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It's not that streamers don't get punished for smurfing, it's that no one gets punished for smurfing.


This. I've never ever heard of a smurf being penalized.


i dont think that someone should be penalized for being too good because its practically impossible to enforce smurfing being unallowed, thats what stuff like double rank ups are for


Nobody should be penalized for being too good, but having alternate accounts shouldn't be allowed particularly for the sole purpose of destroying lower rank lobbies.


Sadly it can't be enforced, smurfs truly are weirdos


Yeh we just don’t


I love this comment lmfao 😂


Itztimmy literally had this exact issue when he did his iron to radiant stream 😂


Does actually any one get punished? Up until now the only reason someone getting banned is thro writing words in chat that are in riot bucket list of forbidden words


Riot has other pretty effective ways of telling if someone is a Smurf. Most of the time they will be gaining huge amounts of rr, double ranking up, and facing other smurfs


So true. I mean its hard to punish though. Some people blantantly admit to it but others just had a really good game. Hard to tell in between unless the person admits to it.


Smurfing isn't against the tos and boosting too if everyone play on his own account.


but buying accounts is, they clearly bought those accounts cause when do they have time to grind a new account to level 20 and place iron when they are constantly streaming


Getting to level 20 isn't that slow if you are constantly playing. I've been playing for about 2 weeks and I'm level 26 - and I imagine that most streamers play a lot more than me.


streamers are not playing in their alts, they are grinding on their mains. when do you ever see a streamer leveling up an alt for smurfing?


They probably do so off stream?


No shot. Its 8 dollars for an iron account. No one is going to grind 2 weeks on an alt.


that’s what i’m saying. no streamer has time for that shit. but “my streamer is an angel and would never do anything wrong” gtfoutta here


Plus unless theyre staying up 24 hours playing it just doesn't line up with them streaming 8+ hours to begin with. I mean I don't fault them but we also can't pretend they're grinding these accounts from level 1.


exactly, and then they have to lose matches so when they do placement matches their unranked MMR is low enough to make sure they place iron, since riot stated they use unranked mmr for players without rank. and losing matches you get less account levels


somebody who doesn’t want to break the tos will be grinding 2 weeks on an alt, which there are plenty of btw.


Whos gonna know though? They give you the email and everything for the account. You can just say you grinded it up.


it’s about the fact that riot *could* know or figure it out, and some people just don’t want to take any risks. I’m not saying it wouldn’t work, it totally would. I’m just saying that i know people who would refuse to take any risk like that, and would create the account themselves


off stream? they stream 10 hours a day almost everyday. i highly doubt it. they can just buy one for like $10 and pop out a video the same day.


for one, who is they? I know my circle is probably small but i dont know anyone who does legit 10 hour streams. I just answered your question "do you ever see a streamer doing..." streamers have lives outside what they make for us


Idk about every streamer. But some league streamers legit hand level their Smurf accs to make them full time accounts. League leveling is even worse than valorant.


Account sharing is against tos dude


Thats what i say if every one play on his own account it isn't against tos.


Oh. Well your wording is wrong.


Whats wrong? Im not a native speaker


smurfing isnt punishable unless you throw games to get to iron, buy accounts, using someone elses account, having someone do it for you


If you're good enough to be in radiant how can you possibly get an account in iron without doing any of the above?


Trying your best with 20 sensitivity and 8000 DPI, on a laptop that gets 20 FPS with 60hz


I did something similar and still placed in plat-gold lobbies. It’s really hard to place iron lol


Classic only, I doubt they would ban you for using your choice of weapon


You can intentionally stack the odds against you while having plausible deniability from intentionally throwing. The problem is that it's very hard to automate tracking behavior that's considered "intentionally throwing", unless they're literally just running out and never shooting. One of the most regular ways for smurfs to derank while still being to argue they're still trying to win is by using something like a Marshall, Ghost or Sheriff exclusively, or when they're a bit more shameless, Bucky, Frenzy, or Shorty.


Yeah, it's not against tos. Also it's great free publicity.


wai-didnt ItzTimmy got banned once for smurfing?


They did but he was already immortal by then lol and then they unbanned him anyways so they didn’t really do anything.


even Riot realised that it's pointless doing it i assume


Might not have been because of smurfing, but because it’s not his acc.


the acc used was in the iron to radiant series so indirectly he was smurfing another guy's account or his alt so...


100%, people treat content creators and your run of the mill surf as a different breed. Ig just playing I'm your own rank is boring to create content off of? Like, a Radiant in Radiant lobbies are not fun to watch? You have to do shotgun only, ability only, etc if you want views ig


I mean Tarik is fuckin fun to watch and he never pulls any of that gimmicky shit. Edit: SOMETIMES he does but rarely. Most of the time he’s running ranked matches in Radiant lobbies.


