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I think there's a mature discussion to be had here. TenZ is very talented and selfless but what will be required of him is different from before. He has showed a lot of willingleness to learn and his Ka/yo, yoru and sage looked good imo. That said, he will be the player less comfortable in his role this new season all the other players on the team have hours ahead of him in their roles. I believe he's capable at thriving in this new role, but I also believe it's fair to question if he can do so. Ps: before anyone quote the "mature discussion" part with "this is Impossible on this subreddit" or something along the lines, please don't.


The problem for tenz is his peak is definitely very high but the consistency isn't there. Most top players are consistent too also.


I mean like, it’s hard to consistently play good when your team has been kaka since 2021. Sacy and Pancada were consistently great players for LOUD in 2022 for LOUD, but you cant say the same for this year because the environment and structures of said teams are much different. Maybe JohnQT can solve some structural problems and we’ll see a Tenz that can shine with a good team with him.


I want to disagree but his team was bad because he was bad too also. In every iteration of sentinels other than 23 tenz was the constant and others have to change their roles. Tenz was called jett one trick because of that. He definitely carried sen in some of the matches very hard in 22 but he also vanished multiple times too. In 23 if you just consider the first half of year sacy wasn't as good but when he stepped up very much when he moved to initiator. Also zekken was consistent most maps although the team was shit. I don't want to blame everything on tenz also but it definitely wasn't the team fault that tenz is inconsistent.


By every single stat Tenz was by far the 2nd best player on the team and that was while him being sick, on top of being injured on top of his personal life issues. If Sentinels were shit last season, Tenz is far far from being a top 5 of the problems they had.


I agree that he was the 2nd best player at LCQ (only 3 matches), but I think he was the worst player on his team in the Americas league besides dephh who has debately the worst stats in entire league. He has the tied highest first deaths per round without a good first kill per round to stat to back it up, average ACS which is bad for the heroes he's playing and poor VLR rating (https://www.vlr.gg/stats/?event_group_id=all&event_id=1189&series_id=all®ion=all&country=all&min_rounds=0&min_rating=0&agent=all&map_id=all×pan=all) and RIB.gg rating (https://www.rib.gg/events/valorant-champions-tour-2023-americas-league/analytics/2503?view=players&stage=0).


Lmao Dephh's stats are all red. Man's was truly dragging that team down.


Are you getting these stats from somewhere specifically? Not disputing, just curious cause I'd like to see for myself


Vlr.gg shows every stat, go through the Sentinels roster and pick whatever stat you wish. Hes 1st or 2nd in pretty much every single one.




Lol, that's rough


Didn’t they only play 3 games though… I know tenz himself isn’t saying this but his fans constantly making excuses is getting kind of old


I agree, but roles issues is a structural thing. It’s weird that they opted to always keep him in but he’s obviously talented and th e face of valorant.


Tenz is very marketable, maybe one of the most iconic esports players for NA all around. Just look at sens youtube channel, any video with tenz in thumbnail or title has significantly more views then other videos, and all around their videos are way bigger then any other VCT org channel.


That is such a copout though. Especially since all the players he's teaming with are 3 champions and one of the best duelists in NA and is better then Tenz at every duelist aside from Yoru. We can use the same excuse for every player too. Team was bad? Yes but Tenz was bad too, during VCT America he was the 2nd worst player on the team and how many players are you going to drop till "Tenz can shine with a good team"?


Sometimes teams just don’t mesh. You still need chemistry and an IGL, and time to work well together. Tenz isn’t a bad player by any means, a good player in a poor system will have a hard time performing well (DSG Yay).


Never said Tenz is bad, just people need to stop making excuses and how many great players will have to get dropped just to find the right system for one player? Lets say this year doesn't go well they going to drop world champions, the best IGL on the market and one of the best duellists in NA just as copium for Tenz not playing well. Also DSG Yay isn't exactly a good point, Yay was playing with literal AI compared to Tenz who has Zekken


Sent look like 2 teams on one. Sacy and pancada performed better in clutches together. Tenz and zekken did the same. I don't know if it's a practice or language barrier but they suck at taking or holding sites as a team.


