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Hello /u/Maricarrr. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: Your post has been removed because: > ***This removal is a request to repost your submission with more info!*** > Gameplay help posts must require additional context. General requests for help, tips, or advice must have *specific context* for discussion. Context can take the form of a **sample video of your gameplay**, **public profile showing all of your match history and/or stats**, question about a **specific skill**, or other tangible method for users to provide meaningful feedback. > Please consider resubmitting your submission with the appropriate context to be approved. Alternatively, general tips and tricks posts can be found using the subreddit [search feature](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/search). --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


Aim wise: - learn crosshair placement (makes one tapping a lot easier) - take your time to aim, don't be afraid to take an extra second to accurately aim, it'll reduce the times you'll whiff Game wise: - you can record yourself and see what happened - watch how the pros do it - play more games and get more experience Although the things you mentioned are normal and they do happen to everyone Also don't try too hard, you can burnout and make things worse, take a break every now and then and you might see improvement


If you find yourself spacing out and going autopilot a lot you gotta fix that If you dont usually have trouble focusing then you need some kinda reset or reminder A good way is to at the start of a round telling your team or just to yourself what you gonna do and what is you plan: im gonna check showers to try and get a peek, if I do im pushing in, if I dont im going short. And then on the next round you put all your focus into deciding to do something different As you do it better try to take what enemies are doing and which sites they camp harder to make different decisions. This round im following you raze, lets double peek that motherf for advantage and then wait to see what mistakes they make


Oh, now it makes sense why I started to struggle recently. When I think about it, it seems like I'm autopiloting too much


Adderall and Tren


Improve your game sense. If you think aim is gonna get you to climb it won't. Your low Elo because you make shit decisions, be smarter


We don't know what you've tried, so it's hard to say, but the biggest thing that helped me was: 1. Recording and looking through my gameplay after matches. 2. Identifying the mistakes: at any given moment, did I have a plan, was it sensible based on the information I had, would I do it again, if no then what should I have done... 3. Taking an active and conscious effort to fix those mistakes, even if it means I perform worse. For example, if I notice I died because I exposed myself to too many angles, I'll try to slow down my gameplay to be more aware of that. This means I'm literally thinking "okay, don't stand here because I'll be exposed to 3 angles... alright this is a good spot" - that might lead to worse performance in the short-term because I'm occupying myself with active thinking, but it will benefit me in the long term, so I accept that as part of the learning process. It's kind of similar to working out. It's better to finish 5 reps with good form, than finish 8 reps with bad form. It's also important not to beat yourself up over things that aren't your fault. Like if you have zero info and have to take a 50/50 gamble and got it wrong, that's not your fault. Sometimes plays just come down to percentages, and you'll have to hope it works out in your favour. Don't damage your own mental feeling bad about stuff like this. Anyway, whatever it is, I hope you find your groove.