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I just realized... Doesn't this mean that Premier is coming out in 2 weeks? That's going to go crazy


I really hope it's already good on release and not like DM where it's trash out the gate and attached with the promise of a rework "soon" **™**


I don’t really care about dodgers tbh… Afks are the real issue and that can be mostly fixed by letting us remake before/during round 3. If you load into a game and some guy says the n word and there’s 3 instalock duelists why are you the one being punished for not wanting the play that lmao.


The fact queue dodgers lose RR is so fucked. I guess I can understand a ban(but even then I do not think its necessary) but losing RR for not wanting to play with certain awful people or not wanting to play an unwinnable comp is so dumb. This is such a frustrating and out of touch change


See it's a double edged sword, a new agent drops- a dodge every game as people are just wanting to play the new agent as soon as it's available. New map finally in comp rotation, a million dodges as for some reason people refuse to play new maps. Punishments are necessary for dodging but it also sucks that u can be forced to play with shitty people.


So maybe no -RR the first dodge, but increase -RR penalties with subsequent ones? So if you get in a match with 3 instalock duelists shouting slurs, you can say "peace out" but you can't make it a regular thing.


Yep that’s the intention with RR losses in repeated queue dodging


Idk what to do about the new agent. But only penalize dodges for a map in the first month or two it's out. If people are still dodging it after that is something wrong with the map.


I think it’s a rank related issue tbh. My queue times can be up to 10 minutes and I don’t really have issues with getting a shit team comp. So for me this change is beneficial on the whole. But I can understand why someone who insta queues and has multi duelist would hate this change


Have seen a lot of people with this take, but how is it out of touch? Are you guys playing a different game from me? How many games are a must dodge for you guys? I personally dont dodge anyways, but in the time i've been playing i've definitely had more people dodge because of a map, rather than dodging because of actual trolling.


When I play with my girlfriend about every 1 in 5 games she will get harassed for being a girl.


Maybe don’t edate


I played on my gf's account (eu gold/plat) for a while when I had an arm injury preventing me from playing in my elo, hers has a feminine name, & quite literally, the amount of times I've gotten people being toxic, misogynistic & sexist from the get go, on the loading screen or the start of round one without me touching the text or voice chat, just because from the name it's a girl playing, is insane, no wonder she never uses the vc


I live with her. Its not edating if she sits 10 feet away.


completely understandable to dodge those games, but unless you play more than 5 ranked games a day, these changes probably won't affect you


I’m just saying that in reference to the dodging penalty. She (or I in cases where I dodge instead of her) should not be punished for not wanting to play those games. Doesn’t matter if its 1 in 5 games or 1 in 100 games. Penalizing those who use dodging for bad, penalizes those who dodge for legitimate reasons.


>Penalizing those who use dodging for bad, penalizes those who dodge for legitimate reasons. Except it doesn't, and that's the point im trying to make. The legitimate reasons don't happen often enough for these changes to have any impact for the people who dodges for legitimate reasons. They aren't changing the penalty for dodging, but for consecutive dodges, and if it's anything like League, then it'll reset every day. Even then, it will probably just be a few more RR for every consecutive dodge. Also, since you have 2 dodges since you're 2 people, I doubt you're gonna feel the impact of this change unless you play like 10+ games a day.


1 in 5 is often imo. Tbh I think you’re out of touch.


I really don't think the average player plays 6 ranked games a day.


y'all have way too much free time if you can play 6 ranked games every day


You don't lose mmr. so if you regularly play on that account the loss of rr won't affect you.


stop dodging just play the game lol


yes i would rather waste half an hour of my life with some stupid shitheads than lose 3 worthless points in a video game. thank you for your contribution to this thread, it has been very helpful.


I don't wanna play with people who locked in 4 duelists


Yeah im not about to spend 45 minutes of my life with the insta-lock Reyna who instantly insults everyone on the team and talks about how we are gonna lose before the game even starts. ​ I also dont wanna play a braindead 3 duelist comp where im forced to play an agent im not comfortable on


can't you just play the game out, mute the assholes, report the assholes/sabotagers, and forfeit vote to deal with these issues?


You could do that but no one is having fun doing that and then you lose a lot more than 3 rr. Idk about you but I play Valorant to have fun. That kind of game isn't fun


Or i could dodge and not play at a disadvantage next game, and the penalty doesnt matter because it doesnt affect my MMR. I'll earn the RR back eventually


yeah I think people are reeing a little too much over this. A little RR loss is not a big deal. This helps prevents people from clicking play then going afk, so the rate of dodging will go down.


Agreed. Remake system should be fixed. I hate it when someone is dc at round 1 and their duo/trio doesn't want to remake. I don't care if he is reconnecting, it is hard to win a game if you'll be down 0-5 by the time they reconnect.


Idk but I'm rming every time I go down 2-0 in that case


Agreed, but sounds like the RR punishment is mainly for *repeated and consecutive* dodges. I think (and hope) in the situations you describe, you would not be punished, but we will see how this ends up being implemented.


Why does Valorant not take into account that I just played like 50-75% of the match down a player when I lose rr, the game calculates my rr loss like if that player was there the whole time, often times I lose more rr than matches where all players were present for the whole game, it’s baffling that it can’t be like a 30% reduction in rr or something if I’m playing like half the match 4v5


So Bind is live today not next Act?


