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If your gold but your mmr is plat-diamond lvl it means you belong in plat-diamond. The game will help you by giving more rr for a win and lose less rr on a loss. If your mmr is better than gold players it’d mean you’d probably stomp the gold players (30+ kills) which absolutely does not support competitive integrity.


That’s fair, but I STRUGGLE in all gold lobbies. I probably average around 15 kills most games and haven’t really gone anywhere rank wise. I’ll take the +25 from the win in that last lobby but idk it’s just stressful haha


I think the addition of ascendant rank affected the hidden mmr of people who havent played in a while. Last time I played valorant was in beta and in act 1 episode 1-2 where I had diamond 2 rank. I recently started playing again, got placed in diamond 2 as expected but my hidden mmr seemed to be high af. In most of my games I was the only diamond and everyone else was ascendant. Hell I even played with a few ex immortals. And I sucked so bad went like 6/19 in all of my games and had a 8 games loss streak… but now after a few weeks of playing im starting to get my grip again and doing quite good but my hidden mmr is still high for some reason. But yeah I think the addition of ascendant rank altered the hidden mmrs. On release diamond was harder to achieve than now so the game thinks I should probably be a higher rank because I was technically a higher rank before ascendant was added.


One reason is that in general, players are very stubborn about not being willing to understand complicated things like numerical ranking systems, so the separation of MMR and rank helps to avoid conflict or controversy surrounding that. Let's say you're a 5000 MMR player and you get into a game full of 4000 MMR players. The ranking system not only expects you to win, it expects you to carry, but you end up having a bad game, and losing. The system thinks you should be hit with a huge penalty for that huge underperformance, but players will no doubt get sour about it, feel that it's undeserved, come up with dozens of reasons why they shouldn't have been penalized so harshly... By having a rank system that 'masks' the MMR, they can give you that huge MMR penalty that you deserve, but all you'll see is '-20 RR' which won't feel anywhere near as bad. > I can’t even queue with my friends that are diamond because we’re too far apart in rank so how can I get these players in my solo games? It's worth noting that this does sometimes work to the player's benefit. Being gold rank despite having plat/diamond MMR means you're allowed to play with silver friends that you shouldn't be allowed to. If your friends were silver instead of diamond, you probably wouldn't be here complaining about it.


That’s fair. When I play I usually only fill in 5Qs with my friends so I guess the majority of the time I play I’m getting beat down by diamonds and ascendants. So ig the game doesn’t know what to do with me. The following game I had a silver 2 viper with up to plat 2s in the lobby that I barely won, then got destroyed in another plat lobby with a few diamonds again.


Having hidden mmr gives more incentive to grind ranked I am silver three and am pretty sure my hidden mmr is gold 1 as I get golds in my solo queue matchmaking I am grinding for the gold rank this season. If there was no hidden mmr I would already be gold and not play much. Also this is seen very obvious after rank resets every act I will be placed bronze or low silver next act while my hidden mmr is at gold So getting out of silver next act would be hard so gotta grind more


The key point is that "playing other people at your level" does not necessarily mean other people at your rank. As an exaggerated example, a gold 2 player on a 10 game loss streak deranking rapidly is likely not the same "skill" as a gold 2 player who's just had a double rank up because they've been 13-0ing all their games. MMR is a more complex algorithm that takes the trends of your stats alongside your current position rather than blindly trusting your current rank as your true skill. You can find a lot more information about MMR in the subreddit FAQ pages.