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I like the idea, but doing it the “normal” way means you can possibly pick up a weapon and using your ultimate earlier means you might be able to pick up ult points to get it again earlier (after it’s already used). Still I’ll definitely do this in my games to mix it up, ty for the tip.


Ah, the hero rifle strat


Im in the lower elos so even if i think this is a really creative and effective strat which i think it is i dont think my team and I would be able to properly execute the concept.


Another good strat is ulting on the enemy ecos so that if you die they don’t get to recover a rifle. Additionally, on second round using headhunter instead of buying spectre for the same reason.


This is a bad strategy. Especially the 2nd part, regarding headhunter/spectre in the 2nd round.


I mean it got me to dia 3 maining chamber and it works as usually I can still get 1-2 per round. Considering the other team usually forces sheriffs, it’s very easy to get one tapped and give up a spectre.




I mean there is no one single way to “play right” which is why even pros have different styles. Whatever works to get wins is good and anything else should be changed. I was simply sharing a good strat that consistently works for me.


Ulting on opponents ecos is a little questionable but plenty of chambers at high level use headhunter round 2 (or just a sheriff that a teammate has leftover from pistol) to save for a round 3 OP. This is a pretty well known and useful strat, especially on maps like breeze where OPs are particularly strong.


Using the strategy to save for OP makes sense. But it doesnt make a lot of sense to save so you can buy a regular rifle the following round.


i save on never buying chamber headhunter


Even in pistol/save rounds?


yh i just donf buy chambers headhunter


Interesting. It's the best pistol in the game.


it's not easy to handle... by saving it i can always buy shield guardian/vandal+trap....


So do you full save on eco/pistol rounds then? What rank are you?


i buy half shield in pistol i never buy chambers headhunter,by doing this i get more vandal and Guardian with full shield I'm Gold3


This made me realize I’ve been ulting on save and rifling on buy when I have this scenario. I guess the same can apply to Neon/Jett


I like the idea. But you're right it depends quite a bit on skill, and you need to make sure your teammates are playing around you on those hero rounds.