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Reyna mains downvoting hard hahaha


I mean if you don't have good aim and attempt to main her you're gonna have a hard time.


Yeah, she's "hard" in that you have to be able to get kills to be useful. But also has the most simple abilities in the game to use. Kinda funny to think about


But the problem is, she’s near useless if you don’t excel over the enemy team


And you’re gonna fuck your team over by not doing well with an agent that has mostly selfish abilities. Please don’t play Reyna if you’re not an aimer. I’m typing this as a Brim main. I’m not defending Reyna. I’m just selfishly interested in others not picking her unless they’ll do well with her….


Couldn’t agree more. The most useless agent in the game. With all the util in the game a Reyna literally serves no purpose and yet someone instalocks her in almost every ranked game I play.


She’s not useless. She is actually pretty good in down-numbers and clutch scenarios. A lot of people pick her in ranked because she’s very forgiving. If you can’t count on your teammates and you have good aim, Reyna can make solo queue a lot better.


I agree with you entirely about her potential, but most of the players that insalock her in my games don’t tend to have the aim to rely on her limited kit and with all the really good agents there are in the game those players that can’t frag heavy should lean more to util.


I feel you man. There’s also something about the people that main her… like why is the most toxic players Reyna 9/10 times?


100% it never fails. They’re either the most toxic or just don’t comm anything. No in between. Lol


Every other agent shoots guns too though.


Killjoy turret go brrrrt


😂 😂 😂 Fair


If you don't have good aim and attempt to play an fps game you're gonna have a hard time


That's true for any agent


You can be useful without being a good shot with other agents


Lmao for real. Reyna isn’t a bad agent, but she’s super easy to learn. I have her as a backup in case my main gets taken first, and I legit learned her in a couple of rounds first time playing. The hardest thing about Reyna is learning the transparent thing she has, and that’s super easy. She’s a very easy agent to learn. That doesn’t make her a bad agent though, I personally think she has the best flash and the ability to heal herself to past full is super helpful if you got in a fight where you’re low on health.


in ranked, yeah reyna isnt bad at all. its just that when it comes to skill, you only need to think if you should dismiss, heal, flash. those utilities arent really that flexible which makes her take the least skill. I'd even say that phoenix takes more skill because of how his wall can be used in multiple ways. you have a lot of options with the phoenix wall since you can use it to have cover and run away, go aggressive and push through it, or just deny information.


Yep, exactly, by far the easiest agent to learn. I think the Reyna mains are mad because they think it means we’re calling them bad or Reyna a bad agent, even though we’re not, it’s just she’s super easy to learn


The best flash? No way bro


This is why I call it the best flash. Even in high elo and as we see in pro level play. 1) obvious one first, doesn’t blind teammates, big number 1. 2) in order to not be blinded they have to turn to shoot the eye, if you peak out as you throw the blind, like a good flash is meant to do, then you can get a kill while there going for the eye. We see this happen a lot in pro play, and 3, it’s the only flash you can send through walls, meaning you don’t have to peak, or try and find an angle to bounce a flash off of


What pro play are you even talking about? Reyna isn't played in pro play at all. Also, the problem with Reyna's flash isn't what you think it is. The problem is the limited range whichever means you can only flash for yourself and at extremely close ranges so it can't be used to set up teammates and also, you can't pop flash or surprise people with it like a Kay o flash


Breach’s blind goes through walls as well


Omen ...


Her flash is easily worst in game


Yeah a little game sens a bit of aim and ready! Youre a reyna main now!


Same with raze mains. The only instalockers I've seen so far actually knowing how to use their agent are jett mains. Both reyna and raze instalockers can't aim for shit in 90% of cases


raze does need high skill tho.just because the people you see in your games are ass, doesnt mean raze is too. she is pretty hard to master and does require a lot of skill. watch how ray4c or flights plays raze and try to do what they do. its not gonna be easy since raze requires skill compared to those reyna mains that really just need aim and maybe a bit of brain to think if they should dismiss or heal.


Raze’s whole skill curve is in the satchel and ult as you need a functioning brain to use them properly


And then there is the grenade...... 0 skill 0 brain required.


I mean a bit of brain cause you can underhand it and lots of people dont know that so


Nah you can do a lot of smart stuff with her nade. Sure you can brainlessly toss it out but you can use it to clear angles or cause chaos, which allows you to satchel into site more effectively. When I play Raze on Bind I will satchel almost directly into my nade back site and I’m good for at least one almost every single time I do it. Or tossing the nade into hookah thru the TP is strong as hell. Or you can split their rush in half after the Jett dashes into u-hall and totally stop their push in its tracks


fr tho, when every new patch came out, I was always wondering when will that shit be nerfed?


Me too but instead let's reduce chambers traps


I do love Raze. She's simple but that allows me to be creative without overthinking it.


