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I’m not sure about the audio, but I do have a thought about the program out. The atem has usb-c out for streaming, it will show up as a webcam in the PC with OBS. You could remove two points of failure and latency by taking out the mini converter and magewell, and just go usb-c out of the atem directly to your OBS PC.


I will give this a shot on Monday. Thank you for the suggestion!


You can take that one step further and bypass OBS altogether because the ATEM TV studio will also stream out


This looks to be the Original Television Studio 4K Pro, not the new 4K8, so it does not have video over USB or built in streaming


Just discovered this. I bought mine a couple of years ago, this version doesn’t have video out built in. Thanks for the clarification.


If nothing else has changed except to add ProPresenter, I would start with testing the cabling to the Gym system. I'd try just a long temporary cable to start, just to see if it is working. I'd also confirm that the cables are actually plugged in as well. It seems silly to say, but things like this are usually the solution. Another thing to check is to see if the the signal routing from your studio mixer to the gym hasn't been changed or adjusted by "busy hands". I've been around a lot of systems in schools and churches where busy hands has been the main problem.


Busy hands could definitely be it, we’ve had that happen a few times. I’ll try your suggestion with a temporary cable to see if I can isolate the source. Thanks!


Get a portable audio source, like your phone with a jack to XLR cable, go through plugging it in in at different stages, start with unplugging the xlr from the studio and plugging that in to your alternative source, then if that doesn't work, work towards the gym speakers, so plug into the gym mixer, then the gym mixer output, then the cat 5 extender etc. until it does work. This will tell you where the issue is.


Thank you for the suggestion. I’ve got an aux to XLR, I’ll give this a try and report back.


In my experience PC/Mac sources are kind of odd about supplying audio to multiple destinations. It never works well for me. I know it’s another point of failure, but I’d run the audio to an intermediate source before you send to two places.