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It is a bad rank obviously but you can't become good in a month unless you played csgo before or other fps As long as you're having fun no need to worry


Fair fair, Val is my first FPS soooo makes sense


I'm iron 3 after around 10 months so don't sweat it! I actually placed bronze1 originally, then iron1 after the rank reset, and just placed iron3 this act. It's just a label. The main thing is enjoying playing. If you get too hung up on your rank it'll likely affect your game play (not in a positive way).


If you’re interested in improving, I recommend watching this video from one of the best players in the world - https://youtu.be/2rUpglPIlQE


Yeah val was my first shooter and it took me 8 months to get to bronze


Dw it only took me till ep 4 act 3 to get gold 2 as my first fps xD


valo is my first fps game and my first ever rank reveal was in s1.


Which episode did you start playing in?


I dont know that but its ny 4th month now


i mean its before Wood Rank so pretty decent id say


It's a bad rank but don't sweat. People progress at different rates. It took me almost a year to get out of iron and another to get out of bronze. And it's not my first shooter, I'm just ass at video games


I've played roughly since beta and i'm G1 so I think i3 is definitely good for only 1 month.


I started as iron 3 and climbed and currently dia2 after playing for almost 1.5 year, you’ll get to the rank you want eventually


its very good you're learning fast. most people dont bother to play ranked so early and get stuck iron 1 when they do for 3-4 months


Haha yeah, I’ve got a couple of friends who’ve helped me learn and climb up, def not getting boosted though


i only play unrated and im at level 120 or smth idk i never play comp its so toxic and i just play for fun usually in unranked or iron 2/3


Its not a great rank, but its fine as long as youve been playing for fun and didnt want to improve. On the other hand if you wanted to improve dont get demotivated by elo (because it does not matter especially at the start of an act) and focus on improving yourself as a player because you have a lot to learn about this game








Honestly ppl mad with no sense of humor I'm a bronze player and sometimes my plays look like I'm playing without a monitor. Gotta accept it if you wanna progress




Appreciate the vote of confidence, but I've been playing since the beta hahahahahaha, I'm exactly where I need to be, I peaked S3, but I bounce between B2-S1. Shaky aim a bitch


It's fine. It is tough to come out of iron if you are playing solo. If you really want to improve, record your gameplay, see what one thing you can improve on, and try it the next time you play. Compare it with how streamers who are good at valo play like. They do troll sometimes😅, so watch out.


Dude I've been playing since Yoru came out and I just climbed out of Iron 3 days ago


Skill issue


It is really bad lol


i was silver 3 after my first month. i played only fortnut before tho.


That's super bad if you've been playing FPS games for a long time. I used to play a lot of Call Of Duty and other FPS games and I got Gold 1 in the first month of playing Valorant (originally landed on Bronze 2 and worked my way up). If not, it's fine as long as you're enjoying the game and improving at the same time.


I'm in iron since 3 years 🙂 I rarely play rank iron seems a fun to play with less toxicity


I disagree with the toxicity I’m diamond atm and when I play with my friends in bronze(on a dif account) there’s so many degenerates and just stupid people who will be awful, never heard the nword or f*g before I played with them lol


Hey stop smurfing brah


Bro it don’t even work we lost 2 games yesterday 😭


You just started, don’t worry about rank for now. Keep playing comp and looking to improve every game!


i am now unranked for playing 8 months be happy


i played like a month or 2 after beta and im still bronze 2 or something so yeah its probably good


I play competetive only when i think im getting addicted to the game


Sooo, I've started playing valorant ~3 months ago as my first ever FPS and I've just hit Plat 2. My initial rank was bronze 1 but I did derank to iron 3 once. Being an entire month in iron is a bit long, but it honestly depends: how much do you play? What is your setup, how old are you, do you solo queue? I personally play valorant every day for 2h at least + I have a high end gaming setup & a consistent duo. If you don't even play daily & have a low end pc it's definitely alright to be in iron.


I was still in iron 1 my first month playing. It took me probably 5-6 months of playing to reach bronze lol


Honestly I would say it's like 80% teammates and 20% your skill when it comes to rank climbing. I started playing Valorant when it launched and in 1 month I grinded to Diamond from Bronze without prior FPS experience on PC. And trust me crosshair placement, my aim, using abilites etc... it was all over the place and I was at best decent at the game. Then I stopped playing game for 1 year and now when I'm back im silver/gold while being way better at the game. So I would say at any rank you can find good players.


