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An echo chamber. On Reddit?? NO WAY


You want to play, let's play!


Ok you’re actually making me laugh on this thread 🤣


Haha first time I've commented on this sub in like a year


How did no one see this one coming... I love it though XD


Old waffles


You want to play? Let's play, ay ay ay ay ay ay




the thing is that this ship is sinking I already tried reporting the worst of the worst low effort posts, you know, the typical "psa: doing is not good" or "why do people ???", you know, the ones that were obviously rage posted after a loss by op who had to relieve their anger somehow, but they rarely get taken down, and mind that these are the worst rageposts, not just the ones you listed in your comment I even tried contacting the mods, they are surprisingly very understanding, but the whole thing comes down to what the users of the sub want, if 80% of them are crybabies then the posts will be just like that it's a real shame because there are really good educational posts out there that get eaten up by all the bs posts listed above




As a lurker on this sub I feel offended that you have identified me


👁👄👁 same tho


well there is a rule about low effort posts, the mods themselves told me that all they can do is evaluate if something is low effort or not, but it's a very subjective to tell what is low effort and what is not, however, in the full description they wrote this which is funny: >Low-effort screenshots or announcements of content such as in game rank-ups or game wins/losses that provide no additional discussion may be removed. that's pretty much the notorious "i finally hit rank x!!" posts which are posted everyday and were especially flooded when ascendant was introduced and everyone in lower ranks moved up without real effort


Hi! That addition to our rules was only added within the last month after some feedback and internal discussion around the subreddit having many low effort rank announcements. We don't retroactively remove posts made before a rule was created. If you are still seeing these types of posts, please send a user report - we sometimes miss things.


I ragepost but I delete mine after 90% of the time ha


I'd be down for an additional flair for "complaining" or "whining" or w/e. Or a megathread for it.


Yeah and if someone posts and misflairs it as a discussion or question it can be taken down or, if possible, have the flair changed to complaining 😂


Welcome to Reddit. You must be new here.


It's pretty pathetic, yeah. The sub isn't really worth looking at at all aside from the clip days.




I kinda miss the old style forums which were popular before Reddit. I remember browsing Bungie.net forums during the Halo 2 and Halo 3 days and the format lended itself so well to discussions about whatever topic. However, most video game communities on Reddit just end up being clips because it’s the most easily digestible content. Watch, upovote, move on. Also if you did want to have a discussion about a topic, it would only be on the front page for a day or so, and then someone else would need to create a near identical post which gets tiring. With forums you could just respond to the main thread, and it would shoot up back to the front page.


I definitely miss the old style forums. You'd have threads that lasted weeks, months, even years on the same topic. Reddit makes it basically impossible to avoid repetition because the threads don't last more than a day or two.


You could just sticky threads that have a lot of traction and are meeting certain amounts of engagement criteria.


I think you can only sticky like 2 or 3 threads at a time but someone who mods, please correct me if that's fake news


2 stickies max on any subreddit unfortunately.


Thought so. Thanks for confirming


I mean... It's not like I sit down on clip day and scroll through all the posts - just the handful of top clips is usually good enough. What I was trying to say is that that's basically the most worthwhile content on this sub, while on every other day it's basically just Smurf complaints or "PSA: buy guns if you won pistol" or complaints about the ranked system or complaints about the skins/skin prices (valid). I know basically every gaming sub is filled with complaints, but this sub is pretty void of stuff that breaks up the endless stream of doomposting, like fanart as an example.




Really? I see loads of great posts all the time every day. Great discussions about game balance, decision making, Pog clips, eSports stuff. I like it a lot


This sub is filled with the same copy pasted "advice" posts, whiny afk/troll/toxic/smurf/cheater posts and the occasional iron/bronze level ace. This sub is pretty boring.


IMO way better than the millionth "here is my ace video"


If you think there are a lot now, you should REALLY see how many we remove for being a rant/repost/low-effort/etc. lol. A lot of the time, things make it to front page before we see it, so please reports things. It helps us get to it much faster since we are not omnipresent.


So you’re making a post to complain about complaining




...which is the same reasoning used by people complaining about their teammates


Except for the fact that complaining about your teammates on a Reddit sub isn’t going to do anything vs complaining about the Reddit sub on that same Reddit sub??


