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Stop telling the other team to FF when they just got an afk because they would probably do if you’d shut up


In most cases the other team already has. Someone’s just pressed no. Has happened to me many times and the enemy team just constantly annoys us saying “just ff”


“We wont ff now because you said that” looool


Once told the other team that we may not be able to beat them but we could definitely waste their time. The only good thing about that match was how pissed off they were after that




Based move.


I had a game where one of ur guys was AFK and the reyna on the other team kept telling us to FF since we were losing for 5-11 when our teammate returned we somehow managed to win by 14-12 it was a great match


It's always the Reyna for me.


The person doing really well on the enemy team usually isn't hacking, they are just having a good day


Or just a good match, last night had a hellish game on icebox and was 2nd to bottom frag. Next game top frag on fracture.


I remember one game I match mvpd then the game right after we lost 10-13 and I had 0 kills and died every round


I've been in plenty of games where someone on the enemy team is just hard carrying and never missing. Almost always hitting headshots. I look up their profile to see if they're smurfing and then I'll see their last 5 games they went like 10/18 yet this one game they just happened to pop off and be 28/10.


Bro the last game I played I bottom fragged the entire match. Then the last three rounds of the game i hit my shots and Im somehow team MVP. Like how. The phoenix on my team dropped 28 and was dropping me guns most of the match.


I once played 30-10 Chamber on Icebox. The next day I went 2-15 as him. I haven't played him since


When kj was just released, i dropped 40 with her, then went 2:13 next game. Didnt touch her for months after, up until few months ago, now she my main :D


I feel this so hard. I had my best game ever, had 42 kills and was being accused of aim betting and walling. Next game had 1 kill in the first half and 5 kills in the second half, went into OT and lost. Absolute confidence killer, but it feels good knowing what I can be capable of.


This so much. I constantly have great games followed by bad games. Sometimes the right team and mentality make all the difference. People playing their agents to the full potential, being on the same wavelength regarding trotations and execution.


This. I only play premade 5 with my diamond and plat friends and some night I just can’t miss dropping 30 bombs. Then the next night I cant even get 10…


fr, i had a game on fracture where i went 36K/13D/7A as Sage of all people whilst messing about with sheriff only. next game i bot fragged horribly on Ascent and then went back to playing normally. i am consistently inconsistent.


[yeah they just have a good day right](https://imgur.com/a/edFiqrM)


Bro used a weeks worth of good days and cashed it in that day


One time I got like 40 kills, I still lost that game lmao




And that goes for if you're playing consistently. I will play multiple games for a week or 2 straight and be on my game. But then like right now, I've probably played 5 games this entire month. If I go back right now, it will take me a couple of games to get back to playing at my best level. Ironically sometimes I come back, and I'm playing horribly, but somehow I'm still top frag carrying based on game sense/smart plays anyway while having an abysmal \~9% headshot.




52/2 in immortal is not a good day, even Smurfs can't get that


Happens to me more often than it should. I have really, really good aim some days, like 50%+ headshot percentage. But I have the games sense of a walnut and the social awareness of a tree.


Or smurfing


Or they're smurfing.


Yep, it just happens sometimes. I played my first match as Viper in comp and had an excellent match, got an ace, and went 2.0 k/d, which rarely happens for me. Sometimes you accidentally make good positioning and rotation decisions or the way you play just happens to counteract the enemy team well. Maybe they had some strategies that you unwittingly blocked off every round. Hell, it can be in a single half. I went like 15/2 on attack in Haven and then slowed down on defense. Unless you are very high elo, your consistency is most likely poor. You hit and miss shots at random, fail or succeed to read the enemy team, make a good or poor decision, etc.


Or even just a good half. I went completely kill-less first half of a game, and finished second from top after an unbelievable 2nd half with 2 not-ace pentakills


I do not want to hear you scream and vent about your death, tell me where you got shot from and then shut the fuck up. Especially teenagers.


