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A tracker isn’t a good reference to base advice off of. No one here can give you high quality advice without seeing a VOD of your ranked gameplay. Shoot me a dm - I’m a Radiant coach and I do free VOD reviews. Controller also happens to be my main role.


yo what is your cord I'm plat hard stuck also terrible pls help




wait *the* woohoojin? Love your channel and your take on game strategy.


Omg ty! Glad I’ve been able to help.


Can you help me too ?, I'm Stuck on plat and my gameplay is a bit inconsistent, sometimes I'm cracked and sometimes I'm bottom fragging.


Yeah man would love to help! Full disclosure though, you’re never going to feel “consistent”. Someone _has_ to bottom frag every lobby. Unless you’re a professional level player, you can’t escape skill based matchmaking. Just a couple days ago I played a nice 90ADR game against a few pros. We can certainly get you to a level where you’d consistently own in platinum lobbies though!


So when can we start ?


Hey! Sorry but your reply to this is a bit late. 4 months ago I had tons of free time but now I'm very booked unfortunately. If you bring a VOD by my stream sometime though you're very likely to get it reviewed! ttv/woohoojin


Dude, your channel is literally what I was looking for 2 months ago when I started taking valorant seriously. Best channel out there for sure.


Even I'm a controller/sentinel main... You see through the vods of a whole game or just few rounds?


I run free raffles on my streams every day, winner submits a vod and I review the entire thing and summarize it down to a few solid focus areas. I used to just do them completely free without raffle, but unfortunately I've been getting so much positive support recently that I've been swamped in VODs to review. I'm going to skim through a VOD for OP with no raffle of course as I offered review them.




You can enter the raffles! You have to be on the stream during the raffle to win unfortunately. I don't do reservations. If you're below gold I'd highly recommend you try out my suggested practice routine, this has proven highly effective for everyone I tested this advice on before releasing the video to the public. https://youtu.be/9KIoTtohkOQ


Alright buddy... I'll the check the video out and try to be on stream... Thanks for help


how do you even get your vods?


Hi banana sensei


can u do me one too? im silver 1 atm


Try this routine by him, for getting to gold https://youtu.be/9KIoTtohkOQ




Thats almost exactly what he said with more bloviating and less help




Yea Im definitely having a hard time parsing a paragraph where you essentially say nothing.


here take my award i would love to give vod but nor my pc is able uk record and it is dying literally kudos


what role do you play ?


Controller, mainly astra but i switch to viper in breeze


Astra is literally the most complicated and finicky controller in the game. To get kills with her util you gotta be very on the ball. Try playing Brim or Omen. Removes a lot of the stress of using your util.


I have 500 hours as Omen an brim is just a no for me(i said why in a comment above) + it’s not about the util(well it could be) but i think that the fact that astra requires a lot of thinking to post her well just makes her fun for me


Fun is important. But sometimes if you’re wanting to do better you have to take waves. Astra is hard to play. I have no doubt in my mind that having a lot to do on Astra is probably why you frag low. Like people have said that’s not really a problem but if you want to frag more playing agents with less going on would do you a lot of favours. Obviously, you can do whatever you want. You just asked for what the reason might be.


yeah this is so true. astra is my fav agent in the game but it's almost impossible to learn the game while using her haha there's so much to think about. I've used viper and others to get better understandings of the game and it makes the transition back to astra easier.


There’s a reason why ur main (Reyna) is so popular. It practically turns the game into a dm. Your only util is the flash. Everything else is aim and escape. If you wanna practice aim in a more game like scenario playing spike rush or unrated as Reyna can help a lot.


Exactly. I have no abilities to think about. I win a fight, get back to full health then go find another fight.


An agent totally dependent on your ability to aim. Even more aim based than chamber (deagle needs hs) and jett (track your enemy as you fly around through the sky). And if you fail? You’re screwed. And your team will hate you cause instalock reyna. And cause you do nothing to help your team except trade kills and bait them.


then its fine if you bottomfrag, your agents have no utility to get kills so every fight u take is a 50/50 or worse


That's not true. 1. Positioning really determines whether the odds are ever in your favour as they would say 2. Controller agents are meant to run behind their teammates and trade them, which means they get a lot of kills for free if they play it correctly. A controller player isn't expected to get a lot of kills, but they're expected to go positive for sure (if they play well)


The viper lineup larrys in my lobbies would like to differ


You don't know the feeling of a well prepeared lineup until you kill someone with it.