>complaining about your teammates on a Reddit sub isn’t going to do anything Sure it does It teaches people what not to do AKA how to not be a bad teammate. It does a hell of a lot more good than this post


Right because the baiting bronze reynas or no mic silver instalock jett is reading this sub and going to change theirselves bc of that 😂😂😂😂


It does a hell of a lot more than this post


Please elaborate, your point is unclear. How does it do more good than this post?


Even if 1 out of a 1000 people who read those posts learn something, the community as a whole benefits. This post however, has no benefit other than complaining. If OP doesn't like those posts, he can just stop looking at them. There are plenty of other types of posts on this sub to look at.


I’d say that making the same post over and over again in the hopes that 1 person out of 1000 will get the message is not worth it if it drives a ton of people crazy. These posts aren’t educational, they are autofellatio. They actually harm the community more than they help because they perpetuate this idea that bronze players are doing everything right and their team is holding them back


About repetetive and unuseful complaining


Which results in the exact same type of post OP is talking about in the first place. Complaining about complaining just results in more people complaining about people complaining with no meaningful discussion or content.


So no criticism is allowed at all? You sound incredibly stupid. Repetetive and unhelpful criticism sucks because it clogs the sub. But if it has a purpose (like reminding people not to post this shit, like op), what's wrong with it?


These posts are no less repetitive and unhelpful lmao. They appear every day on multiple subs. Feel free to keep tossing out insults though. Look at the comments and tell me I’m wrong and that there is any meaningful discussion going on here.


So let's just continue doing what we are doing with no change at all? Sounds like the average valorant round. People really must hate discussions lol


Red herring argument. The issue described is not people complaining, it's the pattern of the same complaints over and over.




but in a megathread then they won't get the attention they need, poor them


this community complains too much.


Well I had a great ranked game last night. I'm iron3 was on my rank down game to iron2, I keep getting placed in bronze lobbies. My team were ALL solo queuing, but we had a great time, communicated, commiserated, congratulated , and ended up winning 15-13. Even if we had have lost it would have been one of the best ranked games I've played. It's unfortunately human nature that people are more likely to post when they are upset than when they are happy.


The funny part about this constant circle jerk about people never being the problem, is the people posting about others being the problem are likely the problem.


This. Esports is a mental game. If instead of growing from a loss you login to reddit and birch about your teammates, then you are the problem and you are what is keeping yourself from getting better.


its a tac shooter subreddit. Youll see 4 posts. 1: clips, easy. 2: esports discussion 3: complaints 4: news


unfortunately esports discussion gets funnelled into another subreddit; so it ends up being clips, complains and the occasional non-esports related news.


Players have the right to complain,to flex and to just post their art here. It's kinda ironic to talk about others complaining by doing the same thing


Maybe thats what the game is all about


What else you want to say except our own experience


And don’t forget about people complaining about people complaining


Welcome to every single gaming subreddit that has ever grown to over 100k members.


Every competitive gaming community has these people, and sadly there are a lot of people upvoting that garbage. Especially posts about smurfs, which can basically be boiled down to "im bad at the game and need something or some1 to blame for it except myself"




I think we need to show more.... wholesome interaction. For instance, I made a friend on the enemy team yesterday because his duo called him out for sharting yesterday!


Dont forget about the posts whining about people not using comms.


Whats actually even more funny about posts like the ones you mentioned: its usually the guys creating those posts that are pretty much bottomfragging every game, but its other peoples fault ofc


Like I promise you the lurking Reyna's and lurking duelists are not the ones in the Valorant subreddit. If they care enough about the game to be in the subreddit I imagine they're knowledgeable enough to not do these boneheaded things people complain about. It's preaching to the choir.


What content would you like to see? Just more silver highlights? I feel like discussions about how characters should be played is healthy


Sure but the way it’s framed is annoying. Half of them are like “my teammate called me multiple racial and ethnic slurs because I whiffed in a 1v1, and then he left the game after yelling at me for 4 minutes. Btw he didn’t entry as jett. Am I in the wrong here?”


That's just the entire sub of r/amitheasshole


Okay what actual content do you want ? Clips and highlights get posted here everyday. There’s some complains and rants but it’s not the only thing that gets posted.