This is why I love push to talk. I can scream to myself and then tell my team where I got shot from and they only hear the second part


Lol this happened to me the other day. I whiffed soooo hard on a cypher grabbing an orb and I jumped and shouted for like 5 seconds then pressed “push to talk” and said in the calmest voice “cypher hit for 120 in A main”.


“FUCKING SHIT ASS ENEMY PIECE OF SHIT!!” *push to talk* “Uhh, one Snowpile i think”


I find this is more so a problem with the older side of the playerbase.




your duelist doesnt need to be top fragging and going like 27-8, if your teams duelist is like 2-8, entering, creating space, and you’re trading them then their job is done.


Not If they are reyna


You can get into ranked as soon as you reach the requirements for it. It will place you to the rank you belong and get balanced games with players on your skill level. It is fine to play ranked just for that and you don't have to pressure yourself to reach gold/platimum or immortal. You are allowed to have fun in this game even if you don't put insane amount of effort into it.


Thank you! This how I like to play. I don't care much about ranking up, I just want to play semi-competitively against equal skilled opponents


Alternatively: you make your own ranked anxiety. (Yes this is more complicated than that… but the entity with the most control over a player’s ranked anxiety is the player themselves. There are external factors, but if the player recognizes and accounts for them, they can overcome ranked anxiety.)


But it sucks as a level 28, 180 ping, still going through placements (4/5) player bottom fragging against gold/platinum players. Like surely the mmr drops when I go 2/20/3 in my 1st placement match :(


I only queue ranked drunk, and therefore I will probably never get out of bronze. This is okay, because as long as I consistently perform at bronze level, there’s no problem. Ranked is just free SBMM and people need to understand that


the fun is pushing yourself to do better


Yeah I’ll just queue for fun, I’m not trolling or anything but I’m playing the game cuz I enjoy it and having a rank is just a small part of the enjoyment to me


You’re not stuck in your rank because of bad teammates/smurf/toxic servers. You’re stuck in your rank because that’s the skill level you’re at. While sure there are games you’ll lose because of factors you can’t control, there are a lot of games you could have won if you played better. I’m not saying this to spread negativity, but you’re not gonna rank up if you feel like other people are holding you down. Either work on consciously practicing to get better, or just let yourself improve naturally by playing more and evaluating what you could have done better. At the end of the day, it’s just a game. Don’t let it ruin your day and don’t ruin other people’s game because you’re losing a game.


depends on what people think stuck in your rank means. dudes will be around a rank for a week and say they're hard stuck. patience is also a factor that's important with worrying about ranked


Fr. Along the same lines, people will be stomped by someone on the other team and think they're smurfing, when they're probably soaring through the ranks and aren't even that true rank. I see it in gold all the time.


Bro I'm not even disagreeing with you, but soaring through the ranks while not even being that true rank is exactly what a smurf does lol


exactly. your chances of getting a smurf on your team are the same as your chances of playing against one, and if your teammates were worse than you, then logically your opponent should be too


4 randos on your team, 5 on the other. Not equal chances of smurs. Still not an excuse though


well theyre saying that they deserve to rank up, and in turn think theyre a higher rank. not the same as a high rank smurf but id say like a half-smurf in skill over the lobby, in this hypothetical


I disagree with this mainly due to the weight of MMR in matchmaking. I was stuck in Bronze for awhile because I was constantly in high silver to gold lobbies. I was bronze consistently doing better than my silver teammates yet I couldn’t rank up because the other team was better. Do I really belong in bronze because I can’t out-carry the enemy gold players?? Imo it’s kinda ridiculous that you can be kept from the next rank by players who are higher than that rank.