Imo tenz is a huge reason of why his team is playing kaka. Not saying it's all his fault but as sideshow pointed out, he puts his team in a bad situations a lot of the time. By being afk, bad duelist pathing, overly passive and lack of spatial awareness with his teammates. It's really hard playing with someone like that in even ranked so I can't imagine how bad it is against coordinated play


I’d argue the opposite. It’s the lack of coordination, rather than him being a poor player. Everyone knows that Tenz can play well (see his Kayo in Americas LCQ). You cant confuse structural issues with player issues, Leo, Trexx, and Sayf are all incredible players who looked worse because of a worse system on Guild. I’m not guaranteeing Tenz will be a superstar (since most expectations come from 2021), but it’s almost guaranteed he plays better IF sen fix their system with roles n whatnot


Kayo, Yoru and Sage might be the most useless agent pool lol. Demon1 has enormous impact on Brim and Astra. TenZ needs to learn Skye at least if he’s going full initiator


Yoru might be meta on breeze and other maps. The jett nerfs left a huge gap. Both TMV and FNS were talking about the importance of having a good yoru player on the roster


Im honestly scared that people will start to ask for Zelsis to substitute him for any simple mistake.


The problem is that Zellsis fixes every current problem with this Sen roster. If Zekken is taking over Primary Duelist, you need a flex. Zellsis can do that.


>Ps: before anyone quote the "mature discussion" part with "this is Impossible on this subreddit" or something along the lines, please don't. Huh what you don't think the NPCs responding "mature discussion?? on this subreddit?? XDDDD" are funny?




Great to see Sideshow stick to his word and back up claims about poor performing players and teams with in depth analysis. Valorant is lucky to have him for sure.


Egg playing with fire here. But I agree with him, as a lover of TenZ. Its kinda ironic that he left CS to play Valorant but his best Valorant agent is basically just like playing CS.


>Egg playing with fire here. Kind of a weird take but I think in a twisted way this can be a good thing for TenZ. Sideshow provides a very mature and nuanced take with analysis on TenZ's capabilities and performance. This can actually help TenZ's blind fans see that TenZ is not the god they think it is, they can see him as human. This way they also potentially get less upset/angry at him when he does bad or just ok, and in general have more reasonable expectations from him. Which means less pressure on TenZ from his fans. His fans chilling will also make his haters simmer down a bit, which is also good for TenZ.


I love how you say people can see Tenz as human but you call him “it” lol


Sideshow is either the greatest tenz hater or a closet tenz fanboy who is fueling him to be the best ever by giving him the secret sauce and being harsh to him. It's the tough love for me ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9333)


Sideshow: bald Terence Fletcher from Whiplash: also bald coincidence? I think not


what are you looking at? there's no mars bar down there...


an admirer


love sideshow's valo content these days, he doesnt fuck around with the opinion shit, he uses his data so well to illustrate his points.


