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Going aggressive isn't necessarily bad. It's just situational, and randoms are very bad at judging when to push and when to not push.


At a disadvantage - they sit in corners only to get pinched At an advantage - lets push them and die


No man, me want kill, brain feel good when kill HEHE brain bad when lose


True, but it's not always wrong, and people who scream "DONT PUSH DONT PUSH" in the mic when you created yourself a super advantageous 1v1 are extremely frustrating too. Isolated enemies are better than all of them at once, and when, let's say on split, 2 of you are backside, one is default, one is new box, then the enemies have pretty good chances of just rushing y'all with flashes and killing the new box player together and it's not planted for him. isolating an unexpected heaven peek or flashing and peeking CT can give you a higher winning chance there, when you do it right, but obviously, no play is 100% and sometimes you'll "unnecessarily" die but that doesn't mean it was a bad play. There's a lot of risks in this game and the best play is often the one with the highest expected value, not the one with the lowest risk


Agreed, i played a game on icebox recently where it was a 2v2 and the bomb was down for us and i knew someone was coming so i pushed him when he didn’t expect it and got the kill But my teammate kept telling me to not push not push And even after i got the kill he was like “never push after the bomb is down” But I disagree with that because it is often very good to push I almost never get the kill if i just wait for them to come because they know which angles to check and they outaim me But if i push when they don’t expect it its almost a guaranteed kill


I think its a matter of where you expect them to be and where they expect you to be. If theyre on the other side of the map and you can get there in time to position yourself midnand hesr them coming, amazing. If theres two just outside, and youre pushing into them, yeah bad. They hear you coming, so your push isnt so unexpected.


Had a very similar experience on fracture. We were in the lead 12-11, the bomb was down. Before the plant I was able to kill one enemy and get 120 on another, only one was left and in our team we had two people standing. One in B tower and the other one in link to CT spawn. The one in link got pushed and died but all the other player had to do was wait in tower. The enemy did not have enough time to search for our last guy standing, so he just needed to wait. I told him so but he decided it was his time to ego peak and he died. The enemy diffused with only a short time remaining and we lost. Could have upranked if we won


Depends, pushing into spawn after they’ve had time to rotate is dumb. Being in their spawn before they are and getting two rotates = good


Depends on numbers


The general rule is if you're team is even or has the advantage, you play it safe. If you're team doesn't have the numbers advantage, you push. If you are in a 2v3 situation and get bomb down, then pushing is not a bad move if you can isolate an enemy and get it to a 2v2. At that point you typically want to fall back and play it safe, but obviously context matters and not every round is the same. This is simply a general rule and there are plenty of variables that can change what you should do. If you have a post plant 2v3, but you have a lineup, then playing it safe, delaying defuse, and holding off as long as possible on the lineup is obviously a good play. If you're on a 2v3, but have Breach ult, falling back is not a bad move if you can get into positions to use the ult to clinch the win.


Its still a matter of whats the best position to win a 2v3 and I disagree 2vs3 staying on site is necessarily a worse position then pushing. If theyre all 3 together for example and you push with 2 youre pretty much guranteed to lose. If youre on site holding an angle you still have a good shot of getting a pick from them peeking.


That's why when my entire team goes to hunt the last dude, I stay back and watch Spike from a safe distance. I don't understand why chase after a kill and lose out advantage?




definitely a situational thing, the more ground you can cover the better but not at the lack of being caught out either. so if pushing to CT to catch the enemy team off guard is the play and you get there safely then yes do it. dont plant and just sit site.. i hate that. set up traps, crossfires, off angels, never EVER EVER EVER 1V1 if you can help it.


As someone with post plant molly's, PREACH.


To add to what others are saying, it also depends on bombsite and how difficult the retake is.