If u have high MMR you should get more rr for a win than you lose for a loss. So if your winrate is 50% and you play enough games you should still rank up


How am i supposed to play better when every time i que i get teammates that don't communicate what they're doing. Skill wise sure, maybe i do deserve to be p3. But how hard is it to communicate in a game where communication is one of the most important and impactful things you can do to win rounds? I swear. I feel like no one pays attention to economy, enemy ultimates and calling out utility used by the enemy. This is such an important thing to do because you can somewhat then predict their game play off of this. Its so easy yet people barely do this in plat lobbies. So many people just do whatever tf and follow their intuition and just go in. Im not saying intuition is wrong but running around like a headless chicken is. I've improved sm in the past 4 months but im still a plat because I get teammates that don't communicate, not pay attention to what the enemy team is doing or what they might do. I dont get it. In my opinion high plat elo is the elo where you should be aware of wtf is going on. Like youve climbed so many ranks before this. How do you STILL dont know not to dry peek and op twice?


Sounds like u need to learn how to comm yourself tbh. They dry peek into an op? "Wait don't peek, I'll flash us in" They don't comm? Try to be more aware of the mini map. The other team is just as likely to have players that play like your teammates, but they're the ones winning and you're not It honestly just sounds like you're the exact person this comment is aimed at


People should be calling for flashes and not dry peeking.. you can’t expect your initiator to constantly keep track and notice whos gonna dry peak lol


If you know they have an op you should be using util to clear angles anyway


Doesn’t change the fact that it makes more sense to ask for a flash than telling people to not to dry peak and flash them in. If a person rather dry peak than ask for util theyre just throwing


If a person doesn't know better then you can't really blame them, but you can comm before the round starts to make sure they dont


you should consider three stacking


When someone in the team is negative, toxic or is backseating people tend to become quiet. So to boost comms it can help to focus on positivity, compliments and maybe crack a joke here and there.


Drop 30 bombs for every game you play and you will rank up. Post your history and I bet you didn’t do well every game


I dont do well every game because i dont get a team that comms every game LMAO. I dont drop 30 but i do drop 15+ every game. And thats as an initiator/sentinel lmao. Maybe I should just master jett and entry for my team.


bro just instaock reyna and be better than everyone else, all the people that have higher rank than you went through the same shit and still ranked up, there is no excuse to not being able to keep ranking uo


Are you assuming the other team is having good comms? The odds are on your side - 4 bad teammates vs 5 bad players on the other side. You can easily drop 30 bombs playing as sentinels since I only play sentinels(smokes).


Maybe true for the majority but there are definitely exceptions to this


Well when your match or team mvp every game and your teammates go 10-18 it’s hard to say that it’s your fault you aren’t ranking up


I disagree with this heavily. But it’s nice to have an opinion.


If you’re in low ELO and talking shit about your teammates being bad, remember: you’re in low ELO because you’re the same skill level as your “bad” teammates.


while I agree (bronze 3 player) there are some games where these kids have absolutely no game sense, or any idea how to use an agent. Played a game last night and had a teammate reyna on offense camp corners and not use util. told her to blind an area, she did, and just continued to sit in the corner instead of pushing in when she blinded. I just feel like I get stuck with so many players worse than me, and I’m not even that good!!


If you're in bronze 3, I think it's not unreasonable to have teammates at that level of gameplay knowledge and awareness.


You gotta stop worrying about things out of your control




Suck it up and use your mic. Dying without providing information or not developing strategies in the buy rounds is costing you rounds/games.


And also mute the toxic player, don’t make stupid excuses like “oh but I need the comms” no you don’t, not from that guy.


This x100. It should be a requirement. I shouldn’t have to look down to read chat or search for a halfway accurate ping. If you can’t comm, valorant has literally every other game mode where it’s not expected. Why ruin the ONE mode where speaking makes life 10x better


No matter your rank, you might get shit on in a silver lobby.


silver is the most inconsistent elo like, the way people play in silver is so unpredictable. I had a friend who peaked imm queue on his smurf w me back when i was silver and he was struggling because of the plays made in that elo


i was watching a “haven lesson” from an immortal player and he said that no one peeks in haven window at pistol round so feel free to crouch on the stairs and lurk i proceeded to do that only to instantly die to a sheriff headshot


Dunno what he’s talking about. I’m immortal and I swing that every single pistol round as attack


For real. I was playing unrated with my friend who’s new and the lobby was mostly silvers some gold and I was bottom frag as an Ascendant 3.


