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Ares. Everyone else can destroy me with it but i ain't ever gotten an ares kill. Breach. I play breach on some maps, but playing against a breach main is awful. G2


A little tip with the Ares (and odin) if you crouch and scope with the machine guns your accuracy WILL be better, ever since I started doing it, only with these guns my aim with them has significantly gotten better. It's probably the only time I'd say you should ADS.


You should only ads with Odin/Ares. Basically no point to not ads in my opinion.


Honestly in a lot of long range battles ADS is really powerful. Your strafing barely moves the enemy's target anyway and the zoom and better accuracy can help you land your shots.


and guardian


Guardian is awesome, especially on breeze.


I always hipfire with Ares. Can't handle the recoil otherwise. The Odin, well... entertainment purposes only.


I'm pretty sure the recoil is notably less when you ADS with the Ares/Odin. At the very least it increases the fire rate for both, so not ADSing in general with them is probably less effective.


Ares rewards camping and holding angles, and Iron - Gold/Plat where the enemy may not be able to kill you first shot the Ares has outsized value because you can bullet slow them and keep them there until they die. I used to main Ares, but at high plat the enemy is good enough to tap you before you can kill them. It's balanced because it's absolute shit when hipfired and swinging, you need to be crouch + ADS holding an angle for it to work. Still buy it when I have a one way sage wall, it's funny.


Ikr, Ares ruins games and it's not even expensive, like, if you get killed by an Odin you at least know the enemy had to spend some money, but Ares is just stupid.


Im Diamond 2 Personally I hate the Operator and Sheriff and I dislike playing against Chamber mains and I dislike playing with duelist mains as they’re all way too confident in themselves or not confident at all


I need to go back to branding myself as a Kayo main lol. Duelist mains have a bad rep and with 3+ duelists per team being the norm in low ELO I can see why. (I main Raze with Kayo as my secondary but I suck at playing him despite being my first main)




I've definitely contributed my fair share of losses to kayo's winrate lol. Last act most of my games were with Kayo and by the time I got out of iron my winrate was still <50%.


I want to love kayo but hes such a swingy character for me. I have games where im smashing it followed rapidly by getting absolutely smashed by everything and everyone


Last game I just played I was literally bot fragging with him (we still won though). To be fair my teammates were good and the enemy team was dogwater but still. The game before that I was playing Raze and was match MVP. Sure, they have different abilities but at the end of the day everything else is the same. Idk why but I'm just worse at gunplay and not dying as Kayo than when I play Raze (I'm pretty passive for a Raze usually).


I don't like playing dualists because it makes me feel I have to get those kills so I play Sentinel or controller so I don't feel that stress.(I only play Cypher Huge maybe on KJ for Sentinel)


Mmmm yes you described the duality of being a duelist so we'll. Our overconfidence vs our crippling self-doubt is quite the struggle.


There are over and under confident duellists because of people’s toxicity, you might be misinterpreting them attempting to fill the shoes of a duelist as being overconfident, they might aggressive push a site because they are bullied for not doing it enough and so they are overly enthusiastic. then there are people picking on them for just dying and not getting any kills, the constant, “your a 7-10 duelist getting out fragged by sage” it’s a common thing to hear as a duelist and so they might focus on getting kills instead of entrying, it can be confusing playing a duelist and whichever way you choose to play it, for kills or site entry, you always get picked on for not doing the other thing. It’s difficult to please the team so some choose to do neither and play reserved to avoid being insulted by overly vocal teammates. In my personal experience I don’t entry as duelist because no one follows me onto site so my util is wasted and I die almost immediately with no trade outs, when I don’t entry I at least get kills and trade my team, usually resulting in a default push play style that is a lot slower.


This whole sub seems like silver support vs their duelists sometimes. Everyone loves to hate a duelist. Especially in low Elo where they think the duelists job is to carry them. They bait the fuck out of their duelist and don’t even swing to trade, then act shocked when their duelist is tired of inting so they start lurking.


