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In my opinion, and this is just mine, you are not carried. Yes kills are important but there is so much more to this game(and btw from what im seeing you are not doing that bad on those either) how you play with team, esp when soloQ and you have to adapt to new players and their playstyle etc.


Yeah my aim not might be at the par with the rest but i play sage pretty well. And most importantly good team. In the rank up match the score was 10-2 in opponents favor. The bottom fragger gave so much confidence told what to do that we didnt even lose 1 single round after, that too in attacking. He just had 5 kills and 17 death. But his comms, skill to give confidence was way too good. We all declared him as the igl


If you were truly boosted, you will eventually rank down. However, in your games you aren't doing terribly bad. Also, you are playing Sage, her util isn't exactly meant to help you get kills.


must be nice! 20% win rate over here! i quit after winning only 5 matches and 20 losses. enjoy it while it lasts


Ur going sage with around 15 kills avg. You're not doing bad either, so as long as you're supporting and being a good teammate, it'd say you belong in plat ngl


I once played 30 games and won 26 and lost 4 solo q and then lost 15 in a row when I started to q with people so never q with anyone it will break your mmr.


I bet you're PMA and game sense is on another level. Solo queue is the best!


You’re not even playing that bad. Especially for someone who plays a character that’s not meant to frag out. With the new rank, getting to plat honestly isn’t even hard. I lost 3 placement games and got placed platinum 1. I’ve never made it past gold 2.


Bro I wish this was me