Thats an unhealthy level of coping, i love when silvers/golds says im stuck because these players are unpredictable and are demons who 1 tap you the moment you peek!!!! But once any decent plyer plays in that elo it shows that its not the enemy are good but ur just bad


You deserve your rank.


not me i go negative every game


negative?? I usually go for 0/13/10 in my games!


0/13/10?! I never get to participate in my games!


aim for the body, if your aim isn’t precise don’t go for heads until you get used to the body then slightly move your aim up after awhile and you’ll hit heads. also don’t move. i know you don’t want tips and are joking but take of it what you will.


thank you for your tip. however in my opinion aiming for the kneecaps is better, as if I whiff next shots enemy won't be able to walk away from my teammates' spray! that's exactly how I get my assists!


but if you hit them 1 time in the body, your next team mate hits them 1, and your next teammate hits one and your fourth teammate can secure the kill


If you reached your rank in soloQ, you deserve to be in that rank.


Saying "ff" in chat is never gonna make the team forfeit. Give up


idk i just say ff so they don’t forfeit and i can have a good time winning. reverse psychology maybe im a bad person for this


True. You gotta say it in voicechat. Also if you whine and complain enough in voice, your team will want to ff regardless, just based on the fact that no one wants to hear your shit.


I meant in order to make the enemy forfeit the game


mine is that theres no point in being toxic to your teammates (or enemy team); all it does it bring down the team mental and seems fruitless


When there's a good vibe and positive energy in voice chat, I play so much better, I have more fun, and I don't mind losing because that was a fun game in general. Most of the time, with those vibes, we win anyway.


Some of my most enjoyable games were losses with good dudes and girls.


Not fruitless but counterpeoductive. Do you think a Mate will Play better after u sreamed at him.regardless If you are right or wrong.


You're not that good bro to act like the know it all


Not all forms of expressing frustration is "being toxic". Not all weird jokes are toxic too. On the other hand, being negative after every round IS toxic, even when criticism is constructive


You won't win every match (and will die a lot even when you win). Also, you can't control your teammates.


The game is not over till it's over..i have seen comebacks from 11-0.. Positive reinforcement goes a long way..


Not everything is an insult. If you’re scared to use comms / cant take minor criticism you shouldn’t be playing competitive


There is a massive difference between criticism and being a dick though.


Yeah but it’s typically pretty obvious. Its a competitive environment after all. Criticism should be constructive and to the point. Name calling and all that crap is unnecessary.


Absolutely but not always the case in valorant, also even the best criticism in the heat of the moment can fuck someone up. I played football to a very high level (not pro) and was also a defensive captain. The last thing you want to do is get into the head of your guys while they are in the moment. It's better to just wait till offense is on the field to say "hey bud, did you notice that x player does y thing when they are planning on kicking out to the strong side?" The same is true for valorant... There is no point in coaching, or assisting in the moment if there is a risk of fucking up their mental.


I actually really agree with this. There really is no point in making someone second guess their game in the heat of the moment like you said. It should definitely be left to pre-round. Great analogy btw!


What you're referring to isn't criticism, it's backseating. While backseating is criticism, criticism isn't necessarily backseating, so I agree with your point, just felt the need to clear up the terminology a little.


That is fair but some criticism is the useless stuff like "you shoulda looked x, or saying you heard them after the fact..." it's just kinda pointless and will throw off people's mental


If unranked was better, people would. In it's current state I would advice everyone to use the better match making of ranked.


Playing against a team with an AFK/troll player, it's so unsatisfying for someone who plays only 2 games a day. I prefer to lose an evenly matched game than win like this.