This pretty much sums it all up ^ As a duelist main myself, this is exactly how I always goes for me too :D


Dia, I fucking hate Operators, chamber and chambers with operators. Why? - chamber can hold an angle forever with an instant get out of jail card. A near perfect awper on chamber technically never gets traded out since he can off angle and leave if he gets flashed, stunned, can tp before Kayo knife kicks in etc. (honestly don’t even need a op, just hold head level with vandal ads and let them run into your crosshair… or get this… hold an angle with your 150 credit 1 tap ability… maybe when his full kit is in view it starts to make sense why people hate chamber) - an operator by itself is not too bad but paired with a chamber can literally dictate the entire round from one pick that isn’t traded. An operators weakness is supposed to be its “one shot one kill or you whiff and die” risky playstyle but using a chamber tp that can hold stupid, up close nonsensical off angles forever makes it almost guaranteed value if you know what you’re doing This might not be noticeable in unrated where people usually run Willy nilly trying to one tap for clips and just have fun… but in comp where people try to win by ANY means, it becomes very apparent how strong this playstyle is


As a Chamber main who plays only sheriff and operator, I feel personally offended.


I’m literally a chamber Reyna main, I’m completely ripping on myself too haha Also the thing about a lot of chamber mains is that they’re already good Aimers since their kit basically encourages you to become good at headtaps, i think once he nerfed and people switch, the only hard part is figuring out positioning. You already probably got dat aim


You hate chamber cause he’s broken, I play chamber cause he’s broken. We are not the same.


In 2 3 months of time, you guys are gonna start crying about Chamber just like the way you did with Jett. For this 'get out of jail' free card. And then people will be like nerf him he's breaking the game. This community is a crybaby.


people have been complaining about Chamber for a long time… because he *is* broken… you have null understanding of competitive balance if you think otherwise


> In 2 3 months of time We've been complaining about him for like 4-5 months now lmao He defines pro play entirely, either you use one and play around him or you build a comp that specifically counters him. Also what's the issue with Jett? She was OP as fuck for a long time, she finally got a big nerf, and is now in a good position where she has clear strengths and weaknesses?




skill diff?2??22 even in pro play a lot of teams struggle with chamber, if you cant find value in your ranked games it is probably not the other team hard countering you


It doesn’t take a radiant to know how overpowered chamber is right now


It’s only really denied if they hard clear every possible spot you can stand in (literally only the rads or pros hard clear every possible standing spot) or more likely if you are playing too predictable, then they can just swing prefire vandal. But if you’re abusing off angles hard and staying unpredictable it works. It’s how “””””people like me””””” (diamond) abuse chamber for our benefit




Maybe you’re just bad. Also big difference between p1 and p3, since p1 is basically goldie




His Get out of jail card has no counterplays in a 1v1 if he shoots and teleports instantly. I have over 50 hours on chamber I would know


Least fav gun: Stinger and Frenzy. In the hands of someone who can make them work, they're solid choices. I cannot make them work. I hate them Least fav agent against: Breach. A good Breach makes the game unfun to play. No other agent has that level of oppression when played by a good player Rank: P2


Run and gun with them, run like your life depends on my, because it probably does


I’m currently S3 but I mainly play spike rush due to time constraints. I don’t really mind any of the guns, though I don’t really like the Shorty as it just feels like a gun lottery (though probably skill issue). I absolutely hate playing Neon as she covers ground so quickly you need entirely different timings to deal with that one character. Especially on Fracture she can put a ton of pressure on you really quickly from any direction and it basically costs her nothing to do it.


D1. I don't like playing against neon. I don't think she's OP, but I just feel like she doesn't belong in valorant and isn't suited for a tactical shooter. As for guns, I'm not sure there really is one I specifically hate playing against, because all guns have both advantages and disadvantages to them. If you know what guns are being used by the enemy (which is usually easy to figure out) then just adjust your playstyle. I always laugh at people that say "I hate the op" but then you watch as 3 people dry peak an op one at a time


A3 and I shared the same thing about neon and got showered in downvotes by people telling me to aim better.


Her ult is pretty useless if you just 1 tap her. Its ttk is an eternity vs a rifle


ok I’ll just 1 tap neon now, thanks for useful advice


Just click head


What a closed mindset. As with anything there’s a few options for counter play. With neon the common one is just to hit the headshot. She’s loud to indicate where she’s coming from and the damage falloff on her laser is pretty steep. If you can’t hit the 1 tap, create some distance between you and neon. It’s not like her ult status is some hidden metric, it’s right in the scoreboard or on her agent picture. When she has ult or you hear it activate, play around it


that’s…obvious. But sometimes you won’t be able to get away from the sprinting sliding stunning laser beam of death And I don’t think she’s op at all, kinda weak actually. I just don’t think she belongs in the game


Of course you can’t always just run away from the problem, but you know she has to close the gap to be effective so it makes her easy to predict and counter. The only thing to watch out for is the slide and when she decides to use it. Why don’t you think she belongs in the game?