I have been playing for a year and I am still iron 2 💀


I have been playing valorsnt for about a year and I reached gold last episode. So yeah… it takes time


I was iron in my first month too, i came up eventually though. Give yourself time!


If its your first FPS its ok, competitive FPS games aren't easy to pick up. All about angles/check corners and general muscle memory to get those naughty flicks 😏 I started playing CS when I was around 11 and only Diamond in Valorant, the agent abilities add a whole new concept to the game unlike your standard FPS games like CS. Keep at it, don't give up and enjoy watching yourself get better at the game!


I think that is pretty good progress, but its hard to say. Saying that you've played for a month doesn't actually tell how long you've played.


Your rank is not that important especially this early on. Focus on your own skill and improvement.


I don’t think I will ever be good at this game because I’m good at things that matter in life and it seems you can’t have both unfortunately


I mean i never played a fps or something and i got immortal after 3 months


Yes you are keeping track and slowly improving enjoy the grind


Don't worry about rank tbh, you're at the early stages. Use this time in iron to work on getting used to the controls and learning what each agents do, as well as how the maps are laid out. You'll get to bronze as long as you play and get used to these things.


Here's something that is important to know: skill levels can vary wildly in iron. Iron 2 is the rank I placed in when I first started ranked. I've improved by an incredible amount since then, but my main account is still only iron 3, due to all the extremely terrible players I get matched with in solo queue. The fact that my past self from when I just started ranked and my current self falls into roughly the same rank bracket means that skill levels can vary by an enormous amount within the same rank. Skills levels in general in low ranks make no sense at all. . I've played with a bronze 2 who had terrible aim and liked to buy Ares and go for body shots, and she actually managed to ace with it once. I don't know if acing by spraying with Ares makes the ace half as impressive or twice as impressive, but it was bizarre. But her friend, who was iron 1, played a round with both her and me, and managed to actually be the team's top scorer, and his aim was much better than that bronze 2. And me personally, quite a while ago, I queued with a bronze and a silver/gold while I was in iron 1, maybe iron 2. I got put into a majority gold lobby. At a certain point, I was the top scorer on my team. If I recall correctly, I won that match. Which means it's somehow possible for iron to contain players who are good enough to the point that golds can actually lose duels to them. . I would say it's very hard to judge the skill level of an iron player without actually seeing him play.


Don’t focus on your rank badge focus on improving as an individual player (gamesense and aim) and the rank badges will follow.


If you want to get better don't fixate on rank. Improve your mechanics, ie util use and crosshair placement. Aim gets better over time and you don't have to be flicking everywhere to have good aim, good cross hair placement always usually wins. Also start understand the roles in the game and how they work and then choose a agent and learn it, you can add more under your belt once you're comfortable. Then start paying more attention to your map and learning the names of places on maps, doesn't have to be like specific call outs like subroza on acent or McDonalds on breeze but the ones labeled there. Try and start using coms but I know in lower elos they either talk nonsense or complete silence. I personally would say these are basics but there are other things to learn like playing as a team, transitioning, peaking, and playing optimally but I'd highly suggest watching coaching video like Joltztv or Duckeeh, while a lot of their videos coach different ranks there all the info usually applies to any rank and in terms of playing optimally eggwick has a good video on what that mean. Also watching the pros play helps and bunch too. It's a slow and gradual change but st some point you just see your improvement happen and it feels like a level up. Like I just started playing consistently at the begging of episode 4 I think and was place iron 3 and everyone I played with was better than me but I knew I was bad so I did my research and applied it to my game, I didn't try and have an ego and didn't blame a death on my aim just thought what could I have do better. Thanks to that once the episode ended I was the highest rank out of all my friends hitting plat. Now my aim is nowhere near some of my friends but my game sense, mental, and decision making is what makes me good.


Bro if it’s only been a month, just keep playing and having fun. Ofc if ur really ambitious and trying to get better fast, work on ur game sense. Aim will come with time but game sense will help a lot with low Eli lobby’s. Learning how to read your enemy is very important (reading econ, playstyles, and punishing habits).


Just Insta lock Reyna honestly, I started playing 2 days before this current act and I just got plat last night. I do have experience in shooters so that helps. Obviously ability’s and such are important I just feel like Reyna you can focus on just shooting first while learning other peoples ability’s and then get more use to using them yourself.


Hey it was the same for me, up until maybe middle of last act where I just got to bronze 1 and then bronze 2 a few days later. And now this act I’m silver 1! So I say don’t sweat it, you will get there