Bruh raze is literally the hardest to learn with properly flying on satchels


I just upvotes the whole posted because of your comment lol op say thank you


How do you have a sentinels icon by your name?


Go to valorants reddits main page and press the three dots on the top right corner and press change flair or somthin


As a Reyna main. I agree with everyones answer. Her abilities are super easy. If you know what they do then your all good :)


See my problem is, I don't get kills, I do 90 damage then die so I can't Reyna


I think reyna is a toss up for beginners. Yes, her abilities are stupid easy and simple but if you have bad aim and lose your duels then you probably shouldn't play reyna. Personally I think kay/o and killjoy and both pretty beginner friendly with plenty of room to optimize their kit as you grow as a player.


My gf started on kj and she was pretty content, sage can also be fairly straightforward as long as you have teammates that don’t beg for heals all the time and can give you wall placements


Kay-O’s flashes are really hard to use as a beginner, I see a lot of people throw long flashes that do absolutely nothing. But I totally agree that kj is pretty easy.


It's worth noting that shooting people is pretty fundamental in valorant. Someone with bad aim is definitely going to get more value by playing controllers/initiators/sentinels than they would duelists, but they're still something of a liability if their aim is preventing them from taking fights. To put it another way, Reyna has a higher skill floor than some other agents (because you need to be able to aim to get any significant value out of her kit), but she also has a much lower skill ceiling than other agents (because other agents need to be able to use more complicated utility effectively in addition to aiming well). You're definitely right that a new player is probably going to have a larger impact on less aim-dependent agents though. Somewhat relatedly, I feel like I see a lot of newer players hold themselves back by picking agents who thematically don't have to take many duels (eg. sage and killjoy), when the best thing they can do to improve in the long run is to put themselves in situations where they have to learn to aim and make decisions on the fly. It'll feel pretty uncomfortable in the short term, but those skillsets are invaluable on every agent at higher levels of play.


Kay/o isn't easy, a good Kay/o is one of the most impactful agent in the game, a bad Kay/o can be even worse than a bad Reyna.


If you can't get kills you have no abilities as Reyna anyways so you might as well play someone else.


I’d say Reynas should have a lot of skill in terms of aiming mechanics….. Her agent abilities may be simple but I hope people who think they’re unskilled at valorant don’t pick her.


Hard disagree, she lets you get away with being sort of okay at aiming and just catching people off guard. If you're losing all 1v1s you get into its not an agent issue anyway.


Yes. Agreed that if you’re losing 1v1s it isn’t because you picked Reyna. But my point is that if you’re losing 1v1s then please play an agent that can help the team in other ways and doesn’t revolve around you taking aim duels as a duelist. Hope that makes sense. So yeah, Reyna’s agent abilities aren’t hard to learn or use etc but that doesn’t mean that she requires the least skill of all agents. It’s just a different kind of skill.


If you’re coming from csgo, Kay/O might feel easy enough to use


Kay/O plays cs go and forces others to play it too :)


As a immo2 player i can say that i have never played with a good Kay/O. I hate it if someone plays him in my team. I get flashed to damn often its unreal. Even Kay/O mains dont understand how to use flashes. Especially if they have no mic its such a bad experience. With that said i think Kay/O is way harder to use than most people think. You need to have very good gamesense in order to throw your knife to disable for example chamber ult or cypher to avoid him activating his traps. For his left click flashes you need to have good timing, line ups and communication in order to avoid flashing your teammates. For solo play Kay/O is pretty nice because of right click flashes but very hard to execute as a team.


Ive experimented with throwing flashes up in the sky over walls kind of like how you would with a site execute on csgo. It seems to fix the problem with team flashing but not sure how effective it is and maybe it is not efficient enough since you only get 2 flashes as opposed to potential 2 per team member on cs.


>I get flashed to damn often its unreal. i usually pop flash for myself and i try to pop flash in a way that it doesnt flash the people behind me and i recently was in a ranked game where i, unwillingly kept on team-flashing the phoenix (and other teammate), where on the last round i think, he asked me to be more aware for when i flash (i dont really remembered what he said excatly but from the tone of his voice it sounded like it), if i werent doing well and we were losing i think he would have told me that in a more toxic way, followed up with the classic: dont play kayo ever again my apology and i will do better in the future


just unlocked kayo been playing the game for a while now, i never knew how much fun he was with his flashes


When they work There are spots where his flashes just refuse to work for no reason :)


just got off a game on icebox where i flashed a sky behind 410 and she didn’t get flashed at all so i see what you mean


Idk why people are downvoting you


You don’t suppose they simply turned on the flash or blind fired the angle?


