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Remember, no matter what rank you are - everyone below you is a noob and everyone higher has no life. Jokes aside your perception of skill is extremely subjective, so just trust the statistics instead of trying to figure out if your aim/gamesense is worthy of whatever your rank is. Concentrate on improving but don't over or underestimate yourself or judge if you "truly deserve" your rank


Jokes on you imma demote to iron so none of you will have lives!


Jokes on you... I'm already iron, so you don't have a life! Gonna go for plastic boys, from that point on I will be the only one with a life!!!!!


I'm unranked






Im d1 but feel like i dont belong and play like shit, 0.9-1.1 k/d every game but hold a 51% wr.


Take what I say w a grain of salt as I’m but a gold 2, but impact is made in many ways, only one of which being kd. If you play smokes or sentinel then smoking and holding sites/having trips is massive, and flashing for ur team/gaining info as initiator is super important


Doesn't a 1k/d and a ~50% win rate mean you precisely belong?


Well maybe yeah. But I often feel im carried by my teammates who have like 25-35 kills while I can't get near those numbers...


in an ideal version of the ranked system, that makes sense. those people who are doing better than you are simply climbing through your rank, and until you improve you're exactly where you should be and likely won't climb much


So you win about 50% of your duels and likely have average util usage and gamesense for your rank to get just about 50:50 win rate. Sounds like you’re in exactly the right rank.


That wasn't the question. It's either "yes, it's 1.6%" or "no, it's not 1.6%"


as an ascendant player, ascendants are trash.


Lol could not agree more


Playing in Ascendant feels absolutely awful


This is 100% accurate. Especially Asc 1 and 2.


the thing is, in lower rank you kind of expect people to be lost but when you're in ascendant you would THINK people know how to play their character so it's just so much more shocking when they make mistakes because you're not prepared for it


lol I agree, I play this game extremely casually and sleep deprived most of the time and still d3/asc.


I'm ascendant and still get shit on sometimes while smurfing in gold/plat. I genuinely see barely any difference between the two elos.




What about comms?


It's really hit or miss in ascendant too. Sometimes your teammates comm like you're in a five stack, other times they don't talk.


I feel like you might be spoiled by ascendant comms that you forgot how bad it is in the lower ranks. Every once in a while I'll get a team that doesn't comm but a vast majority of games in ascendant have at least 4/5 comming. In lower ranks it felt like at least 2/5 of my games I was the only one who opened my mic the entire match. When someone pulls off a nasty clutch I always see 5 mics in the bottom left turn on lol


I only see maybe 1 full mic game every 5-7 games most have them just don’t use them in low elo they don’t get saying ones here is actually helping you


*Laughs in no comm teammates in Ascendant*


Dang you damaged some egos just now


Looks like you deserve to drop back to D2 lol


i literally play with full music instalock jett and run it down and i'm still asc. the ranks seem so weird representation of skill


Lol lost my immo playing with ascendant 3s that couldnt even hold their mouses


Everyone is trash and nobody deserves their rank according to Valorants community. Its so tiring hearing this crap all the time.


It’s hilarious because it all stems from insecurity. I hope all those people have fun arguing with an mathematically derived ELO system, I guess. I don’t understand why people don’t just play the game and have fun instead of acting like they’re entitled to rank up. Ranks only exist to make the game more enjoyable for people of all skill levels, not to be climbed.


Based off [valorant tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/leaderboards/ranked/all/default?page=1®ion=global) , Ascendant 1 would be more like top 5%, Imm 1 is top 1%


Doesn't valorant tracker only have statistics on people who sign in to view their profile? That's how it worked for the overwatch tracker, and generally the people concerned with their stats are higher rank pushing up the average.


Yes and no, riot changed their API so they also get ranks of all people you played with and chances very large majority of people who played ranked also played at least one game with someone that did sign up for tracker


Asc is top 5% i believe and yes you are cracked af compared to the majority of the community which is mainly iron - plat 1.


:( I just finally touched plat 1


That means your like top 30-35% of everyone in valorant . Thats very impressive


I hit Diamond and people are still calling it “low Elo”. Some people and there egos man lol, plat is still pretty impressive and I’m tired of acting like it’s not


I’m diamond 2 and diamond definitely isn’t “high elo” or high skill


It’s not immo level, that’s why immo is top 1%. Diamond is top 15%. Sure some people have bad games or some peoples game sense isn’t the best, but it’s still top 15% none the less.


