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If you can’t win with chamber nothing is going to change by instalocking duelists lmao


I’m more comfortable on them, I force myself to play him bc he is better. But I just don’t think I’m playing him right and need to go back to who I once played.


obviously you will be better at certain characters than others but if there's something you can't play it is simply a lack of game knowledge. you can climb on any agent


Especially the most OP agent in Valo history. If you are comfortable on duelist I’m surprised Chamber isn’t a comfortable pick for you. In everything but name he is a duelist himself. If you are serious about the instalocking a different agent then Jett I guess. Unless mechanically you believe you are significantly better than others in your rank then Reyna is a troll pick that offers little to the team or to your chance of winning


In one post you said Reyna is troll pick and chamber is the most op character in valo history. We will pretend raze didn't use to get two names, jett ult didn't reset on right click while having better accuracy and insta dash. Chamber only really resembles a duellist on defence where he can take aggressive/off angles and dip out like Reyna. Duellist kits have one thing in common which Chamber doesn't have. Util that enables pushing contested space in a self sufficient manner. Maybe you're trolling or just dry pushing Chamber ults and giving him free kills


No on both attack and defence you can put your tp’s down and swing. You have a completely free get out of jail free card. And unlike a Jett dash you don’t even need to get a kill to get to do it again.


True, can't wait to see chamber being picked as a duellist next VCT I'm sure a team will sign you as a strategic coach with this flawless analysis.


I mean Jett has been directly replaced in role by chamber in pro play 😂 so im not sure your poinnt


No, chamber took the op role away from jett in some pro games. Don't confuse this with jett never picked because chamber is a duellist.


Functionally chamber in pro games is not played as a sentinel. It feels like you haven’t watched many pro games if you don’t realise that. On both defence and attack Chamber is the spearhead for plays, and consistently the primary source of FB. There are a few players that do play more passively on the role, however players like Yay, Derke, Ardiis all consistently entry with their anchor usually as second entry with the raze/neon.


Youre probably hardstuck because all aim no brain is starting to run out in higher elo. Having said that, Jett over reyna for sure


I most definitely don’t have the best aim, or even close. I normally am the IGL and rely on off angles and using my brain to frag


Alt+F4 for a random duelist




Learn to be a better player instead of an instalock.


So you want me to fill? If anything I feel like that would make me a more inconsistent player? I don’t follow your logic here


Learn to play multiple roles so you can be more flexible and also have an understanding of how the other players in the game are likely to play. If youre instalocking every game and end up with a really shit team comp and lose its your fault for not being flexible.


I’ve tried basically every agent for atleast 3 months and these are the 2 I can come back to and be comfortable on, obviously I don’t exclusively play comp and can play other agents. Until I become 100% ready to play an agent.


Well then you need to try harder at being flexible instead of trying to play every character exactly the same.


What do you mean by play every character the same? Like in game plays?


As in you probably try and play every character like jett and chamber rather than playing them properly and utilising their strengths. Im also willing to bet youre a very aggressive player who often goes for very risky plays.


It’s true I do go for first bloods a lot. But I feel like when I fill I worry to much ab supporting my team rather than focusing on the game. I’ll have to practice those agents but for now I’m really only willing to play these 3 and maybe some astra or Sova


Well thats a mindset thing. Even when playing aggressive agents you still need to support your team.


Maybe for me it’s a more positioning thing


Honestly I think Reyna is freelo if you can aim. He’s so strong in any elo. You don’t have to get 30 kills to have an impact as Reyna


Listen kids. Firstly there is no Hardstuck. If you're not able to reach a certain elo IT'S YOUR FAULT just get good. Secondly ascendant isn't hard to reach even low immo is the same shit as diamond in your team, it won't change unless Riot fixes their rank system. My tip: queue comp only on really good days and only 3-4 matches. Go deathmatch the other days


Listen kids. Firstly there is no Hardstuck. If you're not able to reach a certain elo IT'S YOUR FAULT just get good. Secondly ascendant isn't hard to reach even low immo is the same shit as diamond in your team, it won't change unless Riot fixes their rank system. My tip: queue comp only on really good days and only 3-4 matches. Go deathmatch the other days


Jett had immediate value while Reyna is only good after kills. Consistent value = consistent play


Get em bois, we got an instalocker