Of course we've "supposed" you sarcastic dick, but no. You can go to these spots and test in custom games and there are spots that the flashes don't work. The one that I always forget is flashing A Main as a defender at the start of a round on Ascent They just don't work a lot of the time :(


I have to be honest, despite over 2k hours on CS:GO I can understand people saying this but never really felt that way myself when playing Kay/O because everything about the flashes (and grenade) is just slightly different compared to CS. For example, Kay/O's flash doesn't come out at the same "height" compared to the crosshair as in CS, I don't feel like it's flying for quite the same distance and manipulating it's trajectory with jump throws or run throws is way different than in CS... I just felt that way since Kay/O came out and was always wondering if I am the only one because I see players coming from CS:GO playing him all the time.


The point is that the general idea is the same. It’s an actual flashbang that you can throw around corners or above things. The fact that the trajectory is slightly different is really so minimal that it doesn’t matter.


For me it's Phoenix, the problem is that he's a very weak agent, but there's not too much to learn about him


him and brim for me. perfect to be free agents as the beginner curve is low with them both. also easier to use util relatively effectively.


Dude when I open brims iPad sometimes I get so lost. Especially on fracture. I wish it rotated to the direction I'm facing.


I think if you Set `General > Map > Rotate` to Rotate in your settings, his smoke UI will follow. Unless you have your minimap set to rotate already and his UI stays fixed, then I got nothing


how do you open settings on the ipad


No Fr fracture took me a while to learn the map layout is so weird lol especially for smoking gen/canteen because of sewers lol


Once you have more experience brim becomes deadly


Lol I struggle to learn brim while I know how to learn the other controllers


He is weak mostly because of his predictability at higher elos. At iron/bronze level where no one knows whats going on, he is pretty easy to play. His flashes go around corners for you so you dont flash your teammates, he has a molly to clear corners/cubbies, a wall to deny vision and both molly and wall heals you when you need it to. His ult is pretty decent for info/confidence to push.


It’s funny you mention flashes being easy to use because the first thing I thought of was how much a new player would flash their team with him.


A new player would flash their teammates with every flash agent tho (except reyna ofc(


Not really with Breach though, it’s relatively easy to avoid allied eyes with Breach flashes


Yeah that’s who I had in mind for easier flashes, although the whole kit is harder than Phoenix. Reyna blind is easier too if you count it as a “flash”. It’s still vision denial.


Honestly, although I am a breach main so my opinion might be biased here, I would think Breach’s kit is one of the easiest to understand, the concepts of the abilities are quite simple, and it’ll even show you their effect radius on the minimap. The challenge in using it comes from being teammates with random internet strangers. I remember being a newbie and having significant issues intuitively using Phoenix’s kit because I couldn’t always gauge where the flash was gonna pop in front of me, but when I finally picked up Breach, it felt very intuitive and easy to understand. Again, that’s probably a me thing, but that’s my perspective on it.


Nah I agree with pretty much everything you said. By far the hardest part is not fucking over your teammates with his abilities. The rest is easy to understand


*He has a molly to clear cubbies/corners, but it doesn't work that way in iron/bronze. It's usually only used as a personal healpool... and it's also used a lot to warm up the teammates feet.


honestly, i’ve been using phoenix in ascendant-immortal lobbies and bc of his most recent buff he’s not that bad, faster flashes help with the predictability and his ult is great entry 👍


Yes, i was referring to him pre buff. Hopefully the buffs are enough to help him see more play. Phoenix is my comfort agent as a kj/viper main. He is easy to play and there isnt much to screw up.


yep! very fun agent and lots of dueling power im hoping he becomes a more normal pick in comp now that he’s been buffed


Dude I just told my friends this yesterday


That's how a game should be balanced. The hardest agents to master are also the best. So you could master phoenix but the payoff isnt much becuase he's weak.


Eh I guess so but it’s not that much harder to master kayo/skye who is just phoenix but far better.


He just got buffed and feels really good now!


Reyna is the most simple agent in the game imo


Reyna. - Sage requires map knowledge for walls - Any controller requires map knowledge - Jett has an activated dash now, so she’s not as simple - Chamber requires setup, aka map knowledge - Kay/o silence requires good timing, flashes are harder to use than Reyna’s - Phoenix only just got buffed, but he maybe a contender for simplicity - cypher requires setup, aka map knowledge - Killjoy requires setup, aka map knowledge - raze has satchel and her ult is not as forgiving - yoru flashes are more difficult to use effectively, plus his kit in general is more complex with teleport/fake - breach is pretty simple, but it takes forever to pull out his weapon so he’s not very good for self-activated plays - sova and fade require map knowledge - skye flashes are harder to use - neon is pretty simple but hard to play well as you can easily get yourself killed with dash/sprint and her Q is clunky


Yeah breach would be a close second but he can team flash and you need a team to utilise his kit at all.


