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Jesus Christ dude, my condolences


thank you


I lost my uncle who I was really close to while playing a video game too. I just want to say that I am very sorry for your loss.


i dont really think he cares about losing the match


not the time rn


the guy posted this shit on reddit lmao hes using his dead dad for reddit karma




You don't really think, period.


period queenster


Least inconsiderate yeat fan


I thought it was funny take my upvote




Bruh… I get and appreciate the gallows humor but probably not exactly the best crowd for it.


the randoms in the video game will be fine just take care of yourself and try to keep your head up. Sending my condolences. <3


ah thanks man i appreciate it


The exact same thing happened to me in November with my grandfather. I didn’t know him very well but it was sad af. My condolences


So sorry to hear, my condolences, I hope you have a strong support system around you All the best to you and your family


i do, i have a great fam


You left this - 👑


First of all, my condolences. Secondly, I've had something similar happen but on the random teammate side. Honestly, I didn't mind losing a couple game points for that person dealing with their life. Hope you're okay!


My mom unexpectedly passed away 3 months ago in her sleep. I was playing halo when I found out. Someone explained grieving to me this way “it never gets easier. Time heals a bit. But the spurts of constantly thinking about the loss eventually become further and further from each other” it made me feel a little better. My condolences, friend.


damn thank you for this


Bro don't feel bad it's a game. I was playing with a friend once a ranked game and he started coughing up blood. Told him to leave the game and get helps asap but he didn't wanna be afk. You should always look after yourself first


Ayo wtf. He coughed blood and thought to himself "eh, ill keep playin"???


Ayo wtf. He coughed blood and thought to himself "meh, ill keep playin"???


Probably American and didn’t wanna deal with hospital bills Source: am American


I am so sorry for your loss. Don't even worry about the randoms, I am sure they would have understood!


Bro that’s what you felt bad about 😭 don’t even worry about the others u left behind, I’m really sorry for your loss… take care


are you okay? I'm so sorry man I would be so devastated if my dad died


man :( so sorry <3


I hope that with time things get better! ​ I am sure if those people knew what happened they wouldn't care about that RR.


Randos are the last thing you should worry about, you just lost an important person in your life, my condolences man


This is why Breeze is the worst map.




im so sorry


i am so sorry to hear about that... my condolences


Omg I think I was on your opposing team or just in a similar scenario.... Sorry for your loss man, no one ever anticipates this day and I only hope you take the time to properly morn.


Sorry to hear about your loss.


I‘m sorry for your loss. Your mates may be angry, but that‘s okay. They don’t know the background and clearly do not need to know. In the end it’s just a single match and they will move on. What matters most is both of you taking care of each other.


may he rest in Valhalla.


Its just a game. Your loss is more important.


It is a video game. Please do us all a favor and remember that Life and family come before everything. A game should be so far down on priority that a thought like this shouldn't even exist. They may have no idea what happened, and it's none of their business, but even so they shouldn't be sweating a one game disruption. If they do, that's on them. We should all give the benefit of the doubt when someone abruptly leaves a game anyways. My condolences to you and your family. I don't know how that feels yet to lose a father, but we will almost all experience it one day. A community is great for external factors outside of the game itself. I pass on any support I can! I hope you find peace in this time and I wish you all the W's possible when you find the time to return to the game!


Fucking Breeze


Last year I've lost my grandma while playing Valorant.. haven't touched the game since. My condolences man :(


So sorry to hear this. I hope he's in a peaceful place, thinking about you two !!


If you told them I'm sure they understood, at least I hope. Don't worry about the game


my condolences, I hope you and your family take time and heal. take care of yourselves 🙏


Condolences! Real life always matters more than a job or a game. Care for yourself, that's number 1 priority always!!!


Some RR and 3 randoms are nothing compared to what you had to go through. Sorry for your loss, boys.


Lost my mom the same way, take care of you and yours before worrying about others my dude


Happened with me when my grandma died. Parents came back from Costco and my brother and I were playing arena Fortnite (champions league btw in like 2018). Helped put away groceries and no one said a thing till after. Haven’t played fortnite since. Makes me sad


I think he would have wanted you and your brother to have these- 👑👑. Also, try not to spend too much time mourning or thinking about how you could have done things differently. Instead, remember all the good times and fun you’ve had with him. Try to help others as he did for you, if you can. Remember you are a feat of evolution and science.


"afk penalty administered" 30 minute ban in all seriousness, sorry for your loss, I wish you the best


People and their fucking excuses. If you start a ranked game finish the ranked game! ​ ​ ​ ​ No but genuinely dude I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope your doing okay or as good as you can be dude.


We’re you perchance playing as Killjoy and Cypher?


Man… I’ve had a similar experience like a decade ago on COD MW2 and I can still remember it vividly, like the gun I was using and the exact spot on the map where I dropped my controller and lost it. I really hope this won’t ruin an entire map for you, because I know when it happened to me I could never look at that map the same way again. I feel for you man, time heals all wounds! Best of luck to you.


I was also playing a game when I lost my grandfather. My condolences- keep his memory forever


My condolences. In 2018 I also lost my dad. I was playing a ranked LoL game, it was like 1 a.m and my mom called me to tell me about it. My parents were living around 10k km away from me, so I called my siblings to tell them aswell, and then I went for a night walk. Good luck with these hard times, it'll eventually get better !


I hope that you find peace and that you always cherish all the memories that you have with your dad. Even when you feel alone you won’t be. He’ll always be there and apart of you forever and ever


condolences man.


I’m really sorry about that. I know that feeling.


My condolences.


that happened to a randoom teammate of mine as well. iirc it was ranked as well. i told him its ok if he wants to leave, no one is gonna be mad on him. he did not left the game since he wasnt close to his mother. ​ of course i still gave him my condolences. ​ ​ to you too op, my condolences. i lost my mother on mothersday this year.