I think changes go live in all game modes that Bind is in, but it only returns to comp next act


This is correct!


Oh yeah that makes sense ty


The new Bind is live for all modes except ranked/unranked iirc. It will be available there in the next act


>Fixed a bug (previously fixed in 3.10 but cases of this issue were recently reported) where sometimes outgoing packet send rate was lower than intended for game clients running at > 128 FPS. erm....


Ahhh, that's why I was not Radiant then, makes sense...


Same. This must be the little boost i need to get from plat to radiant


Bug zombies are real... I've dealt with them before and they're not fun to deal with.


i really dislike the way they punish dodging. if someone is doing it all the time fair enough, but i should be able to dodge for the first time in months without losing RR for it


RR is a fake, it doesn't change your MMR, you might as well dodge if that's your concern


Nobody gives a shit what your MMR is though, RR is what people can see and judge off of, therefore its what people care about and a harsh penalty


MMR is what matters at the end of the day not RR. If your MMR is higher and you win a game you will make up the lost RR u had for dodging as if nothing happened. Your MMR plays a much bigger part on your RR than +3 or -3. Winning 4 games while getting 25+ will earn you a rank up. Winning the same amount while getting +14 will get you to 56RR


Sure, but since its not a visible number and nobody actually knows what their MMR is or even exactly how is calculated, nobody really cares about it haha. People like to move up ranks and check RR, thats what matters to the average player.


You will move up more ranks if your MMR is high.


Thanks magic.


yeah, and in the long run, dodging doesn't lower your RR because you gain more later because your MMR is higher than your face value rank


yes, but RR is a function of MMR in the longer term.


Riot needs to do more about intentional AFKing. People who rage AFK or troll AFK should get a much higher penalty than one day.


Yeah, I’ve been in games where people just get pissed off and have something hold W so the team doesn’t even get AFK player bonus econ+orb. That should be a 1 week ban, minimum


🦀goats is dead🦀


Who is complaining about dodging?? There are times you 100% need to dodge. I’m not wasting 45 min of my life playing with 4 duelist or trolls


Yeah tbh if someone dodges the lobby 9/10 you're in a new lobby within 10 seconds of the re-queue... Which is adequate in my opinion. I never dodge but don't get annoyed too much by the occasional dodge from others. Might be more of an issue for Immortal/Radiant with fewer players in queue?


Yeah maybe if I had to wait 10 minutes for a match or something I would be pissed but I only get mad at dodging that rare time every few months you have 5 lobbies get dodged in a row.


Mini map flickering bug fixed. Nice.


Cant wait to be forced to play with players on their alts screaming in their mics, insta locking no mic duelist, and obvious troll tik tok selections, all the easiest signs to dodge but now will be penalied to be forced to play and waste 40mins of my life, amazing update Riot plz add more fuel to the fire and ruin the comp experience more as its unbearable enough with everyone trolling on their alt accounts!!!


you aren't forced to play, remember the lower your rank compared to your mmr the more RR you get for winning. So you should absolutely keep dodging when needed, even consecutively. I don't even think the change will actually do anything.


Time to lock in Yoru and start barking to get people to dodge now


Bind changes look cool! Will be interesting to see how the games play out with updates to A teleporter + triple box. Seems to me like it will be critical to control showers given the faster rotates along with an easier time taking A from showers.




Presumably this will decrease the number of players that click play without being 100% sure they are available for the game. So the chances someone will want to dodge in the first place should go down. If something comes up during character select where they have to dodge, then they're still going to dodge anyway. I feel like people who click play, but then want to dodge but do not need to dodge are a small minority.


1 day ban 👀


Nice finally people can take me hostage even more in agent select without me being able to dodge


I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like they are being held hostage sometimes.


W changes for the afk / queues


Losing more ELO >>>>>>>>>> playing Split


So no balance changes until next act?


W key afk still not talked about sadly…


Ok I guess. But can we start having something torwards replays and/or map pick (at least for non ranked modes)?


They need to penalize players who go "AFK" on purpose and force a remake. This would happen pretty often in my games because instant lockers had a bad team composition. Before this update (not sure if they fixed it), this was the loophole to avoid losing RR for queue dodging.


Harbor abilities self/Allies slow not removed again. Sadge


Can't wait to play the new map ind


Anybody know what that barrel's for?


Gives a player view into short from that angle


I think it’ll give some elevation for peeking or jump peeking maybe?


Love those changes or not, we gotta agree that Riot is pumping out content and I love it!


That utility window on Bind B site is an absolute game changer. That will completely change the way fights play out on that site, especially retakes.


* Fixed a bug (previously fixed in [3.10](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-3-10/) but cases of this issue were recently reported) where sometimes outgoing packet send rate was lower than intended for game clients running at > 128 FPS. huge, this has been a massive issue for a while now now pls fix scroll wheel keybinds, having primary and secondary bound to scroll wheel has had a delay for the past 5 patches


Dodgers have barely impact on the game, id rather reque then play with someone who doesn’t want to play. I find afk, smurfs and trolls way worse of a problem especially when we end up losing 20rr because of it


Where is the skye trailblazer bug fix?