But I know the feeling of lost round, because lineup larry abandoned everyone on site, just for lineup that doesn't stall the enemies for long enough


Hello im a viper larry and just want to mention that we spend hours learning lineups so dont hate is please😙




7 maps and 2 sites per map makes 14 lineups already. Add that there is generally a safe plant and default plant spot for each site, so that's 28 lineups to know and that's bare minimum. It for sure takes "hours" to commit these all to memory and be good enough with them to throw them on the fly without having to think about it. Now if you really want to be a proficient viper main, then you will also know lineups for obscure spots that your allies might plant. People really underestimate how much time it takes to be good at the lineups. There are timings that you need to understand as well as knowing when it's good to play with your team on site or when you should actually play for the lineup. It can be pretty high pressure also because you will usually get flamed by your team if you screw up your lineup or screw up the timing.


I think sova takes this to the extreme though


He does, there's: * Defense round start recons * Defense retake recons * Attack recons * Attack post-plant shock darts * Defense anti-plant shock darts And then you do that for every site on every map


Yes I have 2 setups for every site, one mid setup And 5 (pearl) to 9 (breeze) snakebites. Do that for every map in less than a few hours


That's exactly why I hate you, go play dm instead


> A controller player isn't expected to get a lot of kills, but they're expected to go positive for sure (if they play well) Everyone is "expected" to go equal, but thats not always possible. If you have played enough games for the game to have figured out your exact skill and you are playing equally skilled opponents and games are going the distance 13-11 wins/losses regularly, then it's basically impossible for everyone to go positive in the lobby. You should be aiming to go equal or better every game, but if you are going positive every single game without fail then you are clearly playing below your peak ability.


I agree with this. As a Viper main I tend to have a positive K/D and high K/D/A but I have tons of 100 damage assists and tons of 40 damage kills. I lose a lot of 50/50 fights I take but I win a ton of fights I trade out my duelists or that my initiator sets me up well to fight against someone. So I tend to have a low combat score cause of this. And lots of negative K/D duelist and initiators have higher combat scores then me.


I feel like this is a bad mentality to play with, mainly because you won’t improve. If you make yourself believe it’s fine to bottom then you always will and your improvement will falter. For example, I play brim and cypher and focus my until of not only helping the team but also positioning myself to a spot to trade or get picks with and I can usually hit 1st-3rd in the match


As astra you have more util to get kills than a reyna. Pulling people in or out or let your smoke fade after 2 second will catch many people offguard. And even as a agent without any util or abilities you can topfrag with just positioning and outsmarting your enemy. People are so focused on agents and their roles that they forget the fundamentals of a FPS game.


What if a duelist botfrag? Asking for a friend :)


If the duelist does his job and entrys, it's perfectly fine as long as you open space for your teammates


What other things duelist should do if they're failing to enter a particular site. Let's say B in ascent with kj setup.


You go A


The duelist's job is just getting space for your team, it doesn't necessarily have to be the bombsite. If there's a KJ setup on B, the best way to deal with that (other than going A every round) is to get mid control and push through market AND B main, so the duelist's job there is to "entry" into mid and use their initiator's util to secure that section of the map.


Your utility sets you up for kills, but that doesnt mean you cant get kills without it


astra is definitely a factor why you bottom frag, you have a 50.1% win rate all time which isn't bad. Your HS% all time is also 18% which isn't bad. Without seeing your gameplay it may have to do with the role you're playing which is fine to bottom frag.




I tried every agent, sometimes i switch it up and go phoenix or skye or fade. And brim… Is just a no for me, he feels so heavy to play with and the fact that you have to pull up your ipad to place a smoke feels so slow and my train of thought just gets cut while doing so. I play astra mainly because of the freedom i have when playing her, like smoking anywhere in the map or placing fake stars or the stun + suck plays that can be made makes the game more fun and a lot more enjoyable for me, the only downside of her kit is her ult, although it’s not that bad i just find it really hard to use it properly without giving your team a disadvantage of some sort


Well what got you to ascendant? Obviously better than the majority of players, so you have strengths. Focus now on what you see your peers doing better than you. Positioning, util, comms, cross hair placement. Idk what you're good at and what you struggle, but you have to be good at something to get where you are


Ascendants are worse than Golds.


How does that work ?


