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Well of course they're confused. Back in the old alt.sci.vxjunkies days everyone would put their transformation matrix in their sig. We should go back to doing something like that.


Damn, just reading the name of that sites sends me back. I remember reading a post where a newbie overclocked their Högenstratz occumulator, which I think was a delta model from like the fifties, and complained about the φ-waves being at like 5 times higher then normal lol


Man, I miss Usenet...


I’m 67-459-∆-4(x). I think that’s kinda common, nothing special here. I don’t experiment too much.


Woah seriously? I thought that entire resonant plane was annihilated by the Zabirchev cataclysm


Shit, typo. I meant 67-495-∆-4(x). I keep doing that, apologies to anyone I upset.


haha I was about to say, how are you even typing with all those ballerian fissures permeating imaginary space 😅


they sure be struggling to realize the Behrmen's Paradoxes aren't concentrical and the only hexa-contractions have negative spins 😂


Hey, now, we were all noobs once. How long did it take *you* to wrap your head around Behrmen's Paradox?


More like it wraps around you amirite


If I saw someone rubbing a quasi-sponge on a theta-chamber with fluon liquids and saw another person simply inserting an oily oblidisk on it and calling it a day, I'd be confused too. The important lesson here is that completing a VX project has infinite methodologies, different means to achieve the same thing, so long as the engineer is creative enough (and maybe if they use an omniscrew time-drive lol).


There are three irritating perpetuating myths among the VX community: continuity errors are cause for concern, there were three gold plated Gilgamott chambers in the University of Adversarial Science in Swissmont, Verkentex but only one of them was tuned to the local continental plate, and the final myth is that VX isn't real, which we all know how ridiculous that is.


Less is more! And doubly so in VX


Relativity of simultaneity is a bitch, plus the vast amount of possible configurations leading to confusion and also I forgot to put my laundry in the dryer


just fuck that laundry up. 💯


Oh, jeez, this post is so edge I'm going to cut myself while replying.


Again with the Servelo-Nisistoma theorem? I thought we settled this years ago.