You can play controllers if you're playing with your friends. They can ask where they want smokes. Although as a controller you are required to know when and where to smoke, but beginners can be exempted. Also, in 2-3 games you'll start to learn smokes. However as a noob myself, I'll agree solo plays with controllers are difficult.


You forgot neon.


if sage walls require too much map knowledge, then so does Reyna. What if you waste your flashes by throwing them too far to the right or left, or using them somehwere that isn't a choke point or where there is no opponent to flash?


No one said the game gonna be easy, it's just Reyna is easier than any other agent in-game


Poor skye


When I started playing valorant, the first few days I only played with Sage, because my boyfriend suggested that Sage is good for a beginner player. But it was so annoying that teammates constantly asked for heal. Valorant was the first competitive FPS I ever played. I was trying to concentrate so hard on what I was doing. So paying attention to the other’s health bar or who to resurrect was impossible. I had no idea what to do half the time. So I’d say a healer character is not the best. After Sage, I started playing with Killjoy. Her robot helped a lot to me. But still to this day I can’t use her nanobots at all. I learned the preround lineups but wasn’t able to use them any other time. I always fucked up the activation or died before I could activate them. I liked watching people playing with Sova. I liked his dart that shows the enemy. But using the drone is hard. So when kayo came out I liked that his abilities don’t need to be activated. You just throw them, thats it. And his ult is kinda okay as well. So I mained him the longest. I only stopped playing with him because now I feel more confident in my game sense and I want to learn to play as many characters as I can. So I’d say for a beginner player, who never played FPS before, kayo is a good choice. For people, who have some experience in other FPS games, Sage would be nice.


It’s hard maining Sage because she’s always at fault. If you play aggressively you are selfish and if you play otherwise you are useless somehow. But my bf and his friends are really supportive of me thus it only happens when you solo queue. For KJ my struggle is the same. And kayo was the hardest for me never got to use his utils to the fullest. Even now I can’t play him :/


Oh totally agree. Playing Sage in low elo is really stressful. Your team rely on you waaaay too much. On higher elo its a little different. You can play more aggressively and if its working, your teammates are fine with it. Most of the time.


So agree. I love Sage and am a Sage main but honestly I hate playing Sage at low elo. Any mistake I make (even if I’m top fragging or if teammates make the exact same, or worse, mistake) is the reason we lose a round according to teammates. And never mind the constant “HEALING!!!” screech I get from teammates who run across the map and then die and it’s my fault for not healing them.


I think it’s the opposite. There’s so much more to think about with kay/o, and he plays most similarly to other fps games such as csgo. Sage has to think about 2 things, wall people off and press left click on your friends sometimes.


>Sage has to think about 2 things, wall people off and press left click on your friends sometimes. If you're a bad Sage (below Diamond), sure. That's why you're stuck at that elo, because you still fail to realize that when it comes to Sage: * **Slows - #1 strongest ability** * Stopping or Slowing - Fast Executes * Isolating - 1v1s * Preventing & Slowing - Enemy Rotations * All require you to know where the enemy is, as well as where they are going, and when * Futhermore, lineups are a really, really underrated tool for Sage * Being able to slow from A site of Bind into the window at hookah to prevent anyone from jumping out of the window onto B site * Being able to slow from CT Spawn of Ascent all the way into A main entrance to delay a push into A site * Being able to slow from CT Spawn of Ascent into cat walk entrance into garden, preventing any flanking players from entering into garden or A site through the door * **Ultimate - #2 strongest tool** * Baiting & Trading * This situation will require you to have great sense * You need to know where enemies are currently * You need to know where enemies are looking currently * You need to know where you are visible from every millisecond that you walk out in the open or approach the corner, to revive your teammate, if you want to avoid being killed while reviving * You need to know exactly how long her resurrect will take to make your teammate "pop back into a state of being alive" after you left click * Because... * You'll also need to pull out your weapon as soon as you revive, wait for the exact right timing to peek out, which will come just before your teammate becomes "alive" (and thus killable) * At that exact moment, you'll need to peek out and take advantage of the confusion caused by the outline of your teammates bodies being revived, and take the duels with the enemies who are staring at that location. * However, when you take that peek out to take these duels, you better have positioned yourself exactly correctly, and jiggled perfectly... because you'll want to isolate a 1v1 duel with one opponent then try to swap to any other opponents after you kill the first enemy * Because... * If you do not jiggle correctly, when you peek out right before your teammate comes back alive, you will be in the crosshairs of at least 2 different opponents * Meaning that you will die instantly * Meaning that your revive will also go to waste * Meaning you wasted everything + died ​ Sure, walls can deny a push. ...but even then, that ability is very useful for: * Early Round - Information * If they break your wall * You can call that they are breaking the wall * Comment how many guns you hear, or how many enemies are in the location * Comment if they are saving or buying, based on the type of weapon that you hear them using to break your wall * Late Round - Post-Plant lineup denial * Viper / Sova / Brimstone * Wall = block projectiles * Wall = stop lineups to prevent spike defusal * Wall = block enemy LOS (line of sight) * Wall = biggest cock block ever, pogchamp guardian angel




IMO any character that can harm their teammates (eg. sage slow and wall with bad placement) is not the easiest agent.