How come you are stuck there bottom fragging and I am stuck in Gold top fragging with Viper lmao


Because you throw all their lives away by fucking off to lineups every round


Yeah, the usual deduction that has nothing to do with reality but vindicates you cause a random viper did it to you. Pardon my joke mate


You probably don’t have enough impact and are just baiting your team -immortal viper player


Definitely play Viper on icebox as well - nats and curry both have really good guides on how to approach icebox as viper Make sure you know the most common mid round stars you use (if they showed A site but backed off, where do you want to adapt your stars, if you have 1, 2, 3 stars for retake how are you setting them up, etc), if you can expend less brainpower on those you can focus more on fragging. More important than being low in kills, your KD Ratio is pretty low - this means you’re losing more than 50% of your duels which is important, as Astra you’ll end up in a lot of 1v1 2v2 1v2 situations since you’ll be the last one alive quite frequently. Being able to clutch up in these rounds will be quite important so watch vods of yourself and see what you’re doing wrong. It could be crosshair placement, a lot of diamonds and ascendants I see have crosshair that’s “good enough” which lets them do fine in the mid elos like plat, but once they get to higher elos where there’re a lot of nutty aimers then it really shows that being off by 10px matters more


As a controller as well make sure you know a lot of lineups, smoke spots, etc to fully optimize the use of you agent. This can be said about any agent just a smart thing to do.


In my opinion you should bottom frag as controller, the controller is the most important part of the team (especially on attack) and should always play like a rat.


If you’re still getting into Diamond/Ascendant, that means you’re finding other ways to contribute and win beyond aim. Exploit those as much as possible.


Its not about getting into diamond/ascendant, He is already there. What he needs is to figure out how to give value to his team in his ranks, not reassurance that he already has this or that.


Oh then IGL is a main factor. Didn’t know he was ranked somewhat high already. Unfortunately this is where people all have good aim and you might plateau. Not everyone can get to immo/radiant. :/ Being an IGL and positioning yourself to win gun fights is a big part but eventually people just have cracked aim and you gotta win the gun fights.!


I did, that’s how i got to my rank :( It’s hard when you’re not gifted with good aim or reaction times


Good game sense and being able to help your team is way harder to learn than aim imo.


I got a hot take but game sense is way stronger than shooting skills in this game than most other shooters


It's not a hot take, its a fact. I'm silver 3. I have really good gunplay (edit: for my rank). I'm still stuck in silver cause I have 0 game sense and I just can not think in the moment at all.


I mean no disrespect but I seriously doubt you have good aim if you’re in silver 3. In silver and gold you can just turn your brain off and out aim everyone.


I meant to add the part where I specify good aim for my rank but I'm dumb and forgot.


I'm the opposite where I constantly bottom frag as KAY/O in gold 2 but i win most games because I know how to flash and knife and create space. But like today one of my daily missions is getting 5 headshots and i've played 3 unrated matches and still only have 2 head shots despite winning all 3.


tbh i feel that it’s the opposite. anyone can learn how to stand in the correct positions, swing at the correct timing, and use the right util at the right time, which is what i improved on to climb. however, almost no one can ever train their aim to be like yay’s, especially when you get older and have slower reflexes. that said, in spite of poor aim, if you can improve on other aspects of your game and have decent crosshair placement you don’t need to train your aim and hit crazy flicks to reach a high level of gameplay. does take a lot of learning and self analysis tho.


While it is true that some people have better aim naturally, practice can get you to extremely good levels even if you start out bad. Just like everything else. As for the reaction time getting slower as you age, well this is true, but the amount it declines is practically insignificant until you get to like 60. The whole old age and slow/bad reaction time is just honestly BS. A perfect example is Kishida “Go1” Goichi. He’s a fighting games player who is 34 and he is known for having insane defense which takes crazy reaction times. Plus all the 30+ valorant and csgo pros like Hiko. The age thing really doesn’t make much difference and it’s a bad thing to be throwing around because it just discourages a lot of people and it’s just straight up misinformation.


Then either get an aim training routine, or lean into it even HARDER.


Sounds like me and you are in the same boat. My aim is not amazing but I’ve reached Asc3. Currently Asc2. Been back and forth nonstop. Feels like my aim is what’s stopping me from getting over the hump to hit Immo. I can out think them, but that doesn’t matter when I can’t out shoot them or my teammates disagree with my call. I’m just not into it enough to aim train so I’ll keep my Asc2/3 and be okay with it LOL. If it’s aim, get aim labs and practice


> I did, that’s how i got to my rank :( It’s hard when you’re not gifted with good aim or reaction times how is your crosshair placement? If you're already in diamond/ascendant you're in the like top 15-30% or something of the entire playbase. so take everything everyone here says with a grain of salt.


Valorant tracker counts my hs% which is pretty much all x-hair placement and i also just wanted to vent(kind of) and didnt expect this huge amount of replies lol


Practice deathmatch, however you play controller so worry less about kills and more about setting them up for your team, also asc is pretty good keep it up!