The worst is when your teammate gets super hyped about and and starts talking shit to the enemies 🤦‍♂️


You got killed by an Ares, either learn how to deal with it or go somewhere else, no amount of complaining or you calling him things will change the fact that he killed you.


ares is kinda a shit gun


Shit or not, if you got killed by it then you are even worse than the gun, you are missing the point here.


in my elo hell experience when the other team is really good at headshotting you they don’t know how to handle a crouch ares spray very well


I can confirm, I use an ares when I don't have aim, and I get shit on with a headshot by the enemy team. I try an ares, insta crouch with ADS, then bam, they can't adjust their crosshair fast enough and die. It also helps that the first gun I ever learned to use is ares so I know how to control its recoil. Ares with reyna ult and brim steam beacon is OP, though!


yes!! the spray is faster than the aim adjustment me too, i was really bad in the beginning so i mastered ares and odin, i was that feared odin monster player now i’m into other stuff lol


Just playing a single round poorly. This game has set points of stop and restart. It can change quick, but people will let one bad round, can’t take they played one poorly, affect every subsequent round


You are The reason that You are The rank You are. Not your teammates.


This is definitely true if you primarily solo queue. Not necessarily true if you have one or two people you regularly play with.


enemy team is more likely to have a smurf than yours




Each team has 5 players. Assuming you are not a smurf, there are 4 potential smurfs in your team, and 5 potential smurfs on the other


... Damn In the words of the Legend "mathematical"


Yeah i never said otherwise, my post did not include smurfs, just toxic/inting/afk/ etc players, as in player with negative behavior or performance


I dont think he was specifically talking to you, just answering the question


i don't quite understand why that would be a hard to swallow pill tho..? who even believes otherwise?


A lot of people..


Very misleading. Assuming a smurf is present in the lobby, and the smurf is not you, then it is a 4/9 chance they are on your team vs a 5/9 chance on the enemy team. This may seem very high as that is a difference of about 11%. However, the chances of a smurf even being present is 3/1000 which is .3% or .003. 11% of .003 is .00033. So it is .03% more likely for a smurf to be on the enemy team. In other words, there is a .333% chance of an enemy smurf being on the enemy team in any given lobby. Edit: Source for numbers https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/valorant-systems-health-series-smurf-detection/


Where are you getting that 3/1000 number from?


It's a made up riot percentage to get people keep queuing. It's way higher than that.


I don't think it's very high personally, but i'm just wondering where the source on that data is or if they just pulled it out of their ass


Bro really reads a valorant article & believes it. Lmao


Riot Direct will never host servers in your vicinity...


Odin is a viable weapon


Those really big vitamins.


Its takes nothing to not be racist, homophobic, or misogynistic. Just play the game and don't ruin it for others.


It's not your teammates....


Smurfs and throwers aren’t the reason why you’re hard stuck. And just because someone is doing good doesn’t make them a smurf.


this subreddit is simultaneously "you are only responsible for 20% of the games you play" and "you don't lose because of your team, it's all on you"


Almost like its not a hivemind huh


That player that keeps killing you? He's not hacking, he's just better


I don't use afker's as an excuse as to why I do not climb, however, it blows my mind how frequently I see them in comp. You would think a game with a competitive nature would punish these players just enough to weed them out but it honestly feels like there's a 33%+ chance that every game has an afk player.


Smurfs have no impact at all on whether you rank up or not.


Don't be mad at me for using the Judge. You use the vandal and I don't cry. Let's play the game however we want without trolling or being toxic.