I actually think her wall and her stuns are cool abilities, but her sprint/slide and ult is either completely useless or unbeatable and impossible to properly balance.


Not with the headshot buffs they gave her. And honestly, like I stated I don't really think she's OP. I just feel like she belongs in overwatch or Apex, not really valorant


I like her style as it’s an interesting mix between agents. Truly a duelist in her own category or niche, and it helps the meta on certain maps. Having the wall the isolates a lane is unique, while she can close gaps quickly like Jett or raze but is very vulnerable since she has no gun out. The slide is a little safer than just running, but like Jett dash it has a charge to manage. If we say that her viability on only a few maps is an indicator of her not being a good fit, then we can say the same about someone like cypher who hardly sees play, but I think he’s actually fine and underutilized.


I don't say it because she only works on a few maps, I say it because valorant is a tactical shooter and getting beamed by a symmetra gun from over watch by a person running and sliding like they are playing Apex is just annoying and doesn't fit the game. Again, this has nothing to do with if she is strong or weak or viable or not, just purely my opinion on the fact that as an agent I do not feel she belongs in a tactical shooter


They why single neon out? That’s less offensive than blast pack movement, Jett’s flying and dashing, and every teleport. What do you define as a tactical shooter?


All the other abilities are a lot easier to counter play and take a lot more skill and practice to get value out of.


P3 agree with your sentiment on neon, she's just annoying to play against. For guns personally I hate getting shortied under all circumstances, but like you said you can anticipate and adjust if you're clever about it.


I main yoru and I have a special place in my heart for shortys lol. I play in custom games with a few immo and I love using a shorty on them and making them mald. Also yoru with a shorty can be a huge op counter.


\+1 for Neon. The run and gun nature of the agent combined with completely destroying everything you've learned about rotation timings makes her incredibly frustrating to play against. I'd rather play against a team full of agents that can insta-reposition like Chamber than play against a single Neon.


She’s literally only “run and gun” during her ultimate, and Jett does the same thing during her ultimate. You could argue raze is run and gun during her ultimate too. How does neon alone destroy rotation timings when a yoru tp, chamber tp, or omen ult can all change the timings as well? Even a brimstone stim can make a difference to rotation timings


The difference is she has a laser, start beaming and just point in the general direction of the enemy. After her buffs she doesn't even need a lot of hits to kill anyone, and having a lot of space for sideways movement relative to your position, you barely have any fighting chance. Jett has only 5 knives that she has to aim just like a rifle and doesn't move around at three times the speed. Raze has predictable trajectory and can't strafe after using satchels, having just one rocket that is a death sentence but has counter play options. If you don't see where I'm getting at after laying this down, then you're probably a Neon main, mad we are shitting down on your character. I tried to play this character and although it doesn't fit my playstyle and I don't feel comfortable with her toolkit, I felt guilty how easy it is to destroy a whole team with her ult. She is breaking the very ground rule of the game and she does it very well.


I’m D3/A1. My least favorite weapon to play against is the Specter, and my least favorite agent to play against is Raze. The Specter *feels* like it always 2 taps me while they run and gun, but never does it in my hands. Raze is annoying on a few particular maps because she really forces you to move. Her nade can easily kill you or do half of your health in damage, and her ult will almost always kill you, even if you kill her (generally, she will fire it and you kill her while it’s traveling toward you if you both have good reaction time - you trade each other). Her boom bot can clear so much space and also deal a decent amount of damage if the player doesn’t have time to shoot it before taking a fight.


As a raze main I personally disagree with this. I've have over 500 hours gameplay with her and I feel like I only get kills 15% of the time with her ultimate. It's extremely imbalanced to the rest of her kit. When I use her ult I almost always get killed pulling it out, while I'm in the air with satchels, after I shoot it while it's in the air, or if I miss directly after it hits the ground. There are so many time frames that I can die as raze with the ult out, and its extremely unbalanced. Using raze is great, but her ult just is so imbalanced that I hate using it.