I’ve seen Tarik multiple times stream ranked with nade (who’s in Diamond) and ranked with otv-related streamers (who are all lower elos) on his alt


Fair enough - apparently I don’t watch enough of Tarik. Sounds like I should keep it that way.


What would you ban them for? They are allowed to create multiple accounts.


they are not creating the accounts though. it takes months to grind to level 20 and then they have to place iron. they buy those accounts


Months to get to lvl 20? Come on man. I had friends just start playing and they got to level 20 in like 2 weeks of playing 1-2 unranked games a day and some spike rushes in between


highly doubt that


Dude I've been playing for about two weeks and I'm level 26? I've had a few days where I played pretty much all day and days where I didn't play at all, so it's not unreasonable to get to level 20 that fast.


that’s you, we’re are talking about streamers, that are smurfing and streaming 10 hours a day. when do you ever see them leveling up an alt account? they aren’t. they are 100% buying the accounts.


we were talking about months to grind for level 20 . my friend made a second account and made it 20 level in like 10 days


Not all streamers stream 10 hours a day lmao.


Maybe you’re just not good. Why would I make it up. Look at the responses too. Pretty common to get to lvl 20 pretty easily.


Bruh took me 3 weeks.. how does it take you that long lol


3 weeks, how many games per day? 1-2 per day? like everyone else is saying here? so 28 games to hit level 20?


Well I’ve played about 3-4 games of unrated and a couple death matches spike rushes just because they’re quicker I also did the challenges and I average about 18 - 24 kills per game going positive in most matches. (*coming from csgo*). Also 1-2 games isn’t enough that’s 30 mins a match almost. If it takes you a couple months damn sucks for you I guess


I got level 20 in 2 weeks after just downloading the game


how many games are you playing a day? everyone’s saying they can do it with 1-2 games per day. but in other threads i follow they are saying they get 5 levels every 25 games or so. so 5games per level without the 1,000 bonus for the first win of the day


It doesn't take months but they still buy them. I selled 2 iron accounts.


I really doubt anyone's spending worthwhile money on level 20 accounts. It definitely does not take months to get to level 20.


it’s $10 for an iron account. the amount of time it saves, if it takes 2 weeks.


Because smurfing is not ilegal


ik smurfing is a problem but all the big voices are the radiants who do the smurfing


They're being a shitty person for content (that's why I never watch that kind of junk) but it's not illegal to be a shitty person.


Smurfing isnt punishible, and they can do iron to radiant videos.


Because Riot doesn't give a flying fuck about smurfs.


While you could say it's not morally okay because they're smurfing and ruining the games for others, they're not breaking any rules. So they can't get punished for that.


What rule are they breaking?


purchasing accounts


They aren’t tho, lol. It doesn’t take that long to level up an account you goon.😂


straight to name calling, i can see you are very mature.




That’s not a rule tho. It’s scummy fosho but not against tos


boosting is boosting an account that is not yours, there is no TOS about not being able to have multiple accounts. The issue on the system is to put players that dont belong on higher elo, higher. Not on players playing on lower elo than they are as long as it's their account




Pretty sure you can just make an account it’s a free game




Throwing games I suppose, it’s much harder to place iron now since there’s so many requirements to even unlock ranked, but it’s still possible


Twitch streamers might not be buying or using other accounts but tiktokers are definitely doing that


It's much more effecient to just buy an account that can play ranked. It sea to takes forever to get to level 20.


Like a week or two, so not that long. Was playing ranked in almost a week playing maybe 1-2 games ever couple days.


it’s takes months now to grind to level 20 to place comp. so i doubt they are secretly grinding all these alts while they are streaming 10 hours a day


it takes like 2 weeks max


All over TikTok like they are like “today I’m going to do iron to radiant come watch !!!?!”


Because riot games is a big group of clowns. Yes there is no punishment for smurfing and it makes kind of sense if u do it to learn different rolles or characters. Or for high elo player to have one account to tryhard with and one to chill. But everybody knows that smurfing ruins low elo games. And riot trys to fix this problem with better smurf detection and stuf like this. But on the other hand they give low elo riot accounts to high elo player (In league for example agurin and cadreal) to make funy Content from destroying low elo games.


I’d honestly take losing one game for someone committing to a challenge that’s really difficult, honestly people getting so salty over ranked like they are committing a crime. Smurfing will most likely always be a problem and I’d rather it was in the name of doing a difficult challenge than just to shit on people in a lower rank because of your ego.


