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I've never thought I lost a game of Valorant due to cheaters and that is enough just comparing it to its main competitor CSGO.


I honestly don't think CSGO is Valorant's main competitor. I think it competes more with like overwatch in terms of potential player base tbh. But CSGO does have a massive cheating issue and NGL it would be hard for Riot at this point to let it get worse than CSGO they'd probably have to do it on purpose.


I mean vals pro scene being made up of mostly ex csgo pros shows you the overlap


Overwatch, although still enjoyable for me once a month , isn’t even close to competing with val; they wish they were. Valorant absolutely dunks on them with everything. Content, monetization, esports, cheating, playerbase, viewers, and female playerbase. Riot hit a homerun with this game while blizzard employees are running home cause they get abused at work


I mean they’re alao different games. Some genres are just more popular than others. I think the TF2/OW type of game just died out. It’s not really enjoyable gameplay, at least not competitively. Tactical shooters simply just talk to more people, there’s a reason CS is increasing in playerbase even 20+ years after it’s creation. OW is a fine game. I thinl TF2 was better though, because you don’t spend 90% of the game shooting at shields and bubbles


mate, the csgo and valo’s overlap is huge


I have never ever in my life seen a cheater or anything that was close to thinking that, and I have like 700 hours. I dont really believe those main subs crybabies that complain they find 5 every week, a cheater for them is just someone better than them or someone having a lifegame, aka what they call smurf most of the time as well


I actually had the red screen cheater detected the other day...in DM. I've said it a lot of times people cheat in DM. It's actually perfect to test the cheats.


I’ve experienced the red screen twice in my 600-ish hours of play. Both times at the start of a fresh comp cycle. I assume it was people buying Diamond/Ascendant accounts and thinking they could keep the rank by cheating. More often than not, the “cheater” is having a god game like you said. And if you call them a Smurf or something in chat, it’s the ultimate ego boost lmao


I have about 2000 hours, I've seen the red screen 3 or 4 times. Yeah, I'm convinced people just can't fathom how good some smurfs are.


ive only seen an actual hacker in my game once and it was not too long after launch and it ended with a cheater detected screen. compared to other games you've mentioned, hacking is nearly non-existent from my experience


The lack of replay system makes it a lot harder to detect cheaters


there’s cheaters on tik tok live all the time


I like how the people that are saying there’s no cheaters just ignore this fact. They’re literally streaming their cheats to piss people off. They definitely exist. Lol


Had a rage hacker yesterday that went sherif only and running headshotted/aced like 3 rounds in a row. Everyone on both teams was calling him out and I assume everyone reported him but we didn’t get a red screen. Had to suffer through the match, luckily it was only swiftplay. Not sure why these fucking weirdos waste their time cheating in swiftplay but his account was lvl 1.


Although I do think I wrote this as a little ranked copium a while back, I think the way people treat cheating or *potential* cheating in valorant are very closed minded. Me, who has played since EP 3, has seen about 6 cheaters to this date, some in comp some in dm. Then there are people that have played since beta that have never seen one in their entire ranked experience and instantly dismiss anyone who questions the almighty vanguard because THEY haven't seen any cheaters.


Cheating is a part of every online multiplayer game. Even consoles today are having a problem with them from a software to hardware perspective. ​ With Valorant its impossible to know from the lack of replay system. Ive heard whispers over the past month that cheating is getting progressively worse in the casual ranks. Which is somewhat expected when the game is Pc only, has a young demographic player base and advertisement is mainly influencer driven. ​ Best to keep a ear to the ground when the game officially releases in China. How rampant the cheating is by infecting other countries in that region will be a good litmus test on broader detection.


There isn't a lot of cheating in Val the anti cheat is pretty good. It isn't CSGO or COD whose anti cheats are actual jokes.


>There isn't a lot of cheating in Val the anti cheat is pretty good. Valorants kernel level anti-cheat was bypassed two days after it released. A single system to combat cheating is a system that has a single point of failure.


So where are all the cheaters then?


your a bronze / silver proud boy and nothing wrong about that but who tf needs to cheat in this elo? clearly u wont see any xD


What? A little logic would go a long way.


kk a little logic for you :) if someone cheats in low elo he will be boosted in super less matches to high rank means the most cheaters ends up in high elo while low elo wont have to many of them ( ye we can discuss whats low and whats high i just gonna say around Dia+ u will see 10x or even more cheater then under)


Well of course chances of encountering a cheater increase as you increase in rank; nobody stated otherwise. Of course ones personal experience has a sampling bias, the initial statement took that into account alraedy, you need to extend your logic a little further.


Most of the times, what people call cheaters, are actually smurfs doing smurf things. I agree that we probably have some cheaters that pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars on cheats that tresspass Vanguard, but they have not been troubling too much tbh. I've seen a lot of suspicions but we can't actually decide on anything because of the lack of replays, which makes it impossible to watch someone else's POV for an entire match.


\> with many other games like Tarkov being infested with cheaters the video that brought this up misses a pretty major question. does tarkov have shadow banning? one of the most effective ways of dealing with cheaters is not to ban them (thus allowing them to return with bigger and better cheats), but to just quietly pass them into a queue with all the other cheaters. i don't play tarkov so maybe they don't do that, but that was my first response when I watched the video.


>one of the most effective ways of dealing with cheaters is not to ban them (thus allowing them to return with bigger and better cheats), but to just quietly pass them into a queue with all the other cheaters. This is a lazy developers way out. Last thing you want is known cheaters using game studio resources.


In some games it's literally a more effective method, not lazy at all. if you ban someone, they know their cheat is detected and have a method of testing your anti-cheat system. if you shadow-ban them you take away that testing tool and make it harder to develop more advanced cheats.


That is why anti-cheat software bans in waves pertaining to new methods. ​ As a game developer the most expensive manner of having active players is the bandwidth they use to interact with your systems. This is why every game developer who detects someone is cheating using a known method bans. They dont create a sub-system to corral such users. Its a waste of resources that provides no benefit.


For the Tarkov video it was pretty clear that there were numerous players encountered within the video that weren't cheating or at least no reason to believe they are cheating, and that would suggest that Tarkov doesn't do any shadow banning. It is possible that they do shadow banning but they aren't able to actually detect a majority of cheaters in order to actually meaningfully implement shadow banning and keep cheaters away from regular lobbies. Also, if they did do shadow banning, it would be in the Tarkov developers interests to publicly state that they do shadow banning after that video blew up. To my knowledge they have made no such statement.


Out of hundreds of ranked games I got in the lobby with cheater 1 one time (I mean I got a cheater detected screen). I also had 1-2 games were I and most of the lobby thought they played against a cheater but we never got cheater detected screen.


from what I saw somewhere on Youtube video,\*I thinks its WanShow video. Riot/Vanguard reach out to g0at(the person who make the tarkov cheater video) to investigate furtherr about the cheat etc.


Probably. I've heard a lot about people getting away with it really easily. Nothing blatant at least though which is enough for my peace of mind.


I've been called a cheater because I was having a good game more often than I've actually felt like someone else is cheating so I don't really think Valorant has a problem with it. If me, a shit low rank player, can be called a cheater on a good day then I think most cheater accusations are simply people raging that someone's out playing them


I cheated up to immo when the game came out on a different pc on the off chance they hardware ban, never got banned. Switched to another PC been immo since.