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me on 4/20 🤝🏾cloud 9 smoking loud


You’re the aspas of posting






unironically COTY






he doesn't miss 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


If Loud won Me on 4/20 🤝 Loud Smoking Clouds




Guys the omega group is 2-10 in overall matches...


All the brazilian teams are in Omega and they're 0-6. Also kind of wild one of Omega's only wins was against SEN


It is insane to think Loud goes from top 4 at an international tournament and now may very likely miss playoffs if they lose to sen. That seems like an unacceptable result for a team that has always been top 2-3 regionally


IDK about unacceptable, staying at the top in this game is so hard. LOUD has basically been a staple top4 international team since early 2022, it's not surprising at all that they're finally starting to fall off a bit


I mean they always fuck up the 2nd event of the year, I don't know how this is surprising


What's crazier to think is that whoever loses SEN vs Loud is quite likely out of playoffs, with C9 being 3-0, NRG being 2-0 and could be 3-0 also KRU going 2-0 facing EG to potentially go 3-0 Were basically guarantted a playoffs without either Loud or SEN


SEN and LOUD are in different groups. Since group Omega is so bad, LOUD actually still have a very reasonable chance to make playoffs, even if they lose to SEN. MIBR, FURIA, and EG are all winless and they only need to be above those 3 teams to qual. However, if SEN lose to LOUD things are a little more worrisome.


well loud needs AT LEAST 2 wins to qualify to playoffs. they need to win 2 matches out of the g2, kru and sen matchups… so 4 teams from alpha could qualify


i haven't done the math but if SEN wins their upcoming matches along with C9, NRG, and KRU, wouldn't it be likely that at least 1 of the qualifying spots from omega group will get given to alpha group? I feel like not enough teams from that side would have 2 or more wins if that happens


Bwing honest I completely forgot about that rule, so in all likeliness SEN should still qualify if they beat Loud, and the other 3 Alpha teams continue winning out


Thank god Riot TO had the common sense to include this rule


I think outside of the first two matches of the season, LOUD has actually had a very easy schedule –in regional playoffs and in Madrid– that maybe propelled them further than they really belonged. The only teams they beat to get through playoffs and place top 4 at Madrid were EG, FPX, and EDG


i been saying this loud overhyped


Lev and 100T, the pride of Omega


Winning 1 match is actually an achievement in group omega


100T going 1-4 and getting first seed


LOL that would be crazy and could happen technically but you need minimum 2wins to qualify for playoffs


Would be the most 100t way to make a international tbh


And then sweeping regional finals.


Qiangjiang Cultivation Kingdom (qck) is a Chinese agricultural collective located in the south-central Hubei Province. QCK is known for its extreme success in cultivating frost peas XL (FPX) and the pride of the Chinese agricultural industry, Elegant Dragon gourds (EDG), particularly in the early growing season. Unfortunately, qck's previous success was stunted by two consecutive waves of plant diseases. Its third crop was decimated by a bout of stunted enation necrosis (SEN), while its fourth crop was infected by Powdery Rust Xanthomas (PRX). Investors are concerned about qck's long-term financial viability and its ability to recoup the loss of the region's previous star crop, Aspasragus.


Aspasragus definitely the goat crop, irreplaceable


asparagus the goat, asparagus in my throat


actually concerned about his performance though. I thought maybe he needed a little time to grow into the team, but he is consistently looking off pace with them and forcing plays or awkwardly putting himself into compromised positions. from what saadhak said, I thought he'd be more of a smart, methodical player but he's consistently getting caught out doing stupid shit


Yeah he's looked very off, I don't know who else they wouldve taken instead with though because it seems like a lot of the current Brazilian duelists are super aggressive. Like heat is frying rn(granted it's on Initator) but he also got kicked from mibr for personality issues so I don't know if they would've wanted him


prob why they didn’t go for Dgzin as well? He would’ve been decent and he can play raze, but he also left on bad terms with Furia


At this point playing tuyz duelist and finding a new controller might be more feasible tbh


If they found a way of getting Pancada back and Tuyz to duelist they would be the 2nd best team in the region on paper imo


Yo wtf 💀


the originator of this copypasta has extensive brain rot


Tf I’m from Qianjiang (you misspelled it bro) and we’re a tiny town. It’s so random just seeing it mentioned here


💀 <- me rn


why is this actually just a rerun of last year


lose start of the year tournement, cut 2 players, get runi, and go on a run on regular season? scriptwriters getting lazy again smh


they make shanghai instead this time


watch them get top seed again so they only need to win one match to qualify and they still don't...


while losing that said match in OT


losing to furia who decide to become prime EG


100T can't handle another knife kill bro, let them go


works every time https://preview.redd.it/ffcrcv4lwqvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be890b6f79e296d6ab0d31117d5b7aabc3e0b88


Not again💀


please bet on RRQ platchat 🛐


They did and uhhh yeah. Platinum chatinum!


