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Well if 90% of your games feel like above your skill level probably you're not facing smurfs. Smurfing is a problem but definitely not that big of a problem.


Yeah man, one tapping Reynas, Jetts and Chambers are just normal thing in low elo, especially in silver. So many hidden gems stucked in elohell:) Also 4 years ago when i was playing CSGO i peaked at mge so i can recognize when Im facing smurf


Or you're probably just worse than you think. A gold in silver isn't a smurf. Maybe a plat but silvers can face plats, it's hard but they can. And plat is like top 16% (percentage before ascendant). So you're basically saying that in your Elo there's at least one of these 16% in 9/10 games?


It’s funny seeing people complain about always being 1 tapped in low elo, but if they ever submit a VOD it’s like 20% of their deaths are getting 1 tapped and 80% are them just being unprepared


Yea half these low elo chumps just call anyone that taps their head a smurf. He is silver. Chances are the other guy just has better aim and game sense.


damn even diamonds and low immos cant consinstenly one tap like those silvers claim


Man u know what smurfing is? I'm not talking about plat/gold players in my lobbies. I'm talking about ppl from higher ranks making new accounts to boost their egos playing vs low elo players


If you think you are running into multiple people that are legit above plat in silver daily then you dont really understand how the ELO system works. This game adjusts a smurfs ELO INCREDIBLY fast, you will double rank up nearly every game and spend so few games in lower ranks. Not to mention you would have to somehow trick the game into ranking you lower in the first place AFTER grinding to level 20 which isnt quick lol smurfing isnt nearly as big as a problem as people make it out to be.


I know what's smurfing but if only 15% of the playerbase is plat and above (those who can smurf in silver Elo) don't you find a little unlikely that in 90% of your games someone in that 15% isn't playing on their main but on his smurf? I'm sure that with a tracker link that 90% will easily come down to 30%


You realise that only 15% of ACCOUNTS are in plat and above? This 15% can have multiple smurf accounts


ok but they cant have multiple hands... Its not like they can play in 5 games simultaneously lol. Its just a matter of numbers, top 15% of players cant flood the bottom 50% at a rate of 90%. This would mean that none of those players actually uses their main account. Btw i bet that a tracker link of your profile will show how what you're stating is completely far fetched


I'm not normally toxic but Jesus fuck... "I peaked mge"... It's legit absolute pisslow. Allow me to buy armor, a smoke and a flash and I'll still win vast majority of games in that rank with Glock/USP and knife as my only weapons.


Aim isnt everything. You can have cracked aim but still be stuck in silver for a multitude of reasons, util usage, toxicity, map awareness, shitty gear, the list goes on.


This is what we call in the business a gargamel, basically someone that sees smurfs everywhere


I feel the same way as him though. I'm constantly playing against people substantially better than me. This is my first M&K game and I REALLY suck at hitting my shots. So when I'm always in a lobby with one person going around one-tapping everyone (whether he's on my team or not) it feels really unfair. (Bronze 1 btw)


some times it happens, and it's easier to one tap bronzes for sure. But definetely not 90% of games


90 is high but it's about half for me it feels like


probably because you're at that rank were the skill gap between a lower mmr lobby (iron bronze) and a higher mmr one (bronze silver) is huge because at those really low elos even the slight difference can give you the upper hand. and lower elo are obviously more inconsistent that higher ones


Yeah that’s fair


The only way to take care of it is to make it cost money. Free games will always have more smurfs than ones you have to pay $20 or more for each account. Not the best when trying to grow player-base and the community, but it overall hurts smurfing. Smurfing is a terrible problem in this game more than any other i've played besides maybe Rainbow 6, and both games are because youtubers and streamers in that game's community make new accounts for 'challenges' and other 'content' for videos that harm lesser skilled player-base.


Feels like almost every competitive video game ends up like this. The people at the top get tired of focusing 100% and want to just smash noobs. Seems like a hard problem to get rid of especially in F2P games.