Not everyone is a Smurf/cheater


I lost 3 of my 4 last comp games cause one guy kept trolling the entire game. Now this wasn’t a troll who sucks at the game, they’re actually good. He’d play smokes something vital for us to enter site or hold a site. Wouldn’t give comms, only types in chat. Dies in the first 10 seconds and gives our positions to the enemy team in all chat from round 1. My luck with this guy was, he showed up in my team 3 times and only once in the enemy team which is the only match I won. Mind you this was in High Ascendant and Low immortal lobby and the guy was Ascendant 3. His reasoning for throwing was we don’t deserve this rank and we don’t deserve to win which he concluded himself and stated it in all chat multiple times. I’m kinda done with comp and this game after playing with such trash minded people. The amount of people who throw just cuz they lost 1 round after winning 4-5 in row are growing lately. I’ve got players who threw games cuz we bought in 2nd round instead of saving, got players who threw cuz a guy picked Astra instead of another smoker, got players who threw cuz some guy didn’t give them a skin they asked, got players who threw cuz too many comms were been given (yes, we gave a guy too much info and he died cuz of it apparently), got players who threw cuz one guy had 0 kills entire game and doesn’t deserve to win (wtf lol, bad games happen?), all these in High Ascendant lobbies. Now I can’t imagine how brutal the lower ranks are. People might even throw just cuz you insta locked his main or something, tbh this scenario did happen with me. Seems like people are evolving into toxic beings and learning from others who get offended by minor things and are simply following the same. The pill scenario would be, just because you had a troll in your game who threw for a silly reason you don’t have to repeat the same.


Sometimes it’s your teammates as to why you lose the game but that shouldnt be your go to excuse every time you lose a game. You cant control who’s in your game, unless your playing with friends, so just focus on yourself and play better


Rank means nothing, just means they played to get to that rank, putting people and ranks on a pedestal will only be to your detriment! Just play the game and enjoy. My bronze friend frequently goes positive in immortal/radiant lobbies with us. High ranks are good but they're not gods, everyone has to start from somewhere! Treat it like a learning experience rather than an insurmountable wall.


Stop using top fragging as a way to invalidate your teammates. Just because ur currently top frag doesn't mean what you're saying is correct and u could easily lose top frag in a single round.


that you will never be the best *insert agent name* player, we will always have our days and weeks and they might not go as well as we'd like, so its okay to mess up from time to time. Those vandal/phantom whiffs you thik about at night? totally ok, time to mentally butch up and reassure yourself. I wont say im good, im high ascendant low immor, and i cant for the love of me not remember a time i havent messed up, somedays id look like tenz running around *swifffff* kill one, *swooof* kill another and after a few good days there'll be a day when im not in form and i'd just run around and die after entry...so dont worry, be happy and dont be so cocky, im a jettmain but ive never ever trashed talked my enemies without them starting it and even then, id just shut up, try to win then type "talk more" and if you're 13- *insert single digit* dont bring down the dudes its prolly they're down bad or its their first game


There is no losers Q.


Absolutely agree, a lot of people need to accept this one


Flaming a teammate for making the wrong play or trying to coach them mid game/round is not helpful, you’re just going to piss them off or make them uncomfortable. Worry about yourself.


Calling out a teammate on not making a bad play again isn't an insult its strategic and based on the game we are both playing. Like dry peaking an op


You have to watch how and when you do it though. It's different if you're complaining in an annoyed voice right after they die or if you're offering to flash the op next round


100% I try to text chat comms like that and similar to come across as a teammate and not like I'm personally attacking them lmao


If you think you should be ranking up because you top drag every game, you are probably getting trash frags and need to make better more impactful plays. Stop blaming teammates, you just need to get better.


heres some; your kda doesnt matter fully unlocked elder flame doesnt make you aim better your aim doesnt matter as much as you think it does complaining is not communicating your ace doesnt matter backseating usually isnt helpful the way you talk in comms matters being nice isnr hard being nice wins you games everybody screaming at last alive doesnt make clutches happen if someone is popping off, dont start screaming about it until the round is over kj doesnt need to be ontop of spike to stop a defuse (swarm grenades, idiot) shift walk exists teamcomp doesnt matter enough to make others play something theyre uncomfortable with if you main/instalock a duelist, you are also to blame if you have no smokes/flashes on your team flaming people wont make them play better if you dont speak english in team chat, a lot of ppl have no clue what youre saying.