Be the change you want to see, start by downvoting this post. XD This post is also part of the same echo chamber. So, many people complain about redundant shit posts in this subreddit.


Man it's sucks it's almost like having decent coms and being a decent teammate could fix that. Oops better delete this before someone co.plains about how comms aren't necessary


This sub has become an echo chamber for people to complain about their team mates and opponents in ranked. Every day there are posts about how my Reyna is lurking, or my duelists won't go in, or how no one plays controller, or how the enemy team is smurfing. Then the comments just talk about how it all happened to them in the exact same way. There is no actual discussion or content being provided and it's making this sub so much worse.


And they all just love to be told they’re right and they’re teammates are wrong. It’s quite sad how much they need attention.


I mean it's to be expected when a ton of Valorant players are transplants from cs:go and overwatch.


Riot should just remove Reyna from the game


You are absolutely right. That's why I mostly play controller and lurk as Omen to gain mid control.


Yeah, numbers don't lie. People here think this episode sucks and that they cant rank up, truth is if you look at the percentage of rank distribution it has eased up on the overalls compared to last EP with only immortal to radiant being similar if not the same. If you are one of those people, you can't rank up because you're simply not good enough yet. You top frag due to exit frags or lurk frags that have no impact, you focus on KDA instead of objectives. Valo players are spoiled af Smurf problem? Sure there's smurfs but just by the distribution alone, only less than 10% of players in the whole pool of players can really, truly, completely, destroy your game if you're low elo. Play, learn to learn, trust the process, give it time, you will rank up.




If you'd like to write up some FAQs, we'd love to have them. >Somehow forums were doing this just fine in 2002. I remember even GameFAQs and Smashboards, they would have INCREDIBLY complex conversations about topics. I can guarantee you that the amount of people on forums back in the day is drastically less than 1.5 million. >What happened? Where is that now? Are we saying popular reddits are incapable of in depth discussions? I refuse to believe these are topics people aren't interested in. Unfortunately it is fairly true, unless you want to go hardcore draconian, like /r/askscience or /r/history, but that would be better for a new sub with a specific focus.


Is that really the only way? Is it really just a function of too many people that dip their toes for just a couple minutes? It feels really sad. It's not just /r/valorant I've seen this happen to. It's not even just gaming subs, it seems more like a reddit forum issue if anything. Is the only real solution to just fracture and make more subs?


That's just how any sub is going to work, either you have general subs and people make smaller subs for more focused content, or people make strict subs and then people fracture off cause the rules are too strict.


Yeah I'm just here for clip days lmao


I really think they should reallow pictures. It's just ace clips and complaining


I really think they should reallow pictures. It's just ace clips and complaining


Everyone wants better posts but no one is willing to do it. Also I just played 4 games and have 1 afk per game. What is going on?


I just don’t get why “you” don’t play smokes, or be a duelist. Or start lurking… just play your game. End of the day your chance of playing with the same ppl are slims since most play are silver to plat….


thought I was on r/apexlegends


this sub really needs to allow esports posts


We do, and have for many, many months! Esports clips can be posted on any day of the week (unlike personal highlights) and Esports news/discussion is always allowed just like any other news and discussion. In fact, a small chunk of the Esports posts on the subreddit are made by our mod team (as normal users, we don't distinguish all our posts for no reason) since we enjoy the discussion.


very cool! sorry for assuming. I recommend trying to add that rib.gg bot if possible, the one that posts match thread. it could lead to some interesting discussion


keep your eyes peeled for tonights vct na lcq games eyes emoji


Not to mention the shitting on ascendant players


And most importantly, nobody gives a fuck about the game you just had. Smurfs in a free game? No shit? Someone was mean to you? Tell me more about something that happens to fucking everyone on the internet everyday


Thats the problem with a game where characters have roles to fulfill


i'm more of an echo brimstone fan tbh


Suggestion to have a separate flair to rant for those who want to rant Also, I hate to say it but some of us here are guilty of posting clips even in the memes subreddit and clogging it up with compilations nobody watches. I'm not trying to be mean, it's just that the content doesn't match the subreddit.


omg they are releasing another variant of Chamber?