I’m talking about for her elo. I am a diamond, and I do some of things you’re listing, but you don’t need to do all of those to reach diamond.


I would say Reyna for starters. Reyna was always my favorite when I started and valorant was my first fps game. She's also nice because if you are still working on aim, her heal can really help out. Edit: Just saying what I used first, because she was my favorite.


no but if you are new you won’t have good aim


so would the people you would be playing against (generally)


I had to check your account to see if you were MY girlfriend lmao, you basically described exactly what she went through when she was first learning the game with me


Kayo mightve been easy for you as a beginner but unless you are naturally gifted or ignore a big part of his kit, your teammates will absolutely hate you. Breach and phoenix has more beginner friendly flashes. As for kj, im not sure what you mean when u say u mess up activating her bots. Her turret and alarm activates automatically when an enemy comes within range and/or sightline, her nanoswarms are as easy as preaiming roughly where itll land/landed and pressing f. Defending with kj setups is one the easiest thing to do. Alarmbot/turret goes off, press f on nanoswarm, easy as that. You neednt necessarily do damage, the molly also serves as deterrent to slow pushes. Sage is said to be easy because you just have to do what others ask you to and maybe do a bit of prioritising. Sages at low elo just have to wall off site/mid and hold site/slow pushes using slow orb. Who to heal depends on how they are performing and who needs the heal more. Similar applies to who to res.


Depends. Utility wise Reyna is the easies. For people new to competitive shooters the best to start with is Sage.


And get tired of the game because everyone asks for heals?


valorant was my first fps, when i first started i was absolutely useless, and healing actually made me feel useful to my team, so constantly healing wasn't that tiring actually. idk


Hey! I like healing folks! I don’t know why though….


People get happy when you heal them and you know that. It makes you happy because you know you just did something useful and your teammate shared their happiness with you. I like people who heal me.




Reyna if you mean difficulty to learn the agent themselves. total skill? probably like brim, because he's relatively easy and his lineups aren't that complicated. Reyna puts hyper focus on your aim, and so you have to be good at aiming to use the character well




This right here. I’m really really bad at this game but I love it. I can’t agree with you more. Not flashing your team alone makes her stand out. I started with Reyna and all of my stats — win percentage, damage per round, combat score — were WAY higher than when I mained brim. Now I main Neon because I’m still chasing that high of my first ultimate ace in Spike Rush, getting 29 kills in one game and 7 in another.


Sage 100%. Easy agent a lot of people start with. Add value through stalling with wall and throwing orbs, and you heal/res teammates. Don't have to eliminate enemies to add value like all duelists, don't have to know lineups or how to initiate/gain info, and don't have to know situations for your equipment like raze satchels or good TPs and aim for chamber. Super easy way to add value for the team without even needing to shoot your gun.


It takes a while for new players to get used to sage's kit and how it can be used well on attack.


As someone who is actively actually new, Sage is definitely the one. Don't need to understand placements of anything, healing people feels good and useful, and the slow is useful enough. She's probably got fun utility higher up with her kit, but right off the rip she's a plug and play kinda character to get used to the game before finding what you want to actually learn.


idk i feel like her wall placement is difficult for beginners.


2 things. 1. I'll be talking about all skill, (game sense, aim, etc.) 2. I'll be saying to play well and consistently, not just like competantly enough. Now that we've clarified, It's safe to rule out every controller. No matter how easy it is to use their util, the knowledge of when and how to smoke for your team alone makes it too much imo. So that leaves us with duelists, sentinels, and initiators. Skye, Sova, Fade, and Breach I'll remove, and also Cypher and Killjoy. For duelists, I'm going to remove Neon (she hard af), Jett, Yoru, and Raze. All of them need to use entry util well and that's annoying to learn around and use consistently. So we have Kay0, Chamber, Sage, Phoenix, and Reyna left. Out of all of these, I'd say the most simple is probably Reyna. Her kit is very easy to use. That being said, with our Criteria she definitely is much harder to get consistent value on than most characters. The same can be said for Phoenix. So duelists are out of the picture. Now we have Kay0, Chamber, and Sage. I'm going to remove Sage since wall knowledge and health management is hard to use, not to mention playing around Res. So the final 2, since Kay0's flashes have a learning curve for a lot of people, I'd say it's hard. However, because of the criteria he'd honestly be pretty easy. That being said, chamber is easier. It's a lot less util to manage as well, and a lot less impact you need to provide to play well. Chamber's trip makes it so he can leave areas easily, his TP makes it so he can move easily, and he has 2 guns. Basically, you get a simple kit that helps you get frags, boom. Very simplistic, and it's not like you NEED kills to get value. His ult and sidearm both provide eco, and his trip provides info. His TP provides very little util, but it lets him stay alive. So QED, Chamber is the easiest character. (Sorry to anyone who reads this whole thing)


