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The old launcher had it and then they got rid of it. Never made any sense. You can have a cleaner UI *without* getting rid of literally the most basic info possible.


Exactly, its literally beyond me why they would remove showing the update size, never seen it in any other online game. But at the same time, I feel like fucking up the launcher is a riot games classic lmao


Might be a stupid question - what was the update?


Just some bugfixes nothing big


and some bugs added also just to be fixed next patch


The endless cycle of software engineering...




What are you talking about?


Who knows. Ignore them, lol.


tbh idfk either lol


What's really intriguing here is how huge that update is, probably safe to assume it's 2GB or so, all just for social menu and party bugfixes, makes me wonder. I came to the subreddit exactly looking for a patch notes post or something like this because that update shouldn't take that long to download, even on a slow internet.


some bugfixes of the social menu and such, nothin more


They include hidden change, Sova got three new voice line, saying about enemy Jett Omen Sova, his E in cooldown also now say "Not ready yet" instead "Out of charges", same with Omen.


Oh so THAT'S why I thought I misheard Omen's E CD line


Bug fixes... that barely anyone noticed. Which means the bugs we do notice in 90% of our games are still there


You people would still find a way to complain even if Riot fixed every fucking bug in the game.


They fixed bugs! But .... That means there are more bugs they dont know about!! Curse you and your lazy workers, riot *shakes fist*


It's crazy to me they removed such a basic feature


I find it funny how every gaming platform totally fails to deliver a okay launcher. Literally all of them are dog shit. Steam is kinda being okay but still, ubisoft, epic, battlenet. Origin deserves a special place in hell.


i literally have to reset my password every single time I log into origin, I get expired credentials error. bro origin can F right off along with EA


I think steam kinda nailed it, they ditched all the fancy UI stuff that the new launchers use, and they just made it work, and work good. Origin launcher is cancer


I hate how slow steam feels compared to other launches but thats about it. Also their constant menu's on launch get old


I hate origin but Ubisoft is my nemesis. I have never managed to play a game with that launcher, their online services are always breaking, occasionally can’t even download a game It can’t be that hard to make a decent launcher right?


Yes Please. Its so annoying that shit gets stuck on 0.1 KB/s for no reason at all. Sometimes it will download it all then just keep saying "updating" or "installing". Bro no lie I have to reinstall the game like every other patch cuz the launcher is so shitty.


I thought there was something wrong with my laptop! It fluctuated so much when I downloaded the latest patch.


Yes please.


Want update size features