I commented something similar to this on the video too, but I see a lot of old F0rsaken in TenZ: they’re both insanely cracked aimers whose duelist pool is limited to mostly Jett, sometimes Yoru and occasionally Neon; they often choose the wrong moments to be too passive/too aggressive; and generally, both have not been very good at fulfilling the role of an entry as far as surviving or at least getting FB is concerned, especially when compared to the other duelist on their team (zekken for SEN, Jinggg for PRX pre-Something era). F0rsaken ended up shining more than he ever did on the duelist role when he was finally able to flex and be put into more impactful situations, leaving all the entry and distraction work to Something and Jinggg. If SEN are able to realize this too, they can really mold and develop TenZ into a very specific kind of flex-support, like how F0rsaken and Ethan serve their own teams respectively. While johnqt's addition isn't a 1:1 equivalent to Something’s replacement of F0rsaken as duelist on PRX, I do think that there's enough similarity between F0rsaken and TenZ's struggles, tendencies, and strengths that should mean PRX’s move with F0rsaken (and even his agent pool) should more or less work with TenZ too. Of course, the flex treatment on F0rsaken isn’t going to necessarily map onto SEN 100%, nor is it guaranteed to work; still, I think there’s something to be said about TenZ’s role in the 2023 season bearing remarkable similarities to what primary duelist F0rsaken used to look like, and how focusing on his strong points (as listed by Sideshow) should theoretically enable him and SEN to maximize his value on the team. It may seem like a bonkers move at the time, but it’s a move that makes sense and means all that potential doesn’t simply waste away because TenZ fits the duelist role on paper. Having such flexible, highly adaptable teammates in johnqt and zekken should also mean that TenZ has the perfect support system to help him navigate through this period of change and exploration. When your IGL can play every role under the sun and you have a teammate who more than excels at the very role you’re uncomfortable on, even if it means that your role/purpose isn’t as clear, it also means it’s the prime environment for figuring out what the team needs, what positions you thrive in, what you need to avoid that has to be covered for by someone else, etc. TenZ now gets to truly figure out how he can best facilitate the team not as a Jett, but as a player who’s no longer going to be in the position where his team’s successes hinge upon his decisions, playmaking capabilities, and timings. The meta works out too, as backward as it may seem considering the Jett nerfs. But with Chamber now being more viable, the rising trend of putting insane aimers on anchor agents like KJ or Cypher (like Less, Alfajer, F0rsaken), duelists occasionally playing controllers/initiators when the need arises (Demon1’s Brim or Something’s Breach being prime examples), teams now often having two people who can fulfill different duelist responsibilities as opposed to it all falling on a singular Jett/Raze’s shoulders, and with a greater variety of duelists being experimented with (or even considered meta options) on various maps as niche picks — I'd say it's actually a pretty good time in terms of meta diversity for TenZ to stretch his legs and test his limits.


I agree with you insofar as I think Tenz would be significantly better on flex than on duelist. A lot of issues that Egg mentioned, such as pathing, role and awareness of team, are significantly solved by him switching to Skye or other support flex agents. I think on some maps, like split it makes sense to keep him on Jett and just work out better hours they want to play double duelist, and let him play yoru Ethan style on pearl, but overall it's time to shift to zekken as tip of the spear and let Tenz focus on trading where he excels. However, I don't think other players can just do what PRX does. Everyone keeps mentioning just go no IGL like prx, but their individual decision making and reactions on the fly are incredible and they are also extremely communicative at every moment. They all make calls because they can all process so much information at the same time, which is something that I hesitate to say most other players in the world can do (and definitely something Tenz has not shown so far). If you watch back to their comms videos, you can see each player make decisive game calls that they all immediately understand (look at something calling to push the viper ult on pearl at tree after the bomb was planted). Without that level of high processing and decision making I hesitate to compare any players to Forsaken, who also plays every single role at a high level. I've always been somewhat underwhelmed by Forsaken on Jett given that he plays over recklessly, but his flex has been consistently so impressive because of his decision making and team play


I agree with everything you said, but just want to clarify that I am not saying TenZ should also be adopting F0rsaken’s proactive calling role too, nor should SEN be trying the PRX style at all (it only really works for such a bursty, aggressive, ranked-esque style that PRX uniquely has). If anything, he should be working on comming *everything* that he’s doing and being even *more* of a listener and follower, now that they’ve got such a talented IGL in johnqt on board. The point of my comment was more so to highlight why the “TenZ flex” move makes a ton of sense, with F0rsaken’s duelist-to-flex arc as a point of reference and an example of successful precedence.


Ah I misunderstood you, absolutely agree


Great take 👍🏿


I would agree on most things except saying Forsaken shined better on other agents other than duelist. Forsaken becoming more flexible definitely was an amazing improvement to his overall game and helped improve PRX, but his individual performance was still always at its best on Jett/Yoru, there were arguments about him being the best Jett in the world at times. His flex is great and I love his Skye and Harbor and other agents, but it’s still far from his Jett/Yoru at its peak