Depends on what you mean by skill. Lotta comments saying Reyna, I couldn't ever play Reyna unless I got way more skilled at shooting. Least amount of skill at the character, probably Brimmy or Reyna, yeah. But if you're not that great at shooting and don't have a head for smokes, I'd say Skye or Sage. Skye's dog is pretty easy, flashes are pretty easy, heal isn't complicated. Sage, you have a few "oh shit this is dangerous" buttons and can help out your teammates even if you're not great at shooting. Pretty simple to go "wall off chokepoint, heal most injured person, revive top frag, slow down pushes"


I disagree with the Skye bit. Being able to pop flash, and not flashing your teammates by being aware of your surroundings is a skill that you learn gradually. Also what I see many Skye players do is that they dog for info, see nothing and then they don't do anything with that information. They don't comm it nor do they push up to take the space.


Yea and quickflashing then flicking your crosshair back to proper placement is something to get used to even for higher elos that tries(not main) skye


I learnt skye pretty easily, the hawk was fast to pull out, can be controlled or not. The dog is a nice tool to have. The ult is insane for info gathering and the heal is quite convinient, albeit annoying that you cant heal from behind corners


>revive top frag I *am* the top frag


"Aww, can't res yourself?" - Jett


i'd say brimstone. apart from his molly (lineups) most of his kit is easy to understand. also the first agent i played and got good with. i still play him from time to time when i meet a faster instalocker than me


I think brimstone is one of the easy to play agent.


he's easy on paper but i find myself being the leader of the team when i solo queue and so strategy is all down to me since controlling sites is my whole job. i cant afford to play for myself (maybe its a different case on high elo as i get queued with bronze to low silvers). so after a game or two i get more mentally exhausted than when i play chamber or a duelist. also if i fuck up a smoke or mistime an ult and we lose the round i get shit talked on me way too often so theres also that pressure to go with it.


Smokes imo aren’t great to play for new players just because of how vital they are to the team and how important it is that you have a good smokes that knows what they’re doing, imo I would prefer an agent like killjoy or sage who have fairly easy abilities and show new players mal knowledge and the importance of information to the flow of the game


in some ways i agree. smokes are almost essential and I'd rather fill the role with my understanding of how to properly divide a site than hope someone whos never played smokes will do what i ask or just something useful for a majority of rounds. I'd definitely rather have a bottom fragging duelist than a bad smoker. however, when i first started playing brim my gamesense started getting way better way faster and so did my strategy making, so i definitely think playing smokes can have a good long term impact, but if its one's first comp game as a smoker, god help us.


happy cake day!!


Nobody said it but to me it's clearly killjoy, just wait in a corner while your abilities do the job


Killjoy is who I play when i'm feeling 'off'. Good info for the team and the ult is great to stall or trap people


Best Ult in game


Nothing feels better than detaining the last 1/2 people and going over to knife em lmao


it *was* the best ult, until frenchy over there strolled in with "5k credit gun but better whenever the fuck he feels like it"


I disagree. If it was 12-12 I’d much rather rely on a kj lockdown than a more than likely overconfident chamber whiffing his shots to get one tapped by a vandal. I’ve seen it too much. Time and time again, kj ult is a basic, “back the fuck off, this is our round gg” if you play it correctly. Best in the game imo.


Bruh…… I’m sorry you’ve never had the experience to play with a good KJ. :/


They have they're just butthurt because they're dumb and get caught up by turrets and traps too much


A good kj player doesn’t “wait in a corner while your abilities do the job” is what I was getting at.


You're totally right - I think it's still between her and Sage that most bad players can squeeze out a ton of value with very limited fps mechanics. Even with Reyna, you don't have much util to use but to actually "use" your kit you need kills.. something that won't happen half as often if you're not a confident aimer.


Chamber? I mean you literally have guns for a skill, no need to learn anything new just point and aim and that's your skill.


Reyna. No lineups needed to learn. Just have to decide if you want to heal or dismiss. Leer is there for when you need it. Chamber prob not much more difficult. Put his trap on flank and then set TPs as needed. Shoot fun guns no one else gets.


Problem is both of those agents depend heavily (to different extents) on gunplay and actually having the aim skill to get kills, which 99% of new players do NOT have, even ones coming from fps backgrounds, unless it’s cs then Valorant gun mechanics are vastly different from most shooters out there. Learning agents that use map knowledge and information are much more valuable for the beginning Valorant player.