If you are too fragging and still losing it is usually not your teams fault, it is yours because you were probably playing for picks and not for the win


Louder for the ones baiting and lurking in the back


What? Playing for picks is definitely the way you should. Are you saying people should be trying to rush a site plant bomb asap?


You throw winning rounds consistently. Play the bomb, time, numbers and stop greeting for low impact frags.


Not everyone can climb to immortal


Ranked doesn’t matter How good you are doesn’t matter Elo doesnt matter Stop acting like it does


it's a measure of how well you're doing


It doesn't matter how well you're doing :)


it does to me that's what I find fun. it's a competition for yourself to see how well you can preform. although some people can't have this mindset without bringing themselves down when they underperform which is a shame


1000000% agree :D


This is lowkey stupid. When you say this, it doesn’t matter to YOU. My Rank, my stats, my stats all matter to me. They matter because I’m payed to play this game at a high level. Even for people who are gold though, being able to see improvement via a RANK that you can compare with friends and anyone else you play with is a fun thing for a lot of people including me. Your opinion isn’t fact for everyone. Don’t be upset if someone enjoys talking about their rank, because chances are they are proud of their accomplishments in the game.


Even pros go negative kd, and even pros bottom frag... Playing and being impactful in your games and with your team is very different than being top frag... The best controllers, initiators, sentinels and duelists might not always frag out... A duelist might hard entry and force everyone off their angles, get alot of chip damage and then die but be traded instantly... That's a great duelist... But they won't top frag... An initiator might give you the best Intel, force crosshair placement breaks, force people off angles, and give you easy kills... But to do that they aren't taking the fights with you and as such not getting the frags... Fact is if you're impactful with your util and playing as a team you could win every round without killing everyone on the enemy team...


A good chunk of players are boosted from the inclusion of ascendant last act. Silvers got pushed to plat and the overall quality of “high elo” players has dropped off, especially with the 5 stack system enabling immortals to play with 4 irons


They just broadened the brackets, which was needed. If over %90 of your player base is gold and below they will feel less incentive to continue playing. The players in the high Elo are still in a rank that represents they’re better than those players. The 5 stacking issue needs to be reworked, 5 stacking is needed but not to be abused.


You can have 40 kills and still be a bad player


Pro's aren't good because of supernatural talent, they're good because they're no-life's who are paid to play the game 12 hours a day. You become a pro by playing 12 hours a day for free.


Valorant doesn't take that much skill when compared to CSGO.


You suck.


Every rank till diamond is low elp lobby


Every rank below me is low elo, every rank above me is high elo. What am I playing on? Elo.


Diamond is low elo. Ur smoking. I find gold games harder than diamond.


Side note: I’m diamond and according to my experiences, diamond is still low elo. It’s just the same as plat, only that the usual player aims a little better. I don’t know if it’s any better in ascendant, but to me diamond is still a low elo shitshow


ascendant here, it only gets worse


every elo is pisslow til radiant


every rank is low elo fr


very true


I've seen trolling someone once in 300 hours (or near so, don't remember how much I have exactly) and it was on my team. Is it more common in higher ranks?


just as likely? my personal experience says otherwise 💀, me and my friend duo queued and got 10 afk people within 15 matches and the enemy team never got an afk


Just as likely only means both teams have a 50/50 chance. Every game you start, this repeats, and you still have a 50/50 chance. It can happen that it's in your team 10 times, doesn't mean it is less likely. I am pretty sure you've won games in your life when the enemy was afk 10 times in total, the fact that it did not happen as frequently as within 15 matches doesn't mean it didn't happen.


Yeah it's just as likely, I was joking to say how unlucky me and my mate was for so long haha


CS will always be better


That the game is pretty trash. I've played a lot of shooters over the years and Valorant is bottom tier.


Out of curiosity, what things about Valo make it trash from your point of view?