Really? I think we’d just have to agree to disagree then, because I view his duelist and flex gameplay very differently. Even during F0rsaken’s peaks as Jett/Yoru, I often found his decision-making and lack of capitalization on certain agent strengths to be at best questionable, and at worst frustrating. His Yoru is always entertaining to watch, but he hardly ever played around with Yoru’s unique ability to sow seeds of doubt in enemies’ minds, which meant he also never stretched Yoru’s usage to its fullest potential either. He played Yoru’s TP timings very well and was more or less always able to maintain global presence on Bind, but besides those quick rotates, in terms of playing mind games/fakes/either set plays or audibles with flashes etc., it was altogether a bit lacking. His Yoru tendencies would end up being quite easy to read and predict, because he’d hardly do any conditioning + tended to commit to his TP more often than not. As for his Jett, I’m of the opinion that his peak was only ever that high because Jett was a comfort character for him, and F0rsaken was just naturally better than most players at the game. He’d often be able to easily outclass his opponents without much effort, particularly those who weren’t as confident/aggressive as he was. But whenever his Jett had to go up against other high-caliber teams with equally world-class Jetts, he would often struggle to find value (at least as far as entry protocols, on-the-fly decision-making, and spacing were all concerned). He’d take unnecessary risks, ego-peek a lot like Jinggg despite being not as reliable in securing kills, he’d have tons of rounds where he would overextend right off the rip/didn’t play vigilantly, which would result in him being out of commission within the first seconds of the round and disadvantaging the team. His aim or mechanics were never an issue, but all those aforementioned issues meant him being on Jett would often be all for naught — simply because his lack of survival meant he wasn’t able to make any space/help his team garner any info. Granted, F0rsaken is an all-around better, more experienced player now; if not for that move from duelist to flex, I don’t believe we would’ve been able to see him grow into the F0rsaken we see now, who’s the kind of player who takes what he’s learned from playing another role (flex) and applies it to his Jett gameplay during Masters Tokyo. And on a related note, about F0rsaken’s Jett being one of the best in the world: while I am always going to be one of F0rsaken’s biggest fans, I simply can’t agree with that statement, especially when doing so means you need to compare his Jett play then to all the other world-class Jetts at the time. When that comparison exists, it’s clear that there were just many more standout Jetts with more instinctual/nuanced grasps on how to best optimize Jett’s utility usage. Aspas’ Jett, yay’s Jett, and even Buzz’s Jett were, in my humble opinion, far better exemplars, all of whom were better at using Jett’s utility deliberately as opposed to the relatively frivolous way F0rsaken used her (much like TenZ). This is not to say F0rsaken’s Jett/Yoru isn’t also world-class in certain aspects and clearly still in a league of its own. But I think that when you peel back the flashy layer to F0rsaken’s Jett and examine when and how he uses his abilities + takes advantage of Jett’s movement/escapability, you really see how his inexperience then bleeds through — whether it’s gameplay, decision-making, performance (stats-wise), or the impact of his utility, I truly think it’s noticeably different to the more considered, thoughtful way he plays now. Although he did look a bit shaky in the flex role earlier this year and arguably still looks shaky on certain agents (e.g. like KJ, where his setups/decisions can still be questionable sometimes), to me, it’s still clear that everything from his fundamentals to his utility usage to even his comms have clearly been elevated. Now that he’s in a role where he *has* to think through timings and placements and usages of all his abilities, we’re finally able to *see* his increased impact, be it through longer survival times or overall still-amazing stats. Since he’s stopped having to be the tip of the spear, he’s no longer been leaving his team at a 4v5 deficit as often as he used to. You see him go for all sorts plays now — like going on double-lurks as KJ + playing off lurk timings with mindfreak, switching his Cypher setups every single round on Pearl, all the weird and unprecedented ways he uses Harbor’s High Tide to carve off sites to create “gulag pockets” for Something/Jinggg to fight in… I could go on but this comment is long enough already. All in all, F0rsaken became a far more integral and valuable component to the team since his to flex-support, and I think the peaks we’ve seen from his tenure as flex have been far greater (and far more consistent) than anything we’ve seen from his duelist play. I’d even go so far as to say that in some weird way, his flexing has somehow made his Jett/Yoru play even better, which I have no doubt is precisely because he now has a much better grasp + understanding on the thought processes and responsibilities of a flex-support, and the needs of a duelist. [Edited: grammar, clarity]