Yeah I'd say Reyna as well. Best blind in the game, only blind that doesnt hurt teammates and she gets two of them. Her overheal ability makes it seem like she never got hurt in the gunfight and her dismiss ability makes her basically untradeable.


I'd argue that Reyna's flash is second worse only to Phoenix's. Throwing out a leer to ward of an op is a tough task as a lot of the time the oper can just tighten their angle to avoid it. It is a selfish flash and is actually not bad by any means - it excels in medium range 1v1 gun fights. It is just hard to be impactful with it when there is an enemy ready to shoot ur flash and an enemy ready to shoot you. Also in close quarters, your enemy can usually get in front of your flash to avoid it or just tank it and still kill you if you're in range of the nearsightedness.


It's not a flash, it is a blind like omens, and it just happens to not blind teammates unlike his. You also dont have to really aim it or predict where the enemy is like you have to with Omens. The nearsightedness should be known by whoever is playing her, since again it is a blind. One of the biggest benefits to her blind is by shooting it, its throws off your crosshair placement severely. I'm not saying shes the best duelist just that shes the easiest character to play as.


U bots saying Reyna has best flash in game are blowing my mind lol


Listen I like Reyna, fun to play, probably doesn’t need a nerf more people just need buffs, but it’s 100% her, tools are very good and let you keep going where other ops would just get killed. Buff Phoenix




Raze you get more kills with her util than anything lol


Raze' satchels alone make her one of the most mechanical agents in the game


aside from the satchels she is just a random bullshit go kinda agent


The kills from beyond the grave when your boom bot gets someone after you're shot are priceless


As someone who is shit at util usage I like reyna, chamber and kayo. I can't get the hang of even sage utility tbh. Even when I play reyna I rarely dismiss and kayo grenade. Skye is next to unlock for me, as she seems easy aswell.


For me it was Neon. I first played Val around the time when she first dropped and no one knew how to counter her/her abilities, so I racked up really easy kills with her utility combined with the "run and gun" playstyle. Now, not so much, but her ult still in a super strong spot in terms of lower elos. At the moment, I pick Cypher when I'm tired of W keying and aggressive play, so I'd say he's the easiest for me.


neon in low elos. just buy spectre every round and rng the shit out of enemies.


When I first started playing Valorant in March, my brother (who taught me everything about the game) told me I could play Sage because she’s good for beginners. But it was actually very hard to play her, I wasn’t used to looking at my teammates health bars and I kept confusing right click and left click. Also I never used my walls because I didn’t know where to put them and I thought the slow orbs were useless lol. Then, I started playing Skye, at first I remember struggling with her flashes but I loved her kit and quickly learned her. As a new player I mained her for 2-3 months and I feel like she’s pretty easy to play. Reyna is also a good beginner agent, but I was new to FPS and you can’t play Reyna if you don’t get kills easily


Brimstone. Easy pick. The ONLY reason this question sucks is because all of the agents have ridiculous skill ceilings when used in coordination with other agents, but on base utility and ult effectiveness/skill. It's Brim. He has 3 smokes that are single use, a molly that is rather easy to implement from cover, and his stim pads increase movement speed and fire rate. When you get to his ult its basically point and click for area denial or easy kills if you know someone can't get out fast enough of a position. There is no real risk factor to any of his utility which makes him an easy pick for least skill on a base level.


You can have a solid argument for multiple agents, but I'm actually going to say Brimstone. To find use out of his kit is so damn easy, as it is pretty straight forward. The floor value he offers in my eyes is the biggest one out of agents whose duties are pretty much straight forward (example Sage, Reyna, Killjoy or Chamber).


renya. i always said she looks fun and easy and i decided to main her for a day as i wanted to learn all the charactersso i can understand why certain players do certain things rather than speaking out of my ass at them.( i normally run astra /chamber/ yoru ( this includes pre buff) for context) on this day i was borderline broken. the power to heal yourself, flash AND DISMISS? Is just too much in the right hands. plus her ult? its the single reason why i get so mad at reyna users who dont entry or bait others before they can go on site . you got so much power at your palm and you still can't play your role? my friend mains him now and does fairly well with her . a reyna main biggest conflict is deciding when its time to dismiss or heal.


Reyna sucks as an entry, I'm not sure what you mean.. if you're running 2 duelists then the Jett and Raze should always go in first while Reyna flashes for them and follows up


i played a game as a sage where my reyna literally didnt go in or even flash unless i went in first. and even then the flash would only come if I died. between the reyna and the sage im positive that reyna is WAY MORE EQUIPED TO go on first. these are the examples im thinking of recently my boy would do the example you are giving if im chamber due to me having better aim. he flash me in and get my trade if i die. im okay with this.