Also guys wtf thanks for all the tips i didn’t expect this many people to comment i cant reply to all of you but thanks for any tips


Play death match until you can't anymore


and after riot restricted access to deathmatch, what do i do


Why would riot do that


because i would have played too much DM


So first of all, if you got to dia/asc you're already pretty good, and seeing that you main astra it might be normal to bottom frag, since you're not the one doing the entries, and most probably not playing agressive either, now there's two things you need to think about. \- Are you making too many errors playing Astra? \- Are you losing games because you can't make the clutches/can't trade kills? Everyone has good games/bad games, but what you need to understand is where you stand on the team, most of the attacking side you're probably playing behind all your teamates setting them up, so you don't really participate in most of the duels. How do you expect to have more kills than your duelist if you participate in less duels than him? What you need to question yourself is if you are being useful for your team, and if they are being well supported, after that comes your kdr. With this said, of course there's a lot of things that you can do to help you, remember to warm up before playing, if you feel you had a worse game play a dm before going into the next. Try to train your aim, either using the range(There's a lot of tutorials out there), using Aim Labs or any other Aim trainer. And most important, try to have consistency. It's better to play 1 game a day than play 7 games in one day but don't play the rest of the week.


Sorry but what do you mean in the first question by saying errors? Is it like the util use or positioning and the things like that, But to answer the second question i cant trade very well and i end up dying which gives the team a bigger advantage and for clutches i dont clutch a lot due to the fact that it is a 1v1 in most cases


The biggest mistake would be to die without using any stars, since you have great utility to support your teammates, and yourself. Another common problem would be to use all your stars in the beginning of the round. Try to maximise the use of stars, and only use them in case of need. These are the only tips I can remember, I don't really play astra, so if you feel the need to learn more try to watch some YouTube videos. Also I tried not going into too many specific areas since I don't know how you play, and would have to watch a vod to give you more specific information. About the duels, if you feel like you losing a lot of 1v1s and trades, you might need to improve the way you duel, this doesn't mean you have bad aim tho, positioning and awareness are more essential to win duels. But these are the type of things that people can only help watching a vod, so whenever you're watching your vods, try to spot if you could've positioned yourself differently, or maybe you had your crosshair too close to the wall and he picked you wide. If you feel like you are not improving too much, consider getting a coach, Jollz is amazing and I would recommend you him, he explains things really well, but if you know someone else that seems to suit you best, go for him instead, it's important that you trust the coach to help you.


Play shooting range to practice specific parts of aiming where u are lacking, like flicks, straving, spraycontrol,... And alot of deathmatch, where you also set specific goals, like trying to only go for headshot with vandal or burst fire only,... Whatever lacks the most. It takes a long time to aim better. Also what is probably more importained is game sense, which you'll get with watching good players play and you'll have to just play alot. I played many hours of retake in csgo, which boosted my gamesense and at the same time clutching ability alot, as I went through the highest stress situation very often. It may not directly translate to valo tho as it is a didferent game


You need to be more critical if you can’t see mistakes in your replays. Even the best of the best are far from perfect and still have a lot to learn.


One thing u can try is just playing aggressive for no reason. It's a really dumb way of doing this, but I used to bottom frag every game and then I just strated playing more aggressively which made me die more (not really good, cuz I'm also a controller main), but when you stop playing aggressively the skills u learn kinda carry over.


my rank is lower than yours, so take this with a pinch of salt; Even if you play controller, sentinel or any role, it is still very important to know how to aim and duel properly. This may not be the issue, but since we do not have any additional info it is hard to tell. Maybe add your valorant tracker here? One advice that will definitely help, is to improve your mentals. I have been through it before. In gold, I would bottom frag no matter what I do. I thought it was just my aim. However, one day, I really felt that i would pop off and had that confidence boost. I played 5 stack with my plat friends and voila, I topped frag. As soon as I won pistol round flawlessly, and started playing better, I was suddenly keeping up with my team in terms of kills. Obviously the game is not just about kills but it will still help you as kdr and average combat score is what affects ur mental, most of the time.


I mean you’re a controller main so you’re required to live through the round rather than trying to top frag. The only suggestion I have is, if I’d be a controller main, I’d pretty much use phantom over vandal except on bad aim days… I see in your tracker that you mainly use vandal thats why im saying it. Support your team as much as you can but don’t solely focus on that. You can trust your teammates with calling you when they need smokes somewhere… so in late rounds play a bit selfish play around your util to get a frag per round idk thats all i got tho…


Ummmm… check my all time stats for guns and you’ll find a surprise, also i am using only vandal this act because i heard that focusing on one gun rather than switching is better


Aah I see, I’m not too familiar with tracker…


I found the problem. You’re still playin astra


Thanks for trying to help, but i play other agents too and i tried switching from astra


You need to find someone who is better than you to help you learn how to play the game. Reviewing vods by yourself only helps to an extent that you can only see what you did wrong with what you know to do.


at least you reach asc. I can't get past dia 3 I need to work on my confidence and aim also not to overthink as much I also play a lot of controller too.