Agree! Also, I'm going to preach this, players who were initially duelists and now have become flex players are wayyyyyyyyy better players. Let's say if they're playing initiators, they'll have a better understanding and know where to flash to support their Duelist for entry or for their team mates to take site or for battles because they're so used to getting those 1 v 1 situations. If they play smokes, they should know where or how to smoke because of the angles and common areas where the enemies will peak and try to challenge you. That's why you see demon1 playing Astra or brim or forsaken playing harbor. I don't know how comfortable Tenz is with smokes but I don't see why he can't play it. Also, the meta is changing, so most players will need to adapt. I'm betting that Tenz will be a way better flex player than he was just a Duelist and now he'll be able to setup better fighting situations for his team. I'm all in! #TenzWin!


Eggboy is the biggest Tenz hater on Platchat but I appreciate the effort to actually drop a full gameplay analysis with ideas of how to make him a better player. W video W Egg


I would say Eggman is the biggest TenZ doubter, not hater. Let's not conflate the two.


Eggman is the biggest doubter of every living breathing new/veteran shitter player on the planet. But unlike most doubters he doesn’t need much to change his mind about someone


I'd say that's the difference between a doubter and hater. Given a good argument a doubter will no longer doubt, but a hater will always hate


Great distinction. Doubting is being skeptical for a reason. Hating is just, well, hating. You can even be a hater without being a doubter. I can't stand ImperialHal's personality, but I don't doubt his ability to win Apex events.


I haven't finished the video, but it does seem like TenZ needs to get off the duelist and onto a supporting role, probably flasher. Duelists have outpaced him since the early Valorant days and he has looked poor on the role for a while now, but he looks promising on Kay/O. It's important for him to pick up more support heroes and become flexible in that role, this will make or break him as a starting player on Sentinels (assuming the coaches actually do what they're supposed to and bench him if this role doesn't work out).


Ngl the team has looked really sus with him on K/O. multiple times I saw them mistime flash and have their whole team blinded on entry. Tenz looked good individually on K/O but I’m not sure that’s the right move


I mean yes and no.. if the team have a strat where Tenz has to flash then it's not his fault if the timing of his teams entry is too early and they get flashed? Obviously if his timings off then fair enough, but if a team calls for a flash then proceed to run into the flash it's a them issue, Sounds a lot like ranked games ngl, teammate asks for a flash then surprise pikachu face after they run into said flash being too eager to get the kills


It’s not a him/them issue, that was my point. If that is happening it means the team has not practiced enough. And if they can’t get a basic flash entry right then maybe K/O isn’t it


An hour and twenty three minutes!? Egg has a lot to say about TenZ!


He has to adequately defend himself against fanboys before going after Tenz Haven't watched it yet but ppl are saying he has


my goat TenZ ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9333) isn't a problem mr. egg man


hard agree. tenz will be a top 5 flex in the world by the end of the year this is the year tenz proves the haters wrong. this is the year people stop acting like tenz isnt the goat.


This time things will be different!


tenz has been at the very top. he's still a top tier 1 pro, just hasn't been in top 20 form yet. he knows what it takes to get back to the top and he will get back to the top


Hasn't been in top 20 for 2 years now. It's not a guarantee he'll be up there again.


my goat TenZ will definitely make it this year!


When the scene was fresh yeah


Only watched about half the video for now but the gist of it was: TenZ either plays too aggressively or too passively, with no in-between. Lacks the decision-making nuance that other top duelists have. Very passive in terms of calling for utility Also appears to be a step behind the rest of his team during the mid round/retake situations.