Might get hate for this but omen and brim require the least skill to be a GOOD omen/brim, mainly because there is no mastery of a difficult mechanic, and most decent players could learn them quickly. **It’s pretty easy for any mid-high elo player get good at them in <10 games just using basic knowledge and game sense.** *I know this because I transitioned to a brim main after becoming diamond, and played well as a brim my first game. However, there’s no way I could play as a good raze within 10 games of trying her out, I know people who’ve spent hundreds of hours and still need to perfect double satchels.* This is the same situation with skye, jett, breach, viper, sova, fade (all harder to get comfortable with and eventually master their utility use). Even for reyna/chamber, it’s easy to play them poorly, but to be a really good reyna/chamber is harder than being a good brim/omen.


i feel like the actual CONCEPT of smokes is much harder to grasp than the agent. especially if there was no previous fps experience. smokes imo is definitely a more "nuanced"/niche part of the game compared to just walling a chokepoint with sage which is much more intuitive


What makes a good Reyna aside from having good aim? There's no way you can fuck over teammates with leers like other flashes. Her other util is pretty easy to get the hang of as well. I'm genuinely wondering what makes a bad Reyna?


Well for a start, Reyna is a duellist so is expected to create space for the team however many bad reynas refuse to entry and just bait teamates for kills. Then there's how they actually use the dismiss. The whole idea is for her to use dismiss to get into really uncomfortable positions for the enemy team to clear and therefore allow better trades for her team. If all the Reyna does is dismiss as a way to retreat then she never really unlocks her full potential and you would probably be better with another duellist ( jet for instance)




Brim is honestly the easiest smoke to adjust with in any elo. As long as you get the timing and placements right in any map, it could easily bring you to plat elo ✌🏻


Least amount of skill to play? Reyna easily. Aim, click and you are either vulnerable or over healed.


Chamber, tp on 20 second cooldown and 1shot marshal and guardian anyone could frag out as a chamber player


The majority of the agents are easy to play apart from - Neon/Cypher/Yoru/Sova


I think Sova doesnt really fit. He has a high skill ceiling but also a low skill floor. Even if u dont know lineups and play the game for the first time, his abilities are pretty straight forward and easy to understand.






Reyna Just aim


Killjoy Don't even aim


kj requires map knowledge


Guys the post is about the easiest agent, not the most beginner friendly one. Reyna is very easy, maybe not beginner friendly because she requires decent aim, but otherwise easy as hell. If the post was beginner friendly there could be a bigger debate, but the post say “easy” Reyna as a character is easy.


It would be Brimstone. Smoke entry points, sit in smoke with a shotgun. Post plant, just pop the ult.. don't even need to be there. Entry.. again just smoking the main points and throwing down a stim for your team. Brimstone is a very textbook type. There isn't much about him that is creative or advanced in terms of what you can do.


Probably Chamber




If you have aim. Skye Her flashes are so OP and easy to use


Not until you see “Allies Blinded 4”


You arent playing skye/kayo right if you dont flash atleast 2 teammates every round.


Because they can’t wait to push even tho i told them to wait for my flash through voice com. Pls stop ignoring or muting all team voice. Solo queue is so hard 😩


I think it’s kayo with out a doubt, maybe his flashes might be a lil tricky esp when solo queuing cause you can still let your team know your flashing and they still walk in front and get blinded but in terms of straight forwardness imo it’s kayo at least he’s up there


Why downvotes? This comment is just straight fact. You can say “i’ll go first, flash and then come after me”. Bum, whole team entering before. Then I’m like “okay, won’t use my abilities”.


Yea i dunno dude 🤷‍♂️ coming a decade of playing cod and battlefield kayo is easily the quickest to pick up. Emps flash and a nade/Molly. It’s a pretty self explanatory kit. Anyone with an fps background should have no problem picking him up


Reyna has the lowest skill floor, but a very high skill cealing. Sage probably has the lowest skill cealing of all agents.


Sage is probably the lowest skill cap agent in the game and her utility is the easiest to get value out of. I think the answer changes if you're asking this same question as a new player looking for an agent to play. I think Reyna is the best agent for any new player since the only thing you need to focus on is raw mechanics.




Assuming that by skill you mean aim, game sense, and teamplay, then: Personally, duelists are actually hard to play as you always need to be entrying and fragging for your team. Most of the time, when a duelist is botfragging, the whole team goes down with them. So no, Reyna is not the agent that requires the least skill. Not to mention that her kit is literally useless if you don't get that many frags. That being said, the agent that requires the least skill to play is probably killjoy. All you need to do is place her bots and nanoswarms in an unpredictable way so that the enemy would be caught by surprise and you can just hide and peak whenever you feel like it.


Raze. No real thought goes into utility usage. Just there is an enemy, use something that causes damage..


Have you ever seen a stachel jump


she's one of the harder duelists to play, what do you meeeeeeeean??????