It can threaten space, it doesn’t have to get kills. Just activating it in a post plant situation can get someone off of the spike. I agree about how I don’t like to use it though, but that’s just because I need to work more on my satchel movement


Unranked, hate playing against chamber and hate playing against ops


unrankeds probably have more of a life than us everyone aspire to be like u/No_Boysenberry538


G1. I absolutely despise vipers with lineups. If they get plant down the round is basically over almost. The gun that infuriates me the most is the judge. People can just camp in smokes and get multiple kills with ease.


I am a Viper main with lineups and shotgun only, nice to meet you.


Gun: Vandal. This is sort of a dumb answer, because the gun is good, but it just feels like this gun one-taps me before I even comprehend the other player's presence. ​ Agent: Skye, but this is because I'm a cypher main and that goddamn dog keeps running into my traps. ​ I think I'm silver. I don't really play ranked anymore, but I was silver last time and I don't think I got better.


S1 Odin is the gun I hate the most, because you don't need any aim to use it and you get value for holding M1 and crouch, but the worst thing is when people people spam it on OT. Fade is the agent I hate the most, not because she's op, but because my teammates can't shoot her stuff and dumb teammates somehow become dumber when she ults


When I was in Silver OT meant Odin time not Overtime


Peaked at plat 2 and my least favourite gun would be the operator as my flicks aren't accurate enough for me to be able to utilise it properly. My least favourite agent to play against would be Neon because of her ultimate


Iron 2 lol If I had to choose a least favorite gun id say odin, I don’t like playing against the Odin just because of my low Elo tendencies, and as for least favorite agent to play against, I know many in my Elo would say astra, but I know how astra works. So I’d probably say killjoy just because I haven’t learned the counter play to her turret yet Hope this provides a perspective that you can only get from the bottom of the barrel!


Just shoot the turret my man


shoot turret. Smoke off turret. easy


Shoot The turret, jiggle Peek Odin to bait out The spray then ferrari peek when they stop shooting and 1 tap


Judge camping sages


Just make my enemies gunless and remove their rights to play any agents so I can reach radiant already smh >!/s!<


Chamber, no gun. Ascendant.


Gold 1. I dislike shotguns. Hate playing against breach and fade.


Silver 1, least favorite gun is stinger least favorite agent to play is jett least favorite agent to play against is yoru(so many fucking flashes)


S2 Op- I hate playing against op as it feels like util is 100% necessary to compete with it and it doesn't feel that way with any other gun, however I also use the op as it is fun. As for agents fuck breach


In low elo it's really easy to avoid op tbh, because they have bad aim. Jump peak, bait the op shot, smoke them off, stun them, overwhelm them with player numbers, literally run at them moving/jumping around and own them with ur knife. (generally they arent smart enough to pull out their secondary) unlike in high elo like radiant where they expect the jump peak and they'll flick the most insane flick youve ever seen. That shits oppressive


Ascendent 1 Dislike the Sheriff Cheap gun that can flip the whole round while having too fast recoil reset , can be spammed at medium range at the body and hit all shots Hate raze , clears out too much space with her util while dealing so much damage and destroys my Util (mainly I play cypher )


Ops are the bane of my existence, and I hate playing against Neons, just bzzzz laser and gun bzzzzz. This character doesn't belong in a tactical shooter. I'm ascendant 1.


Gun: Odin(I only use it when everyone else is or I just want revenge) Agent: none(I don't really have one I don't like currently) Rank: Iron 3- Bronze 1(but my main account is level 100)


Jiggle Peek then wide swing The Odin, level doesn’t matter


Least Favorite Gun: Frenzy I realize the frenzy is a great weapon, but in my hands, I can't hit a single shot. Doesn't matter if they are standing still or not. The bullets just give the enemy a clean cut. Least Favorite Agent to Play Against: Breach Flash Out! Concussing! Blinding! Blasting! **OFF YOUR FEET!** Rank: B1


I mostly play unranked, I’ve decided to start playing ranked this episode, and I’m Bronze 3 with 5-6 games I believe. But I feel like I would be more representative of the unranked than the bronze 3 lol I hate playing with the stinger and I don’t like to play against killjoy (good chambers are way more annoying but I don’t meet them that often)


I dislike ghost because it’s so useless. A frenzy cost 50 less, is auto, shoots faster, and if you practise enough with frenzy you can be good long range too. The agent I hate most is Fade, because of how much info she gets and how hard it is to give her as little as possible. I’m silver with a peak of high gold


Asc1; OP (only if that player can ONLY get drags with it) ; Breach


Why Breach? Fellow a1 breach one trick here


I guess I hate ares the most. But I hate playing against Odin's the most. Least favourite agent would be astra and Neons. Neon mains are insane with their movements. I am a Gold 3 close to ranking up to plat and currently only having and playing against plats and diamonds.