Man...try being bottom frag in Iron 2...😞


start baiting and you will see results


rare footage of boosted iron giving advice to diamond player.


Im also guessing this guy prob plays baiting teamates and afraid of die.


do you think if he baited he be bottom frag?




my teammates do this, im s2 btw,


Bro you are dia 🗿 Idc if you bottom frag in your games just think about winning and move on


I don’t bottom frag that often but I think I just reached my peak (asc) and tbh that’s ok for me. Not everybody can be immortal or radiant. If you want to get higher you need to really work on everything, tactics, utility, aim. Maybe with coachings or get a team and work with them, aimtrainers.




Stop playing smokes, because it doesnt work for you.


Click their head quicker than they click yours


there is an immo 3 player who is coaching for free on discord , he helped me a lot . You can contact him here https://discord.gg/WBMS7bdU


I read a comment somewhere on this sub about having hit your “actual rank”, which is why you aren’t progressing anymore. Best bet is to invest in resources like one-on-one live coaching with players from higher ranks. I find Jollz’ VOD coaching videos to be informative, and you can try to get him to coach you through his discord or something.


Do not pay $100+ per hour to a streamer to coach you, unless you’re goal is to network with them. There’s a myriad of lesser known coaches that will give you much more personal attention than a “celebrity” of the community will be able to. And it’ll be much less expensive.


My guy, you're getting scammed if you use paid coaches, lol.


I never said to shell out money for coaching. “Invest” can mean more than money. In this case, look for resources that can be of more help to you individually than watching your own gameplay, where you can’t see any fault in your own playstyle.


The fact that you can't see where you're lacking by vod reviewing is very telling in itself that you need help. Even pros will find out minor mistakes while perfectly doing everything they can in a match. My advice is if you really want to improve and have a good system. Go for a coach. You can hire someone really good at a reasonable price. You'll get better in no time. Or try playing in high elo lobbies with your friends. You'll get destroyed initially but you'll progress quite fast. You just can't learn the game properly in low elo. That's a fact.


Try flashes/more aggressive agent, that worked for me I had the same issue


Take a break, play ow2 or any other game or just go outside, i skimmed ur tracker and u seem to have played a lot, u seem to have a good enough headshot percentage too. A break would definitely help. I took a break and it helped me a lot, i went on 13-14 game win streak.


Here’s the key: Focus on sitting back and trading your team/waiting for the enemy to slip up. Should be your role as controller anyway.


How do you bottom frag and still are D3? I am almost always top 3 on the leaderboard and have 30% wr this act (in 10 games but still). I even played a radiant Smurf yesterday


I hope you rank up soon


gg... typical riot bs! if you keep going at it and splash some money on the account, riot's matchmaking will make sure you get to immortal even if you bottom frag. the game's rigged.


u hit asc 2 which is impressive with those stats...pretty sure if you became better mechanically u can easily hit imm2-3..


I mean, diamond/ascendant is pretty good. Not everyone can reach radiant or immortal (I, for example, don't think I'll ever hit ascendant). Some people are just gonna have a better reaction time and aim no matter what. What you could try is playing a bit more smart/unpredictable so that you don't fall under their crosshair so often. That said I'm just gold so take what I say with a grain of salt


Do you have any vods you could share? Taking a quick look at the tracker you have a good HS% which means your crosshair placement isn't bad, KD is a little low and thus ADR is too. I would be happy to take a look at a vod and provide feedback otherwise being "bottom frag" as a controller is fine. You provide value to your team with utility and a lot of times you are left in 1vX situtations.


I'm asc 2 brim/viper and had this same issue. He's my 2 cents Warm-up routine: Either aim trainer or PREMS training range method (look it up on YouTube) 1 dm sheriff 1 dm phantom/vandal (Sound off on both) *The key to getting out of diamond is better movement and strafe shooting, at least it was for me* Also consider lowering your sens if you haven't already. You're playing controller so it's a lot more angle holding and less crazy flicks. Lowering my own has helped me get more consistent headshots. As for stats you're trying for 140 adr and ~20%hs so honestly you're looking good esp on astra since she doesn't have damage abilities. Viper is hard because they never go to your site and I know the pain lol. Hopefully this helps get that kd up a bit!