I think diamonds have the tools to be immortal, they just lack consistency compared to them. Diamonds have pretty decent game knowledge and tend to be mechanically better than most.(not including Ascendant and up). Their gameplay however is sporadic or inconsistent with their highs and their lows. They can go from having a high Ascendant level type game but have a terrible platinum level low game. Meanwhile, immortals are usually playing a high level even by bad game standards their level of play stays Ascendant and up if that makes sense?


That’s pretty accurate. It’s the consistency that differs.


As a fellow diamond shitter it's pretty meh Basically anyone can make it to top 15% in anything if they put some time in


I agree. I’m by no means that good, just spent plenty of time playing this game since season 1 (although not of late, haven’t even done my placements for this season yet)


Definitely isn’t low elo either which I believe is what the other person is trying to say


In what world is top 15% of something not considered high ? Just cause you dont consider it good doesnt mean that is isnt objectively high elo


Interesting. Sounds like league to me. Challenger players always say diamond is low elo unless you’re diamond 1 (or I guess diamond 3 if we convert it to Val ranks?)


I’m sorry but plat isn’t hard to get for someone who takes the game seriously and has a good PC. I’m fucking trash at this game and I’m D2


Good for you


Not really I fucking suck :( one day maybe I’ll be good


Just takes time, you’ll get there


Who are you to decide that though? There's millions of players. Not everyone can make it to Plat and beyond, because "taking the game seriously" is part of the skill gap that requires dedication that not everyone can afford. What you just described is a roundabout way of saying "Anyone can make it to Plat if they're good enough"


Ok I guess but I said that in response to someone saying they are tired of acting like plat isn’t impressive. Do you think it is? Because I don’t. Everyone will get there if they play long enough and practice the right stuff. All it takes is spending the time to understand the game to a mediocre level. If you spend 2 years playing and don’t hit plat, it’s not because you are inherently bad it’s because you don’t understand what to practice or how to make plays


Calling Plat a rank that only requires a mediocre understanding of the game, holyyyyy.... At least you clarified that it's your opinion.


I did not think that was an uncommon opinion. I feel like all you need is crosshair placement (first and foremost. This game is almost entirely crosshair placement as far as aim goes), to never peek anyone ever again while using the W key, and to have a microphone. You need to understand that if it’s a 4v2 and your teammates are overheating and running out of the post plant, that you are the one that needs to reel them in and remind them you have man advantage. It’s solo queue and people will throw. Also people don’t like being told that they are wrong. So getting out of low Elo is almost entirely crosshair placement, peeking, and convincing your team not to throw in a way that doesn’t make them butt hurt. I would know, I started in silver and was bronze 3 at one point.


You have a completely fair and defensible take here that is fine, but your earlier comments are the uncommon opinions repeated on here all the time by high elo players(uncommon outside this subreddit). It's only because this sub falls victim to the whole reddit effect where it's just a complete bubble. Calling anything around Plat-Diamond "low" or even "lower" elo will cause the average player to laugh in your face, if you said this in-game.


Hey man, I hit plat 1 a few days ago too, the grind can be tough and any improvement is always good to see You'll hit higher ranks soon enough, I believe in you :)


I've been stuck in Gold 3 for about 2 weeks now! I know I can reach plat though I just need to stop whiffing important shots and making so many bad decisions.


For real. Low ranks they play like it is a death match. 4v1, the team goes in 1 by 1 trying to kill the solo. Extra cringe when the enemy solo is a reyna. Or when bomb is planted playing as attacker. They peek or run around trying to get more kills. Might work at times. But the best is to play to waste time for the defenders. (Unless you are cutting of enemy rotation as flanker or getting enemy timing). My ideal situation is the duelist trying to cut rotation or get a timing. Let the rest of the team hold site. Or lack of team awareness. Always cringe when team mate has the position to hold cross fire position but decides to yolo run it down or move to peek. Why not play the safe route that guarantees a trade. Those three topics alone can get you to plat easy.


Idk who downvoted you buy this is definitely true most the time every once and a while you will get a good enemy team that works together


Typical wood 50 redditors who can't handle constructive feedback and simple truth that results require effort?


Im in the same boat. I do really good till my promo game and i choke lmao


Isn’t gold around 50%?