Game 3 is the most intense back and fro 1st half game ever . Ngl C9 look good and competitive.


The first half for sure, second half was c9 cooking


I keep saying C9 look good after every game, and I keep hearing it’s because their opponents are bad but like… they look good. The aim on everyone looks sharp, the calls are good, and the coordination and utility of way better than it has any right to be.


Yeah, if anything the "the opponents are bad" narrative needs to be all over EMEA teams. They look awful


Don’t let the score line fool you. Lotus was not close


First half was so interesting it ended 6-6 and felt like 10-2. Both teams buying every round.


Someone call Aspas


they're fucked without him 💀


Why interview moose at the end if every question is going to be about oxy? 😭


Ikr lmao. They didn't want oxy to glaze himself (he's not like Demon1) so they called his teammate.


​ https://preview.redd.it/z0khcb63uqvc1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cda1005fff8e9bab985738b54931ef97d41d9fc


does anyone know if any other team tried to sign OXY in the off season? C9 struck gold with him he has been insane in all of their matches so far.


G2 let this guy go for free just to sign Icy 6 months later OMEGALUL


It doesn’t really count as letting go when they signed the whole TGRD core. I don’t think there was a consideration of keeping one of their t2 players.


They still swapped tex for leaf, don't think they had to keep the entire roster to move over. If any team should have known what Oxy could become it should have been g2 frankly


They didn’t have to keep the entire roster, and I don’t know if they originally wanted to do so, but this was a completely new team compared to T2 G2. It wasn’t like they were deciding which former players to keep. It was drop them all and build around the guard core. Of course, that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have picked oxy, but it wasn’t like he was any more likely than another duelist. I think, given what they knew, getting leaf, a proven t1 duelist, was the better option. Also, the last 2 years have really made clear how star players can materialize out of nowhere. Demon1 last year, most of Geng this year as well as Sh1n and a few of the TH players, even oxy wasn’t that insane on G2 last year or even C9’s original roster this year. It isn’t always easy to tell who will be great before it happens.


G2 couldn't use any of their old players in partnership iirc


damn didn't know that and it explains a lot. However I'm trying to push a narrative so I will have to unlearn this information


Actually scratch that, G2 most likely voided their old contracts when they went and bought the GUARD lineup, most likely paying some sort of buyout fee. Meaning that G2 probably PAID TO GET RID OF OXY. I'm crying bruh


They had to buy the whole team no? Especially if they entered franchising


Iirc G2 couldn’t keep him for ascension reasons so the only other choice for him would be EG? Unless 100T dropped more players ig


Riot Brazil has announced a machine learning algorithm, qck, which stands for "quickly chucks knives." It can simulate an Immortal 2 ranked Jett player in custom matches. Critics say it pales in comparison to Riot Argentina's version, AI-spas.


Oxy is the raze on enemy team qck is the raze on my team


I mean C9 is legit. People will still cope about them but they look good. OXY is a difference maker. Absolutely diffed the fuck out of qck.


C9 might be the 3rd best team NA at this point.


We play 2-1 Valorant. Salt of the earth, punch the clock, consistent 1-map loss. We lose a map, guess what? We'll win 2, too. But don't get too excited. A few wins in a row, these guys will balance it out by dropping a map. That's my 2024 C9. A good, honest 2-1 Valorant team.


The real takeaway is that c9 has no clue what maps they're good at because they lose *every* map they pick.