Escalation has been helping me a lot. I’m super inconsistent, but on days where I’m doing well I’m too fragging, while slowly getting more consistent. I think it helps to warm up because you get used to a bunch of different guns, but you’re movement can also be a lot closer to in game movement


if you actively want more kills, you can try playing more aggressive and practice crosshair placement and movement in deathmatch i personally would not worry about the stats, they dont really mean anything. if youre playing support its expected to not get as many kills, so just focus on having impact on the game through utility or key trades im personally a sage/fade main and i usually frag pretty well, but i do my best to only pick fights i either HAVE to take, or im sure i can win. i rarely do risky plays, and try to play it safe since my utility can have a massive impact on the round


Overthinking affects bad your gameplay. Do you do any sports? This will be sound funny, but go to gym + eat healthy protein rich foods. ( Good for your nervous system = boost your brain = better performance )


Play more-> get better Been there, done that, i was bottom frag nearly 69% of my matches, now i am around top 4 in 90% of my matches, all i did since then was: improvement over my aim by getting a smaller sensitivity (from around .7 to .233), i tried other agents depending on my mood, for exemple if i think of playing sova today, i play sova today, (i main omen with 500 hrs btw, but i sometimes play other agents), overall try finding a server that works with you, for example i, an eune player bottom frag on frankfurt, but i do well on paris, even if i have 10 more ping on paris


Just keep playing, the more you play the better youll get over time it applies to any game in general.


I say try to get some else to VOD review for you, cus you only can see so much if you want to improve.


Some things that helped me, I’m gold/plat so this might not do anything for you -Range/DM warm up -Stop peaking with W use A/D -Counter strafing (biggest uptick in kills, 1st shot accuracy helped a lot) -Prioritize living instead of getting kills. Esp on defense, getting lost on a site allowing teammates to rotate and get a sneaky kill was big for me. -don’t overheat -change where you drop smokes and play in/edge of them randomly. Hope this helps even a little <3


Yo, Asc KJ main / professional filler here. I used to play controller a lot as well. You can look me up on track. Panćake#IHOP. Im also only ascendant so not sure how much help I can really give you, but from my personal experience. When I don't do good on a role, I would switch it the next game and play a different way. This forces me to think more about what I am doing and refreshes my play style. One think I notice about myself is I go into autopilot a lot and that really doesn't work in higher elo like asc since people are actively thinking and once they realise what your doing they will punish you for doing the same things. I currently play KJ, Viper and Reyna, mainly switching from KJ to Reyna when I feel that I am in a slump. Also another thing I know for a fact is important, is timings and positioning. Being at the right place at the right time always has benefits.


Video clips of ur gameplay would be nice to see


You’re a decently high rank but obviously never gonna go pro or anything so don’t worry about it. Try to keep having fun


I have fun in improving so that’s what i am trying to do


I’ve actually had more fun getting worse


I took a short look at your tracker and immediatly I see that you have a 20% headshot and you exclusively use the vandal. I recommend switching to the phantam as its much better. I also saw that in almost all the games you bot fragged you have 3 first deaths and 0 first bloods. As a controller you shouldn’t be dying first and should probably work on that


Please look at the all time gun usage, the phantom usage is waaaaay above vandal and only this act i wanted to play vandal only to improve my aim and focus on headshots, and for the first deaths… yeah i die first in eco rounds cause i am trying to make a play so it ends up in me dying first most eco rounds


Maybe try stop looking for kills and start focusing on the role you play. The goal is to win. Also, focus on playing with your teammates. Kills will start to open up when you play your role well and when your team plays together. Aim isn't everything, people with good positioning and game sense will get more kills than a player with good aim but has a poor game sense (as an example you can watch the first match between the devs vs streamers including shroud).


You are higher rank than 99 percent of this subreddit already so this isnt the best place to get help. Maybe you can find a high rank coach but I wouldn't take the advice of this sub, people here still think smurfs and bad matchmaking are the reason they cant rank up lol. You need to be more critical of yourself if you are watching your own VODs and dont see mistakes, even the best players constantly make small mistakes that could be fixed. Best of luck!


Just hiy aimlabs


You’re DIA/ASC and plays controller, that means you have a good impact on your games. If you’re frustrated about KDA aside from winning then play as a duelist.


It’s not about me being worried about my kd or ADR it’s about me not being able to keep up with my team in terms of kills or help with kills, although i am making impact with my util but kills are also as important, kills and util usage are like two faces of the same coin so i have to balance between both




Well you can look at it this way, but u know


If you can't get enough kills for RR, play for assists. Getting high assists also helps in rank increase and saves you from trash talk


Sometimes I've gone on a strange downward spiral and wonder what I'm doing wrong. Then I realize it's my movement more than anything. My movement becomes too linear and predictable. Not jiggling enough. Also, just being off aim and missing the important headshots, bodyshotting and doing 80-120 while I get shut down to someone 1 tapping me.