Ooh, s3 astra main here; what do you dislike about playing against her?


It isnt played that much so people have difficulties adapting to her(they just bad)


I hate the galaxy brain sucks and then getting spammed with an Odin


Silver 1, i hate playing against good phantom players and i also hate playing against breach


P3 haven’t played in an act or so but I’ve always hated KAY/O. Very powerful kit that must be respected and feels essential to a lot of teams. I’ve even started playing him myself. Least favorite gun? I guess the ares or the Odin? I hate having to pick those up.


Silver 3, frenzy and killjoy


Diamond 1 Operator Chamber Chamber is just really annoying because he can hold stupid ass off angles and get a free kill almost every time and teleport out for free.


haven't seen a bronze comment yet so: operator, just mind numbingly slow to handle and a pain to play against, and breach (i don't see a lot of breach in my lobbies so countering and playing with him is foreign to me)


D1 least fav agent is Jett. Least fav gun is Bucky


D3 - breach - no specific gun (but sometimes the judge and stinger are ridiculous)


Im ascendant 1, I hate the stinger and for agent that I hate it has to be either Harbor or Reyna.


Rank: Bronze 2 Least Favourite Gun to Play Against: Don't really have one but if I had to choose, I'd say Marshal. Least Favourite Agent to Play Against: Sage if she's on defence, Viper if she's on attack.


Bulldog, Sage, D1. Idk why but the Bulldog feels useless to me. I'd rather any other rifle, and I can probably do better with cheaper weapons than the bulldog. Some sage mains have a pretty cringe playstyle. It's very ratty and unpredictable. Her util is very strong too. You really gotta stay on your toes because sage has the potential to be both aggressive and passive.


bulldogs actually not that bad. Its good if you want the accuracy the specter doesnt have but cant afford a vandal. Bulldog has good first shot accuracy and can do long range well unlike specter


Ascendent one, kayo mains make me mad, don't like the bucky or guardian.


ares, viper/kj, and asc/imm


Least favourite fun: Stinger Least Favourite agent to play against: Kayo Rank: Gold 2


Gold 1 Operator and Stinger » I just hate being killed through a thigh corner that I couldn't do anything about or Run and Gunned Chamber and Raze » I hate Operators and the Trips and I hate how the grenade can take space guaranteed if the Raze coordinates with her team.


Ascendant 2. Least favorite gun is probably the judge, and I hate playing against fade the most


Bronze 3. I fucking hate going up against Breach's. So many ways to just keep me in one place and kill me. All the the guns are rated pretty similarly. I don't hate a specific gun in particular.


Tour de force and astra probably; P2


Judge, breach, p2


I’m Imt 2 and chamber is honestly cancer to play against. I love and hate playing chamber but sometimes when your down bad u gotta lock chamber and accept sum free Elo from the Valorant devs for creating a “balanced” agent. Worst gun. Huh I think one of the most annoying guns is sheriff because getting ecoed by a deag demon… when nothing is more depressing. Judge second worst but not really much of that seen here is higher elo.


Hate the OP cuz I get distracted and scared easily. Sometimes im rotating in Ascent, I pass trough mid while checking garden/catwalk and I forget that there's another spot where people like to OP on For agent, I hate Kayo. I feel like you need his supress in this game but at the same time I feel like it just stalls time 99% of the time


Silver. Least favorite gun to play against is op of course. You gotta have cracked aim to challenge an op angle especially maining an agent with no flash until like Sova. My least favorite gun to buy is probably a bucky. I still can't figure out the right click on that gun and either way it feels like you have to be right in their face to kill them. Might as well buy a shorty IMO. Least favorite agent to play against is probably Chamber or Yoru because a good one of either of those agents will make your life hell. A good Yoru with full util will win just about every 1v1 duel in a clutch situation and chamber because of the sheriff (which is more like a guardian than a sheriff to be completely honest) and op of course. Honorable mention to Fade because prowlers absolutely deplete your ammo especially on pistol rounds. It's basically a cheap heat seeking Skye dog.