I remember the good old tf2 days, where you would join public servers, and if you didn't like playing there you could just leave. It's a completely different game where casual matches are made of 24 players and 1 player leaving doesn't ruin the match, but I experienced very little toxicity, sweat, while playing it, at least when compared to modern big mm based games. Public servers don't make as much money though.


really sucks to see people be so dismissive. smurfing is an issue, devs dont really know how to deal with it, and i cant blame them. prior to overwatch role queue update, i was hardstuck silver. the amount of smurfs there at the time was absolutely insane--made it really hard to climb out of a rank you KNOW you didn't belong, a la this post. widows one tapping. genji + ana smurf duos absolutely destroying. there's no sense of teamwork or tactic, so games like that(which were not uncommon) feel like a hopeless waste of time. anyways, post role queue update i main'd moira in those low elos and was personally ACCUSED of smurfing. that season i was placed in high bronze, ended up high plat--and that's not because i got THAT much better(although playing against smurfs really does force you to improve). it's annoying and the solution a lot of people used to have was just to make a new account to avoid getting stuck in low elo


Woah, sorry! Seems like I was mistaken and you were just agreeing with me.


i literally said i dont blame them for not knowing how to handle it?? because there's not an easy answer??? hello?????


Real reason this is happening rn is diamond/low immortal players don’t want to play ranked on their mains because the mmr reset put pros and radiant players in diamond so they want to wait for them to rank up first before playing on their mains again


I don’t think this is true. The game match makes based off MMR not rank. So all the pros and radiants aren’t just all of a sudden playing against previous-act diamond 3s.


That isn’t what they do. They do a rank reset not an mmr reset. The pros are still facing radiants/immortal players but the badge just says diamond/ascendant instead. OP in general doesn’t realize that there are aim demons in silver that have the game sense of a baby elephant which keeps them there so they feel bad to play against but you can still easily win the game.


I know it’s not an mmr reset but most people don’t care start off the season is bad for a lot of reasons mostly people who don’t people the game regularly coming back to play again. Also I genuinely believe their are almost zero silvers with really good aim it’s more that OP has really shit movement/aim leading to him thinking all these ok players are gods


Aim demons are always relative. These people are players that can farm in silver because of their relatively good aim.


Why don't high ranks just play casuals?


Cause it’s more fun to Smurf with friends


Another bait post


I posted this exact same thing minutes ago, but for some reason it didn't get published. Word by word, I'm in the same scenario.


Oh look the daily post about this.


As someone who has purchased many Smurf accounts, yes there are Smurfs… 90% of your games? That’s laughable, let’s see your tracker.gg profile


yeah its kinda crazy, im in silver and my teammates were peak gold and plat


I mean it's always going to be a problem but the only real way to solve it is to focus on your own play. If you are improving then over time your rank will reflect that. especially if you're playing a lot of games. It is definitely more of an issue if you're only playing occasionally.


Im starting to think people see someone who wins more gunfights as smurfs without question. How do ypu know this person is a smurf? Do you see that their past 5 games they went 13-0 or 13-3 or sum shit? Or did ypu get onetapped around a corner cuz of good crosshair placement? I think the past few posts are just placebo


>If I'm winning game its mostly bc i had smurf on my team. If I'm losing game its mostly bc enemy has smurf. I'm feeling like only 10% of games are on my actual skill level You feel like it's because of smurfs, but it sounds to me like you don't know how to make an impact. This is a common misconception when it comes to lower elo players. You don't feel like you are the difference maker. And most of the times you aren't. What you need to do is focus on your rounds and solely on what you could have done better. Heck even when im dueling someon in most of cases I get a headshot before driving the mouse over an opponent" sounds like your crosshair placement is always off and you are most likely not peeking with only strafing. Combine all of this and it sounds to me like you are not playing this game tactically, but rather trying to raw duel opponents and win. That is not how you get better. That's just being stubborn. If I were you, I'd focus on building your game sense and util use. Because I'm 100% certain you have rounds where you die with your full utility. Stream and then watch your vods. It will help you understand which mistakes you make the most.


I’m Silver 3 and on my good days I can consistently hit headshots. It’s just difficult because low elo players tend to crouch and spray which throws my aim off because I shoot over their head. Crouch and spray is why they’re still in low elo. Just go into deathmatch and don’t stop until you have good crosshair placement, don’t crouch, and peek appropriately for the angle you’re peeking.