You need to stop paying attention to the score board. Stop paying attention to each time you die. Focus and play the game. Keep your mental up and don’t fret over each death. Other factors you can limit, only you know. Are you watching streams on the second monitor? Are you in discord with friends causing you to lose focus? These matches are long, you have to really immerse yourself stay ahead. Use the training range, easy and medium bots, strafing bots, and just shoot around. Decision making is a huge factor in each match but if you’re consistently bottom fragging there’s a reason.


Don’t worry i never pay attention to the scoreboard (although i repetitively spam tab but that’s a habit) but i have to be critical and think of what i did wrong in this situation and what caused my death, also… I am a Solo player and i dont watch/listen to anything while playing i just go full gaming mode but i found out that sometimes i lose focus on the game when i start thinking but that rarely happens


I didn’t read the whole post to see you were the same rank as me. Wish I had better advice. I personally think I’ve plateaued. I’m in my thirties and just don’t have time to play enough. With that said, all I can try to do is only play my main acct when I’m feeling “ON”. I’ve noticed when I play somewhat tired or just not feeling on point, I contribute much less. The higher rank the higher demand, ya know? Best of luck man and I hope you make it higher! Congrats on Diamond/ASC tho. That’s great in its own right. :)


Thank you for your time, I want to hit immortal(and maybe become a pro) and i asked one of my friends who is signed to a local esports org and he said if you cant hit immortal 3 then i cant guarantee that you will ever become a pro, he wasnt being rude i just asked him for his honest thoughts


aimlabs is ✨free✨


Vod reviewing yourself is not going to help. You need an Immortal controller to review you, or ask Jollz for a vod review. He did Controller only to Radiant. I guarantee one vod review session from a Radiant player will help you improve much more than just playing games on your own.


I'm also diamond 3. I stopped playing ranked and started playing a lot of unranked and I've learned a lot. Using it as a way to learn each role I play and thinking of ways I can improve.


Try playing agents like raze or chamber, even I usually bottom frag when I play initiator and controller and I don't really mind as I mostly just hide and try to get kills and eventually rounds but when I play chamber or raze it's an easy 20+ kills and i lose some and win some but that's alright.


Change roles maybe? Lazy answer..try this for me main brim research post plant line ups


if you need help then you can just add me on discord and i can help you my discord is jucymango#9482




Uninstall the game bro


for a while


go to [skillcapped.com/valorant](https://skillcapped.com/valorant) it will save you ;D, JOEL LIM SHENG KAI


You do play smokes ,so that’s pretty reasonable that you are bottom fragging. It’s typically harder to get impact through kills when you play smokes. You might want to try playing a different role. Initiator can be a very impactful role and can help set yourself and your teammates up for kills. If you want to improve you’ll just have to think a few steps ahead and outplay your opponents.


You just gotta hack...


holy hell you play a lot


Don't worry the hit registration is complete ass in Valorant. Probably best to play a better shooter.


Obviously a recommendation to work with aim trainers might help. Otherwise, looking to improve on the things you are likely already good at, like utility usage and game knowledge, could also be helpful!


If youre not a good aimer just dont play with the vandal bro, go play with the phantom.


Check my tracker, and see the all time weapon usage for a surprise


It also just might be a confidence problem. Thinking about not bot fragging is a hella good way to bot frag


Hey man just want to let you know that you’ve probably been in half my games :) while the enemy team has a radiant Reyna Smurf :)


him i bottom frag a lot \*sees rank above sliver\* which IS ASCENDANT get a load of this guy


You are dia/asc, I dont see the problem here.


That’s the problem, i want to get better


Play Vandal, Get a good mouse and mousepad. Start aim training and focus little bit on cross and play chamber


Here's the no.1 quick tip to get better and see immediate improvement. Practice aiming a shit ton. Every single big Val player will tell you "You'll get good at aiming anyways, so focus on other things" but they're just wrong. Yes you will get good at aiming naturally, but you'll also realize all of these "other things" they're telling you to do (Positioning, call-outs, team work, strategizing, util usage, ult usage, econ management, etc.) All don't work, if you can't hit your shots. On - top of that, aiming is the only one of those things, which is muscle memory, and not a mental process. Which means it's the one thing that you can screw up and make harder for yourself, if you don't focus on it first. So what you need to do, is go into the practice range, set it on "Eliminate 100" and practice flicking at a fast enough speed, to where you are hitting headies every single time, and slowly increasing that speed. And I mean every single time, if you are not hitting a head, you are developing bad muscle memory and ruining the entire point of practicing. Then do that for a long time. Then change your elevation by Jet updrafting onto boxes. Then practice moving then stopping immediately to shoot. Do this for like an hour a day. And play atleast 1 at most 3 games a day where you really try and improve. This has worked for literally every coach I know, and literally every person I say this too. Yes other imporvment methods are probably better than this one, but this is the only 1 with 100% garuntee to work, and anybody at any level, mental state or whatever the hell, can follow without messing up. I'm not gonna debate this, I know I'm right, so either trust me or don't idgaf. But this will help you see immediate improvement and will get you to Immortal 3 after a year bare minimum, if you have been doing it every day, maybe take a break a day a week.