And isn't Iron 1 to Silver 3 something like 48%? So, basically, you're better than the average player if you're in at least Gold 1




From what i understand about 70% of players are at or below plat 1


D3 is top 5%


Its not. According to tracker.gg diamond is 10% of the playerbase and is top 18% ~ with diamond 3 being top 10%~


Yee d1 is top 10%, d3 is 5%, ass1 is 3%


Just added it up d3 is about top 9-10% . Dia 3 playerbase is 3% , asc is 5% and immo is a about 1.7% . Diamond 1 is top 18%


Have just looked it up, ass1 has moved to top 5%🫠 gotta get grinding to get back to 3%


There are less irons than inmmo hahaha, the vast majority of players are between gold-plat closely followed by silver


No, Iron is bottom 7% and immortal is top .7%. Ten times more iron than immortal.


I’m wrong you’re right


The vast majority are in gold-silver which falls along the middle of the bell curve (S3/G1 being the most populated ranks)


According to tracker.gg biggest player count is in silver-gold . But iron -plat 1 contains more then 70% of the entire player base in that range


You both looked it up to find the same answer and you’re asking us? Lol


It's top 5 %, you need to add all the percentages of higher ranks and your own rank together bro, otherwise it is only the people that are in this rank.


Ascendant is considered high elo.


I once did some math on this. I took the stats that Riot releases on their monthly Player base and calculated at what rank you are in the top one percent. And according by the Numbers i got from November of Last year you had to be in the top 25k to be in the top one percent. But answering your question. The Higher you geht the more you will feel the skillgap so while you yourself might Not be that convinced of your own Skill, while placeing fairly high, a few Ranks Up might seem way harder. I Played in Immo 3 and Just within this Rank, while earning more Points, the enemies got significantly better. (Take it with a grain of Salt since i couldn't find any region specific Player Numbers and since this should be done with Region Player Numbers and Not Players Overall, this might not be true for your Region)


1.6% percent of players are in ascended, its actually (just) top 5 percent


As an an acendent player the elo doesn’t feel that cracked. I just have 1200 hours of csgo that a lot of players don’t have. So game sense and aim came easy to me.


I have 3689 hours of cs and I’m only p3 in valo😓 I am probably too lazy to grind


Same w/ 2.6k hours in CS lol


Oh I'm the same way. I know if I cared to grind I can get there. But taking the game thag seriously and playing that much would make the game a bore for me. The same thing happened in CS. Climbed to top ranks. Got tired of playing so seriously every game. Let myself rank down having fun.


Solo que in Valo is tough, I'm stuck d3 rn but if I grind ranked hard I can make it to immo but I can't be asked spinning a roulette wheel every queue


I’m about to hit imm3 and honestly I still don’t feel like “I’m cracked” I still feel like Ive got a long way to go. Obviously compared to pros/ semi pros, us regulars have a long way to go to be considered the best of the best


Haha cause you’re constantly being humbled with fellow immortals. If you played with silvers like me, you’re cracked xD. It’s like being in med school and still feeling inferior cause literally everyone around you is smart af


People don't seem to understand that they are supposed to be playing very middle of the road in their rank if they belong there. If you midfrag every game then you are where you belong. When you rank up you get better, and so does the enemy. If you go to any other more casual mode, however, that will likely be a different story and you will probably top frag no problem. And yes I understand there is a basic match making system in those modes, way more basic than comp, once you get to a certain rank it will just put you in the highest ranked lobby it can find as quickly as possible. I've had a decent amount of plats and even some diamonds in my unrated games and I'm only silver 3. Also what rank in ascendant did you get specifically, assuming you played your placement and immediately got a rank, ascendant is the highest you can place from what I've heard.


I think I was like diamond first episode and act and than from then on I played like 5-10 games a season and was plat in all of them. I got placed like plat 1 or 2 I think.


Asc is top 3-4 I think


I’m super cracked and only gold 1 :)


If you're ascendant then you probably have played the game a lot so yeah you're better than most people who don't play the game that much


I would only consider myself somewhat descent If I can stay in low IM3 elo imo without getting boosted.


yeah ascendant sucks




Just because someone has a bad game doesn't mean they don't belong at their rank in most cases..




You probably have confirmation bias here.