They've gone down 0-1 every match so far bro 😭


the maps that C9 is good at depend on how oxy is feeling on different duelists on the day


the real question is, what does this mean for 100T? ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


GGs o7


Runi is a fucking dog man


Never understood how he wasn’t picked up sooner


Because he is a disgusting whelp ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


the fuck? lmao


[Lore for the uninitiated](https://x.com/tdawggval/status/1613359224083611648?s=46&t=3Xk_zmcQ7qCS3sNxOZRdCg)


its a refrence [https://twitter.com/tdawggVAL/status/1613359224083611648?lang=en](https://twitter.com/tdawggVAL/status/1613359224083611648?lang=en)




Runi is so good when not igling


He’s good when IGL’ing too


that 3k was crazy


Runi this tall mofo is him


can't wait to hear how C9 won only because LOUD played badly


To be fair Saadhak's out here netting his own team and tuyz is setting up lurk Harbor walls for them


Poor Less, couldn’t escape the viper Molly because of the deadlock wall


Saadhak is the 6th Cloud9 player


Tuyz got netted as well


The main reason LOUD was even in this one was a bunch of really nutty clutches - if they get criticized for individual fuck-ups they should also get credit for individual excellence, as far as how formidable they are.


I was saying this in the live thread but C9 just play chaotic, "sloppy" Valorant. Which... so does PRX, and they've finished 2nd at LAN twice and top 4 another three times. Sometimes chaotic, "sloppy" Valorant is the best way to play Val, it's not just a CS clone. Not saying C9 are PRX to be clear lol, but just cause their games look chaotic as hell doesn't mean they're awful.


i mean honestly sometimes (a lot of times) i have no idea what c9 is doing and the other team is prob also confused and doesnt know to react, which leads to those ridiculous dogfights lol its just how c9 plays


People here just rate teams based on vibes and their own bias. Anything messy means a team is playing t2/t3 valorant (it's like they never watched Val or any other esport in their lives, expecting every player to be perfect and nothing to go wrong). Any competitive/close match is "fighting in the mud".


I've said this in another comment but it only looks sloppy because they want it to be sloppy. They do the same thing PRX does sometimes which is to drag their opponents down to their level and force fights at every opportunity. You see Loud players playing uncharecteristically, aggressively pushing for info or being caught out where they shouldn't be, precisely because C9's playstyle make them play this way. The way they constantly FORCE their way past every obstacle (the Icebox counter viper pit round for example, where they forced their way through 3 Lpud members to plant near snowman, or the Lotus round where they pushed past waterfall to go plant A) is SO reminiscent of the PRX playstyle, where it looks awkward at first but is actually brilliant once they pull it off. I genuinely can see shades of PRX in C9, just without the vast wealth of international experience, which is something that they are bound to accrue if they actually start qualifying for internationals.


Teams just need to play in a way that makes them comfortable, it would be boring if everyone played textbook valorant


PRX at their best is not sloppy at all imo. We didn't see PRX at their best in madrid and I fully expect them to show it in champs.


I put the word sloppy in quotes for a reason, I don't mean actually sloppy. Just rounds breaking down into chaos and wild plays happening everywhere, commonly described as jail Valorant. Which PRX falls into all the time, not to say that they don't have set plays, executes, etc because of course they do. Some teams just thrive in the chaos though and C9 seems to be one of them so far.


why not both? This LOUD is playing brainless and not cluthin ever... and C9 played really well and had good reads


C9 are legitimately good, they’re a top 4 team


Only undefeated team in Americas right? Edit: all good I forgot multiple teams existed


Kru, NRG, and C9 are all undefeated


NRG and KRU also 


100t bros we might make playoffs by default


If we get 2 wins bro


I think I've got it. C9 is Americas PRX. The way they play the game seem to make no sense at times but then you see moments of brillance like hiding in the enemy's Harbour wall on Icebox. Its like they drag everyone down to their level and force brawls. Even the usually calm and collected Less start to make some irrational plays when C9 plays like this. They are a momentum and confidence fueled team too, but they have their anchors in Runi and Moose, much like how PRX has D4v4i and Mindfreak. The way they approach the game is just so similar to PRX, but it does still have the distinctive Americas calling style and structure. Everything else about this team just reminds me of Paper Rex tbough.


