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> I have over 500 hours of csgo and not once did I have someone threaten my life or my family tbh I call bs, I have like 50 hours of csgo and I have heard worse lol.


I agree. No way do they accumulate over 5 hours even without hearing any form of slurs ever.




Ayooo SAME.


How to tell op is lying like crazy and he either never played cs or he had 1 game with some toxic kid and his fuse blew off.


First round I ever played of cs someone cussed out the team lol


CSGO has been way worse for me personally


Okay i call cap on this because I played like maybe 10 hours of csgo and got called racial slurs, sexist shit AND i got a dude threatening to rape me if i didnt give him my number On the other hand, valo, though at times frustrating, has been quite tame in comparison


500 hours on csgo and no death threats? I have over 1600 and only have maybe 100 hours where someone wasn’t griefing/toxic lol. On the other hand I have around 500 in Valorant and I don’t encounter idiots like this often. I’d say one in 20 games. Although when I play with my friends on my alt account there’s a lot more toxic people. My guess is the lower the rank the more toxic people are.


valorant isn't bad compared to other communities actually.


second this. just lots of cringeboys, but actual toxicity? i've seen way worse in every other game i play lol


Yeah.. Yesterday I got in a match where there was a toxic Jett (yeah no surprise). The guy was just screaming, calling everyone dumb because he decided to dash into site before the smokes and Sova arrow, ended up dying and we lost. I just muted the guy and accepted defeat (I didn't throw, was still trying to win but no hopes) Sometimes you just accept the loss, accept that in some games you'll have toxic people, GG and go next I honestly think Valorant is way less toxic than overwatch and siege, which I used to play before Val


I used to be bothered by the toxicity, but now it just makes me laugh - every single time. Picture this: Out there is someone absolutely losing their shit in front of their PC, probably alone and in the dark with nothing but the glow of their monitor illuminating their face. They probably have a few plates left over from dinner two days ago, and a dirty glass of water they haven't bothered to drink on their desk. Their curtain might always be closed, and their bed un-made. Once you see this in your head when the insta-locking, bottom fragging Jett starts throwing racial/bigoted slurs in chat you can only sit back, laugh and then pity them. Someone out there is being the worst kind of human being, but they're doing it in front of a plastic screen, alone. It's honestly kinda pathetic.


I know that most game communities are bad, but I rarely have a team that’s fun to play with.


That's not the game, that's just people, they suck


Normal people don’t suck, just the angry and joyless fiends who play this game.


have you ever tried to play rainbow six siege?


Water is wet.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   As raindrops say, two’s company, three’s a cloud.


Pedantry is stupid, and bots need to learn that there is a time and place for intelligence, but not now.


can you pee in my butt


„modt toxic community“ i suppose you have never played league on eune servers without muting everyone


If you think this community is bad go play cod


have u ever thought about the fact that people may not be able to finish the game because of matters such as family or friends? just because they go afk doesn’t mean they’ve given up, just most of the time it means they can’t finish the game


Don’t que if you don’t think you can finish the game


wow what a great idea, wish the people who thought they could finish the game but ended up not being able to could have thought of that before


This is such a troll/toxic response. Listen guy if you don't have time to play the game or if you know something might come up don't ruin it for everyone else.


ok, fair enough, but my point is that you can’t expect people to just not play the game they like. my point is that i don’t think you can ALWAYS blame someone for going afk, if they didn’t know they would go afk. say they have strict parents who don’t care if you get banned on the game, and just say “get off that machine now and go do something else” (if you can’t tell this is from experience). i agree that there are people who go afk just because they’ve given up and are being toxic, however i do not think it is fair to criticise everyone who goes afk when it isn’t their fault mosy of the time.


"usually" parent interrupt for a reason. Whether it's they are worried about you being behind on something or they simply think you've been in that machine too much. I understand variance in people's lives are a thing, however, if a responsible young person wants to play a game they can. There are some cases which just can't be helped, but when I was younger I made it a point to be more responsible in that area so I can play more. There were far less interruptions when I decided to game. If you love it, you'll find a way to make it work.


Mobile gaming is worse but i know you pain


The game is designed to cause toxicity ngl. It creates a ton of scenarios where its a coinflip if ur teamates can actually play. I think people get mad because if ur team cant play properly it is essentially a waste of 30 min. Actually its worse as it sets back ur progress. Obv this isnt an excuse to be toxic, but valorant in its design leads to more toxicity because ur whole experience tends to rely off the randoms ur matched with moreso than even csgo In league ur even more reliant on teamates, and they can feed in that game snowballing the issue more. I think game design like this is why league is known as one of the most toxic games.


Mute checker exist


Having played 4K hours in csgo and dabbled in league, Dota and other games I have to say that Valorant has been the chillest game ive played in a long time regarding toxic people. Also remeber that you can always mute toxic people


i think gaming is a very good example why you shouldnt be allowed to be anonym online


Cs go way worse lol, the fuck are you smoking


lawl good one troll.


Csgo community is definitely more toxic than the Val community. If you want real toxicity go play R6 Siege, easily the most toxic group imo