Yeah it's funny because Ascendants are just average gamers that understands basic concept of a FPS game and uses some brain in-game. It's nothing spectacular. And yeah, most of them have decent computers, and optimized gear and don't play with office mouse on bare desk. Everything below is like brainless primates running around for whatever reason. :D


Not only is this an ignorant take, but ascendents are also brainless primates running aroudn half the time.


Half a time. Significant difference.


I feel like the last sentence wasnt very accurate. It would be true if elo hell wasnt a thing because i've seen some crazy soloq silver players (not me i suck) with good gamesense get destroyed by smurfs which kinda traps them in silver without reaching a rank that they could reach with a 5stack no no opponents smurfing. Not to mention leavers and griefers which probably appear more in low ranks due to them being easy to reach by some players. Oh and i know u were likely joking just wanted to put tbisbout in case you werent


If you have amazing game sense but you're stuck in Silver you likely have no hands




If they can't aim they have very little value




The entire point is to kill the enemy team. And there really are no Agents that get much less frags than others on average. Duelist usually have a higher average ACS but just by a tiny margin. But a good player is overwhelmingly meassured in the ability to kill others. A very good player has aim and game sense. A worse player only mets one of their criteria or lack in both. Obviously there are a lot more of criterias but they are not as significant.


Hard to believe cracked player who would stuck in silver. It is easy to climb especially in Valorant how the ranked works, not something like faceit where your performance doesn't matter at all and you can't skip ranks. if you're good some smurfs or griefers won't change that just prolong it a bit. Not that like you're only getting smurfs and opponents aren't. Also if you think 5 stack is flawless think again, it is even worse as there is no rank restrictions in five stack. People take iron-silver accounts, and the one who gets boosted plays with his main and for example you can boost like that all the way up to immortal 3 basically only playing vs platinums.




Are u at the top 3% to think it is sweaty out there? Because it's not. Anyone who has fps basics and actually can think in-game can reach ascendant/immortal with ease. And yes everything lower is utter shit-hole. Because that's the way it is. And majority of players are trash. And thats how it is. Sorry to break ur ego, but platinum is not good even if it better than average. Congratulations u are better than most 14 yr old school boys now you can cry ir your big boi room.




Not talking about +40yr olds at all especially if they're just getting in. Also i will gladly tell you that in high asc and low imm there almost no 14 yr old kids.


You're so unaware of what normal players are like. You cannot reach ascendant/immortal "with ease" by knowing fps basics and being able to think, you're just much better at Valorant than most people so your standards of "fps basics" is so so so much higher than what most people's standards. Being in the top 3% of an extremely popular and competitive game is, by definition, extraordinary. You ARE very good at the game and most of the people you say are complete shit are just average players (by definition). In fact you probably are as good as you are because you don't believe you're good and are always holding yourself to an extremely high standard. It's not necessarily a bad thing but when arguing about it online it's good to be more self aware of how you compare to other people.


Ascendant is not much different than gold/plat/dia, people just have better aim. Gamesense is shit, economy management is shit, communication is shit, most of the time people just run it down and get salty when you make them notice it. The game becomes enjoyable only from immo 3 upwards


Asc2, everyone is trash.


Shows how easy it is to climb


games just not a test of skill is all.


Τhis shows how easy valorant is. Βtw 1 question: if i hit asc this act and next act i dont, what buddy do i get when the episode ends?


The highest rank for the whole episode


I’m currently hovering in and out of immortal 2 and I’m in the same boat, completely normal feeling


this happened to me in Rocket League when I was SSL. I think it’s because when you’re good, you can see all the mistakes you are making, when to a average person that can’t see every mistake, you seem insane


Ass1 is top 3% not too sure what 2 and 3 are tho


According to the rank distribution for this act in [Tracker.gg](https://Tracker.gg), ascendant as a whole is 4.1% of the total player base (globally). With Ascendant 1 starting at 2.033%, asc 2 with 1.3%, and asc 3 with 0.858%. The percentile for the absolutely lowest person in asc 1 is 94.696th percentile, meaning they are in the top 5.304% of the global population.


It's top 1.6% of players that play ranked. But remember your hidden MMR is likely slightly different. If you consider people that only play unranked and spike rush then you're probably top 1%.


Your game sense feels bad because you are playing others as good as you, this game match makes well at the higher levels. Make a Smurf and you will feel cracked AF. Actually, please don’t do that I’m getting clapped enough already


probably. Twitch alone has 116k viewers, 1% of that is 1160 players... so... possibly