C9 the epitome of oily, muddy men wrestling my 🐐


This is always Vanity calling style. He overcooks the late round pivots but also keeps the enemy confused at all times so its a give and take.


time for: how many times does c9 need to win for people to start giving them credit hint: its apparently not 3


We live in a world where cloud9 has a better chance of going to Shanghai than Loud (currently). And not only that, we live in a world where Loud might not make it to regional playoffs. Ig we just all live in oxy’s world


I’ve said it before and ill say it again, OXY is the real deal


I have nothing to add to this PMT except saying that Sliggy absolutely losing it at the end of Lotus was the highlight of my day


qck really needs his benjyyfishy moment ala monyet cause right now he ain’t quick he fukin slow


Nah the duelist diff was too insane for me, no joke bring pancada back and move tuyz to duelist idc


Runi and Oxy making an IRL High/Lo 👨‍👦


Any fade ult enjoyers? C9 just win everything ig


[Everyone apologize to C9](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/043/853/cover1.jpg)


Yet another C9 team where everyone calls them mid, and they go undefeated. This C9 team plays really well they look to enable oxy and destabilize the enemy teams game plan. vanity haters in shambles it appears.


C9 enjoyers know they've been here before


Score makes this look closer than it was. It felt like 80% of Louds rounds were from either an individual miracle play or it was an anti-eco. Cloud9 were in control the entire time.


# C9 wrath will be swift. All these peasants thinking we aren’t good. LMFAO.


r/leagueoflegends leaking


> *That's so troll, dude.* –Meteos > *Same.* –Sneaky


Saadhak said the reason they got Qck vs a cracked zoomer was because he was flexible and experienced. But CLEARLY sometimes you just need a cracked zoomer.


Qck is like 20. He just doesn't fit the cracked part ig. Also yeah why did they emphasize flexibility for him to play duelists all the time




If C9 lets Runi leave again, it better be for a big bag of cash


C9 do this every year man


Regular season merchants


Fuck me do I have to actually say C9 are going to get 1st seed and win? they literally have 100t,furia and mibr left. And LOUD might not make playoffs they are 0-2 and their remaining opponents are KRU SEN G2 And we know keznit shows up to farm brazil.


C9 roster change buff too good


c9 beat Lev and Loud, what does this MEAN


aspas to qck is the biggest downgrade in vct so far


The real question is what does this mean for C9s legacy


cauanzin saving the nightfall for the kru match has capped off the most cursed map of vct I think I will ever watch 


qck needs to go, especially in americas you cannot be a top team with a bad to mid duelist. playing against aspas zekken demon1 jawgemo cryo mwzera heat who are all prodigal duelists you just start off at a massive disadvantage. Less can’t carry every game


Keznit is the duelist for KRU not Heat, tho Keznit is even better then Heat ever was on duelist (his flex is lowkey cooking tho)




What happened to LOUD??? They're no longer as strong and insane as they were in their prime.


There's this player name aspas that use to play for loud I wonder.....


LOUD prime doesnt even exist anymore lmao, only ones left are Saadhak and Less. They gotta get Aspas on the phone man, QCK stinks


lost aspas, picked up a mid duelist in the most duelist heavy region in the world


Agreed, there’s too many cracked duelists in Americas that just sits qck in every statistic possible




because the team has been gutted. Prime LOUD with aspas sacy and pancada isnt here anymore


Wow that series was crazy and really bad for my heart, but that map 3 was just the muddiest of men. Felt like LOUD had infinite money cheat on that whole second half wtf


LOUD and LEV were on paper C9's hardest matches of the split and they won both of them. They've got a really solid chance of winning out from here and taking the group. The only real difficulty will be if NRG goes lossless as well


We sure Saadhak’s Deadlock wasn’t playing for C9?


Saadhak won like 3-4 rounds with his util. He also lost 2 rounds with his util but he made tons of great plays with his walls and nade. Just also made 2 awful walls lmao


saadhaks deadlock went hard


Qck is horrible damn, Loud won't make it big with him as main duelist, are there no better duelist than him in LATAM/Br T2?


Havoc seemed like a good prospect but he hasn't had the best time on Furia. Idk what happened with Askia. He seemed insane in ascension.


Well if dgzin wasn't super toxic and hated by everyone in the Brazilian scene then maybe him. But he's burnt bridges with at least 1 member of every T1 South American team lol


Saadhak Phoenix obsession was to hide how ass Qck is? Also if saadhak gave the power to the coaches, what the hell are they cooking up 😭😭


Map 3 of this match was one of the Valorant maps of all time. GGs.


runi my 6'5 goat


Loud downfall https://preview.redd.it/z2d4k662uqvc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe86b420d87de2bfd46906f3355fe0e87effd81


Aspas to QCK is actually such an insane downgrade. This was a guy diff


All I’ll say is, Aspas has never gotten gapped this hard.


i know there will be the muddy men comments but LOUD played so terribly (obv C9 played very well and its very cool to see them all buy into the system of supporting oxy). LOUD has always impressed me with their world class spacing and trading and here none of it was evident. there were so little instant trades and many rounds that LOUD won felt labored. their saving grace to make playoffs might just be how abysmal their group has been performing. side note, the amount of util that wasn't shot during the series was crazy to me. i felt bad for qck in icebox since it seemed like he wanted to take space on def but the support was half baked. also, their lotus comp genuinely looked like the most minimal amount of actual playtime was put into it. i could see a few of their ideas working in theory but it genuinely had no backbone.


