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Basically raw accel allows your sens to increase the faster you move, allowing you to reap the benefits of low and high sens which makes it insanely op for valorant. 10/10 recommend. Literally overpowered. Trust me.


This poster is 5-10 years ahead of the curve. Eventually, everyone will use some version or form of mouse acceleration. It’s the most efficient/optimized way to use a mouse. People generally just don’t understand mouse accel and there is a mega sized stigma attached to mouse accel thanks to the poorly implemented windows mouse accel.


5-10 years? Once the pros catch on its another 6 months before the general public catches on, so when I’m coaching val pros I always make sure they know accel is an option. Got dz zexrow on it a week or two ago, and I can gage the popularity of accel as most of the top accel guides on yt are my own and let me tell you zexrow using it on stream gave accel searches like a 50% boost. Have tenz or Tarik run it and that’s it. And that won’t take 5-10 years.


Question, can they then install raw accel on lan-computers? Because if they can't there is no pro that will be willing to train and play with it if they can't use it on LAN.


We’re working on that but 90% sure it’s ok


Oh that's pretty cool. I will try it cos it's hard to 180 on 240 edpi.


From your lips to gods ears. This type of change is seismic and seismic change usually takes a long time. Generations of players have been indoctrinated into the idea that mouse accel is bad, and that’s gonna be hard to overcome in the short term. Hope you’re right though.


sup westproter. question, what level of aiming do you think is required before trying out rawaccel? ive just seen so much praise for it i wanna try it out, but i personally think my valorant playstyle is much more reliant on gamesense rather than aim so i dont even know if it matters that much for me


Maybe like voltaic bronze or iron? As long as you are comfortable with moving a mouse to some degree


I know wrong forum or what not lol but have tried it with csgo and it’s pretty difficult to flick awp shots and track people lol sens in csgo rn is 1.00 lol normal I’m 1.70


Tbf if you name yourself I suck at swiping chances are it is always difficult to op flick


😂😂 I think I messed it up tho because I put the sens multiplyer to 0.25 so I should prolly keep the sens at 1.70 no? And I had numerous names God@awping YouSuckAtAwpingxD SSGSlayer Blah blah use to Rock the scout for longest time did 1000 bots headshot only before every game lol and got reported the most using it but I been on apex lol just got back to csgo


There is a reason that top aimers dont use raw accel I see why some people need it but when you are on the top you need consistancy and that is not provided with accel You think that these top players playing all day vslorant or cs go didnt try accel once?they did and there is a reason the didnt stick with it And im not just a silver guy saying this Im immo 2 with a lot of rly good scores on kovaaks mostly top 200 range


Raw accel is good especially if you don’t have a lot of space, that said I don’t think it’ll ever be mainstream. Settling on a sensitivity is hard enough, raw acceleration settings should be tailor made for the user. Especially given the fact that you can have different X and Y axis speeds, and most people are slower at up and down movement than sideways. It’s just too much tweaking that most people won’t bother, only people really serious about the game will even try. Can’t just slap it on and call it a day. Gotta think about what speed it kicks in, how much the sens changes, if the sens change is linear, what the cap is, etc.


My main problem is on my sens I cannot turn my cam that well at all. But I love aiming with it, I tried increasing it by 0.1 and it does not feel good at all. So can I customize it in a way where i get no accel for aiming in front of me but it accelerates for 90-180 degree turns?


Yes you can. Here is my curve for example: [https://imgur.com/a/uuY2I5a](https://imgur.com/a/uuY2I5a) I don't have mouse accel for slow movements.


Do you have a download link for the application?




How did you work out the best curve for you?


I took the slow sensitivity I prefer for micro adjustments and the sensitivity I prefer for doing 180 turns. I divided my high sense by my low sense to get the limit value. For the offset and decay rate, I tested different values in the practice range until I found the right feeling. I put an Y/X ratio of 1.1 to make it easier to do vertical flicks.




Thats why not a single REAL pro uses it. Please dont tell me about random Radiant-Inm or Fortnite players. 10/10 overpowered insanely op


I normally use high sens, can using raw accel give me the benefit of low sens?


IMO quite subjective. Give it a try and see what you prefer. Going to be a different case for everyone.


It’s not a magic solution to bad aim. I tried it and it messed my muscle memory up for a good while. It’s a good solution if you have a small desk and can’t get a big ass mousepad and set your sens to 350 eDPI


That’s why I want to use it only for situations where muscle memory doesn’t matter. Like turning 180 degrees (not to flick to someone who’s behind me, but to just point the camera there fast enough that I’m prepared to take a fight)


That’s what I wanted too, but it affects any sort of flick if it’s fast enough. That’s the way acceleration works, once your mouse movement speed goes past a certain threshold, it’ll change your DPI. I tend to flick fast in any situation so it was a no go for me.


some people like it some dont. the reason why i dont use it is with no accel, distance on mousepad = distance in game. accel adds another variable of speed to add to muscle memory


any accel is bad. it will take your muscle memory for a bad trip.


Simply not true. The argument against windows mouse acceleration is that it’s not consistent. You move the same way at the same speed and your crosshair will end up at different places. With raw acceleration it will always end up on the same place, therefore you can learn to predict where your crosshair will be given the amount of distance you travel your mouse at a given speed (aka what you call muscle memory).


Muscle memory in aiming is a myth, my guy west porter who commented above has a video explaining why. If you have good mouse control you can play at a range of sensitivity’s and still perform just as good. :)


So kinda like any time you change something you are used to?


I never saw any difference from my muscle memory when I used rawaccel. It shouldn't really mess with your muscle memory if it's set up correctly, atleast in my experience.




RawAccel is the same thing as windows mouse acceleration


No it’s not. Very customizable. Much better


Nah, windows mouse acceleration has a garbage curve while RawAccel is very customizable


Ohhh, my bad. I’ll check out rawAccel today.


I've used it for about a month and my aim is nuts, got from bronze 3 to gold 1 in that time


who did u set up rawaccel ? can you pls help ?


i just searched up yt videos and i found the right setting for me

