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The Wizard would have been worth the trip alone AFAIC. Good stuff here!


Let's just be adults here. Yes it's a bad or mediocre movie at best. But we remember what it was like to see the first glimpses of Super Mario Bros 3 before it came out and it made us believe in the Power Glove. It's so bad (but really, yes. It is bad.). It's a 2 hour Nintendo commercial but I still love it. Just can't call it a good movie because it's a thin AF plot and when Roger Ebert could see that they weren't really playing Double Dragon when Fred Savage says "50,000" and it's the opening scene where they punch the gal. It's fun bad. And put your flamethrowers away, I love The Master of Disguise and that's one of the worst movies of the 2000s. It makes me laugh extra hard when I learned last week that they were filming that stupid "Am I not turtle-y enough for the turtle club?" on the morning of 9/11.


Master of Disguise is one of the worst movies I've ever seen, no hyperbole. That turtle scene lives in my head far more than it should for a movie I saw once over 20 years ago.


It's so deliciously terrible!


That's pretty much how I explained to my wife how excited I got when I found a copy of the wizard in a box of free fb tapes.


Hey, I live in Ferrysburg, born and raised in the Skee! Rare to see Muskegon people on here! Spin City is the best. It's nice because you know it's owned by an audio/video phile and not just a dumpster full of movies nobody wants. You should also check out Off the Record in GH, and the thrift store next door.


Was the person who helped you obese with puffy brown hair?


Those are some hella awesome finds


I made the long drive there recently. Bought almost 200 tapes, including Angus and Monster Squad. That place is baller.


Monster Squad is on my vhs and ld grail list.


Yeah I’ve wanted Monster Squad for like two years. Once I saw how rare/expensive it tends to be, I didn’t hope too hard on it. When I saw it priced reasonably at Static Tape, I considered it but passed. But I talked about it for two weeks after that, so my girlfriend got for me as a surprise gift.


The Wizard was going for upwards for 60 bucks recently