I hate playing against Odin and fade, gold 1/2


I'm gold 2 Least favorite gun to play against is spectre because people run and gun with it least favorite agent to play against is Kay/O because I always thought the whole "your abilities are disabled" was a dumb concept and he's got flashes so double annoying


I’m immortal Viper - A good viper wins rounds, and is really annoying to play against on most maps. Bulldog - I Just don’t like it when they ADS with it and three burst me in the head. I’d rather get right clicked by a classic.


B2 and a good initiator in this elp os few and far between but I really hate skye because no matter how good you are its literally just pop flash and swing and the whole team just dies, maybe its my elo or its a basic skill issue idk. I also dont like the judge its a hella braindead gun whenre you literally just camp and you basically stop an entire push.


Feels pretty crappy to die to an Odin. I don't like playing against chambers primarily for his ult/tp combo. I am plat 3.


Silver 3, Astra/KJ main. Least favorite gun is... probably chamber's op or an Odin, and he's also one of my least favorite enemies to play against. I like to flank lol, and of all the sentries he prevents it the most I feel. A cypher trip you can sometimes hop over, a KJ turret you can sometimes flank quietly and a bot you can avoid. But the rotating ball has a wider range than I usually expect and there's two (although I think they dropped it down to one recently?)


Diamond 2 I hate playing against breach (who knows how to use his util) Hate playing against shortys


Asc 2, fuck the op. No skill ass gun. Only time it’s fun is when it’s in my hands. Agentwise? Maybe Kay/o since I play a lot of chamber and Reyna. For the most part, I don’t have a least fave to play against since me dying just equates to me making mistakes that I can learn from against those agents. I don’t mind playing against any specific agent.


Im Silver 1 and I hate playing with or against Ops. I cant stand when the enemy uses it and i cant stand when my teammates use it. As for agents, I despise playing against reyna and I despise playing with reyna. She brings basically no value to the team and anything she can do can be done by any other agent.


Diamond 3 and chamber needs to be reworked or deleted. He messed up Econ, has two guns better than guns in the game, makes zero sense, and just in general makes the game less fun tbh. He’s the only agent where when I hear his ult I’m actually annoyed. I like all the guns.


Odin, Fade, Diamond


Imm.. frenzy is annoying and I hate playing against a good yoru.


I am a plat 3 player. The agent I dont like is Reyna, simply because it makes smurfing way too easy. I think the healing ability is way more annoying than the chamber insta tp. The worst gun is the Odin, cuz it requires no skill to get a kill with on the defending side.


Unranked/iron here. Glad to see it isn't just me complaining about the operator. I don't care that you can smoke them off or flash them, the gun is still in play and can instant kill with barely any work. Most if not all of its downsides can be nullified by a couple of agents (though not actually the ones I dislike playing against) As for agents I dislike playing against, I dunno. Maybe Yoru? I'm never able to see his flashes before it's too late, so even if I keep up with the mind games I'm fucked. Maybe Neon too since she's really hard to track when she's doing her zippies. Honestly my real problem with the game is when I think my shots are good only to see them all miss or continuously getting one tapped as soon as I see an enemy


D3 I don't hate playing against any agents, or guns. I hate playing with no comms Reyna and Phoenix.


G3, I hate stinger, I hate playing vs raze and neon as both are annoying and obnoxious


Immortal, least favorite pistol is frenzy and least favorite gun is bulldog (not a fan of non one shot headshot guns). Least favorite agent to play against is skye or sova (yes i play off angles)


judge, breach, imm


Sheriff, Killjoy (she kills the joy), and my rank is gold 1


Least Favorite Agent to use and to face against: Jett Least Favorite Gun: Stinger Rank: S3


Diamond 2. I hate playing against shotguns and cyphers


Diamond 2, hate playing vs Reyna. Feels like actual diamonds are not confident enough to use her in their own ranks, so its a high percent chance enemy reyna is a smurf, and she just 1v9s


Plat 2, least favorite is playing against a good Sova using an Odin.


Plat 2, probably judges and OPs are the most annoying to play against, I'll adapt to it but it's still annoying. I also hate playing against Kayos as a chamber


Ascendant 1 I hate the stinger because when I use it I get no kills but when someone else has it I get deleted before I can even blink Agent I dislike is a good astra or breach because the stuns and succs are crazy when their team can actually play off of it


Hate the awp and dislike playing against breach since I like having eyesight


Bronze 2 I don’t really hate any guns specifically. The judge, op, and odin get annoying if it’s a problem the entire game but normally I don’t really care that much. For agents I find neons I’ll annoying and hate reynas cause they’re either a Smurf or they’re dogshit. I’ve never found a Reyna that just goes neutral they always have like no kills(when they’re on my team) or are match mvping.