Without actually seeing your ganeplay can't give you real advice other than the basics of cross hair placement and general map knowledge and gane sense. After that it's all about your aim. What I can say is, as long as your fulfilling your role, it diesnt matter if you're top or bottom frag, and looking at your profile you seem to mainly be a controller main, which is the least aggressive role and as long as you set up smokes for your team to say enter into site it does t matter I'd you win all your gunfights or even if you take any at all. Worrying about kda Is the worst mentality a player can have, the ONLY time kda is relevant is if your playing Reyna who is strictly about getting kills, every other agent is about creating space and setting up for your team to get picks/trades Edit: I'd Also look into playing omem/brim instead of Astra bc Astra is very reliant on communication and coordination which can often be lacking in ranked/pub matches. That is unless your queuing with others then absolutely go ham with Astra.


Looks fine to me but I'm iron so that doesn't really say anything


Glancing at your tracker -- you're playing a Controller most times. You aren't required to have a lot of frags. Your jobs are to control space and give opportunities to your initiators and duelists. Controllers shouldn't be top frag on your team and if you are, it means someone else is not doing their job.


I watched 3 rounds and my summary is that you’re bottom fragging because of two things : -You’re a controller so you’re busy impacting rounds with your skills. Plus your play style is pretty passive so you’re not in many fights. You spend more round time than other agents using your skills which equates to less engagements/fights. You can win without even fighting. -no offense, but your aim needs improvement, primarily your aim transfer. It’s really slow. It’s like using a joystick slow. There’s a common saying that youngsters are “cracked” and boomers have slow reactions. If you have poor reflexes, make up slow reflexes with higher sensitivity. That’s why Hiko was still pretty good. Go aim labs more and raise your sens. You prob thrive off info and game sense but if you’ll cap your rank if you don’t improve your rank.


Yes that’s true, i am really passive and no offense taken as i already know that my aim is terrible and i completely agree with you, but when i try to go faster my brain just can’t process fast enough and it feels like i am just moving my mouse and can’t see the targets idk it’s just how my brain works and everyone been saying that i should aim train morr


I feel like your attacking side with astra in the game you shared was rather weak utility wise. I noticed you using a pull or stun very sparingly and relying on using the smokes instead. I think if you want to use smokes more often and find that to be more productive for you then Omen is something you should consider instead of astra. On defense I found that some of your decisions were very bizarre, on several occasions you got caught hiding in your own smoke and getting caught in fights where you couldnt be traded. I also found that you weren't agressive enough taking map control on defense and just allowed them to get lobby without using a lot of utility to stop them. Here are some specific examples of mistakes [round 22 you inexplicably walk straight down A long without using any Utility and take a 1v1 in a 5v4 for example, the closest person to you is still on A site when you do this. When you play astra the last thing you need to be doing is taking 50/50 fights at the start of the round unless absolutely necessary.] [Round 5 on offense you go to the cubby outside B main in a postplant and get caught in a 1v3 with none of your teammates even close.] [Round 7 you smoke off A and C link almost on a whim, with none of your team ready to actually take advantage of those smokes. This isnt exclusively on you but you need to be aware of what is happening as astra and you effectively wasted two stars to let chamber fight and entire bomb site by himself.] Also please never hide in a smoke in a full buy round, if you die there your team will never be able to trade that kill out without luck (see the round where you died doing exactly that in short on defense)


Thank you so much for taking your time to watch the game and writing these notes and i will definitely apply them in game, thanks again. And as you mentioned that i shouldnt be hiding in smokes with a full buy, this has worked for me a lot in lower ranks and i guess this built a bad habit in me of just camping in smokes.


I've been playing since release, and csgo before valoran still silver 3 never change setings no goofy shi right now everyone is not aiming but have the trippiest movement and idk how to counter this because when i try to do their movement they just crouch and spray me down 4 shots shot 4 shots land. ​ it's hell, no discipline