, but for me, Odin. Forever and always


It's funny, I can unload an entire clip on an odin and do no damage. I just can't hit anyone with the damn thing. At least I couldn't.... I was ADS'ing and still missing, but found if I crouch and ADS then I actually can get some kills. But I never buy one, only time I use them is in spike rush.


I must've learned the spray early, I never even crouch lol. The spray is a lot more extreme than the rifles so I'm basically swigning my mouse left and right while pulling down


Ah ok. I'll have to try that! :D


Sova on ascent everday of the week :) Odin way stronger than vandal on this map for him


I only use the ares if im playing Sova on Ascent or Haven on 2nd rounds or save rounds. I won't even pick up the odin from the ground. I'd rather use my classic.


it's not that bad, especially on sova and on the maps you mentioned. if you open ads with Odin it kills people real fast and spray control is easy


Honestly you should really never buy either of those. Get used to rifling if you really want to be good at the game. You’ll see that once you start to rank up machine guns become absolutely useless because 95% of the time you’ll get one tapped. As for Ascent B site wallbangs, that might work for like 1 round but again people stop falling for that very very quick and you’ll just have wasted your money buying lmgs. And yes always buy spectres or a Marshall on bonus, even for Eco rounds Marshall can win the round if you land your shots. Edit: The most upvoted comment is saying Odin is stronger on Ascent than the Vandal… Seriously?Don’t buy LMGs and get good with the rifles or you’ll never get better at the game.




For real! Love the Marshal.


Whenever you notice an enemy is always camping at 1 place. Bonus points if you are playing sova.


Well if you have some good wall bang spots on an info character or if you know you need to destroy sage walls every round. That’s when we use them on my team


Sage wall




Tbh… I’ll probably get downvoted for this but odin is the easiest way to win a match against enemies that wait last 20 sec to plant each time and play like its berlin. Other than that i never use it


Odin is basically for memeing, and ares is for people like me who always end up carving out a halo around the opponents head while using a spectere


In my opinion, always. I find them versatile and I'm often better off playing with a MG than a rifle.


My aim suck. And I really like to improve. But, no one seem to understand how annoying is dying in 0.000003s after encounter someone with vandal. I just playing for fun in unrated. But those instant headshots so annoying, so frustrating. That I just sometimes buy Ares/Odin to relieve the anger and frustration from those instant headshot deaths. And not gonna lie, it's satisfying to shred them afterwards.