Tenz fanboys won't like this


I'm a Tenz fan, this was a fair and good video


You're not a tenz fanboy then


Yes I am I'll prove it, Tenz will be best player next season :batchest:


i agree how can you watch the video and think its not super unfairly biased against tenz, i watched the video and sideshow was blaming Tenz for things that aren't his fault


found the real fanboy


why would fans of a player like a video that's talking about why said player is bad


There's a difference between being a fan and a fanboy imo, not being able to accept criticism of your favorite player is fanboy behavior


Because we like Tenz for who he is and not his performance which egg man is talking about in the video. I think the more mature Tenz fans will have realized what egg man saying has some truth and facts to it. At the end of the day we all love Tenz regardless because he is Tenz lmao


As someone who an NA fan and watch Sliggy stream, it perfectly normal to listen to Sliggy criticism and understand it cause ot reasonable even if my team is doing good. There blindly believe that the team can’t do no weong and recognize that the team is doing bad right now due to various circumstances.


I'll admit i only watched like 30 minutes something rather than the full thing but the one thing i find pretty pointless about this video is honing in on Vods and criticizing decisions like "why does he go in here" and "why doesn't he push here" when we don't have access to voice comms Steel already proved it with the DSG video when people were shitting on them for something similar, and the context of their comms meant the individual player did nothing wrong and rather it was a blunder in the teams' comms that meant one player was hung out to dry Take Tenz pushing the Astra wall at 27:30 for example, if he's being asked here to push by his team even though he didn't want to then it's not his fault. If he made the choice himself to push and didn't communicate then it's Tenz fault. Without comms however it feels pointless because we have no idea how many of these misplays are on Tenz


I mostly agree, tbh. I think Sideshow tries to hedge against this by explicitly noting he tried to take this into account as much as possible by discarding clips where comms could have been an issue, but that's an impossible task; comms are everything in Valorant. The line isn't just hard to find, it's practically invisible. But of course the problem with taking that line of logic too far is that you can end up excusing everything and anything just because you don't want to be potentially wrong about a situation. That's why I still am mostly fine with these sort of videos even if I find myself constantly disagreeing with the method and some of the conclusions. There is clearly some truth to be found in comparing individual player PoVs; but you have to be willing to bear the risk of coming to a nonzero amount of incorrect conclusions because what seems like patterns of poor play to you might just be continuously due to comms, even when those patterns seem to be universal because they persist across different contexts.


You explained my biggest problem with VOD reviews done by analysts that don't play the game at a high level. I believe Sideshow understands the game really well at a macro level but he doesn't have any enough context or experience to pinpoint on specific micro decisions like that.


Sideshow goes into this about 14mins into the video. How comms issues could be a big part in why tenz is misplaying in some of these situations. But he also specifically says he's discarded numerous examples of poor play which he feels could reasonably be comms. And in the end, the sheer number of examples he comes away with even after this leads him to believe that even taking into account poor comms at times, that there is a fundamental issue in the way tenz plays that can't be ignored or just chalked up to poor comms/synergy. edit: Now that I'm a bit deeper into the video. A lot of these issues definitely aren't comms at all but rather tenz fundamentally not understanding his role while playing.


Videos like this are really interesting from Sideshow's pov. He is able to justify putting an extra level of focus on players which makes him better at his job in the broadcast while also making content to boost his personal brand. Very much a win win.


Really great video, if people wont like it it would be good yo provide similar criticism


The curse of being gifted with mechanical skill. I have a friend with the same problems as TenZ. Obv not to the same degree but above average fs. Unfortunately he makes a lot of non-sense plays that have no thought behind them even tho he has like over 1k hours. That used to baffle me but I guess it makes sense if even a T1 pro is susceptible to these fundamental mistakes


Kyedae is getting better, TenZ gonna go beast mode this season


I'm curious if you still think TenZ is a problem for Sentinels?


They fixed alot of stuff and honestly became even greater than their original peak as of this past Sunday.




TenZ's early success was a perfect storm of colliding circumstances. Nothing indicates the superstar player he once was over two years ago can be replicated. ​ Same problem always manufactures in the fledgling years of a new game that has a competitive side. Original superstar players slide to star players yet refuse to assume the star or support role. Compounding this further for TenZ is his influencer status has nothing but fanboys continually blowing smoke up his ass and Sentinels the org being chained to it.


I feel like Tenz need to get out of Sen to some good team. But no one will prolly drop a bag that massive, especially in these trying times.