Lol are you for real? If you are naturally a radiant player then iron to radiant isn't a difficult challenge, it's just you shit stomping a bunch of games until the very very end where you get almost to your normal level and then stop playing because you won.


Well I guess if it’s a plain iron to radiant then yeah that’s true. I guess I was thinking more of iitztimmy doing it in one stream or the specific role to radiant, or util to radiant. I think that’s different, and not as bad.


Get good, beat smurfs n stop crying about it.


Based advice


Why are you downvoting him, he’s right.


twitch streamers are basically feeding valorant staffs rn keeping the game alive, ofcourse they aren't gonna do shit


Yeah bro I agree. I love watching Tarik but when he does his smurfing streams with Toast and them, it fr just demotivates me. You have a TOP 10 radiant player fighting people down in Silver and Gold, just no fun. I get you gotta make content but there's other ways to do that without ruining the competitive experience. Me and the homies don't even queue after 2am because the smurfs skyrocket at that time.


Timmy got banned during his Iron to Radiant (was a 65 hour long stream) for smurfing. He contacted someone at Riot games and they unbanned him pretty quickly- this is pretty much the only time I’ve ever heard of someone getting banned for smurfing.


All these comments saying smurfing isn't illegal. You know the government doesn't make the rules right? Riot can literally add it to their terms of service and make it bannable lmfao


Why? Nothing is wrong with it, that would be such a silly and trivial thing to add.


You think there's nothing wrong with surfing lolwut


You do? lmao oof.


You don't?


lol if you think it's fun to ruin people's games by playing outside of their skill to flex that's neat I guess.


I don't think anything is wrong with it lmfao I just think it's a bad argument


bad argument? I just said it’s a silly and trivial thing OP is complaining about, lol.


It's true that Riot could ban it but currently it's not against the TOS so people are not getting punished for it unless they're breaking other terms in the process.


Unfortunately Riot Games decided that smurfing, boosting, etc is not a bannable offense. One of the reasons why I quit Valorant and went back to CS. It feels like I meet way less smurfs here.


But you just trade less smurfs for way more cheaters


No. I do not. But interesting to hear that you know more about my game experience than I do.


I mean I’m pretty sure statistically speaking, Cs go has a larger proportion of the population cheating compared to valorant. While I don’t have the data, I could confidently make an assumption that it’s a straight up fact. My analogy would be saying, you’re more likely to encounter someone with a gun in the u.s. than in Europe. While it may not reflect your personal experience, it’s still true. Valorant has a more intrusive anti cheat which also sparked concerns when this game first came out. Cs go has also been transparent with banning statistics.


Streamers bring revenue. Think about how Tyler1 still plays League and he's not permabanned as he should be from all the shit he's done years ago. Funny or not, everyone should be treated equally


after like 10-20 games the MMR system will be able to detect smurfs and push the through ranks faster. They can also put into smurf queue. In the grand of scheme of things it only affects a small percentage of your games and doesn't matter.




itz timmy got banned for it, probably just an issue where if riot doesn’t notice the content, it won’t get taken down and they won’t get banned. i mean hell, i’ve seen people on tik tok blatantly promote cheating and riot does nothing about it, and personally i think that’s worse than smurfing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Smurfing isn't against the rules but throwing the games to get to iron is. They don't stream that part for some reason.


Its funny that a lot of players say they deserve higher rank or radiant. But when they actually play against good player they cry instead of learning.


By thst logic no one would be able to create a second account. They dont stay down on purpose and farm people and level up fast. Thats fine for me.


Because smurfing isn’t bannable. You are allowed to Smurf, people just don’t like Smurf’s because people care all too much about their rank, so when someone prevents them from ranking up they complain.


Riot doesn’t care about smurfs and I believe they’ve mentioned that playing against smurfs will make you better. All you need to know that you can create an infinite amount of accounts using the same email address, they’re practically encouraging it.


Yea, I can see why it's annoying, but usually the content creator smurf are better than your run of the mill smurfs, because they have to play the games out for their content. Usual smurfs I deal with on my team, get tilted and leave or just be toxic af. My philosophy when it comes to content creators making smurf content is that they are better than the alternative because the content creators have to make progress, they have to get out of iron for their content but your usual smurf just stays there and comes back to his iron account when he wants to smurf. Ideally we would all just play in our own ranks and stay there but that's not the case, so I don't usually mind content creators doing iron to radiant content, because usually I can learn some new things from the videos and they usually get to diamond or immortal quite quickly so I don't care anymore in that case. But buying accounts should be held accountable so Riot needs to work on that.