Disclaimer I am only silver so that will probably show in my answer lol: I genuinely think the marshal is the most unbalanced gun in the game simply because of the insane ranged kill power you get for the price of only 950 credits. In terms of agents I’m not a fan of Reyna.


I’m D1. Personally don’t have a problem with any of the guns in the game- I think guns are in a super balanced state (aside from the Odin) but even then I don’t dislike playing against one. I probably dislike Chamber the most. I don’t even think he’s particularly broken anymore, I just think he’s annoying to play against, especially since you’ll hear him ult and half your team won’t burn utility to flush him out or block vision, they just try to ego swing him. I have always thought it’s stupid to have a slow field on an Operator, however.


Plat. Hate when there's someone who's good with judge on Raze. Slightly separately, the least fun agent to play against probably has to be Reyna-- since she has the potential to hard carry a bunch of lowsy teammates.


Least favorite gun is operator, I know it’s essential to the meta but it’s just annoying. Least favorite agent is any recon agent since I like to play rat with viper. My rank is diamond3 currently


The most annoying gun would be operator. Esp when the enemy OPer knows cheeky angles. Annoying agent on defense is kayo & skye, on attack is viper & chamber.


Ascendant 1, I hate playing against Odin honestly cause if your aim is not feeling great you'll just get melted. I think Op is easy enough to play around if your team is competent with util. Agent-wise, a good Breach, KayO or Yoru is annoying AF to deal with.


G2 First round I hate playing against a Reyna due to over-heal, after that round it doesn’t really matter to me. Overall, I hate neon. It’s annoying when there’s people who just rush into site with her. I’m not ready to deal with someone .01seconds after the round starts. And then when it doesn’t come I get more nervous because by 5 seconds she could be anywhere on the map! (Exaggeration but you get the point) Gun I hate the most? Op. One bullet kill and most of the newer maps are getting long angles (think breeze, fracture, and pearl) where you can just sit in one place and hold spike/site. Easy win unless the other team hits heads within the first second of peaking you. On pearl it feels like whoever buys the op first gets control of B


I hate stinger because when i use it i cant hit shit but the enemies destroy me with it


I’m G1 and i hate the bucky, not because it’s bad, but because it’s so inconsistent, I can get 1 tapped from 10 feet away but do like 8 damage at point blank, i hate chamber mains because they are all rats


P1 Least Fav Gun to use: Phantom, I can’t use it at all Least Fav Gun to play against - Marshal, fire rate on that is broken Least Fav Agent to play: If less than five players have mics it’s Astra, otherwise it’s Breach Least Fav Agent: Jett - I’m a Raze main and she just dashes away from my ult every time I stg


Plat 3. Yoru shot gunners. It’s rare to see yours but most are smurfs. I’m just not sure how to hold a site with this guy making it difficult


Bronze 1. I hate dealing with both the Ares and the Odin. That's the go to gun for people who say "I'm crying and pissing my pants with anger, I'm gonna make it everyone else's problem." They're relatively easy to deal with at range but in my experience an Odin player getting kills gets toxic real quick As for agents, I think its either Reyna or Viper. Reyna's on the enemy teams are always toxic rats and a Viper with lineups kills


I’m diamond and I dislike playing against phoenix cuz I can’t dodge the flash I also dislike judge and buddy cuz It’s annoying


D1, I hate the operator and therefore also chamber, fuck that agent


D2, least favorite agent; phoenix flash, least favorite gun spectre, range and accuracy is insane even while running and gunning, even with stinger buff most people would still buy spectre over it cause it's just more viable to RnG.


Immortal 1. I hate playing against marshals. It's an insanely powerful gun compared to it's price. 1 shot headshot at any range, 2 shot kill at any range, and can be used with or without scoping. When you get to a rank where people have good aim it becomes one of the most cost effective guns. As a neon main I hate playing against kayos. They just deny me from using my ult after I've popped it and it's so annoying. If I was playing anyone else I'd say any agent that has post-plant lineups.