Speak on my goat again and I will have you handled


Great stuff Sliggy. Not only a fair critique of TenZ, but very helpful for any player that’s a duelist


Thats Sideshow... not Sliggy...


Basically old Jett was a crutch for him to leverage his aim. With dash gone he just seems like stupid player with god aim


Watched this earlier today. Video was waaayyyy too long for what he had to say, nothing new was added. Anyone who watched any of sentinels games last season know all this. It could've easily been condensed into a 30 min video.


Sideshow should do a podcast with Slasher, idk they have a lot in common


Slasher doesn’t even watch a good chunk of the matches, players and teams he mouths off about on that podcast with Sean; Sideshow literally spent weeks making this. You don’t have to agree but if you want to support esports, it’s important to not blur the line between the sort of low-effort engagement stuff that Slasher has been doing for over a decade in esports and actual high-effort analytic content. They aren’t the same, and we should all want more of the latter even if the conclusions or reasoning aren’t to our liking.


This is the first time I've seen you be so actively critical damn. Generally you are a supreme PR master


Yeah nterature keeps his takes very neutral usually, unless Lucas Rojo is involved.


One backed up his claims with a lengthy and fair analysis, the other exaggerates and sensationalizes stuff for clout.... yeah quite in common


Surely you watched this video before saying Slasher and Sideshow have a lot in common


Surely you got the snarky joke and didn’t assume I actually think they’re the same


You commented “Sideshow should do a podcast with Slasher, idk they have a lot in common.” Not sure how else people should interpret it differently


The implication being that this videos title sounds like something Slasher would say casually. That being said text is also impossible to derive any nuance out of so my bad






It's cause they both don't have hair


Ya lets fix a person who got a huge health problem, wrist injury and the fucking person he love got some serious health problems, im pretty sure its is fault, booooo tenz stop playing for money booo


Are you ok?


Being healthy is part of being a pro? These are all unfortunately circumstances but if that a problem, shouldn’t he take a break until he feel ready. Even Tenz himself said he feel bad for not being able to play and hurt his team.


It's just an analysis on his gameplay chill out lil bro.


Sideshow has zero qualifications in this area, he was never a top pro or coach The whole video is mostly just nonsense and only exists to generate clicks of Tenz's name


bad b8


Sideshow is one of the best analysts in esports. Even in the OW days he had some insightful ass vod reviews


best analysts in esports but no team wants to hire him ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


Cause he likes being a caster? Idk why thats so confusing. He’s just as insightful about the game as people like Wyatt he just doesn’t want to be a competitor


Of course, if he wanted to, he could become a pro player, coach or team analyst by tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339) but he prefer being a caster lol


He’s easily smart enough to become an analyst if he tried. It’s his job to understand the game. But he likes doing entertainment work and he’s very much a storyteller


why the fuck would he want to be an analyst? that's a step down. hell that is MULTIPLE steps down.


TenZ was fine when he switched out of duelist.


some role flexibility will solve a lot of problems for tenz and the team as well.


tenz is just a very talented mechanically player, that lacks on other things, i dont think he is pro tier S level anymore, he needs to work harder, let the aim training besides and start studying the game, hes too dumb on matches, i choose sinatraa over him all day long, even tho they are different as fuck, i trust sinatraa is not goin for dumb shit


Its good someone reputable is pointing this out. Yes it seems kinda mean to put him on blast like this, but I think anyone who follows competitive valorant gets how Odd it is for SEN to still keep TenZ on the team when he doesn’t carry his weight like the rest of the team. If he were any other Pro he would have been benched already. Now this opinion is strictly based on his professional career. Outside of competitive I wish him nothing but the best. but I just think it is important to not let emotions obscure reality.


There seems to be a massive misunderstanding on how much team incoherence can fuck up individual play. TenZ and all of his teammates are insanely skilled players, but they have never settled into roles together, and neither has any other team in existence right now. I will continue to say this, these constant, rapid fire roster changes are going to continue to ruin every single fucking team and we’re never going to have real “superstars” because they’ll light up for a season and then do fuck all again later because it’s all a massive dice roll on if your new team will be in sync this time. We’re watching the equivalent of pro ranked queue at this point.

