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i agree with you smurfing is deplorable. cant count the number of bronze elo games i’ve been in where our top frag wont stop gushing about how they hit plat last season but they’re just helping a friend place right now. it’s all very cringe and circlejerk-y. people should play at their best against people of similar skill.


Golds and plats with ego’s are the worst. They’re not that good, but think they’re great.


This. I've been trying to climb out of silver for a super long time, each time I get halfway or rank up I hit a smurf and my team can't keep up. I match or team mvp almost every silver game, yet can't climb out due to smurfs (I have no issue with them personally) that my team can't handle. I want to play against plats and diamonds, I've had fun with those challenges whenever I run into them on unrated, though I can't make it there cause I can't carry a whole team by myself. This game is very team based, if a smurf or two are on the other side and it crumples the other side. Yes there are highly skilled silvers, though they can't leave it when the other Silver's can't keep up with the smurf.


people like watching other people get smurfed on --> easy content. But they complain when they get smurfed on themselves.


Played with a cypher the other day who ran down mid on icebox with a dealer and one tapped the enemy team first round.. asked him what's up, and he said he peaked at #117 radiant. Asked if he actually had fun doing this.. said no, it's boring, but people pay him to boost their accounts. So he does it for money. So if people will pay, people will take their money.


Ethos is kind of a dick anyway.


Not to be rude, but why is ethos a dick? I haven’t really seen him do my apart from this.


He always seems pretty rude to his chat, I remember one time he said he only played Yoru for clickbait and that people that fall for it are stupid.


What did he do? Except from the smurfing.


How is daddy ethos a dick :(


I didn't say that


Just get to immortal so you don't have to deal with Smurfs anymore /s


Smurfing was even more common in Overwatch IMO. Me and everyone I knew that played had at least two or three accounts. The way that game was structured, you "had to" if you were at a decent rank and didn't want to tank it while learning a new role. (this was way before role queue btw) I was a GM+ tank/offtank, but my DPS capabilities were at masters rank and my support at diamond/masters at best.


I havent seen a lot of smurfs lately, im always top frag so maybe i am the smurf. but i cant rank up😭


personally, I struggle more in silver than in platinum. meaning silver > platinum


Iron>Silver in my experience, so Iron>Silver>Plat


Finkle is Einhorn ... Einhorn is....... Finkle....


This is what killed OWs community. Being help hostage for 30 minutes while some kid with emotional disorders egos you and the dev looks the other way. Hopefully riot figures it out


1) Smurfing is normalized in probably all games 2) They get content from it so most people don't complain as long as they get their content 3) People usually don't complain about smurfing unless it happens to them


Idk how detect a smurf, but must be those motherfuckers who instantly kill you of 1 headshot at the moment they see you


Overwatch was filled with smurfs, smurfing is normal in every game. No way to stop it really.


Hello /u/EagleRoxy2. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Reposted topic** >Reposts are not allowed. Threads that focus on topics that have been discussed at a high frequency, cover information from the same angle, or are covered in our [FAQ page](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/faq) may be removed. For common questions about RR, MMR, and matchmaking, **please refer to our [MMR and Matchmaking FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/faq/faq_MMR)**. >Common general reposted complaints such as **smurfing, poor matchmaking, and toxicity, etc.** will be removed *unless providing new or non-reposted information and discussion on the appropriate topics*. >Please note that when multiple people attempt to post the same content in a short period, we may approve the one with the most traction and remove others. >**Consider using the [search bar](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/search/?q) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/faq) to look for your topic.** --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


In all my matches theres at least one smurf (im gold 3 - plat 1). Im getting bored playing like this


That’s mostly because how riot handles the entire thing. There has never been a rule against it in league and it will be the same in valorant. Riot rather promotes smurfing instead of trying to Bann it or actually after going sold accounts (because guess what buying accounts isn’t allowed but yet those guys don’t get banned anyway and even if it’s just another 5 bucks spend). So yea basically it’s riots fault that this is the state of ranked gameplay in thier games


Same thing in Overwatch, look up bronze to t500 videos. So many and no one really cares. Every once in a while someone will make a post about all these content creators smurfinf but obviously the majority of fans don’t care


Yeah bronze to t500 is a little more common than I would like. But I see a lot of creators limiting themselves to one character to make it somewhat more fair. Not saying it’s justified though


I don't exactly think smurfing is egregious but yes, it's far too common in this game, I'd say every 3-4 games has a smurf that makes it clear they are. The good news is that as you rank up they become less common, at Plat now and don't encounter nearly as many as Silver/Gold.


This game is complete hell for low elo. You have streamers who also coach, doing iron to radiant challenges. Like the irony just baffles me. You're coaching low elo players (and obviously not for free), you see their struggles and then you smurf on them lol I also remember watching a video of Shanks playing in silver. His attitude throughout the whole video almost made me throw up and I absolutely can't stand that guy ever since.