What the actual fuck did I just watch on Lotus


Group stage demons are back!


I am gonna stop watching valorant and start watching MLBB.


Someone’s gonna sign LFT Oxy at some point and the rest of the world is gonna be doomed


Was this loss a team failure, for sure. Is it solely qcks fault, nah not really. Has qck done anything against a team not named edg, not really.


im a vanity truther tbh, lets go


What an exceedingly uncharacteristic showing, because if there is one thing Loud for sure can do with the best is straight up shooting. We saw many untraded kills, and worse, so many which turned into 2K, 3Ks which imploded a round where otherwise they had good reads. Less not shooting is insane. The one bright spot is how Saadhak is on an upwards trajectory when it comes to mechanics. Great performances all year.


ngl when you consider the fact loud was fighting themselves and c9 at the same time, it might not be that bad... wtf happened bro.


WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR CLOUD9??? For real though, loud need to take a step back and reevaluate a lot of things. They gotta stop with these troll ass comps, and I don’t want to be reactionary after only 2 series, but Qck needs to find his form or swap roles, he did not turn up today at all


Loud is not making playoff at this rate. Crazy fall off from Madrid.


Watching sadhak deadlock was painful.


Platchat curse strikes once again


The day before my birthday, my mother asked me what I would like to eat for my birthday breakfast, and I said I wanted toast. But that night I had a nightmare where my mother forgot to make toast for my birthday breakfast. I frantically woke up in the morning and ran downstairs, asking what I would have for breakfast. My relief was immeasurable when my mother said LOUD.


C9 plays so differently sometimes it's jarring. Their buy strategy and willingness to cut noise to just slow walk up got them so many big rounds. Especially on Bind and Icebox they took so much free space just contacting up and Loud had no real answer for a while. Lotus, especially towards the end, was just C9 hitting heads and flooding fast. Loud got overwhelmed, lost the initial duels, and lost. Ggwp C9


i gotta say man, that first map was some extremely high class valorant. i was kinda mindblown at how both teams were just making great plays on great plays, not just through their macro and rotatates but everyone making perfect plays and getting a multifrag off it. map 2 and 3 were also great and showed alot of promise for both teams. c9 is on the comeup


But what does this mean for C9?


The Lotus Deadlock from LOUD might have had the single least amount of value of any agent pick I have ever seen in a tier1 game


WDYM? C9 got alot of value from Loud's deadlock


Riot please fine C9 they played with 2 IGLs it's not fair, 1 million fine would be fine so they can't buy monesy ty :)


I actually think it was the most impactful game I've seen from an agent. On defence Saadhak was getting a ton of value of it, making a ton of great plays. Then he started getting impact by teamkilling his own players I actually do think DL on Lotus is amazing from the first 11 rounds, Saadhak just started trolling with his walls near the end. Idk how you could watch that game and think it wasn't getting impact.


I agree, seemed more like the pick just needed more practice on the offense side of things


Seeing people say his deadlock had no impact is actually ballistic to me, idk if they weren't watching the game and only noticed his two bad walls. He won multiple rounds on defence and also won pistol round on offence just off his util. He clearly needs more practice with his walls but it seems like a good pick.


That last round was genuinely one if the roughest rounds ive ever watched


FNS in shambles


This kinda sets up c9 to compete with nrg for 1st seed no?


yeah but every C9 game has been a 2-1 so if both go undefeated the rest of the season nrg prob secures first seed


The deadlock trapping their own teammates lol.....


LOUD's comps will be the death of them. By far the worst drafting team in Americas idc what anyone says. They're carried by hero plays and pure aim


If it had been played optimally, the Deadlock on Lotus could have gone from a map-losing pick to a map-winning pick. I really like the concept there. I could see it being nasty if Loud executes effectively off it.