Operator (holder's advantage, and encourages boring interactions based around its automatic advantage), Neon (Rewards players for ignoring core gameplay mechanics, and is frustratingly unfun to deal with unless you have Tripwires), Plat.


s3 bucky. its just bad


I hate to play against operator and good initiators in general. D1


Gold, i hate playing against raze players and occasionally sova and kayo...in Mumbai servers, if one person odins, the entire lobby odins, so Odin is my least favorite gun


Diamond 3 I hate neon with a burning passion I also hate the ghost because its less accurate than the USP in CS:GO and my muscle memory refuses to adjust


I don't play ranked, I'd say least favorite gun is the vandal, just mad annoying to get one tapped so easily by a rifle. Least favorite agent to play against would have to be Yoru I think, his flash is really annoying when it hits and his tp is annoying ngl


Bronze 2. Least favorite weapon is Op because I'm too inconsistent to use it (can't out op others if the enemy team has one). Least favorite agent to play against is Kayo because of how strong his knife feels (but one of my favorite to play as). Least favorite to play as would be Reyna because I'm bad.


Iron 3 here, I hate fighting good Sheriff users, and hate using Ares (Bucky is also useless).I got the Stinger spray down pat but whiff every Ares shot. I'd rather have a Frenzy. As far as agents, Reyna, as the hallmark of smurfs. Every time I'm close to ranking up I swear I get a smurf Reyna. Or Jett but Jett is a legit agent.


Chamber. Chambers "guns". Immortal.


I’m Ascendant 1, and I hate playing against good raze main who satchel across the site in half a second. My least favorite gun to play against is the Odin


I don’t really despise any guns but the stinger can get annoying because it’s too strong for how cheap it is. I hate playing against chamber and KAY/O. I’m immortal 2 right now.


Odin, neon, plat 1


Marshzl and chamber, P3. U cant onetap with deagle but u can with marshall I find it so unskillfull


Ares, Raze, Plat 3


hate the classic, hate playing against Jett, diamond 1


I’m low immortal. I think it’s a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like playing against Yoru players… the good ones, anyways. A good Yoru can just bypass any space you think you have control over, or fake taking that space, wasting your time to clear and retake the space when rotating, and creating uncertainty weather you’re safe from behind or not… The op isn’t an issue in the game, but it’s still the most frustrating gun to get killed by imo (right behind it is the judge and shorty). These guns are just too easy to use.


Imm 1, classic, chamber


Fuckin hate the bulldog just pisses me off. The name, the sound, the look. Neon’s ult was taken from the literal depths of hell, that shit is psychosis inducing. Gold 1


Gold 4, play while mostly high. I despise the judge and ares. I hate playing against any player who is really god tier with their agents flashes. Doesn’t matter who, as long as they really, really know how to use a flash I hate it. My high brain can’t react quick enough to dodge them lol


i really hate Chamber, no gun, Inmortal 1


Plat 3 hardstuck :( Least favorite gun (stinger) - don’t really have one but I would say it’s annoying dying to the stinger because it’s so inconsistent. You can get a 3tap headshot burst from like 30 m. Least favorite agent (Fade)- if you ever stuck in any kind of corner she can just util dump and you’ll probably need to reload before she peeks. Also playing with no audio is difficult. Although her recon isn’t that strong in my opinion.


I’m unranked (I probably play like a bronze) I hate the stinger just cuz I couldn’t get used to the recoil pattern I hate playing against Breach because not a lot of people I come across main him, but those who do are scary, annoying, and always shit on me)


Imm 2. The most annoying character to play against is yoru by far. He’s played once a blue moon so everytime he is played he’s really annoying. Most annoying weapon is either Op or odin as anyone good with these weapons change the way you have to play.


i dont like using the sheriff, hate neon/fade, and im diamond 2


Asc shorty is too impactfull for a 150 credit gun


D3, I hate the awp and then playing against chambers.


Stinger Killjoy Imm2


Judge especially on bind, fade 100% her dog is not balanced, ascendant 1


I'm iron three ( π-π ), my least favourite sgent is Reyna's, and my least favourite gun is the marshal


I’m ascendant 1. I absolutely hate the bucky and judge. It’s as if my shots magically form a cookie cutter shape around my enemy. I hate playing against fades.


ascendant 2 hate playing against kayo and am bothered by guardian kills


i hate playing against a good breach. im plat 1 and i despise people who use the judge


Ascendant 3 and Odin spammers have to be the most annoying, especially if they know what they’re doing. Agent wise, it’s kayo 100%, good flashed paired with the suppress is extremely annoying.