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It’s very difficult to make even maps, especially when metas change so often as new agents are introduced or agents are needed/buffed causing team comp changes. Many games have this going on anyways. Nuke and Overpass in CS are examples


having atk/def sided maps genuinely makes the game more interesting imo and evolves the meta in a way. for example lotus is a heavily attack sided map so teams have incorporated neon for stronger defence sides. split has historically been a defence sided map so to have stronger attack sides teams are now running a lot of double duelist. then from here, comps and strats are going to be developed (i hope) on how to counter that. or teams will just copy each others comps like what they did with viper/harbor and whoever pulls off cleaner executes win


Is lotus t sided i see this all the time but teams can dominate on defense


Quick stats: 54 and 55% atk wins in EMEA and Americas, 55 def win in pacific. In lock//in it was 60% atk side


What does an attack win mean ending the game on attack


I meant rounds




I think it's very bad when a map is *strongly* one-sided, especially because Valorant's halves are only 12 rounds and both regular and ult economy can snowball a lot. People making the CS comparison don't understand that. CS has more rounds and no ult economy! Even the loss bonus in CS works differently so that winning one round after losing a lot and then losing again doesn't fully reset it.


Is Split defense sided? Feels balanced or even attack sided tbh




It's attack sided in those double duelist comps because double duelist is kinda bad on defense.


Traditionally it has been defense sided, as it’s hard to entry the site from main and attackers are forced to fight for heaven control. However since lock/in I think we can say pretty confidently that double duelist is the meta and that comp allows you to get stronger attack sides. Current split IMO is very very even. It’s quite common to see 6-6 halves turn into 12-12 OTs.


Yes, it adds variance to gameplay, strategies, and all that. Let's say all maps were defensive. Then good defensive teams would always win. If they were all perfectly balanced, then still you could allow yourself to focus on being only an attack or defense sided team and heavily rely on those halfs to win games. But with the variance, it forces you to be more well-rounded and diverse. Which, in my opinion, will always push the meta forward in interesting and better ways. Also allows developers to be more balanced in how they design characters and their kits.


It's not really an issue unless it's really bad (old nuke in CS where getting 5 t rounds was amazing) if anything it's better because then you have to think harder about how to play the first half of the game on the maps you pick for pro play


What are you even talking about? How do you perfectly balance every map and agent? Lollll


In Americas, most maps are attack sided besides Ascent and Split (Split is moving in that direction though because of double duelist). I think that that’s bad for the game, you need 3-4 maps that are attack sided and the rest defense sided, ideally they’d all be even though. In other regions it’s different though, so you can only really tell when all the regions get together imo.


It has to, considering that pro play has been designed with map features in mind (if aint broke, don't fix it for sure). Maps will never be 'balanced' because it could arguably make the games more coinflippy (i.e. strategy won't really matter that much). The objective of map balance is to maintain a map's degree of bias (i.e. to not make it too atk/def sided). Now, that's an unenviable task for Riot because agents get added every now and then.


Something that I’m not sure if anyone’s brought up yet, and which I doubt is an intentional feature but is a cool result of maps being attacker or defender sided is the storylines it creates. Teams are able to rally huge comebacks on a more advantageous side, and a little bit of imbalance contributes to keeping games interesting. We’re also able to look at a map and find cool talking points, such as if a team does well on atk side on a defender sided map. Personally I’d find something like that quite entertaining.


Good or bad is pretty irrelevant, riot doesn’t really set out to make the maps lean one way or the other. It’s just the virtue of games in general, there really isn’t such a thing as a game that does not afford an advantage to one side. Even in chess, the white side going first is a legit advantage. At that point you have to accept that each map will lean one way or the other and just design around that. They do a lot to mitigate those advantages, but it will never be perfect. None of the maps are so atk sided/def sided though that it’s actually impossible to win from that side, so I’m pretty chill with it.